Narak Kong Shak Confession and Fulfilment Practices

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Confession and Fulfilment –

Narak Kong Shak

Table of Contents
Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak...........1

Narak Kong Shak—'Emptying the Lower Realms

from their Very Depths': The Sovereign Practice
for the Confession of all Impairments and
Breakages of Vows and all Negative Actions
and Obscurations.........................................................3

The Forty-Two Peaceful Deities.........................6
The Fifty-Eight Wrathful Deities........................8
The Kagyé Deities..............................................10
Confession of Downfalls...................................15
Confession in the Expanse of the View..........20
Fulfilment Offerings...........................................25

Brief Fulfilment Offering.........................................33

Marmé Mönlam: The Light Offering Prayer..........35

Prayer of Aspiration..................................................42

Heart of Vajrasattva—The Heart of Confession,

the King of Purification Practices, from
'The Immaculate Secret Vajrasattva'........................43
Narak Kong Shak—'Emptying the Lower
Realms from their Very Depths': The
Sovereign Practice for the Confession of all
Impairments and Breakages of Vows and all
Negative Actions and Obscurations

Visualize in the space in front of you all the masters, buddhas and peaceful
and wrathful deities, presiding upon lotus, sun and moon disc seats, endowed
with a presence so vivid and clear it is as if you were directly perceiving them
in front of you. Then, before them all, emanate as many bodies as there are
atoms in existence, with your speech recite the text of the confession, and in
your mind feel intense remorse. This confession can be practised at any time.
In post-meditation, by maintaining the view and keeping the samaya
commitments, there will be swift accomplishment.

lama rigdzin gyalwa shyitrö kyilkhor gyi lhatsok tamché

dün gyi namkhar benza samadza ༔
All the vidyādhara gurus and deities of the mandalas of
peaceful and wrathful Victorious Ones are present in the sky
before me. Vajra samāja!

emaho ༔ chok chu dü shyi kün gyi daknyi ché ༔

Emaho! We call upon all the great enlightened beings from
every place and time,
lama gyalwa shyitro yongdzok gong ༔
All you gurus, peaceful and wrathful Victorious Ones, turn
your minds towards us,
dir shek nyida pemé den la shyuk ༔
Come now, take your places on seats of lotus, sun and moon,

Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak - 3

nyamchak narak jang chir chakchö shyé ༔
And accept our prostrations and offerings, so that we may
purify impairments and breakages, and even the lower realms.

yönten püntsok lama nam la chaktsal lo ༔
To all the masters endowed with perfect qualities, we
mikmé trödral chö kyi ku la chaktsal lo ༔
To the dharmakāya beyond concept or elaboration, we
dechen longchö dzokpé ku la chaktsal lo ༔
To the saṃbhogakāya, the perfect enjoyment of great bliss, we
dro gön chiryang trulpé ku la chaktsal lo ༔
To the nirmāṇakāya lords manifesting in diverse forms, we
neluk mingyur dorjé ku la chaktsal lo ༔
To the vajrakāya of the unchanging natural state, we prostrate!
yangdak ngönpar changchub ku la chaktsal lo ༔
To the perfect kāya of complete awakening, we prostrate! 1
nyönmong shyidzé shyiwé lha la chaktsal lo ༔
To the peaceful deities who pacify the afflictive emotions, we

1 These are the five kāyas of Māhayoga. The 'vajrakāya of the

unchanging natural state' is the embodiment of the enlightened
activity of all the buddhas, and the 'perfect kāya of complete
awakening' is the embodiment of all the buddhas’ enlightened
4 - Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak
lokta tsarchö trowö ku la chaktsal lo ༔
To the wrathful deities who annihilate mistaken views, we
tab gön tsé dak jampal ku la chaktsal lo ༔
To the ‘Body of Gentle Splendour’, lord of means and master
of life, we prostrate!
kyöndral dra drok pema sung la chaktsal lo ༔
To the ‘Lotus-like Speech’ which resounds without error, we
yangdak dönden benza tuk la chaktsal lo ༔
To the ‘Vajra Mind’ endowed with the true meaning, we
duk ngé né sel dütsi men la chaktsal lo ༔
To the ‘Healing Nectar’ which dispels the sickness of the five
poisons, we prostrate!
drekpa jomdzé purpé lha la chaktsal lo ༔
To the deities of Kīlaya who vanquish arrogant demons, we
jungwé ngadak mamö tsok la chaktsal lo ༔
To the hosts of mamos who control the five elements, we
sa dang lam dzok rigdzin tsok la chaktsal lo ༔
To the vidyādharas who have mastered the paths and stages,
we prostrate!
tenpa sungdzé damchen nam la chaktsal lo ༔
To the oath-bound ones who guard the teachings, we

Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak - 5

dragek duldzé ngak dak tsok la chaktsal lo ༔
To the lords of mantra who subdue enemies and obstacle-
makers, we prostrate!

The Forty-Two Peaceful Deities

hung ༔ rangrig rangshé trulpadral ༔
Hūṃ! Self-aware, self-knowing, and undeluded,
nyamnyi ngang lé yeshe shar ༔
From the state of equality, pure wisdom arises—
kuntuzangpo yabyum la ༔
So we may purify mind and objects, we prostrate
yi chö dak chir chaktsal lo ༔
To Samantabhadra and his consort.

mitok yermé gongpa la ༔

In enlightened wisdom, free from thought and undivided,
yeshe nga yi ödang sal ༔
The five pure wisdoms shine as glowing lights—
rik nga dewar shekpa la ༔
So we may purify mind’s afflictions, we prostrate
nyönmong dak chir chaktsal lo ༔
To these five families of the bliss-gone buddhas.

ying kyi ngang lé kyepé gyu ༔

Causes created out of all-pervading space
yeshe nga yi drok sharwa ༔
Arise as partners of the five pure wisdoms—

6 - Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak

ying kyi yumchen nga nam la ༔
So we may purify the elements, we prostrate
jungwa dak chir chaktsal lo ༔
To these five great consorts of basic space.

yeshe trulpa mangpö tsok ༔

A host of pure wisdom emanations
drowé döndu rangsharwé ༔
Manifests spontaneously for beings’ benefit—
changchub sempa gyé nam la ༔
So we may purify consciousness, we prostrate
namshé dak chir chaktsal lo ༔
To these eight great warriors of awakening.

yeshe ngang lé yönten dzok ༔

In the state of wisdom, enlightened qualities are perfected,
chi dö ngödrub char tar beb ༔
And the desired attainments fall like rain—
chöpé lhamo gyé nam la ༔
So we may purify space and time, we prostrate
yul dü dak chir chaktsal lo ༔
To these eight great goddesses of offering.

dukpa duldzé pawö ku ༔

Valiant beings, subduers of the malevolent,
dak tu dzinpé kyön dangdral ༔
Free from the faults of clinging to a self—

Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak - 7

tatri gowa shyi nam la ༔
So we may purify wrong views, we prostrate
lokta dak chir chaktsal lo ༔
To these four takritas who guard the gates.

jam dang nyingjé gawa dang ༔

Those who bring benefit to beings through
tangnyom shyi yi dro dön dzé ༔
Love, compassion, joy and equanimity—
gokyong tromo shyi nam la ༔
To purify eternalism and nihilism, we prostrate
takché dak chir chaktsal lo ༔
To these four gate-keeping ladies of wrath.

tokpa druk lé khorwa druk ༔

From six patterns of thought, six realms of samsara
marik wang gi jungwa nam ༔
Arise through the force of unawareness—
tukjé duldzé tub druk la ༔
So that we may purify delusion, we prostrate
trulpa dak chir chaktsal lo ༔
To the six sages who tame through compassion.

