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Word Meaning Sentence Source

Paradoxical Contradictory to Throws light on this a

common sense most paradoxical of
Pygmy an unusually small giant and
person moral pygmy
Verve the spirit and 'McLynn writes with
enthusiasm animating considerable verve:
artistic composition or his pithy
performance characterisations of
Pithy marked by the use of
few words to convey
much information or
Debunking to expose the sham or 'McLynn offers an
falseness of admirably clear
narrative, neither
adulatory nor
Adulation to expose the sham or
falseness of
multitudinous being of a large but all the sources dealing
indefinite number with the
multitudinous aspects
of such a complex
enigmatic being beyond one's Napoleon becomes
powers to know, more elusive and
understand, or explain more
enigmatic the more
one knows about him
Elusive hard to find, capture, or
banal lacking originality, Such a bald, even
freshness, banal statement is
or novelty : TRITE necessary when we
provenance ORIGIN, SOURCE claim an Arab,
Berber or Moorish
strain in his
antipathy a strong feeling of
dislike an antipathy to
scurrilous using or given to coarse most unlikely parents
language to the footman and
vulgar and evil goat girl, proposed by
his most scurrilous
dotal of or relating to a the signature of a
woman's marriage dowry dotal contract, and the
act of consummation.
Hedonist a person who is devoted Carlo, a tall young
to the pursuit of man with a prominent
pleasure : someone who nose, sensual lips and
practices hedonism almond-shaped eyes,
was a hedonist and
Sensualist persistent or excessive
of sensual pleasures and

Austere stern and cold in whose nose was

appearance or manner 4
too long and whose
face was too austere
for a claim to real
petite having a small trim It was true that she
figure —usually used of a was petite (s'r"), with
woman rich dark-brown hair
and slender white
Cohabitation to live together as or as if Carlo's time in Rome
a married couple seems to have been
spent in cohabitation
with a married woman
Indigence a level of poverty in Another prevalent
which real hardship and myth about
deprivation are suffered Napoleon's
and comforts of life are background was that
wholly lacking he was
born into indigence
Pretension an aspiration or intention Economic conditions
that may or may not in
reach fulfillment Corsica and their own
pretensions worked
against them
Pale a territory or district were
within certain bounds or essentially beyond the
under a particular aristocratic pale
a state of moral but no human being
degradation or spiritual can
dejection slough off early
environmental and
influences just by say-

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