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At the dew point temperature, dry bulb temperature is _____ wet bulb temperature:

Equal to
A ______ is an accurate instrument for measuring pressure
Mercury Manometer
The ______ of air is reached when the air contains all the moisture it can hold
dew point
Which of the following temperature is registered with normal thermometer:
Dry bulb temperature
In summer when the room is air conditioned, vapor pressure is _____ on the outside
than inside
Humidity ratio of the air is not affected by a temperature change unless it drops below
the saturation temperature:
If the surrounding air is hotter than the skin temperature, the body lose heat.
Psychrometry is the science and practice of air mixtures and their controls:
_______temperature measurement is an indication of moisture content of the air
Wet bulb
______ of heat transfer takes place in waveforms
The average body temperature is:
In Psychrometric chart Y-axis indicates which of the following:
Humidity ratio
The comfort range of relative humidity for dry bulb temperatures is ______ :
45 - 65% RH
_______ is the heat transfer that takes place mainly in solids
If the ambient temperature rises 10 F, the skin temperature rises only ______:
The _____ of air is the reciprocal of the density
specific volume
Temperature determines the amount of water vapor that air can hold
The scales on the vertical right-hand side of the chart represent the _____ portion
latent heat

The _____ reading on a psychrometric chart shows the total heat content of a pound of air.
At 100% air saturation wet bulb temperature is equal to dry bulb temperature

Sensible heat can be which of the following:

Dry heat
In _______, the heat passes from one molecule to another without any noticeable movement of
Convection is heat transfer that takes place in which of the following:
Liquids and Gases.
The surface temperature of the average adults skin is:
Which of the following affects the comfort of the human body
Both the humidity and temperature

The wet bulb temperature will be lower than or equal to the dry bulb temperature
X-axis of psycrometric charts contains which of the following:
Dry bulb temperature
A hygrometer is described as an instrument used to measure which of the following:
Amount of moisture in the air
Hotter temperature means the air has _____ capacity to hold water suspended
In Psychrometric chart curved boundary indicates which of the following:

Dew point temperature line

The wet-bulb temperature can never be higher than the dry-bulb temperature.
Sling psychrometer is used to measure which of the following temperature(s):

Both dry bulb and wet bulb

Higher the temperature of the air, _____ will be water vapor containing capacity of the air:
A psychrometric chart presents ______ of moist air in a graphical form

Physical and Thermal properties

Which of the following air has higher specific volume:
Warmer air
Latent heat can be associated which of the following:
Wet heat
As the amount of moisture suspended in the air _____, the wet-bulb depression increases
The addition or removal of heat to the air without any change in the moisture content results in
change in which of the following:
Dry bulb temperature
The comfort range of temperature varies between ______ dry bulb temperatures
to 76°F
Which of the following is the heat content causing an increase in dry-bulb temperature:
Sensible temperature

Vertical lines in Psychromteric charts indicate constant ______ in °C or °F:

Dry bulb temperature
The bottom scales on the chart represent the ____ portion

Condensation occurs on surfaces ____ the dew point temperature:

Which of the thermal property indicating the quantity of heat that the air above an arbitrary
datum, in Btu per pound of dry air:
As the relative humidity of the air decreases, the temperature of the air _____:
When dry bulb temperature is equal to wet bulb temperature, the evaporation rate will be:
Will be zero
In Psychrometric char, lines of _____ run diagonally downward from left to right across the chart.
Constant enthalpy

______ It is expressed in Btu per pound of dry air:

Maximum amount of water vapor air can hold _____ with temperature:

Higher the dew point, _____ will be the water content of air:
10oF rise in air temperature can decrease relative humidity ______ :
20 %

At cold temperatures air can hold very little water:

Air can gain heat with which of the following:
Either an increase in temperature or increase in moisture content
The air mixture calculations are performed on which of the following:
Mass basis
The greater the wet bulb or dew point depression, ______ will be Relative humidity:

In Psychrometric chart specific volume is indicated by which of the following:

Sloping lines
Wet bulb temperature _______ as rate of evaporation of water from the wick
Thermodynamics Questions and Answers – Properties of
Atmospheric Air
This set of Thermodynamics Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Properties of Atmospheric Air”.

