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SECTOR-3, Dwarka, cw Dclhi-ll0078.

Gazetted Holidays

15th August, 201 B -Indcpcndcncc Day (Wednesday)

zz-« August, 2018 -Id-UI-Zuha (Wednesday)
03rd September, 201!l - [anrnashtami (Monday)
21st September, 201B - Muharram (Friday)
02nd October, 201 B- - Gandhi [ayanti (Tuesday)
19th October, 201 B- -Dusschra (Friday)
07,h ovember,2018 - Diwali (Wednesday)
21st November,2018 -Milad-Un- abi (Wednesday)
23rd ovember,2018 -Curu Nanak Birthday (Friday)
25th December, 2018 -Christrnas Day (Tuesday)


Academic Session begins for Odd Semester-2018 Registration for III/V Semester students 30.07.2018·(Monday)

Commencement of classes [fo r III, V Semester Students) 31.07 .2018 (Tuesday)

--- ----- -----'------------ --- ---
Orientation/ Registration of 1st Sem. 01.0B.2018 to 04.08.2018
- - -- '-~--------- ---- -- - - -
Commcncement of classes [fo r I Semester Students) 06.08.2018 (Monday)
Registration for VII Semester students _ 10.08.2018 (Friday)
Commencemcnt of classes (for VII Semester Students) 13.08.2018(Monday)
--- - --- ---- -
First Class test, (I, III & V Sem.) to be con~uctc9 by Instructors during normaI..c1a~s timc 20.08.2018 to 24.08.2018
- - - --
Mid-Scmcster Examination I,III,V & VII Semester 13.09.2018 to 20.09.2018
------_. - - --
I NOVISION 11.10.2018to 13.10.2018
-- -
Display of Mid Scm.Answcr sheets/marks _ 05.10.2018 (Friday)
Second class test,' Lab. Test, to bc conducted by II~structol's during normal class tim~ 15.10.2018 to 18.10.2018
- - -
Teaching ends for ODD Semester 09.11.2018 (Fri~ay)
Buffer Days 12.11.20Ulto 13.11.2018
-- --
Practical Examinations 14.11.2018 to 17.11.2018
-----------------1 --- - --- -. -
End Semester Theory Examination 19.11.2018 to 30.11.201B
Rest of Practical Examination (Tentative) -----1---=-0-:-1-:.1-=2. 2-0-1-8-t~-0-B-.12~2
0 IS -
-----------------+-=2-:1-.1'-:1.20-1-8-to--15-.-122-0-18- -
Central Evaluation
--- -- ---
Wintcr Vacation 17.12.2018 to 30.12.2018
-" - ~-
Institute reopens after Winter vacation & Registration for (II, IV & VI) Semester] 31.12.2018 (Monday)
- -- -
Institute reopens after Winter vacation & Rcgistration for (VIII) To be declared
Note: (i) Wednesday Time Table to be followed on 27.08.2018
(ii) Wednesday Time Table to be followed on 25.09.2018
(iii)In case of an unforeseen holiday, Saturday will be converted in to a working day.
(iv) In the event of change in the date of holiday announced by the Govt. of Delhi, the Institute shall observe
the holiday accordingly, and the working day created in lieu will works as per the timetable of the day of
this holiday.
(v) 8'" and 9'" ov. may be declared holiday for faculty/academic staff/students and two Saturdays during the
semester will be declared as working days. /

Copy to:
1. /\11J)ean's/IlOJ)'s
2. Registrar
3 Supdt. (Theory /Pracucal)
1. Time Table In-charge
s. Dy. Registrar (/\/cs.)
6. (/\dmn.), with request to calculate the 1':i1rned leave of Faculty leaves of l'aculty according to vacation period.
7. Co-ordmator, CIMS-Wilh the request to place Academic Calendar for I3.E.ODD Semester 2UlU on the
lnxt.itutc website.
B. /\11faculty members
9. /\11 Notice Boards
I U. /\H LO Director

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