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edTPA Lesson Plan

Elements of a Story-Learning Experience 1

1) Lesson: 1 of 3
2) Grade: Kindergarten
3) Subject: Language
4) Central Focus: The Central Focus is for the students to be able to correctly identify the
elements of a story while retelling using different activities.
5) State Standards:
With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major
events in a story.
With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details.

6) Learning Objective:
a. Students will be able to identify the characters, setting, and plot of a story.
b. Students will be able to retell a story through sequencing.
7) Instructional Materials:
a. Franklin’s Valentines by Paulette Bourgeois and Brenda Clark
b. Pre-Made chart
c. Pictures for the chart for students
d. Elements of a story worksheet
8) Vocabulary:
a. Characters
b. Setting
c. Plot
d. Problem
e. Solution
Instructional Strategies Learning Tasks
• The teacher will begin by having the
students on the carpet. The teacher
will introduce the lesson as a lesson
on Elements of a Story. The teacher
will start off by asking the students if
they know what that means.
o “Does anyone know what the
character of the story is?”
o “Does anyone know what the
setting of a story is?”
• Once the students have discussed
what the elements of the story are,
the teacher will show them a chart of
the different elements of a story.
• If the student is called, they will
come up to the poster and put a
picture under the correct category. • The students will put up the picture
There will be a category for that they are given in the correct
characters, setting, and plot. spot.
• When that is done, the teacher will
ask the students what their favorite
book is and if they know the
characters and setting of the story.
• The teacher will then introduce the
story that they are going to be
reading called Franklin’s Valentines.
• As a class they will discuss what • The students will think in their
characters might be in the story, minds what they think is going to
where the story will take place, and happen and then they will share it
what they think is going to happen. with the person next to them. Then
• The teacher will then start reading they will have the chance to tell
the story and pause briefly during everyone what they think is going to
the story to check for happen.
• After the story is done, the teacher
will discuss the elements of the story
with the students as a group. Then
the teacher will send the students
back to their desks.
• Once at their desks, the students will
be given an “Elements of the Story” • The students will follow the teacher
worksheet. Together, as a class, the and draw their pictures in the correct
students and the teacher will fill in spot.
the blanks using pictures to identify
the characters, setting, and the plot.
9) Assessment:
a. The students will be informally assessed by observation on if they are able to put
the pictures in the correct place on the poster.
b. The students will be informally assessed on if they are able to fill in the boxes
correctly with a checklist.
The Day it Rained Hearts- Learning Experience 2
1) Lesson: 2 of 3
2) Grade: Kindergarten
3) Subject: Language
4) Central Focus: The Central Focus is for the students to be able to correctly identify the
elements of a story while retelling using different activities.
5) State Standards:
Correctly name shapes regardless of their orientations or overall size.
With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details
in a text.
6) Learning Objective:
7) Instructional Materials:
a. The Day it Rained Hearts by Felicia Bond
b. Envelopes with different size hearts
c. Art project supplies
i. Hearts
ii. String
iii. Glue
iv. Scissors
v. Markers
vi. String
vii. Pipe Cleaners
viii. Jewels
8) Vocabulary:
a. Characters
b. Setting
c. Plot
d. Problem
e. Solution

Instructional Strategies Learning Tasks

• The students will start off at the
carpet and we will quickly review
the elements of a story.
• We will look at the cover of the
book and discuss what they think is
going to happen.
• We will read the story and have
pauses for comprehension within the
• When the story is done, the students
will discuss with a partner what • With a partner, the students will
happened in the story. discuss the plot of the story.
• Then, each student will receive an
envelope. They will go around to
their classmates and try to find
someone who has the same size and
same color heart as them. Once they
have found their group, they will sit
down with them.
• Each group then will be given a bag. • In their group, each student is going
Each bag has different art materials to be creating anything that they
in it. All of them contain hearts. The want using the given materials, but
students will be creating things with with using at least three hearts.
the hearts and the supplies that they
were given, just like in the story.
9) Assessment:
a. The students will be informally assessed by observation on if they were able to
correctly identify the elements of the story.
Roll A Story- Learning Experience 3
1) Lesson: 3 of 3
2) Grade: Kindergarten
3) Subject: Language
4) Central Focus: The Central Focus is for the students to be able to correctly identify the
elements of a story while retelling using different activities.
5) State Standards:
Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to narrate a single event or
several loosely linked events, tell about the events in the order in which they
occurred, and provide a reaction to what happened.

Describe familiar people, places, things, and events and, with prompting and
support, provide additional detail.

Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and
usage when writing or speaking.

6) Learning Objective:
a. Students will be able to develop a short story with given prompts using correct
grammar and writing structure.
b. Students will be able to create a drawing that correlates to the events of their
short stories.
c. Students will be able to use correct English grammar in their stories.
7) Instructional Materials:
a. Roll a story paper
b. Worksheets for students
i. Fill in the blank for lower levels
ii. Do it yourself for higher levels
c. Dice
d. Crayons
e. Pencils
8) Vocabulary:
a. Characters
b. Setting
c. Plot
d. Problem
e. Solution

Instructional Strategies Learning Tasks

• The teacher will begin by explaining • The students will raise their hands
and modeling what they are to do in and ask questions when they do not
small group as a whole class. understand something.
• The teacher will state that they are
going to roll a dice and whatever
number they roll, they use that
number to see what character they
have. Then, they will roll again and
that number will be what setting
they will use. They will roll one last
time, and that number will be what
problem that the character faces
during their story.
• The students will then fill out a chart
that has their three parts and then
there will be a blank spot on the
chart for what they would do to help
the character.
• Then, they will get another piece of
paper where they will write their
story down and draw a picture.
There will be two different papers,
one for the higher students and one
for the lower students.
• The students will then be split up
into their groups and will come to
the teacher to do this activity in their • The students will each have a dice
small group. and will rolling their dice to find out
• The students will then turn it in to the elements of their story. Then,
the teacher for the teacher to grade they will chart their pieces and then
with a rubric. think of a solution themselves.
There will be example cards if they
need help. Then, they will write out
their story and draw a picture to go
along with it.
9) Assessment:
a. The students will be formally assessed with a rubric on their writing and story

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