The Fifty-Eight Wrathful Deities

hung ༔ kuntuzangpo rigpé tsal ༔
Hūṃ! Energy of pure awareness, 'Always Excellent',

8 - Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak

chemchok tso la chaktsal lo ༔
To Chemchok, chief of the mandala, we prostrate.

duk nga mapang tarchinpé ༔

Five poisons, not abandoned but perfected,
heruka la chaktsal lo ༔
To the wrathful herukas, we prostrate.

ying lé kur shyeng tabshé jor ༔

Arisen from space, uniting means and wisdom,
tromo yum la chaktsal lo ༔
To the wrathful consorts, we prostrate.

tuk lé trulpé sang chenmo ༔

Great secret ladies emanated from compassion,
tromo gyé la chaktsal lo ༔
To the eight female furies, we prostrate.

zajé ché shok ponyamo ༔

Fanged and winged devourers, female messengers,
tramen gyé la chaktsal lo ༔
To the eight tramen goddesses, we prostrate.

guk dren ching dom gyé dzema ༔

Ladies who entice, capture, bind and enrapture,
goma shyi la chaktsal lo ༔
To the four female gate-keepers, we prostrate.

Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak - 9

jikten chaluk trulpamo ༔
Female emanations in worldly guise,
wangchukma la chaktsal lo ༔
To the īśvarī goddesses, we prostrate.

The Kagyé Deities

hung ༔ yamantaka shinjé shé ༔
Hūṃ! Yamāntaka, slayer of the Lord of Death,
ngam ji drekpé khor gyi kor ༔
Surrounded by terrifying hosts of haughty demons,
jampal ku la chaktsal lo ༔
To the ‘Body of Gentle Splendour’, we prostrate.

hung ༔ tamdrin gyalpo wang gi lha ༔

Hūṃ! Hayagrīva, sovereign deity of power,
wang drak tab kyi khor gyi kor ༔
And a retinue skilled in magnetizing and subjugation,
pema sung la chaktsal lo ༔
To the ‘Lotus Speech’, we prostrate.

hung ༔ palchen benza heruka ༔

Hūṃ! Great and glorious Vajra Heruka,
rangnang salwé khor gyi kor ༔
Surrounded by a self-manifested retinue,
yangdak tuk la chaktsal lo ༔
To the ‘Pure and Authentic Mind’, we prostrate.

10 - Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak

hung ༔ chomden chemchok heruka ༔
Hūṃ! Mighty Chemchok Heruka,
shyitro rabjam lha yi kor ༔
And limitless peaceful and wrathful deities,
yönten gyé la chaktsal lo ༔
To the ‘Perfected Qualities’, we prostrate.

hung ༔ dorjé shyönnu trinlé ku ༔

Hūṃ! Vajrakumāra, embodiment of activity,
tro chu barwé khor gyi kor ༔
With the ten wrathful ones blazing with fire,
trinlé dzé la chaktsal lo ༔
To the ‘Enlightened Activity’, we prostrate.

hung ༔ ngöndzok gyalpo heruka ༔

Hūṃ! The heruka ‘Fully Perfected King’,
jungwa nga lé drubpé khor ༔
With a retinue formed of the five elements,
mamö tsok la chaktsal lo ༔
To the hosts of mamos, we prostrate.

hung ༔ rigdzin dorjé drakpo tsal ༔

Hūṃ! The vidyādhara ‘Mighty Vajra Wrath’,
sa dang lam la nepé khor ༔
Encircled by those on the paths and stages,
rigdzin tsok la chaktsal lo ༔
To the hosts of vidyādharas, we prostrate.

Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak - 11

hung ༔ sangwé dakpo gö ngön chen ༔
Hūṃ! Lord of Secrets, cloaked in blue,
jikten drekpa nam kyi kor ༔
Surrounded by arrogant worldly forces,
tenpa kyong la chaktsal lo ༔
To the protectors of the teachings, we prostrate.

hung ༔ tobden nakpo tutsal chen ༔

Hūṃ! Tobden Nakpo, powerful and strong,
drakngak dakpo mangpö kor ༔
Surrounded by masters of wrathful mantras,
dragek dul la chaktsal lo ༔
To the subduers of enemies and obstructors, we prostrate.

detar gyalwa shyitrö lha ༔

Whoever prostrates upon hearing in this way
gang gi tsen tö chaktsal na ༔
The names of the peaceful and wrathful victorious deities,
damtsik nyamchak kün jang né ༔
Will heal all impairments and breakages of samaya,
tsammé nga yi dikpa dak ༔
And purify the negativity of the five boundless crimes.
narak né kyang dongtruk té ༔
Even the lower realms will be emptied from their depths,
rigdzin gyalwé shying du drak ༔
And proclaimed a buddha field of the vidyādharas.

