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Scientific Review – Engineering and Environmental Sciences (2018), 27 (3), 328–337

Sci. Rev. Eng. Env. Sci. (2018), 27 (3)

Przegląd Naukowy – Inżynieria i Kształtowanie Środowiska (2018), 27 (3), 328–337
Prz. Nauk. Inż. Kszt. Środ. (2018), 27 (3)
DOI 10.22630/PNIKS.2018.27.3.32


Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Bialystok University of Technology
student at Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Bialystok University
of Technology

Lightweight self-compacting concrete with sintered fly ash


Key words: light-weight self-compacting con- Only lightweight aggregates (LWA) or

crete, sintered fly ash aggregate, flowability, combination of LWA with natural aggre-
passing ability, compressive strength gates are used for these concretes. Light-
weight aggregates such as sintered ex-
panding clays, expanded slate, expanded
Introduction high-grade shale, sintered fly ash, clayey
diatomite, pumice, perlite, bottom ash,
The development of new types of blast furnace slag aggregate etc. have
high performance concretes, such as been successfully used in the produc-
self-compacting concrete (SCC) or light- tion of LWCs (Lo & Cui, 2004; Bogas,
weight concrete (LWC) responds to some de Brito & Figueiredo, 2015; Domagała,
requirements of the construction industry. 2015; Aslam, Shafigh, Jumaat & Lache-
Lightweight concrete has been used for a mi, 2016; Stamatakis et al. 2016). These
number of applications and is known for aggregates vary in terms of bulk density
its good performance and durability. In and mechanical properties, and therefore
structural applications the dead load of have different applications – from insu-
a concrete structure is important since lating concretes to structural concretes,
it represents a large portion of the total even high strength LWC (Kaszyńska,
load. Due to the reduced weight LWCs 2009). Among all these LWAs, sintered
have other advantages compared to nor- fly ash aggregate is the best for the use
mal-weight concrete, such as good fire in structural applications (Nadesan &
resistance and improved heat insulation. Dinakar, 2017).

*The research was supported by the projects S/WBiIS/1/2016, and it was financially supported by the
Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland.

328 D. Małaszkiewicz, D. Jastrzębski

Self-compacting concrete (SCC) mortar and the volumetric fraction of the
does not require vibration for placing aggregates control the flow behavior.
and compaction. It is able to flow un- LWASCC shows specific features which
der its own weight, completely filling result from using the LWA. Ensuring the
formwork and achieving full compac- mix flowability and the low density of
tion, even in the presence of congested hardened concrete without segregation is
reinforcement, without segregation of the typical problem. Because of the sig-
material constituents (EFNARC, 2005). nificant difference between bulk densi-
Lightweight aggregate self-compact- ties of LWA and the surrounding cement
ing concrete (LWASCC) combines the matrix, coarse aggregate particles tend
properties of SCC, such as the filling to float to the surface when the cement
and passing ability and segregation resis- paste has not sufficient viscosity. These
tance, with the advantages of a structural concretes show even greater tendency
lightweight aggregate concrete (LWAC), to segregation than the normal weight
such as reduced dead loads and form- SCC.
work pressure, high insulation capacity, High dynamics of water absorption
improved durability, resistance against by LWA, due to its porous structure, is
fire and chemical attack. Self-compact- a significant problem and so it is diffi-
ing concretes use their own weight for cult to estimate the required water vol-
flowing. Structural LWASCC must sat- ume. Various treatments may be applied
isfy all requirements in fresh state while to avoid the adverse effect of water to
having a low density. When LWA is used cement ratio reduction in structural
there is no sufficient dynamic energy of LWAC as a result of water absorption
the mixture during flow, and compared by the LWA. Preliminary saturation of
to the concretes with natural aggregate, the aggregate with water is the most
the flow is slightly slower especially often used method. This is especially
through reinforcement (Maghsoudi, Mo- favorable for lightweight high-quality
hamadpour & Maghsoudi, 2011; Papani- concretes, where there is a danger of au-
colaou & Kaffetzakis, 2011). It is there- togenic shrinkage due to low w/c ratio.
fore very important to balance out the Initial saturated LWAs may also serve
composition of concrete to produce an as reservoirs for self-curing water in
easily pourable concrete in a fresh state concrete (Rajamanickam & Vaiyapuri,
and a high-quality and compact concrete 2016). Coating of LWA with thin cement
in a hardened state (Juradin, Baloević & paste (cement milk) is another pre-treat-
Harapin, 2012). Moreover, some unfa- ment procedure. This treatment causes
vorable properties of LWAs such as high decrease of water absorption by the ag-
porosity, high water absorption and ten- gregate and slightly increases density of
dency to buoyancy are additional factors aggregate grains (Mechtcherine, Haist,
that should be taken into account during Hewener & Mueller, 2002).
mix proportioning. Use of processed LWAs contribute
Fresh concrete is combined of fine to the sustainable development by waste
and coarse aggregates suspended in a utilization. The utilization of coal fly ash
matrix of binder paste. Viscosity of the (FA), which is a waste product from coal

