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Phase Transformation

Phase transformation
Phase transformation – Formation of a new phase having a
distinct physical/chemical character and/or a different structure
than the parent phase.
It involves two phenomena – Nucleation and Growth
 Nucleation – formation of a nucleus or tiny particles of the
new phase.
A nucleus is formed when the Gibbs free energy, G, of the
system decreases i.e. G becomes negative.
Two types of nucleation – Heterogeneous and Homogeneous
Growth – Increase in size of the nucleus at the expense of the
parent phase.
Homogeneous nucleation
In homogeneous nucleation the probability of nucleation is
same throughout the volume of the parent phase.
The simplest example of nucleation is solidification of a metal.
Above melting point Tm, liquid free energy, Gl < Gs (Solid free
energy) and free energy change for solidification G > 0.
Below Tm, G < 0 and nuclei of the solid phase form.
Homogeneous nucleation
There are two contributions to free energy change, volume
free energy Gv and surface free energy,  due to creation of a
new surface.
Taking the nucleus as a spherical particle of radius r
G = 4/3r3Gv + 4r2 ------------------ (1)
The tiny particle of the solid that forms first will be stable only
when it achieves a critical radius (r*). Below the critical radius it
is unstable and is called embryo.
Since this happens at the maximum of the G vs. r curve
dG /dr = 4r2Gv + 8r = 0

 16 3

This yields  and G * 

 3( Gv )2
Heterogeneous nucleation
Here, the probability of nucleation is much higher at certain
preferred sites such as mold wall, inclusions, grain boundaries,
compared to rest of the parent phase.
Example - Solidification of a liquid on an inclusion surface

IL = IS + SL cos


L v
With a similar approach it can be shown that  and

4 3
G *Het  ( 2  3 cos   cos 3
 )  G *Hom S( )
3( Gv ) 2

The small value of  ensures that the energy barrier (G) is

effectively lowered in heterogeneous nucleation.
Nucleation and Growth Kinetics
Once the embryo exceeds the critical size r*, the growth of
the nucleus starts. Nucleation continues simultaneously.
Nucleation and growth rates are function of temp. Nucleation
rate increases with cooling rate and degree of undercooling (T
= Tm – T).
 High nucleation rate and low growth – Finer grain size.
The over all transformation rate is the product of nucleation
and growth rates.
Fe-C Phase diagram
Phases in Fe-C system
-ferrite – Interstitial solid solution of C in BCC iron. Max
solubility of C is 0.025%. Exists from 273C to 910C.
Austenite () - Interstitial solid solution of C in FCC iron. Max
solubility of C is 2.1%. Exists from 910C - 1394C.
  -ferrite (BCC) exists over the temp range of 1394C to
1539C. Max solubility of C is 0.09%.
Cementite, Fe3C - is an intermetallic compound. C content in
Fe3C is 6.67%.
Graphite, the free form of C, also exists in the Fe-C system.
Bainite (B) is another phase which forms in steels at higher
cooling rates.
The hard phase martensite (M) forms below the bainitic
temperature range at high cooling rates.
Critical temperatures in Fe-C system
The eutectoid temperature (727C) during heating and
cooling is Ac1 and Ar1 respectively. A for arrêt (arrest), c for
chauffage (heating) and r for refroidissement (cooling).
At normal rates of heating or cooling Ac1 > Ar1.
A2 at 768 C is the currie temp above which Fe turns
paramagnetic while heating.
The temperatures corresponding to ( +)/ and ( +Fe3C)/
phase boundaries are function of carbon content and are
represented as A3 and Acm respectively.
The eutectic temperature is 1146 C.
The peritectic temperature is at 1495 C.
Phase transformation in Fe-C system
Peritectic reaction at 1495 C
L (0.53% C) +  (0.09% C)   (0.17% C)
Eutectic reaction at 1146C
L (4.3% C)   (2.1 % C) + Fe3C (6.67% C). The eutectic
mixture of austenite () and cementite (Fe3C) is called
Ledeburite. Compositions right and left of 4.3% are called hyper
and hypoeutectic steels (Cast iron) respectively.
 Eutectoid reaction at 727C
 (0.8 % C)   (0.025% C) + Fe3C (6.67% C). The eutectoid
mixture of ferrite () and cementite (Fe3C) is called Pearlite.
Compositions right and left of 0.8% are called hyper and
hypoeutectoid steels respectively.
Compositions up to 2.1% C are steels and beyond this it is
considered as cast iron.
A eutectoid steel (0.8% C) will have 100% pearlite (p) at room
temperature (RT). The pearlite formed under equilibrium
conditions consists of alternate lamellas of ferrite and Fe3C.

