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Original Research Paper

Multiple Sclerosis Journal—

Pain in AQP4-IgG-positive and MOG-IgG-positive Experimental, Translational
and Clinical

neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders July-September 2018, 1–12

DOI: 10.1177/
Susanna Asseyer, Felix Schmidt, Claudia Chien , Michael Scheel, Klemens Ruprecht,
! The Author(s), 2018.
Judith Bellmann-Strobl, Alexander U Brandt and Friedemann Paul Article reuse guidelines:
Background: Pain is a frequent symptom in aquaporin-4-immunoglobulin-G-positive neuromyelitis
optica spectrum disorders (AQP4-IgG-pos. NMOSD). Data on pain in myelin-oligodendrocyte-
glycoprotein-immunoglobulin-G autoimmunity with a clinical NMOSD phenotype (MOG-IgG-pos.
NMOSD) are scarce.
Objective: The objective of this paper is to investigate pain in MOG-IgG-pos. NMOSD, AQP4-IgG-pos.
NMOSD and NMOSD without AQP4/MOG-IgG detection (AQP4/MOG-IgG-neg. NMOSD).
Methods: Forty-nine MOG-IgG-pos. (n ¼ 14), AQP4-IgG-pos. (n ¼ 29) and AQP4/MOG-IgG-neg.
(n ¼ 6) NMOSD patients were included in this cross-sectional baseline analysis from an ongoing obser-
vational study. We identified spinal cord lesions on magnetic resonance imaging, assessed pain by the
painDETECT and McGill Pain questionnaires, quality of life by Short Form Health Survey, and depres-
sion by Beck Depression Inventory.
Results: Twelve MOG-IgG-pos. NMOSD patients (86%), 24 AQP4-IgG-pos. NMOSD patients (83%),
and all AQP4/MOG-IgG-neg. NMOSD patients (100%) suffered from pain. MOG-IgG-pos. NMOSD
patients had mostly neuropathic pain and headache; AQP4-IgG-pos. and AQP4/MOG-IgG-neg.
NMOSD patients had mostly neuropathic pain. A history of myelitis was less frequent in MOG-IgG-
pos. NMOSD than in AQP4-IgG-pos. NMOSD patients. Pain influenced quality of life in all patients.
Thirty-six percent of patients with pain received pain medication; none of them were free of pain.
Conclusions: Pain is a frequent symptom of patients with MOG-IgG-pos. NMOSD and is as important
as in AQP4-IgG-pos. and AQP4/MOG-IgG-neg. NMOSD. Despite its impact on quality of life, pain is
insufficiently alleviated by medication.

Keywords: Aquaporin 4 (AQP4), myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody (MOG), neuromyelitis

optica (NMO) spectrum disease (NMOSD), pain

Date received: 8 March 2018; Revised received 21 June 2018; accepted: 17 July 2018

Introduction immunoglobulin G antibodies (IgG) to the astrocytic Correspondence to:

Friedemann Paul,
Pain is one of the most frequent comorbidities of water channel aquaporin-4 (AQP4), to myelin oligo- NeuroCure Clinical Research

neurologic diseases and severely reduces the quality dendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) or in some cases Center, Charité–
Universit€atsmedizin Berlin,
of life (QoL) of affected patients. In the management without antibody proof.1,2 Currently, it is unclear Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin,

of patients with neuroinflammatory diseases, the whether MOG-IgG-positive NMOSD (MOG-IgG- Germany.
pos. NMOSD) is a disease entity of its own, defined
appropriate treatment of pain is a difficult challenge.
by the presence of anti-MOG-IgG and a clinical phe- Susanna Asseyer,
notype similar to AQP4-IgG-positive NMOSD NeuroCure Clinical Research
Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD) Center, Charité–
(AQP4-IgG-pos. NMOSD). Consequently, some Universit€atsmedizin Berlin,
are inflammatory autoimmune diseases of the central
authors recognize both diseases as separate disease corporate member of Freie
nervous system (CNS) associated with

Creative Commons Non Commercial CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0
License ( which permits non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further
permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (
Multiple Sclerosis Journal—Experimental, Translational and Clinical

