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Skema Jawapan Biologi Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun Tingkatan 5 2018

Kertas 1

1 D 11 B 21 D 31 A 41 D
2 A 12 B 22 D 32 A 42 A
3 D 13 A 23 B 33 C 43 A
4 B 14 D 24 D 34 D 44 A
5 A 15 C 25 B 35 D 45 A
6 B 16 A 26 B 36 B 46 C
7 B 17 D 27 D 37 B 47 D
8 A 18 A 28 A 38 A 48 D
9 B 19 B 29 D 39 B 49 A
10 A 20 A 30 D 40 B 50 C


Question 1

Num. Scoring Criteria Marks

(a)(i) Boleh menamakan organisasi peringkat otot P

Jawapan : Tisu 1 1m
(a)(ii) Boleh (√) jenis otot yang betul

Jawapan :
1 1m

(b)(i) Boleh menamakan organelle dengan banyaknya dalam otot P

Jawapan: mitochondria 1 1m
(b)(ii) Mampu untuk membenarkan

P1 : to generate energy 1
P2 : by cellular respiration 1 2m
P3 : for contraction of muscle 1
P4 : to enable bird flight 1
(c)(i) Able to name tissue

Answer: Tendon 1 1m
(c)(ii) Able to state one characteristics

Answer: Inelastic // strong 1 1m

(d) Able to explain the effect of the locomotion if muscle P is torn

F : muscle P cannot contract 1
P1 : pulling force cannot be create / transfered to the bone 1
P2 : so bone cannot be pulled upwards / forwards // upstroke 1 max
P3 : bird cannot flight 1 3m
(e) Able to explain how the stem cell able to becomes tissue P, Q and R.

P1 : through differentiation
P2 : the stem cell becomes specialized cells 1
P3 : such as nerve tissue / muscle tissue / blood tissue / connective tissue 1 max
Any two 1 2m

Question 2

Num. Scoring Criteria Marks

(a)(i) Able to identify the types of polysaccharide
X : starch 1
Y : glycogen 3√ = 2m 1
Z : Cellulose 1 Max 2
2√ = 1m
(a)(ii) Able to state the basic unit of polysaccharide
1√ = 0m
Answer: Glucose 1 1
(a)(iii) Able to explain the hydrolysis of starch
Suggested answer:
P1: through enzymatic reaction // by hydrolysis process 1
P2: by using enzyme amylase 1 2

(b)(i) Able to name molecule P

Answer: Sucrose 1 1

(b)(ii) Able to name process X and Y

X : condensation 1
Y : hydrolysis 1 2

(c) Able to explain the assimilation of glucose

Suggested answer:
F1: In the liver 1
P1 : Excess of glucose in the blood is converted to glycogen and stored in 1
the liver
P2 : In the liver , if glucose level in blood is low glycogen is converted to 1
P3 : Excess of glycogen is converted to lipids by the liver 1

F2: In the body cell 1

P4 : Reaching the body cells , glucose is oxidized to release energy in 1 Max 4
cellular respiration
Question 3

Num Scoring criteria Marks

(a)(i) Able to name structure R

R : Grana 1 1
(a)(ii) Able to state one similarity and one differences between the product
of light reaction and dark reaction.

Similarity :
S1 : Both rection occur in chloroplast 1 3
F: Reaction in R Reaction in S
D1 : Occur in grana Occur in stroma 1
D2 : Needs light Does not need light 1
D3 : Produce oxygen (and water) Produce glucose 1
D4 : Not involve enzyme Involve enzyme 1
D5 : Photolysis of water Reduction of carbon dioxide 1
(any 2)
(b) Able to explain the effects to the mechanism of dark reaction if the
plant is exposed to the light for 24 hours everyday.

P1 : more hydrogen (ions/atoms) are produced during light reaction 1 2

P2 : more carbon dioxide can be fix by hydrogen atom 1
P3 : more glucose/amino acid/fatty acid are produced 1
P4 : rate of dark reaction increase 1
(c) Able to explain how the condition of the environment affects the
rate of photosynthesis of the plant.