1. Dry air consists of

a) oxygen, nitrogen
b) carbon dioxide
c) hydrogen, argon
d) all of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Dry air is a mixture of all these gases.
2. Complete dry air exists in nature.
a) true
b) false
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Answer: b
Explanation: Complete dry air does not exist in nature.
3. Which of the following is true?(here pa=partial pressure of dry air, pw=partial pressure of
water vapour, p=atmospheric pressure)
a) p=pw
b) p=pa
c) p=pw + pa
d) all of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: This comes by Dalton’s law of partial pressures.
4. In a mixture of dry air and water vapour,
a) mole fraction of dry air = pa/p
b) mole fraction of water vapour = pw/p
c) both of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: This comes from the concepts of Dalton’s law of partial pressures.
5. When pw is very small,
a) saturation temperature of water vapour at pw is less than atmospheric temperature
b) water vapour in air exists in superheated state
c) air is said to be in unsaturated state
d) all of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Mostly partial pressure of water vapour is very small.
6. Relative humidity is defined as
a) (saturation pressure of pure water) / pw
b) pw / (saturation pressure of pure water)
c) (saturation pressure of pure water) / p
d) p / (saturation pressure of pure water)
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Answer: b
Explanation: Here pw is the partial pressure of water vapour and ps is the saturation pressure of
pure water at same temperature of mixture.
7. For saturated air, relative humidity is 0%.
a) true
b) false
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Answer: b
Explanation: For saturated air, relative humidity is 100%.
8. If water is injected into a container with has unsaturated air,
a) water will evaporate
b) moisture content of air will decrease
c) pw will decrease
d) all of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: The moisture content of air will increase and pw will increase.
9. Humidity ratio is given by the ratio of
a) (mass of dry air per unit mass of water vapour)^2
b) 1/(mass of dry air * mass of water vapour)
c) water vapour mass per unit mass of dry air
d) mass of dry air per unit mass of water vapour
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Answer: c
Explanation: Humidity ratio is also called specific humidity.
10. The degree of saturation is the ratio of
a) (saturated specific humidity / actual specific humidity)^2
b) 1/(saturated specific humidity * actual specific humidity)
c) saturated specific humidity / actual specific humidity
d) actual specific humidity / saturated specific humidity
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Answer: d
Explanation: Here both saturated specific humidity and specific humidity are at same temperature.
11. The degree of saturation varies between -1 and 0.
a) true
b) false
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Answer: b
Explanation: The degree of saturation varies between 0 and 1.
12. Which of the following statement is true?
a) dew point temperature is the temperature at which water vapour starts condensing
b) dry bulb temperature is recorded by thermometer with dry bulb
c) wet bulb temperature is recorded by thermometer when bulb is covered with a cotton
wick which is saturated with water
d) all of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: These are the definitions of dew point temperature, dry bulb temperature and wet bulb

13. The wet bulb temperature is the ____ temperature recorded by moistened bulb.
a) lowest
b) highest
c) atmospheric
d) none of the mentioned
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14. At any dbt, the ____ the difference of wbt reading below below dbt, ____ is the amount of water
vapour held in mixture.
a) smaller, smaller
b) greater, greater
c) greater, smaller
d) smaller, greater
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15. When unsaturated air flows over a sheet of water in an insulated chamber
a) specific humidity of air decreases
b) the water evaporates
c) both air and water are cooled during evaporation
d) all of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: The specific humidity of air increases during this process.

Thermodynamics Questions and Answers – Vapor

Compression Refrigeration Cycle-1
This set of Thermodynamics Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle-1”.