Universit€at Berlin, entities based on different cellular pathologies,3 for NMOSD and were negative for anti-MOG-IgG
Humboldt-Universit€at zu
Berlin, and Berlin Institute of while others describe them as different forms of a and anti-AQP4-IgG. Three patients were not includ-
Health, Germany larger disease spectrum, usually under the NMOSD ed in the analysis because of a diagnosis of antibody-
Felix Schmidt, umbrella, based on a similar clinical phenotype char- negative isolated longitudinally extensive transverse
NeuroCure Clinical Research
Center, Charité– acterized by relapsing optic neuritis and/or extensive myelitis without fulfilling NMOSD diagnostic crite-
Universit€atsmedizin Berlin, transverse myelitis leading to blindness, weakness,
corporate member of Freie
ria or positive MOG-IgG testing. One patient was
Universit€at Berlin, numbness, cognitive impairment, and pain.4,5 excluded because of incomplete pain assessment.
Humboldt-Universit€at zu
Berlin, and Berlin Institute of
The resulting female-to-male ratio of 2.5:1 in the
Health, Germany Systematic studies of pain syndromes associated MOG-IgG-pos. and of 9:1 in the AQP4-IgG-pos.
Department of Neurology, with NMOSD are relatively scarce and have so far
NMOSD patients corresponds to previous data in
Berlin, corporate member of been limited to AQP4-IgG-positive or AQP4-IgG- the literature.1,4,11,12 Demographic data, Expanded
Freie Universit€at Berlin, negative NMOSD.6–10 Here, we systematically Disability Status Scale (EDSS), and health-related
Humboldt-Universit€at zu
Berlin, and Berlin Institute of study pain syndromes of patients suffering from quality of life (hr-QoL) assessment scores were sim-
Health, Germany MOG-IgG-pos. NMOSD, contribute to the literature ilar between MOG-IgG-pos. and AQP4-IgG-pos.
Claudia Chien, on pain syndromes of patients with AQP4-IgG-pos.
Michael Scheel, NMOSD patients (Table 1).
NeuroCure Clinical Research and AQP4/MOG-IgG-neg. NMOSD, and provide a
Center, Charité–
Universit€atsmedizin Berlin,
comparison of pain syndromes and QoL aspects in Clinical data
corporate member of Freie MOG-IgG-pos. and AQP4-IgG-pos. NMOSD. We recorded immunotherapies and pain medication
Universit€at Berlin,
Humboldt-Universit€at zu
including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,
Berlin, and Berlin Institute of
Methods anticonvulsants, tricyclic antidepressants, atypical
Health, Germany
antidepressants, selective serotonin norepinephrine
Klemens Ruprecht,
Department of Neurology, Ethics, study protocol and patient sample reuptake inhibitors, selective serotonin reuptake
Data are derived from the baseline visit of an ongo- inhibitors and muscle relaxants. Every patient had
Berlin, corporate member of
Freie Universit€at Berlin, ing observational study that is following patients a medical interview by a trained neurologist about
Humboldt-Universit€at zu
with AQP4-IgG-pos. NMOSD and related disorders. clinical history and underwent a neurological exam-
Berlin, and Berlin Institute of
Health, Germany The study was approved by the ethics committee of ination determining the EDSS.
Judith Bellmann-Strobl, the Charité–Universit€atsmedizin Berlin, Germany
NeuroCure Clinical Research All scales used in this study are established measure-
Center, Charité–
(EA1/041/14) and conducted according to the 1964
Universit€atsmedizin Berlin, Declaration of Helsinki in its currently applicable ments for pain7,13,14 and hr-QoL6,7,9,13,15 both in
corporate member of Freie multiple sclerosis and in NMOSD.
Universit€at Berlin,
version. All participants provided written informed
Humboldt-Universit€at zu consent prior to inclusion.
Berlin, and Berlin Institute of Pain assessment
Health, Germany
Experimental and Clinical Inclusion criteria for this analysis were diagnosis of Pain was recorded whenever a patient reported via
Research Center, Max
NMOSD according to the international consensus the painDETECT questionnaire (PDQ) either current
Delbrück Center for
Molecular Medicine and diagnostic criteria for NMOSD 20151 or positive pain or pain within the previous four weeks.
Berlin, corporate member of
proof of anti-MOG-IgG associated with a demyelin-
Freie Universit€at Berlin, ating disease of the CNS with a clinical phenotype Neuropathic pain is pain caused by a lesion or dis-
Humboldt-Universit€at zu
equivalent to NMOSD diagnosis criteria in patients ease affecting the somatosensory system.16 We clas-
Berlin, and Berlin Institute of
Health, Germany over 18 years of age.2 Anti-MOG-IgG was detected sified pain as neuropathic if sensory signs
Alexander U Brandt, by a live cell-based assay using HEK293A cells corresponding to the affected nervous structure
NeuroCure Clinical Research were examined, and if the magnetic resonance imag-
Center, Charité– transfected with full-length human MOG and was
Universit€atsmedizin Berlin, confirmed by means of a commercial fixed-cell ing (MRI) confirmed a corresponding CNS lesion.16
corporate member of Freie
Universit€at Berlin, based assay with HEK293 cells transfected with
Humboldt-Universit€at zu full-length human MOG (Euroimmun, Lübeck, We administered the PDQ to ask about pain locali-
Berlin, and Berlin Institute of
Health, Germany Germany).2,4 We treated MOG-IgG positivity as zation and current and previous pain. The PDQ sup-
Friedemann Paul, equivalent to positive AQP4-IgG for fulfilling the ports the discrimination of neuropathic and
NeuroCure Clinical Research diagnostic criteria. nociceptive pain by seven questions about pain qual-
Center, Charité–
Universit€atsmedizin Berlin,
ity. Each quality is rated from 0 to 5 so a maximum
corporate member of Freie At the time of screening, our database contained 53 subscale score of 35 can be reached. A PDQ-score of
Universit€at Berlin,
Humboldt-Universit€at zu baseline visits. Forty-nine patients were included in 12 or higher is indicative of neuropathic pain,14,17
Berlin, and Berlin Institute of the analysis. Of these, 14 patients suffered from but was not used as a deciding diagnostic criterion.
Health, Germany
Department of Neurology, MOG-IgG-pos. NMOSD and 29 patients from Similar to previous findings,18 the sensitivity of the
Charité–Universit€atsmedizin AQP4-IgG-pos. NMOSD.1 Six patients fulfilled the PDQ compared to the clinical diagnosis of neuro-
Berlin, corporate member of
2015 International Panel for NMO Diagnosis criteria pathic pain was only 70%.

