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Generating Mobile Application Through Pega Desiner Studio

Pre-Requesites for building APK( Android Package Kit) which is nothing but mobile application.

1. We need to have an authenticate profile.

2. We need to have key generation file
3. We need to have valid certificate
4. Then we may go for individual branding ( Application Logo)


The above one is the key generation file, which can be generated through command prompt, for this
you should have installed java in your machine.

keytool -genkey -v -keystore E:\Certificate\MobileAPK.keystore -alias Aaseya_alias -keyalg RSA - Commented [VNRS1]: Folder path where you can save you key
storetype pkcs12 -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 file
Commented [VNRS2]: Name for keystore file
the above is the syntax for generating .keystore file
Commented [VNRS3]: You can specify your organization name
Steps for creating Authenticate profile

Step:1 for this use the inbuild profile ( find the detaisl below)

You can give username and password of your own choice Then save it.

Now creating of authentication profile is completed, let’s go ahead and create certificate.


Step:2 Select Add certification

Step 3: Select which type is Application your going to build( IOS/Android)

Step:4 Select New , Then upload generated keystore file and then enter password given while generating
keystore file


Commented [VNRS4]: This is the added certificate

Now every thing is ready for generating APK from designer Studio.

Follow the below process, open the Designer Studio and select application and select Channels And
Interface and the select Mobile and selecte which type of App you want to build( Android/IOS), and then
select certificate and then select build now, that’s it, Your App is Ready now.

Step:2 Select Mobile

Step:3 Give Name for your MobileApplication

Step:4 Select Certificate and Select Build Now

Here you go. Now you can download this apk,,,,,,

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