Lightweight self-compacting concrete... 329

thermal power stations, is a major envi- TABLE 1. Properties of CEM I 42.5R (manufac-
ronmental problem in many countries, turer analysis)
including Poland. Coal fly ash is used in Properties Average
a range of applications, particularly as Specific surface (Blaine) [cm2·g–1] 4 232
a substitute for cement in concrete, but Initial set [min] 170
large amount remains unused and thus
Final set [min] 223
requires disposal. Coal fly ash based
processed lightweight aggregate offers Soundness [mm] 1.0
potential for utilization of once deposit- two-day compressive strength [MPa] 27.7
ed fly ash as well as wastes from current 28-day compressive strength [MPa] 59.0
production. SO3 content [%] 3.12
The article presents the results of Cl– content [%] 0.05
research assessing the possibility of Insoluble residue [%] 0.46
making LWASCC from the locally pro-
Loss on ignition [%] 3.55
duced sintered fly ash aggregate CER-
TYD. Two methods of preliminary LWA
preparation were applied: pre-soaking Sintered fly ash aggregate CERTYD was
with water and coating with a film of ce- used as LWA. It is produced by high-tem-
ment paste. Not only coarse fractions of perature sintering (1,000–1,200°C) of
CERTYD were used, but fine and coarse anthropogenic minerals under controlled
light-weight sand as well. conditions in the uniquely designed ro-
tary furnace (Łuczaj & Urbańska, 2015).
The main raw material for its production
Materials and mix design is fly ash from the combustion of hard
coal in fine coal boilers of the Białystok
Portland cement CEM I 42.5 R con- Power Station. CERTYD characteristics
forming to the standard PN-EN 197- and properties comply with the standard
-1:2012 was used in the research. Cement PN-EN 13055:2016-07. The bulk den-
properties, provided by the manufactur- sity, depending on the product fraction,
er, are given in Table 1. Two cementi- is in the range 600–750 kg·m–3, bulk
cious additions were used: siliceous fly crushing resistance of coarse aggregate
ash (FA) and zeolite (Z). Declared FA 6–10 MPa and 24-hour water absorption
properties comply with the requirements 16–17%. The coarse aggregate grains
of PN-EN 450-1:2012 for loss on igni- are rough in texture, partially rounded
tion Category A and fineness Category and partially crushed in shape with an
N. Natural zeolite (Zeobau50) is a rock interior cellular structure (Fig. 2). The
from the group of aluminosilicate miner- lightweight sand (0/0.5 and 1/4 mm)
als. Its basic component is hydrated alka- is obtained by crushing bigger grains.
line aluminosilicate (clinoptilolite). Because of the porous structure the dry
Postglacial sand was used as a natural grains absorb water very fast and may
fine aggregate. Sand 0/4 mm was used in disturb the workability of the mixture.
one batch. The rest mixes contained sand Therefore, a pre-wetting with extra wa-
0/2 mm with grading given in Figure 1. ter (EW) or extra thin cement paste (EP)

330 D. Małaszkiewicz, D. Jastrzębski

Percentage passing [%]

Certyd 0/0.5
Certyd 1/4
40 Certyd 4/8
Sand 0/2
20 Sand 0/4

0 0.063 0.125 0.25 0.5 1 2 4 8 16
Sieve diameter [mm]

FIGURE 1. Grading analysis of CERTYD aggregate and natural sand 0/2 mm

FIGURE 2. CERTYD aggregate fractions 1/4 and 4/8 mm

with w/c = 3.0 was applied to limit mix- on the impregnation method) was mixed
ing water absorption. CERTYD aggre- with CERTYD and left for 15 min, then
gate water absorption during 15 min was natural sand, cement and mineral addi-
tested prior to the concrete preparation tions were added and mixed for 30 s, and
to determine amount of water needed for finally the mixing water with SP was add-
pre-wetting. On this basis the EW was ed and mixing was continued for 3 min.
accepted as 10% by LWA mass. Extra Based on the 11 trial and error mixes re-
thin cement paste for initial impregna- sults on fresh concrete, 6 mixes met SCC
tion was assumed as 150% of EW – 15% requirements (EFNARC, 2005). Mixture
by CERTYD mass. proportions are shown in Table 2. The
High range water reducing admix- first composition (FA1_EP) contains
ture (superplasticizer SP) produced on only natural sand as the fine aggregate.
the basis of stabilized polycarboxylates In the subsequent mixes natural sand was
was used in all concrete series. partially substituted by light-weight fine
Regarding concrete mix design, sand (FA2 and FAZ2) or light-weight fine
the mix proportions of LWASCC were and coarse sand (FAZ3). In the names of
determined through preliminary tests the particular series FA stands for fly ash
described in (EFNARC, 2005). The se- and Z for zeolite as mineral addition, EW
quence of mixing the constituent materi- for extra water and EP for extra paste as
als was as follows: EW or EP (depending pre-soaking materials.