Table 1. Demographics, clinical data and assessment.
p value
Demography, clinical MOG-IgG-pos. AQP4-IgG-pos. AQP4-IgG-pos. AQP4/MOG-IgG-neg.
data, assessment NMOSD patients NMOSD patients NMOSD patients NMOSD patients
N of patients (f/m) (ratio) 14 (10/4) (2.5:1) 29 (26/3) (9:1) 0.19 6 (5/1) (5:1)
Age (years) 46 (21–79) 50 (20–72) 0.47 53 (24–71)
Disease duration (years) 5.5 (4.09) (0.3–15.04) 7.8 (6.83) (0.48–28.08) 0.147 8.24 (6.2) (0.28–22.36)
EDSS (0–10) 2 (1–6) 3.5 (0-7) 0.094 3.25 (2.5–5)
Immunotherapies (n) 11 25 5
Azathioprine 2 5 1
Belimumab 0 1 0
Glatiramer acetate 0 1 1
Mycophenolate mofetil 0 1 1
Prednisolone 1 0 0
Rituximab 8 16 1
Teriflunomide 0 0 1
Tocilizumab 0 1 0
No treatment 3 4 1
VAS General Health (0–100) 47.50 (51.50) (5–76) 40.45 (35.00) (0–100) 0.403 52.50 (58) (17–72)
VAS Fatigue (0–100) 46.83 (55.50) (0–76) 40.17 (40.00) (0–100) 0.506 53.83 (54.00) (33–76)
SF-36: PCS (84.15 (90) (0–100)) 43.47 (41.41) (21.49–57.62) 40.50 (43.16) (16.58–57.52) 0.506 38.50 (37.16) (19.51–55.38)
SF-36: MCS (74.74 (80) (0–100)) 43.55 (41.18) (27.30–58.99) 46.38 (49.36) (18.67–60.64) 0.403 46.76 (49.74) (35.97–52.95)
BDI-II (0–63) 8.93 (6.5) (0–25) 9.31 (8) (0–26) 0.678 15.67 (15) (6–24)
Grades (n)
No depression (0–9) 9 17 1
Minimal depression (10–19) 3 9 3
Moderate depression (20–29) 2 3 2
Severe depression (30–63) 0 0 0

AQP4-IgG-pos.: aquaporin-4-immunoglobulin-G-positive; BDI-II: Beck Depression Inventory II; EDSS: Expanded Disability Status Scale; f/m: female/male; MCS: Mental
Component Summary; MOG-IgG-pos.: myelin-oligodendrocyte-glycoprotein-immunoglobulin-G-positive; N, n: number; NMOSD: neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder;
PCS: Physical Component Summary; SF-36: Short Form 36 Health Survey; VAS: visual analog scale.
Age, EDSS: median, (range); others: mean, (median), (range); p values: Mann-Whitney U test.
this work.
Health, Germany
Health, Germany

Delbrück Center for

Research Center, Max

Freie Universit€at Berlin,

Freie Universit€at Berlin,

Molecular Medicine and

Humboldt-Universit€at zu
Humboldt-Universit€at zu

Experimental and Clinical

equally as senior authors of

A.U.B. and F.P. contributed
Berlin, corporate member of
Asseyer et al.

Berlin, and Berlin Institute of
Berlin, and Berlin Institute of
Multiple Sclerosis Journal—Experimental, Translational and Clinical