F1 : dust particle will cover/accumulate on the surface of the leaf 1 3

P1 : less light energy will be trapped by the chloroplast 1
F2 : dust particle block the stomata 1
P2 : less/no supply of carbon dioxide into the cell 1
P3 : rate of photosynthesis decreases 1
(d) Able to explain how this method is carried out during winter to
ensure the production of crops throughout the year.

F : In winter, the temperature is very low//light intensity is low and the 1 3

rate of photosynthesis is very low
P1 : in the greenhouse, light intensity/concentration of carbon 1
dioxide/temperature are maintained at optimum level (for
photosynthesis) throughout the year. 1
P2 : so the rate of photosynthesis is maintain at maximum level
throughout the year 1
P3 : this will increase yields of crops production throughout the year

Total 12
Question 4

Num Scoring Criteria Marks

(a) Able to name two systems involve in regulating of respiratory gases

Blood circulatory system // Respiratory system // Nerves system 2 2
Any two

(b)(i) Able to explain why the blood pH decrease

P1: Increase of carbon dioxide in blood 1
P2: Carbon dioxide reacts with water (in blood plasma) 1
P3: Formed carbonic acids 1 Max 2

(b)(ii) Able to explain how a drop in pH value of the blood can be

detected by the body

P1: Detected by the peripheral chemoreceptors 1
P2: Send nerve impulses to the central chemoreceptors / respiratory 1 2

(c) Able to describe how to regulate the concentration of oxygen in the


Suggested answer: 1
P1: Level of oxygen in blood decrease detected by peripheral
chemoreceptors 1
P2: Nerve impulse send to central chemoreceptors (in medulla 1
P3: Impulse send to diaphragm / and intercostals muscles and 1
cardiac muscles 1 Max 3
P4: Breathing rate and heart beat rate increase
P5: Intake more oxygen

(d) Able to explain the effects of smoking on his heartbeat rate and
breathing rate.

Suggested answer:
F: Higher heartbeat rate and breathing rate 1
P1: carbon monoxide (in blood) combine with haemoglobin 1
P2: cause him to breath faster / and deeper 1
P3: to obtain more oxygen 1
P4: Nicotine in blood cause release of adrenaline 1 Max
P5: and make the heart pump faster 1 3

Total 12
Question 5


(a) Able to explain how skin and mucous membranes act on the first line of
defence mechanism

Suggested answer
F1: strong layer 1
P1: Hard / cannot be penetrates by microorganisms (as physical barrier) 1
F2: secretes sebum 1
P2: that provides a protective layer on the skin / acidic substances that 1
prevent growth (as chemical barrier) of certain bacteria and fungi
F3: Secretes sweat that contain lysozyme 1
P3: used to breakdown bacteria cell wall 1
F4: Blood clotting process occur at fast 1 Max
P4: Able to prevent entering of microorganisms into the blood 1 2
Any 1F 1P

Mucous membranes:
F1: Layer on trachea / respiratory tract / digestive tract / urogenital tract 1
P1: secretes mucus that contain lysozymes to breakdown / digest bacteria. 1 2

(b) Able to explain the action of blood cell Q against bacteria

Suggested answer:
P1: By phagocytosis. 1
P2: Phagocyte /Neutrophil attracted /move towards (chemical / protein 1
produced by) bacteria/phatogen /antigen //extends / form pseudopodia
P3: (Phagocytes /neutrophil) engulfs the bacteria /pathogen 1
//(Phagocytes/Neutrophil) surrounds/binds itself to bacteria
P4: Forms phagosome /food vacuole /phagocytic vesicle 1
P5: (Lysosome fuse with phagosome and) release/secrete enzyme lysozyme 1
into phagosome / food vacuole /phagocytic vesicle
P6: (Enzyme / lysozyme in lysosome) digests /destroy the bacteria 1 Max 3
/pathogens /antigen
Accept : kill the bacteria
(c)(i) Able to describe type of immunization based on the graph

Suggested answer

Diagram 5.3 (a):

P1: Injection P is vaccin // contains a weakened / dead patogens // 1
P2: to stimulate white blood cells/lymphocyte/B-lymphocyte to produce 1
antibody // the body gain the ability/immunity against the
disease/hepatitis B//the antibody able to destroy
pathogene/antigen//Artificial (Acquire) Active Immunity
Accept: Fight against the pathogene /antigen
Reject: Fight against the disease
P3: Need a booster / second injection of vaccine (after a few 1
years of vaccination) will stimulate the lymphocyte to produce more
antibodies quickly
P4: stimulates a quicker and longer lasting response // the concentration 1
of antibodies in the body will be able to reach the effective immunity Max 3
level //and can induce a long lasting immunity // to ensure that the
level of antibody (in the body) is enough to give protection against
the pathogen
F : Hepatitis B / Any suitable example 1