Schematic of Pearlite – White areas are 

Hypoeutectoid steels –  + p; hypereutectoid – Fe3C + p.

Hypoeutectic cast irons consist of  + ledeburite (Le) below
the eutectic temp and p + Fe3C + Le at RT as the  transforms
to Fe3C and p at the eutectoid temp. Similarly hyper eutectic
cast irons will have a structure of Fe3C + Le.
T-T-T diagram
The relation between temperature and time for the formation
of a phase is given by T-T-T or temp – time – transformation
diagrams also known as isothermal-transformation diagram.
A typical T-T-T diagram is shown below. The phases formed
on isothermal holding at a given temp for a certain period of
time are indicated.
T-T-T diagram
At normal cooling rates pearlite (P) forms, higher cooling
rates generates bainite (B). The size of pearlite or bainite
depends on the transformation temp.
Martensite (M) forms when the steel is cooled below the
maternsite start (Ms) temp at much higher cooling rate so that
the nose of the T-T-T curve (shown dotted) is avoided (the long
blue arrow) .
Diffusion rates below Ms is so low that   M transformation
is a diffusionless process (the C content remains same).
However, the crystal structure changes from FCC () to body
centered tetragonal (BCT).
C-C-T diagram
In actual practice a steel is generally cooled continuously.
Continuous-cooling-transformation (C-C-T) diagrams depict this
The C-C-T curve (Blue) is shifted to the right of the T-T-T
(dashed) curve as continuous cooling transformation occurs at
lower temperature and longer time compared isothermal holding.
C-C-T diagram
Bainite generally does not form in steels during continuous
cooling and hence the C-C-T curve ceases just below the
The microstructure (fine or coarse) depends on the cooling
rate. Higher the cooling rate finer the microstructure is.
Finer size pearlite is called sorbite and very fine size
pearlite is called troostite.
The critical cooling rate is the one at which the cooling
curve just touches the nose of the C-C-T curve.
A cooling rate higher than the critical rate is needed to form
Ex.1. A eutectoid steel is slowly cooled from 750 C to a
temperature just below 727 C . Calculate the percentage of
ferrite and cementite.
Solution: Eutectoid composition – 0.8% C, Ferrite composition
- 0.025% C and cementite – 6.67% C.
Apply the lever rule to get the percentages as
% Ferrite = 100* (6.67 – 0.80)/(6.67 – 0.025) = 88.3%
%Cementite = 100* (0.80 – 0.025)/(6.67 – 0.025) = 11.7%
Ex.2. A carbon steel cooled from austenitic region contains
9.1% ferrite. What is the C content in the steel?
Let c be C content. Apply the lever rule
0.091 = (6.67 – c)/(6.67 – 0.025)
c = 0.1% C

Key words. Phase transformation; Nucleation; Homogeneous

and heterogeneous nucleation; Growth; Fe-C phase diagram;
Eutectoid reaction; T-T-T diagram; C-C-T diagram
1. What are the different stages of phase transformation?
2. What are homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation?
3. Derive the expression for critical radius of the nucleus?
4. What are the different phases present in the Fe-C system?
5. How many invariants reactions are present in the Fe-C
system and what are those?
6. What are microstructure of eutectoid, hypoeutectoid and
hypereuctectoid steels obtained under equilibrium
7. What are T-T-T and C-C-T diagrams? What is the
fundamental difference between them?
8. What should be the conditions for forming martensite in
9. Why is the martensitic transformation in steels a
diffusionless process?
10. What are sorbite and troostite?
11. A plain-carbon steel contains 93 wt% ferrite and 7 % Fe3C.
What is the average carbon content in the steel?
12. A 0.9% C steel is slowly cooled from 900 C to a
temperature just below 727 C . Calculate the percentages of
proeutectoid cementite and eutectoid ferrite?
13. A 0.4% C steel is slowly cooled from 940 C to (A) just
above 727 C (B) just below 727 C.
Calculate the amount of austenite and proeutectoid ferrite for
case (A).
Calculate the amount of proeutectoid ferrite and eutectoid
ferrite and cementite for case (B).

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