In the McGill Pain Questionnaire (MGQ), patients patients, and the Pearson correlation test to explore
describe their pain experience with up to 20 words the relationships between the dependent measure of
from a list of 78 words, categorized as sensory- pain intensity and the independent variables of SF-
discriminative to describe the sense of intensity, 36, VAS and BDI-II. All tests were two tailed and
location and duration of pain, as motivational- significance was set as p < 0.05. Data derived from
affective to describe unpleasantness, and as AQP4/MOG-IgG-neg. NMOSD patients are descrip-
cognitive-evaluative to describe cognitions such as tively listed because of the low sample size. All sta-
appraisal. The chosen words map onto a rating index tistical analyses have explorative character and
ranging from 0 to 78 with higher values meaning should be interpreted as statistical tendency.
worse pain.19
MOG-IgG-pos. NMOSD patients suffered consider-
We measured hr-QoL with the Short Form 36 Health
ably from pain. Pain frequency, intensity, pain type,
Survey (SF-36). A Physical and a Mental
pain localization and frequency of pain treatment
Component Summary (PCS/MCS) were calculated
were comparable to AQP4-IgG-pos. NMOSD
using norm-based attaining values from 0 (worst)
patients (Tables 2 and 3). Twelve out of 14 MOG-
to 100 (best).20
IgG-pos. NMOSD patients (86%) indicated via the
PDQ that they suffer from pain. Average pain inten-
Self-reported effect of general health and fatigue
sity was mild; one patient (7%) suffered from severe
was acquired by visual analog scales (VAS) asking
pain. According to medical interview, clinical exam-
in German, “How strong is your fatigue/impairment
ination, and MRI, five MOG-IgG-pos. NMOSD
of general health?” labeled with “no fatigue/
patients suffered from neuropathic pain (41.6%),
impairment” as the starting point and “unbearable
whereas only three patients had a PDQ score >12.
fatigue/impairment” as the end point. The different
Six MOG-IgG-pos. NMOSD patients reported
positions are related to numbers between 0 (best)
mainly headache/neck pain (50%). Pain types com-
and 100 (worst).21
prised retrobulbar pain (n ¼ 2), tension headache in
To evaluate depressive symptoms, we administered association with recurrent optic neuritis (n ¼ 1),
the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II). It contains occipital neuralgia (n ¼ 1) and cervicogenic head-
21 questions with a score from 0 (best) to 63 (worst) ache (n ¼ 2). Three patients additionally suffered
(0–9: nondepressive affect; 10–19: minimal mood from migraine, which was aggravated in two of
disturbance; 20–29:moderate depression; 30 and them in the context of MOG-IgG-pos. NMOSD.
above: severe depression).22
All MOG-IgG-pos. NMOSD patients who received
MRI pain medication reported pain and tended to have
MRI was performed with a Siemens 3-Tesla stronger pain than those without pain-
Magnetom Trio scanner (Erlangen, Germany). relieving treatment.
A neuroradiologist (M.S.) reviewed scans of the
brain (three-dimensional (3D) fluid-attenuated inver- Similar to the pain frequency among MOG-IgG-pos.
sion recovery, 1 mm isotropic resolution, repetition NMOSD patients, 24 out of 29 AQP4-IgG-pos.
time (TR)/echo time (TE)/inversion time (TI) ¼ NMOSD patients (83%) suffered from pain. The
6000/388/2100 ms) and spinal cord (T2-weighted average pain intensity was mild. However, four
sagittal, 3 mm slice thickness, TR/TE ¼ 3500/101 AQP4-IgG-pos. NMOSD patients (14%) suffered
ms) to detect residual lesions to confirm or reject from severe pain. Nineteen AQP4-IgG-pos.
the diagnosis of neuropathic pain. NMOSD patients were diagnosed with neuropathic
pain (82.6%). Among these, 17 patients had a PDQ-
Statistical analysis score indicating probable neuropathic pain. Five
We carried out all statistical analyses using IBM AQP4-IgG-pos. NMOSD patients suffered mainly
SPSS Statistics version 22.0 software (IBM, from headache/neck pain (21.7%). Headache types
Armonk, NY, USA). Demographic and clinical char- comprised tension headache (n ¼ 3) that occurred in
acteristics are shown as means plus standard devia- two patients as a primary symptom of the NMOSD,
tion and as range or counts. We performed the occipital neuralgia (n ¼ 1) and cervicogenic head-
Mann-Whitney U test to compare ordinal data, the ache (n ¼ 1). Eight AQP4-IgG-pos. NMOSD
Fisher exact test to compare binary data between patients with pain who received pain medication
MOG-IgG-pos. and AQP4-IgG-pos. NMOSD still reported pain. Present pain intensity

Table 2. Demographics, clinical data, and assessment subject to pain.
MOG-IgG-pos. NMOSD patients AQP4-IgG-pos. NMOSD patients p value NMOSD patients

p value p value AQP4-IgG-pos.
Demographics, clinical Patients with/ Patients with/ NMOSD
data, assessment With paina Without pain without pain With paina Without pain without pain patients with pain With paina

N of patients (f/m) 12 (9/3) 2 (1/1) 1 24 (21/3) 5 (5/0) 0.309 6 (5/1)

Age (years) 46 (21–79) 41 (34–48) 0.659 50 (20–71) 40 (31–72) 0.758 0.436 53 (24–71)
EDSS (0–10) 2.25 (1–6) 2 (2) 0.473 3.5 (0–7) 2.5 (1.5–4) 0.382 0.112 3.25 (2.5–5)
History of myelitis, n 8 2 22 5 1 0.009b 6
Pain type, n (%)
Neuropathic pain 5 (41.67%) 19 (79.17%) 0.198 5 (83.33%)
Headache/Neck pain 5 (41.67%) 5 (20.83%) 0.252 2 (33.33%)
Musculoskeletal 0 0 NA 1 (16.67%)
Spasticity 1 (8.33%) 3 (12.50%) 1 1 (16.67%)
Increased tone 3 (25.0%) 7 (29.17%) 0.376 2 (33.33%)
Othersb 2 (16.67%) 4 (16.67%) 1 1 (16.67%)
Pain medication, n (%) 4 (33.33%) 9 (37.50%) 0.702 3 (50.0%)
>1 pain medication 0 4 (16.67%) 1 1 (16.67%)
NSAID 1 2 0
Opioids 0 3 0
Anticonvulsants 1 7 3
Antidepressants 0 2 1
Muscle relaxants 1 1 0
VAS General Health (0–100) 47.50 (51.50) (5–76) NA NA 43.29 (35) (3–100) 26.8 (21) (0–51) 0.270 0.679 52.50 (58) (17–72)
VAS Fatigue (0–100) 46.83 (55.50) (0–76) NA NA 43.29 (44.50) (1–100) 25.2 (20) (0–66) 0.145 0.753 53.83 (54) (33–76)
SF-36 PCS 42.27 (40.98) 56.64 (56.64) 0.333 39.92 (44.27) 43.23 (43.16) 0.518 0.687 38.49 (37.16)
(84.15 (90) (0–100)) (21.49–57.62) (56.64) (16.58–56.58) (30.20–57.52) (19.51–55.38)
SF-36 MCS 42.48 (39.07) 55.18 (55.18) 0.667 45.25 (46.46) 51.77 (50.77) 0.201 0.430 46.76 (49.74)
(74.74 (80) (0–100)) (27.30–58.99) (55.18) (18.67–60.64) (45.17–56.86) (35.97–52.95)
BDI-II (0–63) 10.33 (7) 1–25 0.5 (0.5) (0–1) 0.022b 10.04 (8) 0–26 5.8 (4) (1–14) 0.245 1 15.67 (15) 6–24

