Western Washington Results: Vankirk, 10R

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Western Washington University Faculty Evaluation Results

Instructor: VanKirk, Austin David Form: D

Term: FalI 2015 Number Enrolled z 23
Mailstop: WWU MS9055 Number Responding: 22
Classs ENG 10r Writing and Critical Inquiry (40910)


1 Use of class time was: 511 3 30 0 0 3.82

2 Organization of course was: 4 r0 6 2A 0 0 3.73
3 Contribution of assignments to understanding course content 59 6 20 0 0 3.77
4 Clarity of student responsibilities and requirements was: to 6 20 0 1 3.86
5 Challenge level of assigned work was: 38 8 30 0 0 3.50
6 Fairness of evaluation procedures was: 57 6 30 0 r 3.67
7 Intellectual challenge offered by the course was: 57 5 40 0 0 3.68
8 Instructorrs explanations v/ere: 75 7 20 0 I 3.8r
9 Instructor's abitity to provide alternate explanations if n 78 6 IO 0 0 3.95
10 lnstructor's use of examples and illustrations was: 69 6 l0 0 0 3.9r
11 Instructor's ability to deal with student difficulties was 7L2 3 00 0 0 4.18
12 Instructor's answers to student questions were: 88 5 10 0 0 4.05
13 lnstructor's availability for extra help was: r0 7 5 00 0 0 4.23
14 Instruetor's enthusiasm for the subject was: 16 4 2 00 0 0 4.64
15 Instructor's record for coming to class on time was: 11 9 2 00 0 0 4.4r
16 Instruetor's record for meeting with the class as schedule 15 5 I 00 0 L 4.67
17 Instructor's prompt response to homework was; 11 7 4 00 0 0 4.32
18 The course overall was: 59 6 2A 0 0 3.77
19 Instructor's effectiveness in teaching the subject matter L26 4 00 0 0 4.36
20 Instructor's contribution overall to the course was: r0 9 3 00 0 0 4.32
25 Forrn D - Option I 00 0 00 O22NA
26 Form D - Option 2 00 0 00 O22NA
27 Eorm D - Option 3 00 0 00 O22NA
28 Form D - Option 4 00 0 00 O22NA
29 Form D - Option 5 00 0 00 O22NA

When you registered, was this a This Course is: (Choose only one)
class you wanted to take ? 0 in my MAJOR
4No 22 a GIIR (General University Requirement)
6 Neutral 0 an ELECTfVE
0 other
My class standing is: Grade I expect to receive
2l Ereshman 4A
, 1 Sophomore 178
0 Junior 0c
0 Senior OD
0 Graduate OF
0 Other 0 Pass or Satisfactory
0 No Pass or Unsatisfactory

*Key: E Excellent 5, VG= Very Good 4, (r- Good 3,

F Fair 2, p= Poor L, VP= Very Poor 0,
NS No Selection
Western Washington University Faculty Evaluation Results

fnstructor: VanKirkr Austin David Form: D

Eerm: Winter 2015 Number Enrolled: 24
Mailstop: WWU MS9055 Number Responding: r7
Class: ENG 101 Writing and Critical Inguiry (10052)


1 Use of class time was: 393 20 0 0 3.76

2 Orgaalzation of course was: 484 10 0 0 3.88
3 Contribution of assignments to understanding course content 367 10 0 0 3.6s
4 Clarity of student responsibilities and requirements was: 376 10 0 0 3.71
5 Challenge leve1 of assigned work was: 211 4 00 0 0 3.88
6 Fairness of evaluation procedures was: s37 11 0 0 3.59
7 Intellectua1 challenge offered by the course was: 384 20 0 0 3.71
8 Instructor's explanations were: 375 10 0 1 3.7s
9 Instructor's ability to provide alternate explanations if n 457 10 0 0 3.7r
10 Instructorrs of examples and illustrations was:
use 492 20 0 0 3.88
11 Instructor's ability to deal with student difficulties was 773 00 0 0 4.24
12 Instructor's answers to student questions were: s83 10 0 0 4.00
13 Instructor's availability for extra help was: 755 00 0 0 4.12
14 Instructorrs enthusiasm for the subject was: 11 60 00 0 0 4.5s
15 Instructor's record for coming to class on time was: 961 00 0 1 4.50
15 Instructor's record for meeting with the class as schedule 1070 00 0 0 4.s9
t7 Ins.tructorts prompt response to homework was: 494 00 0 0 4.00
18 The course overall was: 3103 00 0 1 4.00
19 fnstruetor's effectiveness in teaching the subject matter 4103 00 0 0 4.06
20 Instructor's eontribution overall to the course was: 1042 01 0 0 4.29
25 Eorm D - Option 1 000 00 O17NA
26 Form D - Option 2 000 00 O17NA
27 Form D - Option 3 000 00 O17NA
28 Form D - Option 4 000 00 O17NA
29 Form D - Option 5 000 00 O17NA

When you registeredr was this a This Course is: (Choose only one)
class you wanted to take? 0 in my MAJOR
2No 17 a GIIR (General University Reguirement)
6 Neutral 0 an ELECEIVE
0 other
My class standing is: Grade r expect to receive "
17 Freshman 6A
0 Sophomore 11 B
0 Junior 0c
0 Senior OD
0 Graduate OF
0 Other 0 Pass or Satisfactory
0 No Pass or Unsatisfactory

*Key: E = Excellent 5 r VG= Very Good 4, Q = Good 3,

F = Fair 2, p= Poor lrVP= Very Poor 0,
NS = No Selection

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