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INFORMATION[/color][/b][/left]|[right][b][color=#FFFFFF]// SECTION
Title: Answer
[b]A2:[/b] First name: Dexter
[b]A3:[/b] Middle name(s): Rich
[b]A4:[/b] Last name: Banks

[b]A5:[/b] Contact number: 1402200

[b]A6:[/b] Contact email:
[b]A7:[/b] Date of birth: 23/08/1994

[b]A8:[/b] Nationality: United States of America

[b]A9:[/b] Are you legally able to work in the United States?: Yes
[b]A10:[/b] Criminal record link:
request.174418/#post-2081105 ]Click
]LANGUAGES[/color][/b][/left]|[right][b][color=#FFFFFF]// SECTION
Are you fluent in English?: Yes
[b]B2:[/b] Please list all other languages you know:
DUCATION & EMPLOYMENT[/color][/b][/left]|[right][b][color=#FFFFFF]// SECTION
Highest level of education achieved: Bachelor of Fire Services
Administration, Bachelor’s degree
[b]C2:[/b] All current qualifications:[list][*]EMT[/list]
[b]C3:[/b] High school attended: National Catedral School[b]C4:[/b]
University attended (if applicable): Idaho State University

[b]C5:[/b] Are you still currently in employment?: Nope

[b]C6:[/b] Company name: N/A
[b]C7:[/b] Contact number: N/A
[b]C8:[/b] Contact email: N/A
[b]C9:[/b] Job title: N/A
[b]C10:[/b] Job duties: N/A

[b]C11:[/b] Do you currently hold a National EMS Certification?: No, I

EER PREPARATION[/color][/b][/left]|[right][b][color=#FFFFFF]// SECTION
Are you prepared to remove all facial hair?: Yes, I am.
[b]D2:[/b] Are you prepared to immediately stop using any tobacco products?:
Yes, I am.
[b]D3:[/b] Are you prepared to salute all officers of the department?: Yes, I
[b]D4:[/b] Are you prepared to risk your life within your line of duty?: Yes,
I am.
[b]D5:[/b] Are you prepared to take a drug test as part of a medical
examination?: Yes, I am.
[b]D6:[/b] Are you prepared to attend one of three academy sessions?: Yes, I
STATEMENT[/color][/b][/left]|[right][b][color=#FFFFFF]// SECTION
Hello, my name is Dexter Banks. I'm 24 years old man, living at Montgomery. I
studied a lot of things when I was in high school. After being graduated from
high school, I continue my study at Idaho State University, taking a Fire
Services Administration program, also graduated in 2018. After being
graduated from Idaho State University, I took an internship program at North
Charleston City Puma, have just finished the internship program there.
Besides my experience, personally, I'm a very communicative person, and also
an easy person to adapt to the social and to the people. Also, I'm a very
cooperative person, enjoy with a team working, and an honest person, and a
man that obey every rules and regulation. My weakness is sometimes I just
can't control my emotion on the field or being so dramatic sometimes. The
reason I choose to join the Red County Fire Department because of a long-term
career for my future, besides the department is open for recruitment. I do
believe with my skills and my knowledge I can do better for the department,
and with joining the department, I want to learn and improve my performance
being a firefighter. And I want to serve the people, take care of them with
my passion, doing something that I love.
F]DECLARATION[/color][/b][/left]|[right][b][color=#FFFFFF]// SECTION
[b]Dexter Banks[/b], certify that all information submitted within this
application is valid and true to the fullest extent of my knowledge. I
certify that the entire application was written and completed by myself with
no assistance from anybody else. I understand that, if it is found that any
information is false, forged, fraudulent or otherwise invalid I may be
blacklisted from the Red County Fire Department based on the severity of the
invalidity of the information. I understand that copying any other
application is prohibited and doing so will result in my blacklist. I
understand the intensity of the Red County Fire Department fitness test and I
have fully prepared for it before submitting this application. I also
understand that if any injury is acquired within the test, it is due to my
lack of preparation rather than the supervisor's lack of ability or
experience. I promise to put every ounce of effort that I have into the
department for the benefit of the State of San Andreas and anything other
than such will result in my forced departure. I will attend my interview,
fitness test, academy sessions and any subsequent scheduled events, courses
or training sessions promptly and punctually. If I don't, I understand that I
may be removed from the department due to a lack of trustworthiness to fulfil
scheduled event attendance. I understand that the department has protocols
and I promise to learn and adhere to them strictly and without failure. If I
do fail, I will be punished accordingly but will not let such punishment
affect my abilities as a firefighter. I understand that I am able to gain
rewards within the department but promise to never ask for such rewards. I
also understand that those who receive rewards are worthy of such in the eyes
of superior ranks and will not hold jealousy over such employees. I promise
to never hold a grudge with anybody in the department and if one begins to
develop I promise to approach a supervisor with my concerns in a professional
and formal manner. I understand that I will be under probation for the first
year (( two weeks )) of my career where I will be more susceptible to
receiving harsh disciplinary action, however I promise to put in the same
amount of effort regardless of any underlying effects including my
probationary period. I promise to never misrepresent the department in any
way and I understand that doing so will result in my immediate removal ((
both IC and OOC )). I also understand that I may be removed for any reason
deemed suitable by a superior and, if I feel as though a removal is
unnecessary, I will take it to a person with a higher ranking inside of the
department such as a Chief through a disciplinary hearing, but I promise to
not attempt to appeal any decision made against me without the usage of the
disciplinary hearing system. I pledge my utmost loyalty to the Red County
Fire Department Department and Fire Chief David McCormack, as well as the
rest of the High Command and Command team.[/justify]

By signing below, I agree to all of the terms above.

SECTION[/color][/b][/left]|[right][b][color=#FFFFFF]// SECTION
Master account name: Naping
[b]G2:[/b] Red County Roleplay forum name: Naping
[b]G3:[/b] Real name: Muhammad Rizky Alvian
[b]G4:[/b] Real age: 20

[b]G5:[/b] Screenshot of /myadminrecord: [spoiler]

[img][/img] [/spoiler]
[b]G6:[/b] Explanation of any punishments on the prior screenshot: N/A

[b]G7:[/b] Are you part of any other factions? If so, which?: Nope

[b]G8:[/b] Additional Comments:


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