AQP4-IgG-pos.: aquaporin-4-immunoglobulin-G-positive; BDI-II: Beck Depression Inventory II; EDSS: Expanded Disability Status Scale; f/m: female/male; MCS: Mental
Component Summary; MOG-IgG-pos.: myelin-oligodendrocyte-glycoprotein-immunoglobulin-G-positive; N, n: number; NMOSD: neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder;
NSAID: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; PCS: Physical Component Summary; SF-36: Short Form 36 Health Survey; VAS: visual analog scale.
Patients suffering from present pain or pain during the last four weeks.
Connective tissue disease, arthralgia of unknown origin, vasculitis; Age, EDSS: median, (range); others: mean, (median), (range); p value: Fisher exact test for pain type, pain
medication; p value others: Mann-Whitney U test; Significant p values are indicated in bold.
Asseyer et al.

Table 3. Pain intensity affecting general health and fatigue in relation to pain medication.
MOG-IgG-pos. AQP4-IgG-pos. NMOSD
NMOSD patients with pain patients with pain Pain med No pain med

p value
Pain intensity affecting p value p value MOG-IgG-pos./
general health Pain med/no Pain med/no AQP4-IgG-pos.
and fatigue Pain meda No pain medb pain med Pain med No pain med pain med NMOSD patients with pain

N of patients 4 (33.33%) 8 (66.67%) 9 (37.5%) 15 (62.5%)

Present pain intensity 3.25 (2.5) (1–7) 1.222 (0) (0–5) 0.148 4.56 (5) (0–7) 1.94 (0) (0–7) 0.025a 0.503 0.664
Grades: n (%)
None (0) 0 3 (25%) 1 (4.17%) 5 (20.83%)
Multiple Sclerosis Journal—Experimental, Translational and Clinical

Mild (1–4) 3 (25%) 3 (25%) 3 (12.5%) 6 (25%)

Moderate (5–6) 0 1 (8.33%) 3 (12.5%) 1 (4.17%)
Severe (7–10) 1 (8.33%) 0 (one missing) 2 (8.33%) 2 (8.33%) (one missing)
Most intense pain: last 5.25 (5.5) (2–8) 3.67 (4) (0–8) 0.414 6.56 (7) (3–8) 3.72 (3.5) (0–9) 0.041b 0.604 1
four weeks (0–10)
Average pain: last four 3.5 (3.5) (1–6) 1.89 (1) (0–5) 0.199 4.56 (5) (0–9) 2.56 (2.5) (0–7) 0.118 0.710 0.561
weeks (0–10)
VAS General Health 65.25 (69.5) (46–76) 38.63 (30.5) (5–72) 0.048a 47.0 (35) (3–100) 37.5 (33.5) (0–75) 0.472 0.330 1
VAS Fatigue (0–100) 67.25 (68.5) (58–74) 36.63 (37.5) (0–76) 0.154 53.67 (59) (6–100) 34.1 (24.0) (0–78) 0.069 0.503 0.823

AQP4-IgG-pos.: aquaporin-4-immunoglobulin-G-positive; MOG-IgG-pos.: myelin-oligodendrocyte-glycoprotein-immunoglobulin-G-positive; N, n: number; NMOSD: neuro-

myelitis optica spectrum disorder; VAS: visual analog scale.
Mean (median) (range), p values: Mann-Whitney U test.
Pain med: patients under pain with pain medication.
No pain med: patients under pain without pain medication. Significant p values are indicated in bold.
Asseyer et al.