(c)(ii) Diagram 5.3 (b):

Q1: Injection Q is serum / antiserum //contains ready-made antibody against 1

a particular disease/tetanus
Q2: (The antibody) is injected directly into the blood/body and react 1
immediately against the specific antigens (in the body) /to give
immediately protection against the disease / tetanus
// Concentration of antibodies increases immediately and exceeds level
of immunity
Q3: The injection serum (antibody) can only induced a short lived 1
immunity /quick temporary immunity //the level of antibody
decrease rapidly // Type of immunity cannot last for several weeks or
months (because the foreign antibodies break down in the body and
are not replaced )
F: Tetanus / Any suitable example 1 Max 3


No Marking Criteria Marks
6 (a) (i) P1: Intracellular enzymes are produced and retained in the 1 Marks
P2: For the use of the cell itself
P3: Extracellular enzymes are produced in the cell but
secreted from the cell 1
P4: To function externally

(ii) P1: The nucleus contain DNA which carries the information 1
for the synthesis of enzymes
P2: The genetic information is transcribed from DNA to RNA 1
in the nucleus 8

P3:The RNA leaves the nucleus and attaches to ribosomes marks

on the rough endoplasmic reticulum
P4: Proteins that are synthesized at the ribosomes are 1
transported through the space within RER
P5: Proteins depart from RER wrapped in vesicles that bud
off from the membrane of the RER
P6:The transport vesicles fuse with the Golgi Apparatus and
empty their content into the membranous space
P7:The protein are further modified during their transport in 1
Golgi Apparatus
P8: Secretory vesicles containing enzymes bud off from 1
Golgi Apparatus and travel to plasma membrane
P9:These vesicles fuse with plasma membrane and release
the extracellular enzymes
Any 8
(b) P1 : Enzyme / P is represent the lock 1 8
P2 : Substrate / Q is represent the ‘key’ 1 marks
P3: Enzyme / P is specific
P4: Enzyme / P only can combined with substrate / Q
P5: Enzyme/ P has specific active site which can fit into
specific substrate / Q 1
P6: The substrate / Q binds with the active site/ enzyme to 1
form an enzyme-substrate complex
P7: Enzyme / P convert / hydrolysed / breakdown substrate
/Q into products/R
P8: The products/R are released from the enzymes
P9: The enzyme/P remain unchanged at the end of the 1
P10 : Enzyme P can be reused
P11: The enzyme/P is now free to bind with another 1

molecule of substrate/Q
Any 8
20 marks
No Marking Criteria Marks
7 (a) (i) P1 : Organ X is gall bladder Marks
P2: Gall bladder stores bile
P3: Bile emulsify lipid to tiny droplet
1 6
P4: To increase the total surface area / TSA/V of the lipid
P5 : Organ Y is pancreas
P6: Pancrease secretes pancreatic juice containing lipase
P7: Lipase hydrolyse /digested/breakdown lipid into fatty
acid and glycerol
(a) (ii) P1: Protein is digested/break down into amino acid in 1
digestion system
P2: Amino acid absorbed by the the blood capillaries in the
P3: From villus, amino acid is transported to the liver. 1
P4:Then to the body cells via blood circulatory system 1
P5: In body cell, amino acid is used to produce 1
protoplasma/repair damaged tissue/synthesis
P6: In liver , acid amino is used to synthesis protein plasma 1
P7: Excess amino acid is convert o urea 1
P8: Through deamination process 1
P9 : urea is harmful to human body 1
P10: Urea is transported to kidneys 1
P11 To be excreted ( through urethra) in the form of urine Any 8 8

7 (b) Pregnant woman

P1: Need a diet rich in calcium and phosphorus 1

P2: For the formation of strong bones in growing foetus 1
P3: More folic acid/ferum is needed for the formation of red 1
blood cell/haemoglobin.
P4: High protein is needed for formation new tissue/ the 1
growth of foetus. 3