1. In vapour refrigeration cycle, which of the following is used for expansion?

a) expansion engine
b) throttling valve or capillary tube
c) both of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: This is because in expansion engine, power recovery is small and hence its cost is not
2. Which of the following operations occur in a vapour refrigeration cycle?
a) compression
b) cooling and condensing
c) expansion and evaporation
d) all of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: These are the processes which constitute the vapour refrigeration cycle.
3. Compression can be
a) dry compression
b) wet compression
c) both of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Dry compression starts with saturated vapour and wet compression starts with wet
4. Wet compression is preferred over dry compression.
a) true
b) false
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Answer: b
Explanation: Dry compression is always preferred.
5. Why is wet compression not preferred?
a) the liquid refrigerant can be trapped in the head of cylinder
b) this may damage the valves or cylinder head
c) liquid refrigerant can wash away the lubricating oil thus accelerating wear
d) all of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: These are the reasons why dry compression is preferred over wet compression.
6. In the cooling and condensing, correct sequence of processes is
a) desuperheated->condensed->saturated liquid
b) desuperheated->saturated liquid->condensed
c) condensed->desuperheated->saturated liquid
d) saturated liquid->condensed->desuperheated
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Answer: a
Explanation: This is the correct sequence of processes and heat is transferred out.
7. The expansion process is
a) isentropic
b) reversible
c) adiabatic
d) all of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: The expansion process is adiabatic but not isentropic and is irreversible.
8. The evaporation process is a
a) constant volume reversible process
b) constant pressure reversible process
c) adiabatic throttling process
d) reversible adiabatic process
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Answer: b
Explanation: This is the last process and it completes the cycle.
9. The evaporator produces the cooling or refrigerating effect.
a) true
b) false
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Answer: a
Explanation: It absorbs heat from the surroundings by evaporation.
10. In the expansion process, which of the following remains constant?
a) work done
b) heat supplied
c) internal energy
d) enthalpy
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Answer: d
Explanation: The expansion is an adiabatic throttling process in which enthalpy remains unchanged.
11. The COP of cycle is given by(Q2=heat absorbed by evaporator and Wc=work done by
a) 1- (Q2/Wc)
b) 1- (Wc/Q2)
c) Q2/Wc
d) Wc/Q2
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Answer: c
Explanation: This is the COP of vapour refrigeration cycle.
12. One tonne of refrigeration is given as the rate of heat removal from surroundings
equivalent to heat required for melting one tonne of ice in a day.
a) true
b) false
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Answer: a
Explanation: This is the definition of “one tonne of refrigeration”.

13. Which of the following is recommended in a refrigeration cycle?

a) superheating of vapour
b) subcooling of liquid
c) both of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: The superheating of vapour is done at evaporator outlet and subcooling of liquid occurs
at condenser outlet.
14. Superheating of vapour and subcooling of liquid ____ the refrigerating effect.
a) decreases
b) increases
c) no change
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: The refrigerating effect is increased by using these techniques.
15. A condenser must ____ and then ____ the compressed refrigerant.
a) superheat, evaporate
b) desuperheat, evaporate
c) superheat, condense
d) desuperheat, condense
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Answer: d
Explanation: This is the function of a condenser.
Thermodynamics Questions and Answers – Vapor
Compression Refrigeration Cycle-2
This set of Thermodynamics Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle-2”.

1. Which of the following statement is true for a condenser?

a) it can be air-cooled or water-cooled
b) small self-contained units use water-cooled condenser
c) large installations use air-cooled condenser
d) all of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: We use air-cooled condenser for small self-contained units and water-cooled
condenser for large installations.
2. For an expansion device, which of the following is true?
a) it increases the pressure of refrigerant
b) it regulates the flow of refrigerant to evaporator
c) both of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: The expansion device reduces the pressure of refrigerant.
3. Which of the following is a type of expansion device?
a) capillary tubes
b) throttle valves
c) both of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: These are the two types of expansion devices.
4. Throttle valves are used in ____
a) small units
b) larger units
c) both of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: They regulate the flow of refrigerant according to load on evaporator.
5. Capillary tubes are used in ____
a) small units
b) larger units
c) both of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: In their case, id size and length are fixed, the evaporator pressure also gets fixed.
6. Types of compressor include
a) reciprocating
b) centrifugal
c) rotary
d) all of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: These are the three types of compressor.
7. When volume flow rate of refrigerant is large, which compressor is used?
a) reciprocating
b) centrifugal
c) rotary
d) all of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: For plants with higher capacities, centrifugal compressors are used.
8. Which of the following statement is true?
a) rotary compressors are mostly used for small units
b) reciprocating compressors are employed in plants with capacity up to 100 tonnes
c) both of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: This is the difference in reciprocating and rotary compressors.
9. In reciprocating compressors, actual volume of gas drawn in cylinder is ____ the volume
displaced by piston.
a) less than
b) more than
c) equal to
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: The reason being, leakage, clearance and throttling effects.
10. The clearance volumetric efficiency is equal to
a) 1 + C + C(p2/p1)^(1/n)
b) 1 – C – C(p2/p1)^(1/n)
c) 1 – C + C(p2/p1)^(1/n)
d) 1 + C – C(p2/p1)^(1/n)
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Answer: d
Explanation: Here C is the clearance and p1,p2 are pressures.
11. Plate evaporator is a common type of evaporator.
a) true
b) false
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Answer: a
Explanation: In a plate evaporator, a coil is brazed on to a plate.
12. Why is multistage compression with intercooling adopted?
a) using a single stage with high pressure ratio decreases volumetric efficiency
b) high pressure ratio with dry compression gives high compressor discharge temperature
c) the refrigerant is damaged
d) all of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Because of these reasons we have to use multistage compression with intercooling.