(p ¼ 0.025) and maximal pain intensity in the previ- patients compared to AQP4-IgG-pos. NMOSD
ous four weeks (p ¼ 0.041) were higher in patients patients with pain had similar depression scores
with pain medication than in those without. Detailed (p > 0.999). Five MOG-IgG-pos. NMOSD patients
results of the PDQ are shown in Supplementary (36%) and 12 AQP4-IgG-pos. NMOSD patients
Table 1. Table 3 provides details on pain intensity (42%) suffered from mild or moderate depression
and hr-QoL subject to pain medication. according to the BDI-II (Table 1). MOG-IgG-pos.
NMOSD patients with pain had higher depression
Pain intensity had a substantial impact on patients’ scores than those without pain (p ¼ 0.022). Table 2
well-being. Present pain intensity was correlated displays the BDI-II results in patients with and with-
with higher depression scores in MOG-IgG-pos. out pain.
NMOSD patients (p ¼ 0.001) and with emotional
affect (measured with MCS) both in MOG-IgG- During assessment, all patients were stable; none of
pos. NMOSD (p ¼ 0.047) and in AQP4-IgG-pos. them had an acute relapse. The different clinical
NMOSD patients (p ¼ 0.031). With growing pain phenotypes were the following: Both of the MOG-
intensity, the latter showed moreover a stronger IgG-pos. NMOSD patients without pain and two
effect on general health (p < 0.001), PCS MOG-IgG-pos. NMOSD patients with pain had a
(p ¼ 0.008) and fatigue (p < 0.001) (Supplementary history of recurrent myelitis and optic neuritis. Six
Table 1). Thus, MOG-IgG-pos. and AQP4-IgG-pos. MOG-IgG-pos. NMOSD patients with pain had a
NMOSD patients were similar with respect to differ- history of recurrent optic neuritis without history
ent quantitative and qualitative aspects of pain as of myelitis, three MOG-IgG-pos. NMOSD patients
well as to related aspects of their hr-QoL.
with pain had a history of one-time (n ¼ 2) or recur-
rent (n ¼ 1) myelitis without history of optic neuritis.
To describe their pain experience, MOG-IgG-pos.
Of the latter one patient additionally had a history of
and AQP4-IgG-pos. NMOSD patients chose differ-
encephalitis and one patient a history of brainstem
ent words within the MGQ, but the number of
syndrome. One MOG-IgG-pos. NMOSD patient
chosen words, and the pain intensity in all catego-
with pain had a clinical presentation of one episode
ries, were similar. The cognitive-evaluative compo-
of atypical facial pain and one episode of crani-
nent was the most affected. MOG-IgG-pos. NMOSD
patients described their pain experience in the MGQ al allodynia.
mainly by the sensory-discriminative word
Twelve AQP4-IgG-pos. NMOSD patients with pain
“throbbing” (50%), by the motivational-affective
word “punishing” (62.5%) and by the cognitive- had a clinical history of recurrent myelitis and optic
evaluative word “annoying” (50%). AQP4-IgG- neuritis. Three of them additionally had a history of
pos. NMOSD patients described their pain quality brainstem syndrome. Two AQP4-IgG-pos. NMOSD
mainly by the sensory-discriminative words patients with pain had a history of recurrent (n ¼ 2)
“flashing” (55.6%), “pricking” (61.11%) and optic neuritis without history of myelitis, 10 AQP4-
“tingling” (62.5%). A detailed evaluation of MGQ IgG-pos. NMOSD patients with pain had a history of
is provided in Supplementary Table 2. one-time (n ¼ 1) or recurrent (n ¼ 9) myelitis with-
out history of optic neuritis. One of them had an
MOG-IgG-pos. and AQP4-IgG-pos. NMOSD episode of area postrema syndrome and one of
patients showed a similar effect on their hr-QoL. them had a history of brainstem syndrome.
As expected, all patient groups showed impaired
mental and physical function in the SF-36 survey Five AQP4-IgG-pos. NMOSD patients without pain
(Table 1). There was no difference between MOG- had a clinical history of recurrent myelitis and optic
IgG-pos. and AQP4-IgG-pos. NMOSD patients neuritis (n ¼ 3) or myelitis without history of optic
(PCS: p ¼ 0.687; MCS: p ¼ 0.430). Both groups neuritis (n ¼ 2).
indicated a clear effect on general health and fatigue
(Tables 1 and 2). MOG-IgG-pos. NMOSD patients Three AQP4/MOG-IgG-neg. NMOSD patients had a
with pain-relieving treatment reported a higher history of recurrent myelitis and optic neuritis. Two
impairment of general health than those without AQP4/MOG-IgG-neg. NMOSD patients had a histo-
pain medication (p ¼ 0.048; Table 3). Both MOG- ry of one-time optic neuritis without history of mye-
IgG-pos. NMOSD patients without pain did not par- litis and one AQP4/MOG-IgG-neg. NMOSD patient
ticipate in the VAS, while one of them also did not had a history of myelitis and area post-
participate in the SF-36. MOG-IgG-pos. NMOSD rema syndrome. 7
Multiple Sclerosis Journal—Experimental, Translational and Clinical

A clinical history of myelitis occurred less frequent- relationships to myelitis attacks are illustrated in
ly in MOG-IgG-pos. NMOSD patients than in Figures 1 and 2.
AQP4-IgG-pos. NMOSD patients (p ¼ 0.009). All
patients with neuropathic pain showed residual Current immunomodulatory treatment is listed in
spinal cord lesions, whereas other pain types Table 1. Four MOG-IgG-pos. NMOSD patients
occurred independently from former myelitis (33%) and nine AQP4-IgG-pos. NMOSD patients
attacks. The respective pain types and their (37.5%) had a pain treatment, whereas the majority

Figure 1. Flowchart illustrating current pain conditions in MOG-IgG-pos. NMOSD patients with and without a history of
myelitis. n: number of patients; MOG-IgG-pos.: myelin-oligodendrocyte-glycoprotein-immunoglobulin-G-positive;
NMOSD: neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder. *Others: connective tissue disease, arthralgia of unknown
origin, vasculitis.