P5: Protein is needed for rapid growth

P6 : More carbohydrates is needed to provide sufficient 1
energy for their active lifestyle. 1
P7 : High ferum diet is needed to synthesis haemoglobin 1
after menstruation.
P8 : Vitamin/minerals to maintain good health 1
3+ 3 6

Total marks 20

Any 3
No Marking Criteria Marks
Inhalation Marks
8 (a) P1 : the frog lower the bottom level of the mouth and glottis 1
1 6
P2 : increase the volume of buccal cavity / lower the
pressure in the buccal cavity.
P3 : air is drawn in into the buccal cavity 1
P4 : nostril closed, glottis opened and bottom level of mouth 1
is raised.
P5 :Air is push into the lungs.
P6 : lung muscles contract 1
P7 : glottis opened // air is forced into the buccal cavity 1
P8 : nostril opened, glottis closed and bottom of mouth is 1
P9 : air is forced out from the buccal cavity 1

Any 6 Ps

8 (b) P1 : (During the running), more energy is needed 1

P2 : more oxygen is needed (to produce energy) 1
P3 : oxygen demand/supply is not sufficient
P4 : anaerobic respiration occur / takes place 1
P5 : lactic acid is produced 1
P6 : (accumulation of) acid lactic causes muscle pain 1
P7 : (after the running), a lot oxygen is drawn in 1
P8 : oxygen is used to oxidized lactic acid (into energy, CO 2 1
and water)
P9 : Athlete B will recover faster from muscle pain 1
P10 : (By walking slowly), blood flow is more smooth 1
P11 : more oxygen is transported by the blood stream to the 1

Any 8 Ps
8 (c) P1 : The mountain climber is carrying / wearing the oxygen 1 6
supply equipments / respirator.
P2 : As the altitude increase, the atmospheric pressure
P3 : the partial pressure / amount of oxygen decrease as
P4 : low atmospheric pressure cause less air is drawn into 1
the lungs
P5 : The mountain climber facing lack of oxygen (in the 1
P6 : Oxygen supply equipment / respirator supply enough 1
oxygen for the body
P7 : (It also) assists in maintaining the pressure of the lungs 1
P8 : The mountain climber also wearing thick clothes 1

P9 : As the altitude increase, the temperature decrease

P10 : Thick clothes help the climber to maintain the body
Any 6 Ps

20 marks
No Marking Criteria Marks
F : The activity is illegal logging/deforestation 1 Marks
9 (a)
P1 : Soil erosion 1
P2 : Reduce Water catchment area 1
P3 : Plant roots system makes the soil stable 1
P4 : Leaves /branches acting as span to slow down water 1
P5 : Deforestation cause rain water flow very fast and 1
erode the soil.
P6 : Landslides 1
P7 : Forest root system clutch the soil. 1
P8 : without roots system makes the soil unstable /lead to 1
P9 : Flash floods 1
P10 : The eroded soil carried away by moving water 1
deposited at the bottom of the rivers
P11 :Contribute to the sedimentation of the rivers becomes 1
shallow causes flash flood during rainy seasons.
P12 : Loss of biodiversity 1
P13 : causes organism lose their habitat / extinction of
P14: Climatic changes
P15 : forest acting as ‘ Carbon sink’ of the earth
P16 : absorbed vast amount of carbon dioxide during
photosynthesis and released oxygen to
P17 : Deforestation contribute to increase in the amount of 1
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
P18 : Lead to the global warming/green house effect

[any 10 ]
(b) (i) P1:The reaction causes the thinning of ozone layer 1 10
P2 : Allowed the UV light penetrate to the earth 1 marks
P3: destroyed plankton in the food web 1
P4 : Disturb the ecology balance in the water ecosystem 1
P5: Decrease the number of stomata and chlorophyll on the 1
P6: Plant cannot carry out photosynthesis /biotic 1
component threatened
P7 : Many plant die// cause carbon dioxide increase
P8 : Atmospheric temperature increase
P9 : Lead to green house effect/global warming 1
P10: Many organism which feed on plant die 1
P11:Disturb the food web /ecosystem the any 1
[ Any 8]
F1 : Introduce new chemical substance HCFC to replace 1 1
the used of CFC
F3 : Enforce the laws to ban the use of material contains 1