Lightweight self-compacting concrete... 331

TABLE 2. Mixture compositions per 1 m3
Water/binder 0.315 0.31 0.31 0.30 0.30 0.30
Binder [kg] 560 560 560 575 575 575
Cement 381 381 381 381 381 381
Fly ash 179 179 179 179 179 179
Zeolite 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.0 15.0 15.0
Water [dm3] 176.4 173.6 173.6 173.6 173.6 173.6
Sand 0/2 [kg] – 600 600 600 490 490
Sand 0/4 [kg] 800 – – – – –
CERTYD 0/0.5 [kg] – 100 100 100 80 80
CERTYD 1/4 [kg] – – – – 80 80
CERTYD 4/8 [kg] 490 490 490 490 490 490
SP [kg] 9.02 11.2 11.2 11.5 11.5 13.7
EW [kg] – – 59.0 59.01 65.0
EP [kg] 63.7 88.5 – – 97.5 –

Test methods distribution of the mortar fraction partic-

ularly along the perimeter, and the bleed-
Self-consolidating concrete should ing characteristics. There are four classes
satisfy flowability, filling ability and of stability, determined on the basis of a
segregation resistance ability in its fresh visual assessment (ACI 237R-07:2007;
state. In this research the recommenda- Gołaszewski & Szwabowski, 2011).
tions given in EFNARC (2005) were ap- All SCC specimens were cast with-
plied to assess the properties of LWASCC out hand compaction or mechanical
in the fresh state. Immediately after mix- vibration into cubic molds of 100 mm
ing the following properties of fresh for compressive strength and cubes of
LWASCC were evaluated: slump-flow, 150 mm for split tensile strength. After
time required to reach 500 mm of slump- casting, the specimens were covered with
-flow T500 and passing ability (confined plastic sheets and left at room tempera-
flowability) using L-box (H2/H1). The ture for 24 h. They were then demoulded
tests were repeated after 60 min (slump- and transferred to the water tanks (20
-flow and T500) and 80 min (L-box). The ±1°C) until testing. The compressive
visual stability index (VSI) was used to strength was determined after 2, 7 and
assess the degree of segregation of mix- 28 days. After 28-day splitting tensile
tures. After slump-flow test, visual in- strength was tested and specimens were
spection of the concrete mixture is made oven dried for bulk density and water ab-
by observing the distribution of the coarse sorption measurements.
aggregate within the concrete mass, the

332 D. Małaszkiewicz, D. Jastrzębski

Results and discussion are more likely to exhibit thixotropic ef-
fects, which may be helpful in limiting
Properties of fresh LWASCC with the formwork pressure or improving seg-
CERTYD aggregate are presented in Ta- regation resistance. Negative effects may
ble 3. Based on VSI all mixtures were be lower quality of surface finish (blow
classified as class 0 (highly stable) or 1 holes) and sensitivity to stoppages or de-
(stable). The image of FA2_EP mixture lays between successive lifts (EFNARC,
(class 0) is presented in Figure 3a. The 2005).
uniformity of LWA distribution was con- It is evident from the result obtained
firmed after splitting (Fig. 3b). It is evi- for FA2_EW and FAZ2_EW that the in-
dent from the results that all mixtures are crease of powder contents by adding
in conformity with (EFNARC, 2005), zeolite, which resulted in the increase of
however FAZ3_EP mix is not suit- paste contents, improved the properties
able for reinforced structures, because of concrete in the fresh state: slump-flow
H2/H1 < 0.80 in L-box test. After 1 h increased and mixture retained its flow-
mixes with higher replacement of natural ability after 60 min, T500 time was short-
sand by CERTYD sand (FAZ3_EP and er at 10- and 60-minute test. When natu-
FAZ3_EW) lost self-compacting abil- ral sand was partially substituted by fine
ity. The values of T500 are much higher CERTYD sand (FA1_EP versus FA2_EP)
than usually obtained for normal-weight slump-flow increased, especially after
SCC. This may be contributed to the 60 min, and passing ability improved.
lower density of aggregate and thus low These results are in accordance with oth-
dynamic energy of the mixtures. With er authors’ studies (Juradin et al., 2012).
the increase of the flow time the mixtures