Figure 2. Flowchart of current pain conditions in AQP4-IgG-pos. NMOSD patients with and without a history of
myelitis. AQP4-IgG-pos.: aquaporin-4-immunoglobulin-G-positive; n: number of patients; NMOSD: neuromyelitis optica
spectrum disorder. *Others: connective tissue disease, arthralgia of unknown origin, vasculitis.

Asseyer et al.

of the patients with pain did not have any pain med- et al.,2 we show that APQ4-IgG-pos. NMOSD
ication. All patients undergoing pain treatment still patients had a higher incidence of clinical myelitis
suffered from pain. Table 2 provides a list of the compared to MOG-IgG-pos. NMOSD patients.
different pain medication classes.
Under healthy conditions AQP4 is coexpressed with
Discussion excitatory amino acid transporter 2. Loss of AQP4 in
MOG-IgG-pos. NMOSD patients suffer from pain at NMOSD may lead to an excessive accumulation of
a frequency comparable to AQP4-IgG-pos. NMOSD glutamate in the extracellular space, interrupting the
patients. The high prevalence of pain in more than glutamine-glutamate-GABA axis. This may disrupt
80% of AQP4-IgG-pos. NMOSD is consistent with the balance between excitation and inhibition in
previous findings.6,7,9 nociceptive pathways23 and lead to neuropathic
pain in AQP4-IgG-pos. NMOSD.
Frequent pain syndromes in NMOSD include neuro-
pathic pain, spasticity-associated pain, musculoskel- Whereas MOG-IgG-pos. NMOSD patients charac-
etal pain and headache.10,23,24 These pain syndromes terized their pain experience mainly as throbbing,
were equally present in our cohort of MOG-IgG-pos. punishing and annoying, AQP4-IgG-pos. NMOSD
NMOSD patients. Moreover, we included patients patients described it as flashing, pricking and
with pain due to coexisting autoimmune-modulated tingling. The more affective words used by
diseases such as connective tissue disease and vas- MOG-IgG-pos. NMOSD patients might reflect the
culitis as they may jointly emerge with and may be important influence of pain on their state of mind.
causally linked to NMOSD.1,4 MOG-IgG-pos. NMOSD patients with pain also
showed a stronger impairment by depression than
Different dominant pain qualities between the those without pain, as well as a positive correlation
groups might be generated by different underlying between pain intensity and depression grade, indicat-
pathophysiological mechanisms in MOG-IgG-pos. ing a possible interaction of pain and mood
and AQP4-IgG-pos. NMOSD. disorders. Both symptoms are known to make the
emergence and exacerbation of the other symptom
Under healthy conditions the neuropeptide nerve more likely.30 Furthermore, differences in descrip-
growth factor (NGF) has a high affinity to tropomy- tive words could be related to the more common
osin receptor kinase A (TrkA). TrkA is expressed on diagnosis of headaches in the MOG-IgG-pos.
unmyelinated nociceptive axons of the spinal cord NMOSD patients. To our knowledge, however, a
and regulates synaptic strength and plasticity of sen- predominance of certain words to describe headache
sory neurons.25 NGF has a high affinity to bind compared to other pain conditions is not provided in
MOG, thus loss of MOG by antibody-mediated the literature. All patients showed a clear impair-
destruction in MOG-IgG-pos. NMOSD may cause ment of general health and strong restrictions
abundant NGF-concentrations in the CNS. This caused by fatigue.31 MOG-IgG-pos. NMOSD
might lead to aberrant sprouting of unmyelinated patients with pain reported a higher impairment by
nociceptive fibers in the posterolateral tract of the fatigue than those without pain. This may be a neu-
spinal cord,26 causing chronic neuropathic pain. ropsychological effect whereby chronic pain could
Depending on the level of the lesion, this process exhaust the patient and lead to fatigue. It could also
could lead to occipital neuralgia or to more distal be caused by a biochemical process, whereby
neuropathic pain syndromes. increased levels of cytokines present in neuroimmu-
nological diseases32 may contribute to the develop-
Furthermore, the brainstem is involved in up to one- ment of fatigue33,34 and pain.23 In addition, deep
third of MOG-IgG-pos. NMOSD patients.27 The gray matter pathology, cortical atrophy and axonal
brainstem is a critical region in the pathophysiology damage in the CNS are presumably involved in the
of migraine and trigeminal neuralgia.28,29 development of fatigue and chronic pain conditions
Cervicogenic headache can result from inflammato- in various diseases.35 Side effects of medication
ry lesions in the superior cervical spine leading to could also contribute to fatigue in pain patients.
musculoskeletal dysfunction.24
We show that pain intensity in all patient groups
In AQP4-IgG-pos. NMOSD the high frequency of correlated with physical and mental impairment of
spinal cord lesions might be a risk factor for neuro- the patient’s hr-QoL. In contrast, the EDSS did not
pathic pain.8,10 In line with recent data by Jarius differ between patients with and without pain. Pain 9
Multiple Sclerosis Journal—Experimental, Translational and Clinical