[ 2 marks]
(b) [KB0603 - Measuring Using Numbers]

Score Criteria

Able to state number in B, C & D correctly

Number of crenated red blood cells

3 A-0.15 M B- 0.30 M C- 0.45 M D- 0.60 M

0 7 15 20

2 Able to state any 2 correctly

1 Able to state any 1 correctly
0 Not able to state / not able to respond / wrong response.
(a (i) [KB0601 - Observation]

Score Criteria

Sample of incomplete answer

1. The number of crenated red blood cells is low/ lower/ fall/ decrease when
the concentration of sodium chloride is 0.30 M

2. The number of crenated red blood cells is high/ higher/ rise / increase
when the concentration of sodium chloride is 0.45 M / 0.60 M
Sample answer for idea
1. The number of crenated red blood cells is low/ lower/ fall/ decrease when
the concentration of sodium chloride low/ lower/ fall/ decrease
2. The number of crenated red blood cells increases in all test tube.
3. The number of crenated red blood cells depends on the concentration of
sodium chloride .

0 Wrong answer./ not able to response

(a) (ii) [KB0602 - Making Inference]

Score Criteria
Scoring scheme for (a) (ii) depends on the combination of 2 answers as shown in (a)(i)

Sample of complete answer

1. The solution is hypertonic/concentrated compared to the cell, water
diffused out of the cell by osmosis
3 2. The solution is most hypertonic/concentrated compared to the cell, the
most water diffused out of the cell by osmosis
Sample of incomplete answer
1. The solution is more hypertonic compared to the cell
2 2. More water diffused out of the cell by osmosis
1 Sample of idea
1. Red blood cells lose water
0 Wrong answer
(c) [KB0610 - Controlling Variable]

Score Criteria

Able to state 6 of the variables and ways of operating the variables correctly.

Variable Operating the variables

Manipulated variable: How to alter the manipulated variable:

Sodium chloride solution / By using different concentration of solution

different concentration of sodium chloride 0.30 M, 0.45 M and 0.60 M
Sodium chloride solution solution for the experiments.

Responding variables: How to determine responding variable

The number of crenated red Count and record the number of crenated red
blood cells blood cells after 30 minutes

Controlled variable: How to maintain the controlled variable:

Time for the experiment to be Fix the time for the experiment to be conducted
conducted to 30 minutes

2 Able to state any 4-5 correctly

1 Able to state any 2-3 correctly
0 Not able to respond or wrong response
(d) [KB0611 - Making Hypothesis]

Score Criteria

3 Able to state the hypothesis based on all three criteria correctly.

V1 : state concentration of the sodium chloride
V2 : state the The number of crenated red blood cells
R : relationship between V1 and V2
Sample answers:
The higher the concentration of the sodium chloride, the higher the number of
crenated red blood cells
2 Able to state three criteria incorrectly or any two criteria correctly
Sample answer:
1. Different concentration of the sodium chloride, different the number of
crenated red blood cells
2. The concentration of the sodium chloride affect the number of crenated
red blood cells after 30 minutes
1 Able to state hypothesis at idea level only
Sample answer:
 Water diffuses out of red blood cells when immersed in sodium chloride
0 Not able to respond or wrong response
(e) (i) [ KB0606-Communicating skill]
Score Criteria
3 Able to construct a table and record all the results of the experiment correctly
based on the 3 criteria.
1. title and unit
 Kepekatan larutan natrium klorida
 Bilangan sel darah merah yang mengalami krenasi
 Peratus sel darah merah yang mengalami krenasi
2.transfering the data correctly and correct calculation

3. State all 4 different concentration of natrium chloride

sample answer:

Kepekatan larutan Bilangan sel darah merah Peratus sel darah merah
natrium klorida,M yang mengalami krenasi yang mengalami krenasi,%

0.30 7 23.3

0.45 15 50.0

0.60 20 66.7

2 All two correct criteria

1 Any one correct criteria
0 Not able to respond or wrong response.
(e) (ii) [ KB0607-Correlating time and space]

Able to plot a graph of a graph of the percentage of crenated red blood cells
against the concentration of the sodium chloride

Mark given on these criteria:

