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Part 2 activity X

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Some of the important characteristics of Primary Group are as follows:

To have a clear understanding of primary group, it is necessary to analyze its
characteristics. The members of a primary group directly co-operate with each other and
there exists intimate and personal relationship among them. This intimacy of
relationship based on the following characteristics. Famous sociologists Prof. K. Davis
divide these characteristics as internal and external. These are as follows:
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(A) External Characteristics:

The external characteristics are the physical conditions of primary group. One can
observe this characteristic from the outside. These are essential for the formation of
primary group. Davis opines that mainly there are three physical conditions or external
characteristics such as:

(1) Small Size:


Primary group is very small in size because it consists of less number of individuals.
Because of small size members know each other personally and intimate relationship
can be established among them. The smaller is the size the greater is the intimacy
among the members. Small size also leads to better understanding among the members.
Large size affects intimate and personal relationship among the members.

(2) Physical Proximity:

Physical proximity or closeness among the members is another important and essential
characteristic of a primary group. Personal, Close and intimate relationship could be
possible only when members are physically close to each other. Face to face relations,
seeing and talking with each other makes exchange of ideas, thoughts and opinions easy.
Repeated meeting strengthens close relationships among the members. Though physical
closeness leads to the development of primary group still it is not an essential feature of
primary group. Because intimacy of relationship may not develop among people living
in close proximity due to difference in age, sex, language etc. on the other hand it may
develop over long distances by different means of communication.

(3) Stability or durability of Relationship:

It is another important external characteristic of a primary group. To develop close,
intimate and personal relationship among the members primary group should be stable.
Besides the relationship among the members of a primary group are durable. Because
primary relations never ends. It is continuous in nature. This continuity of relationship
leads to close, intimate and personal relationship among the members.
(B) Internal Characteristics:
It is also known as the character of primary relations. These characteristics are related
to the inner part of primary relationship. These characteristics develop due to the
external characteristics. These are as follows:

(1) Similar Ends :


Members of primary groups have similar ends, desires, attitudes and goals. All the
members look towards the world through the same eye. They co-operate with each other
for the attainment of their common goal. Each and every member works towards the
welfare of the group. Interest of one became the interest of others. Pleasure and pain of
each member is shared by all. It creates a sense of awe-feeling and altruistic relationship
among the members. In this respect Prof. K. Davis remarked that child’s needs become
the mother’s ends.

(2) Similar Background :

The members of a primary group not only have physical closeness and similar ends but
also have similar background. They are brought up in a similar environment. They are
equally experienced and intelligent besides they are similar in many respects.

(3) Relationships is an end in itself:

Establishment of primary relationship is an end in itself. It is not a means to an end but
an end in itself. Primary relationship is valued for its own sake. Primary relationship is
the relationship of love and affection which is reflected in the relationship of mother and
the child. It is not lodged on selfish interest. Pleasure is the basis of primary
relationship. Primary relationship gives intrinsic pleasure to the individual as it is
voluntary and spontaneous in nature.

(4) Relationship is personal :

The relationship among the members of a primary group is not only close but also
personal. Each member knows each other personally and each one is interested in the
other. Primary relationship is not transferable because one can’t fill the absence of the
other. No one can take the place of our dead friend. This personal relationship found
among mother-child, husband-wife etc. This personal primary relationship is identified
through love and affection.
(5) Relationship is Inclusive :
Primary relationship is all inclusive because it includes all aspects of the personality of
the members. Here a person knows about others in detail and to the core. Nothing is
kept secret. Hence an individual in a primary relationship is not an abstraction. He is
treated as a complete human being. As each one knows the other fully primary
relationship became more real. No formality is found in primary relationship.

(6) Relationship is Spontaneous :

Primary relationship is spontaneous in nature. It grows automatically among members.
There is nothing like compulsion. Hence primary relationship is voluntary. No special
effort is made for the growth of primary relationship. This type of relationship found
between the mother and the child.

(7) Control over Members :

Primary group exercises maximum control over its members. This is possible due to the
fact that all the members of a primary group know each other personally. Because of this
control members of primary group perform their social role very effectively. This
prepare individuals to lead a successful social life.

(8) Individual Interest is subordinate to Group Interest:

Individual members join in a primary group to satisfy his own interest. But in a primary
group individual interest is subordinate to group interest. The common interest
predominates over individual interest. All the members work co-operatively to fulfill the
common interest in which their individual interest also got fulfilled.

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Part 3 activity xi

1. According to Ernst Fehr and Klaus M. Schmidt,April 1999,

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