is not represented in the EDSS and therefore needs impact on the patients’ QoL is similar. Pain is cur-
to be carefully examined using patient medical his- rently insufficiently controlled by medication. Only
tory and specific evaluation tools. between one-third and one-half of patients receive
pain medication and among those, not one is perma-
In line with previous NMOSD studies,7 we show that nently free of pain. Therefore, it is important to sys-
MOG-IgG-pos. NMOSD patients with pain are cur- tematically record pain, to carefully distinguish
rently not effectively treated. Less than 40% of among different pain types, and to concentrate in
patients with pain in both diagnostic categories future research on effective pain management in
receive pain treatment, and even those were not patients suffering from NMOSD.
pain free. Pain intensity, impairment of general
health, and fatigue were even more severe in patients Acknowledgements
with pain treatment than in patients without. These We are grateful to Ivonne Hinz for excellent organization-
findings might indicate that patients who complain al assistance and to Susan Pikol and Cynthia Kraut for
about severe pain are more likely to receive pain MRI assistance.
medication than those who suffer from light pain;
however, it seems that pain treatment is not effective Conflict of Interests
in improving the patients’ QoL. The author(s) declared the following potential conflicts of
interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or
These alarming results show the necessity of publication of this article: S. Asseyer has nothing to
exploring the efficacy of a multimodal and multi- declare. F. Schmidt has received speaker honoraria from
disciplinary approach to pain management in Genzyme. C. Chien has nothing to declare. M. Scheel
MOG-IgG-pos. NMOSD as well as in AQP4-IgG- holds a patent for manufacturing of phantoms for comput-
pos. and AQP4/MOG-IgG-neg. NMOSD since ed tomography imaging with 3D printing technology and
pharmacologic interventions are currently insufficient. has received research support from the Federal Ministry of
Economics and Technology. K. Ruprecht has served on
Limitations scientific advisory boards for Sanofi-Aventis/Genzyme,
Novartis, and Roche; has received travel funding and/or
Results from single-center studies are not generaliz-
speaker honoraria from Bayer Healthcare, Biogen Idec,
able to a broader population, especially since sample
Merck Serono, Sanofi-Aventis/Genzyme, Teva
sizes are small. Nonetheless, the overlap of our Pharmaceuticals, Novartis, and the Guthy Jackson
results in NMOSD patients with previously pub- Charitable Foundation; is an academic editor for PLoS
lished data supports validity in a broader context. One; receives publishing royalties from Elsevier; and has
Patients who tested AQP4-IgG and MOG-IgG neg- received research support from Novartis, Merck Serono,
ative might show antibody positivity if tests were and the German Ministry of Education and Research. J.
more sensitive, but fulfill the current criteria for Bellmann-Strobl has received travel funding and speaking
antibody-negative NMOSD. Because of the small fees from Bayer Healthcare, Sanofi-Aventis/Genzyme,
number of AQP4/MOG-IgG-neg. NMOSD patients, Merck, and Teva Pharmaceuticals. A.U. Brandt has
we used descriptive data only and did not include served on the scientific advisory board for Biogen; has
them in statistical comparisons. Finally, our results received travel funding and/or speaker honoraria from
Novartis and Biogen; has patents pending for methods
do not allow any certain pathophysiologi-
and systems for foveal and optic nerve head morphometry,
cal conclusion.
perceptive visual computing-based postural control analy-
sis, MS serum biomarkers, and perceptive sleep motion
Conclusions analysis; has consulted for Nexus and Motognosis; and
Pain is a frequent and severe symptom of patients has received research support from Novartis Pharma,
suffering from MOG-IgG-pos., AQP4-IgG-pos. and Biogen Idec, BMWi, BMBF, and the Guthy Jackson
AQP4/MOG-IgG-neg. NMOSD. The vast majority Charitable Foundation. F. Paul serves on the scientific
of MOG-IgG-pos. and AQP4-IgG-pos. NMOSD advisory board for Novartis; has received speaker hono-
raria and travel funding from Bayer, Novartis, Biogen
patients suffer from pain. MOG-IgG-pos. NMOSD
Idec, Teva, Sanofi-Aventis/Genzyme, Merck Serono,
patients suffer from headache or neuropathic pain,
Alexion, Chugai, MedImmune, and Shire; is an academic
whereas AQP4-IgG-pos. NMOSD patients mostly editor for PLoS One; is an associate editor for Neurology

suffer from neuropathic pain. These findings might Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation; has consulted
be linked to different underlying pathophysiological for Sanofi Genzyme, Biogen Idec, MedImmune, Shire,
mechanisms in AQP4-IgG-pos. NMOSD patients, and Alexion; and has received research support from
causative for neuropathic pain. Both patient groups Bayer, Novartis, Biogen Idec, Teva, Sanofi-Aventis/
describe their pain experience differently, while its Genzyme, Alexion, Merck Serono, the German Research

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