13. The intercooler pressure is given by

a) p1*p2
b) sqrt(p1*p2)
c) (p1*p2)/(p1+p2)
d) (p1+p2)/2
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Answer: b
Explanation: Here p1 is the evaporator pressure and p2 is the condenser pressure.
14. The most widely used refrigerants are
a) freon
b) genetron
c) arcton
d) all of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: These are a group of halogenated hydrocarbons.
15. Why is ammonia used in food refrigeration?
a) high COP
b) low cost
c) lower energy cost
d) all of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Also ammonia can be detected easily in case of a leak.
MCQ ~ Psychrometry
1. A mixture of dry air and water vapour, when the air has
diffused the maximum amount of water vapour into it, is
 Dry air
 Moist air
 Saturated air
 Specific humidity
2. The temperature of air recorded by a thermometer, when
it is not effected by the moisture present in it, is called
 Wet bulb temperature
 Dry bulb temperature
 Dew point temperature
 None of these
3. For unsaturated air, the dew point temperature is ...........
wet bulb temperature.
 Equal to
 Less than
 More than
4. The difference between dry bulb temperature and wet bulb
temperature, is called
 Dry bulb depression
 Wet bulb depression
 Dew point depression
 Degree of saturation
5. During sensible cooling of air, the specific humidity
 Increases
 Decreases
 Remains constant
6. During sensible cooling of air, the dry bulb temperature
 Increases
 Decreases
 Remains constant
7. During sensible cooling of air, the wet bulb temperature
 Increases
 Decreases
 Remains constant
8. The process generally used in winter air conditioning to
warm and humidify the air, is called
 Humidification
 Dehumidification
 Heating and humidification
 Cooling and dehumidification

MCQ ~ Vapour Compression Refrigeration System

1. During a refrigeration cycle, heat is rejected by the
refrigerant in a

 Compressor
 Condenser
 Evaporator
 Expansion valve
2. In a vapour compression system, the condition of
refrigerant before entering the compressor is
 Saturated liquid
 Wet vapour
 Dry saturated liquid
 Superheated vapour
3. The highest temperature during the cycle, in a vapour
compression system, occurs after

 Compression
 Condensation
 Expansion
 Evaporation
4. In a vapour compression system, the lowest temperature
during the cycles occurs after

 Compression
 Condensation
 Expansion
 Evaporation
5. The sub-cooling in a refrigeration cycle

 Does not alter C.O.P

 Increases C.O.P
 Decreases C.O.P
6. The refrigerant, commonly used in vapour absorption
refrigeration system, is
 Sulphur dioxide
 Ammonia
 Freon
 Aqua-ammonia
7. In ammonia-hydrogen refrigerator
 Ammonia is absorbed in hydrogen
 Ammonia is absorbed in water
 Ammonia evaporates in hydrogen
 Hydrogen evaporates in ammonia
8. Which of the following refrigerants has the lowest boiling
 Ammonia
 Carbon dioxide
 Sulphur dioxide
 Freon-12
9. Which of the following refrigerant is highly toxic and
 Ammonia
 Carbon dioxide
 Sulphur dioxide
 Freon-12
MCQ ~ Air Refrigeration Cycles
1. One tonne of refrigeration is equal to
 21 KJ/min
 210 KJ/min
 420 KJ/min
 620 KJ/min
2. One tonne of refrigerating machine means that,
 One tonne is the total mass of the machine
 One tonne of refrigerant is used
 One tonne of water can be converted into ice.
 One tonne of ice when melts from and at 0oC in 24 hours,
the refrigerating effect produced is equivalent to 210 KJ/min
3. The coefficient of performance is always ........... one.
 Equal to
 Less than
 Greater than
4. In a closed or dense air refrigeration cycle, the operating
pressure ratio can be reduced, which results in ............
coefficient of performance.
 Lower
 Higher
5. Air refrigeration cycle is used in
 Commercial refrigerators
 Domestic refrigerators
 Air conditioning
 Gas liquefaction
6. In a refrigerating machine, heat rejected is ............ heat
 Equal to
 Less than
 Greater than
7. Air refrigerator works on
 Carnot cycle
 Rankine cycle
 Reversed Carnot cycle
 Bell-Coleman cycle
 Both Carnot & Rankine cycle
 Both Reversed Carnot cycle & Bell-Coleman cycle.
8. In air conditioning of aeroplanes, using air as refrigerant,
the cycle used is
 Reversed Carnot cycle
 Reversed Joule cycle
 Reversed Brayton cycle
 Reversed Otto cycle