1 . X-axis and Y-axis - Labels of axis with unit are correct -1 mark

2. Data- transferred and plotted correctly Correct plotting -1 mark

3. Graph shape- smooth and correct curve. -1 mark

(f ) [KB0608 - Interpreting Data ]

Score Criteria
3 Able to explain the relationship between the number of crenated red blood cell
and the concentration of sodium chloride
F : state the relationship between:
* the percentage of crenated red blood cell
* the concentration of sodium chloride

E: explanation

Sample answer:
When the concentration of sodium chloride increases, the percentage of
crenated red blood cell increases, (F) because the more hypertonic the sodium
chloride solution (E) the more diffusion of water into the cell by osmosis (E)

2 Able to explain the relationship based on any one correct criterion or any two
inaccurate criteria.
Sample answer
1. When the concentration of sodium chloride increases, the percentage of
crenated red blood cell increases, (F) because the more hypertonic the
sodium chloride solution (E)
2. When the concentration of sodium chloride increases, the percentage of
crenated red blood cell increases, (F) the more diffusion of water into the
cell by osmosis (E)
1 Able to state at idea level only
0 Not able to respond or wrong response
(g) [KB0605 - Prediction]

Score Criteria
3 Able to explain the prediction on the condition of red blood cells, based on the
following criteria.
C1 – the condition of red blood cells (hemolysed not crenated)
C2 – 0.00 M concentration of sodium chloride (distilled water)
C3 – the diffusion of water

Sample answer
The red blood cells will be hemolysed ( C1), because the distilled water is
hypotonic/ less concentrated compared to the cell ( C2), so the water will diffused
into the red blood cells by osmosis and cause it to swell/expand and
burst/hemolysed ( C3)

2 Able to explain the prediction on the condition of red blood cells (hemolysed not
crenated), based on any two of the criteria.
1 Able to explain the prediction on the condition of red blood cells (hemolysed not
crenated) based on any one of the criteria // Able to state at idea level only.
0 Not able to respond or wrong response.

(h) [KB0609 - Define Operationally]

Score Criteria
3 Able to deduce
C1 – movement of water
C2 – upon red blood cells
C3 - the number of crenated red blood cells
C4 – The concentration of the sodium chloride
Sample answer:
Osmosis is net movement/diffusion of water (CI) into the or out of red blood cells
(C2) that shown by the number of crenated red blood cell (C3) that affected by
the concentration of sodium chloride( C4)
2 Able to define operationally the term osmosis based on any two criteria.
1 Able to define operationally the term osmosis at idea level only.
0 Not able to respond or wrong response
(h ) [KB0602 - Classification]

Score Criteria
3 Able to categorise all the words into ‘process’ and appearance of cells’ correctly
according hypertonic and hypotonic solutions.

Solution Process Appearance of Cell

Hypertonic  Plasmolysis  Crenated 

Hypotonic  Deplasmolysis  Turgid 

2 Able to state any 4-5 correctly

1 Able to state any 2-3 correctly
0 Not able to respond or wrong response

No Items Scoring Remark

2(a) Problem Statement:
Able to form a correct problem statement by relating the
manipulated variable and responding variable in a question form
based on the following aspects: 3
P1: Manipulated variables :
Fruit juice P,Q and R
P2 : Responding variables:.
Content of vitamin C/ Volume of fruit juice to decolourise
DCPIP solution / percentage of vitamin C
H : Question form.

Sample answer:
1. Does fruit juice P has the highest content /amount / percentage
of vitamin C compare to Q and R ? // vice versa
2. Does fruit juice P has the highest volume of fruit juice to
decolourise the DCPIP solution compare to Q and R? // vice
3. Which fruit juices has the highest content / amount /percentage
of vitamin C / volume of fruit juice to decolourise the DCPIP
solution ?
Able to state problem statement correctly based on any two 2
aspects//P1 & H // P2 and H
1. Fruit juice P has the highest content /amount of vitamin C
compare to Q and R.
2. Different fruit juice has different content / amount / percentage
of vitamin C
3. Does fruit juice P has the highest content /amount / percentage
of vitamin C compare to Q and R.
Able to state problem statement correctly based on any one 1
aspect//P1 // P2 only
1. P has the highest content /amount / percentage of vitamin C.
No response or wrong answer 0
2(b) Hypothesis
Able to state correct hypothesis based on 3 aspects:
P1: Manipulated variables :
Fruit juice P,Q and R
P2 : Responding variables:.
Content / percentage of vitamin C/ Volume of fruit juice to
decolourise DCPIP solution
H : Relationship.

