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Intern Name: Whit Brizzolara Mentor Teacher:

Grade Level: 5th Date: 02/26/19

Subject: Physical Education Period:

Frameworks (Copy and paste the standards you are addressing)

PEL.2.5.2, PEL.2.5.6, PEL.2.5.1

Objectives (TESS - 1c)

Today students we will learn how to work together as a team to beat the other team in a fun Cooperative game. The goal of this game is
how many of your teammates can get to the other side before the other team.
Essential Question(s) (TESS 1a) List (multiple) means of content representation (TESS – 1b)
● PEL.2.5.1: Recognize how the muscular and skeletal systems interact during
movement activities. Students will hoop through the hula hoop to meet another
person from the other team and rock, paper, scissors to see who will win to keep on
hooping. So they are using their muscular and skeletal systems to hoop through the
hula hoop
● Recognize appropriate rules and strategies to improve performance in various
physical activities (e.g., individual, dual, team, recreation). I will explain the rules and
they will have to come up with there own strategies. They will write those strategies
in an exit slip at the end of the lesson.
● Demonstrate spatial awareness in lead-up game situations. They will write how their
team work together during the lesson on the exit slip.

Materials (TESS – 1d) List (multiple) means of expression (TESS – 1b)

● Students will write down there strategies that they learn and used during the lesson
on an exit slip.
● Students will write how their teamwork during the lesson on the exit slip
Differentiation for diverse learners (TESS – List (multiple) means of engagement (TESS – 1b)
1b) ● A warm up game that will get students engaged through the lesson. The warm up
game is the students will have four taggers and their job is to tag the other students
when they are running by them. Once they got tag they become octopus. The
octopus can tag other students standing still.
● The main lesson will be a fun game that will have the students on two teams. One
team will be on one side and the other team on the other side. One person from
each team will hoop through the hula hoop till they meet each other. Once they
meet each other they will rock, paper, scissors to keep on hooping till another
person from the other team meets them.

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