TABLE 3. Properties of fresh concretes; slump flow and T500 were tested after 10 and 60 min, L-box
test was performed after 15 and 80 min
Time of testing Slump-flow T500 L-box H2/H1 Bulk density
Mix ID
[min] [mm] [s] [-] [kg·dm–3]
10/15 770 8.4 0.88
FA1_EP 2 058
60/80 715 25.0 0.88
10/15 775 8.6 0.98
FA2_EP 1 945
60/80 770 16.4 1.00
10/15 750 19.4 0.81
FA2_EW 1 964
60/80 725 24.0 0.94
10/15 790 15.0 0.93
FAZ2_EW 1 978
60/80 785 15.4 0.95
10/15 735 9.6 0.68
FAZ3_EP 1 872
60/80 400 – –
10/15 750 17.9 0.93
FAZ3_EW 1 908
60/80 – – –

Lightweight self-compacting concrete... 333

a b

FIGURE 3. a – slump flow of FA2_EP mixture; b – aggregate distribution in cube 150 mm after split-
ting, FA2_EP

Figure 4 compares how aggregate density class D2.0. The development of

preparation affected workability of in- compressive strength gain is presented
dividual mixes up to 60 min. The better in Figure 5. The ultimate strength tested
results were obtained when aggregate on 100 mm cubes ranged from 58.8 to
was coated with cement paste (FA2_EP 71.7 MPa. The highest compressive
and FAZ3_EP) – the slump-flow loss strength, regardless the age of speci-
was lower and the T500 time was shorter. mens, was achieved by FA1_EP con-
Partial substitution of natural sand by crete, where only coarse LWA was used.
fine CERTYD sand alone proved to be Considering aggregate preparation, it is
more effective than using fine and coarse evident that compressive strength at 28
light-weight sand. Mixes containing days is slightly higher when water was
1/4 mm LW sand did not exhibit self- used for pre-wetting, though at earlier
-compacting properties after 60 min. terms (2 and 7 days) the situation is op-
The hardened concrete properties are posite and favors paste impregnation.
listed in Table 4. Bulk densities of all This increase in strength may be due to
concretes were in the range 1,816–1,957 the internal self-curing of concrete result-
kg·m–3, thus they can be qualified to ing from the pre-saturation of CERTYD



dϱϬϬ ΀Ɛ΁

&ϮͺW &ϮͺW
&Ϯͺt &Ϯͺt
ϰϬϬ &ϯͺW &ϯͺW
&ϯͺt &ϯͺt
ϯϬϬ ϱ
ϭϬ dŝŵĞ΀ŵŝŶ΁ ϲϬ ϭϬ dŝŵĞ΀ŵŝŶ΁ ϲϬ
FIGURE 4. Influence of pre-wetting method on slump-flow and T500

334 D. Małaszkiewicz, D. Jastrzębski

TABLE 4. Properties of hardened concretes

Time of Compressive Splitting tensile Oven dry

strength [MPa] Water absorption
Mix ID testing strength bulk density
[days] mean SD [MPa] [kg·dm–3]
2 39.7 1.4 –
FA1_EP 7 51.2 1.2 – 3.47 1 940
28 71.7 6.2 2.92
2 33.2 2.0 –
FA2_EP 7 47.5 2.2 – 4.88 1 848
28 58.8 2.7 3.45
2 33.6 1.7 –
FA2_EW 7 48.1 5.1 – 6.04 1 874
28 63.4 1.9 4.01
2 28.8 1.1 –
FAZ2_EW 7 50.3 4.5 – 4.75 1 957
28 66.7 5.5 3.46
2 34.8 1.5 –
FAZ3_EP 7 49.1 2.2 – 5.78 1 847
28 61.3 3.3 3.65
2 28.4 0.6 –
FAZ3_EW 7 47.9 3.2 – 6.34 1 816
28 62.5 4.2 2.53
Compressive strength [MPa]

2 days
30 7 days
20 28 days

Mix ID
FIGURE 5. Compressive strength development of LWASCC

aggregate (Rajamanickam & Vaiyapuri, 2.53 to 4.01 MPa, but no tendency con-
2016). The additional pozzolanic reac- sidering aggregate preparation or type of
tion resulting from zeolite incorporation fine aggregate can be determined.
caused strength increase after 7 and 28 Water absorption of the tested
days (FA2_EW compared to FAZ2_EW). LWASCC was in the range 3.5–6.3%,
The splitting tensile strength ranged from which is comparable with normal-weight

Lightweight self-compacting concrete... 335

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Authors’ address:
Summary Dorota Małaszkiewicz, Daniel Jastrzębski
Politechnika Białostocka
Lightweight self-compacting concrete Wydział Budownictwa i Inżynierii Środowiska
with sintered fly ash aggregate. The arti- ul. Wiejska 45e, 15-351 Białystok
cle presents the results of research assess- Poland
ing the possibility of making LWSCC from e-mail:
the locally produced sintered fly ash aggre-

Lightweight self-compacting concrete... 337

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