Sample answer:
1. Fruit juice P has the highest content /amount of vitamin C 3
compare to Q and R.// The content/ amount/ percentage of
vitamin C in fruit juice P is higher than Q and R.
2. Fruit juice Q has the highest content / amount of vitamin
C compare to R and P.
3. Fruit juice Q has the smallest volume to decolourise the
DCPIP solution compare to R and P.

Able to state correct hypothesis based on any 2 aspects. 2

1. Different fruit juice has different content / amount /
percentage of vitamin C
Able to state correct hypothesis based on any 1 aspect/ at idea 1
1. Fruit juice P/Q/R contains vitamin C
No response or wrong answer 0

2(c) Variables:
Able to state all the variables correctly base on the following
1. Manipulated variable: 3
Fruit juice P,Q and R
2. Responding variable:
Content of vitamin C/ Volume of fruit juice to decolourise
DCPIP solution/ amount of vitamin C / percentage of vitamin C
3. Constant variable:
Concentration of ascorbic acid/ volume of DCPIP solution.
Any two aspects correctly 2
Any 1 aspect correctly 1
No response or wrong answer 0
2(d) List of apparatus and materials
Able to list all the 4 materials (M) and 7-8 apparatus (A)
Sample answer:
Fruit juices P,Q,R ( lemon, papaya, strawberry), ascorbic acid, 3
DCPIP solution, distilled water, specimen bottles, syringes with
needles, marker pen/ label paper, beaker, blender, gauze cloth,
knife, white tile
Any 2-3 M + 3-6 A 2
Any 1M + 1-2 A 1
No response or wrong answer 0
2(e) Experimental procedure
Able to state all the 5K as follows:
K1: setting apparatus (at least 6 steps)
K2: operating fixed variable (at least 1 step) 3
K3: operating responding variable
K4: operating manipulated variable
K5: precaution

Sample answer:
1. Place 1cm3 of DCPIP solution into a specimen bottle by Note :
using a syringe with needle. K1 / K2 K1 must
2. Fill the syringe (with needle) with 5cm3 of 0.1% ascorbic have 6
acid. K1 / K2 steps
3. Drop the ascorbic acid slowly into the specimen bottle K1
until DCPIP solution is decolourised K2/K3/K4/
4. Make sure the needle is totally immersed into the DCPIP K5 K5 only
solution and don’t’ shake the bottle. one step
5. Record the volume of ascorbic acid to decolourise the K3
DCPIP solution by using the syringe.
6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 to find the average volume of K5
ascorbic acid to decolourise the DCPIP solution.
7. Place fruit P on a white tile, peel of the skin then place K1
into the blender.
8. Add in 100cm3 of distilled water into the blender to make K1/ K2
the juice.
9. Filter juice P with the gauze cloth into a small beaker K1
10. A 5cm3 syringe is filled with juice P. K1 / K2
11. Drop juice P slowly into the specimen bottle containing K1 / K2
1cm3 of DCPIP solution.
12. Make sure the needle is immersed into the DCPIP K5
solution and don’t shake the bottle.
13. Record the volume of fruit juice P to decolourised the K3
DCPIP solution using a syringe
14. Repeat this experiment twice to get an average volume K5
of fruit juice P .
15. Calculate the content / percentage of vitamin C by using K3
the formula:
Volume of ascorbic acid X 0.1%
Volume of fruit juice P
16. Repeat steps 7 to 15 with fruit juice Q and R. K4
17. All results are recorded in a table. K1

Presentation of Data
2(f) Able to draw a table based on the following aspects:
P1: MV; type of fruit juices // Juice P, Q and R
P2: RV: Volume to decolourise DCPIP solution / Content
/percentage of vitamin C

Sample answer:
Content /
Type of Volume of fruit juice to percentage
fruit juice decolourise 1cm3 of DCPIP of vitamin C
solution (cm3) (%)
1 2 Average

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