MCQ ~ Air Refrigeration Cycles

1. One tonne of refrigeration is equal to
 21 KJ/min
 210 KJ/min
 420 KJ/min
 620 KJ/min
2. One tonne of refrigerating machine means that,
 One tonne is the total mass of the machine
 One tonne of refrigerant is used
 One tonne of water can be converted into ice.
 One tonne of ice when melts from and at 0oC in 24 hours,
the refrigerating effect produced is equivalent to 210 KJ/min
3. The coefficient of performance is always ........... one.
 Equal to
 Less than
 Greater than
4. In a closed or dense air refrigeration cycle, the operating
pressure ratio can be reduced, which results in ............
coefficient of performance.
 Lower
 Higher
5. Air refrigeration cycle is used in
 Commercial refrigerators
 Domestic refrigerators
 Air conditioning
 Gas liquefaction
6. In a refrigerating machine, heat rejected is ............ heat
 Equal to
 Less than
 Greater than
7. Air refrigerator works on
 Carnot cycle
 Rankine cycle
 Reversed Carnot cycle
 Bell-Coleman cycle
 Both Carnot & Rankine cycle
 Both Reversed Carnot cycle & Bell-Coleman cycle.
8. In air conditioning of aeroplanes, using air as refrigerant,
the cycle used is
 Reversed Carnot cycle
 Reversed Joule cycle
 Reversed Brayton cycle
 Reversed Otto cycle
Psychrometrics III - MCQs with Answers

Q1. At any point on the saturation curve in psychometric chart, the dry bulb temperature
is always

a. less than the corresponding wet bulb temperature

b. more than the corresponding wet bulb temperature
c. equal to the corresponding wet bulb temperature
d. cannot predict

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ANSWER: c. equal to the corresponding wet bulb temperature

Q2. The moisture content lines in psychrometric chart are also called as

a. relative humidity lines

b. specific humidity lines
c. both a. and b.
d. none of the above

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ANSWER: b. specific humidity lines

Q3. The horizontal line in psychrometric chart joining the change of state of air

a. humidification
b. sensible cooling or heating
c. sensible cooling or heating with humidification
d. sensible cooling or heating with dehumidification

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ANSWER: b. sensible cooling or heating

Q4. Air at dry bulb temperature Td1 is passed through the heating coil and some amount
of air is by passed unaffected and leaves with dry bulb temperature Tb2 and the
temperature of heated air is Td3 (where Td2 < Td3), what is the correct formula for by
pass factor (The amount of air by passed unaffected)?

a. Bypass Factor = (Td3 – Td2) / (Td3 – Td1)

b. Bypass Factor = (Td3 – Td1) / (Td3 – Td2)
c. Bypass Factor = (Td2 – Td1) / (Td2 – Td3)
d. Bypass Factor = (Td2 – Td3) / (Td2 – Td1)

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ANSWER: d. Bypass Factor = (Td2 – Td3) / (Td2 – Td1)

Q5. Humidification is the process of addition moisture in air at

a. constant wet bulb temperature

b. constant dry bulb temperature
c. constant latent heat
d. none of the above

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ANSWER: b. constant dry bulb temperature

Q6. What is the perfect condition for dehumidification of air?

a. air is heated above its dew point temperature

b. air is cooled up to its dew point temperature
c. air is heated below its dew point temperature
d. air is cooled below its dew point temperature

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ANSWER: d. air is cooled below its dew point temperature

Q7. At 100% relative humidity, the wet bulb temperature is

a. lower than the dew point temperature

b. higher than the dew point temperature
c. equal to the dew point temperature
d. none of the above

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ANSWER: c. equal to the dew point temperature

Q8. The dew point temperature is less than the wet bulb temperature for

a. saturated air
b. unsaturated air
c. both saturated and unsaturated air
d. none of the above

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ANSWER: b. unsaturated air

Q9. When,
H1 = Total heat of air entering the coil (heating or cooling)
H2 = Total heat of air leaving the coil (heating or cooling)
H3 = Total heat of air at the end of the process (humidification or dehumidification)
then, the sensible heat factor (H2 – H1) / (H3 – H1) represents the process of

a. cooling and humidification

b. cooling and dehumidification
c. heating and humidification
d. heating and dehumidification

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ANSWER: c. heating and humidification

Q10. When the rate of evaporation of water is zero, the relative humidity of the air is

a. 0%
b. 100%
c. 50%
d. unpredictable

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ANSWER: b. 100%

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