Section A: Summative Assessment - I Subject:-Science

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Summative Assessment – I

Subject:- Science
Class: VIII

Section A
I. Very short answer questions (1×10=20)

1) What is irrigation?
2) What are weeds?
3) What are antibiotics?
4) Give any two examples of thermo plastic.
5) Can you store lemon pickle in an aluminum utensil?
6) List any two advantages of using CNG as fuels.
7) Name the petroleum product used for surfacing of roads.
8) Name the unit in which the calorific value of a fuel is expressed.
9) Which part of the cell contains organelles?
10) Where are chromosomes found in a cell?

II. Short answer type question – I (2×10=20)

11) Give the differences between a zygote and a foctus.

12) What is metamorphosis? Give example.
13) What do you understand by the term migration?
14) What will happen, if the habitat of an animal is disturbed?
15) List conditions under which combustion can take place?
16) What happen when, Dilute Sulphuric acid is poured on a copper plate?
17) Why is Saucepans handles are made of thermosetting plastics?
18) What are the major groups of micro-organisms?
19) Give 2 (two) example of each:
a) Kharif crop.
b) Rabi crop.
20) Differentiate between Flora and Fauna?

III. Short answer type question – II (3×5=15)

21) Explain how fertilizers are different from manure?

22) “Avoid plastics as far as possible”, Comment on this advice?
23) Describe the characteristics and uses as coke?
24) Compare LPG and wood as fuel?
25) Differentiate between internal fertilization and external fertilization?
IV. Long answer type question: (5×3=15)

26) Write a short notes on the following;

a) Cytoplasm
b) Nucleus of a cell
How can you contribute to the maintenance of green wealth of your locality? Make a list of at
least five actions to be taken by you.
27) Give reasons
a) Water is not used to control fires involving electrical equipment.
b) Copper cannot displace Zinc from its salt solution.

Write any 10 lines on the usefulness of microorganisms in our lives.

28) With a neat diagram, explain the process of formation of petroleum.

a) Make a labelled diagram of a candle flame.
b) Which zone of a flame does goldsmith use for melting gold and silver and whay?

Section B

I. Activity based MCQ (1×30=30)

29) Fuel must be heated to its ___________ before it starts burning.

a) room temperature
b) ignition temperature,
c) calorific value
d) All of the above.

30) Red Data Book contains a record of__________.

a) endemic species. c) extinct species.
b) endangered species. d) All of the above.
31) Amoeba has ____________.
a) definite shape c) regular shape
b) no definite shape d) irregular shape
32) A tadpole develops into an adult frog by the process of_____________.
a) budding
b) metamorphosis
c) fertilization
d) embedding
33) Animals like hen, frog, lizard, butterfly which lay egg are called _________animals.
a) Oviparous c) Fertilization
b) Viviparous d) Zygote
34) All organisms are found made up of smaller parts called ______________.
a) cells c) organs
b) tissues d) organs system
35) Endemic species are found
a) All areas c) particular area
b) zoological area d) natural habitat area
36) The substance that undergoes combustion is said to be________.
a) sapid combustion c) Fuel
b) spontaneous combustion d) None
37) Coal, Petroleum and natural gas are____________.
a) CNG c) Fossil fuel
b) Petroleum resources d) Cool tar
38) Metal reacts with acids to produce__________
a) Hydrogen gas c) Metal oxide
b) Hydroxides gas d) None
39) Which of the following can be beaten into thin sheet?
a) Sulphur c) Oxygen
b) Phosphorus d) Zinc
40) Which of the following statement is correct?
a) Some non – metals are c) All metals are ductile.
ductile. d) Generally, Metals are ductile.
b) All non – metals are ductile.
41) Rayon is different from synthetic fibres because
a) It has a silk like appearance
b) Its fibres can also be woven like those of natural fibres.
c) It is obtained from wood pulp
d) All of the above
42) Synthetic fibres are synthesised from raw material called ____________.
a) Polymer c) Polyester
b) Petro chemicals. d) Acrylic
43) Pick out the material which “cannot be recycled”.
a) Plastic toys c) Ball point pens.
b) Cooker handles. d) Carry bags
44) Yeast is used in the production of ____________.
a) Oxygen c) Alcohol
b) Hydrochloric acid d) Sugar
45) The process of conversion of sugar into alcohol is called___________.
a) Fermentation c) Infection
b) Moulding d) Nitrogen fixation.
46) Most common carrier of communicable diseases is___________.
a) Ant c) Housefly
b) Dragonfly d) Spider
47) Carrier of malaria – causing protozoan is ____________.
a) Cockroach
b) Housefly
c) Butterfly
d) Female Anopheles mosquito
48) The following is an antibiotic
a) Streptomycin c) Yeast
b) Alcohol d) Sodium bicarbonate
49) The same kind of plants grown and cultivated on a large scale at a place is called
a) Ploughts c) Threshing
b) Crop d) Fertilizer
50) Separation of the grains from the chaff is called _____________.
a) Irrigation c) Threshing
b) Weeds d) Fertilizer
51) The Calorific value of Coal is _____________.
a) 17000 – 22000 KJ/Kg c) 25000 – 30000 KJ/Kg
b) 5000 KJ/Kg d) 150000 KJ/Kg
52) Place where animals are protected in their nature habitat is ___________.
a) Biosphere c) Nation park
b) Ecosystem d) Sanctuary
53) The boundary of the Onion cell is the ___________.
a) Nucleus c) Cell membrane
b) Cell wall d) Cytoplasm
54) Fertile land gets converted into desert is called _____________.
a) Droughts c) Desertification
b) Floods d) Humus
55) Oxides of Sulphur and nitrogen dissolve in rain water and form acid, which is known as
a) Global warming c) Asthma
b) Acid rain d) Deforestation
56) Combustion in which the gas burns rapidly and produces heat and light is known as
a) Spontaneous combustion c) Rapid combustion
b) Combustion d) Explosion.
57) CNG stands for
a) Combustion Natural Gas c) Compressed Natural Gas
b) Commercial Natural Gas d) Common Natural Gas
58) The only metal which is found in liquid state at room temperature is ___________.
a) Mg c) Cu
b) Fe d) Hg

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