12 - Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak

lé kyi nampar minpé kyön ༔
Now all the faults of our past misdeeds,
ngak tu tol la yi kyi shak ༔
We verbally disclose and mentally confess,
mé ngak tön la dungwé jang ༔
And purify with lamentation and remorse.
möpé talmo nyinggar jar ༔
In devotion, we join our palms at our hearts,
depé kyang chak dab té tsal ༔
And in faith, we prostrate ourselves entirely,
shyitrö lhatsok tsen né jö ༔
Calling on the peaceful and wrathful deities by name.
jesu lü ngak tsuk ché té ༔
Then, with body and speech held firm,
dorjé sempa chiwor gom ༔
We visualize Vajrasattva at our crowns,
narak dongtruk nyingpo dé ༔
And recite the essence of the Narak Dongtruk:

Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak - 13

The Hundred Syllable Mantra
om benza sato samaya ༔ manupalaya ༔ benza sato tenopa
tishta dridho mé bhava ༔ sutokhayo mé bhava ༔
supokhayo mé bhava ༔ anurakto mé bhava ༔ sarva siddhi
mé prayaccha ༔ sarva karma su tsa mé ༔ tsittam shreyang ༔
kuru hung ༔ ha ha ha ha ho ༔ bhagavan ༔ sarva tatagata
benza ma mé muntsa benzi bhava maha samaya sato ah ༔
If you recite this mantra correctly and undistractedly a hundred and eight
times in a single session, you will become an heir to the Victorious Ones of the
past, present and future.

14 - Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak

Confession of Downfalls
ho ༔ shyitro rabjam gong su sol ༔
Ho! Vast array of peaceful and wrathful deities, turn your
minds towards us,
gyalwé ka dang lamé lung ༔
Failing to follow the buddhas’ words and
our teachers’ instructions,
jishyin maché gal shying trul ༔
We have fallen into error and confusion.

dorjé lobpön drinchen la ༔

Our gracious vajra master
shekur tab dang tawa lok ༔
We have abused and looked upon mistakenly.
zungma ché dang chamdral la ༔
With cruel minds, harsh words, anger and attachment,
ngen sem tsik tsub chakdang jé ༔
We have physically abused and brought real harm
dek tsok nöpa ngö su shor ༔
Upon his consort and our Dharma brothers and sisters—
ku yi damtsik nyampa nam ༔
All these impairments of the samaya of the body,
shyitrö lhatsok chen ngar shak ༔
We confess before the hosts of deities, peaceful and wrathful.

yidam lha dang khor masal ༔

Failing to visualize the yidam deity and retinue,
Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak - 15
dzab dang dejö madak chak ༔
Chanting and reciting incorrectly or with interruption—
sung gi damtsik nyampa nam ༔
All these impairments of the samaya of the speech,
rik nga shyitrö chen ngar shak ༔
We confess before the five families, peaceful and wrathful.

sang chü nyerté damchepa ༔

Having pledged to maintain the ten secrets, 2
kün la drak shing damdzé ten ༔
We announce them to all and reveal the sacred substances—
tuk kyi damtsik nyampa nam ༔
All these impairments of the samaya of the mind,
gyalwa shyitrö chen ngar shak ༔
We confess before the Victorious Ones, peaceful and wrathful.

shepar jawé damtsik nga ༔

Five samayas are there of recognition,3
rik ngar mashé lokpar té ༔
But not recognizing the five families, we view them falsely.
mipangwa yi damtsik nga ༔
Five samayas are there of not abandoning, 4
2 The ten secrets are the four general secrets of the view, meditation,
action and fruition; the four intermediate secrets; what is worthy of
secrecy; and the secrecy through entrustment.
3 Recognizing the true nature of the five aggregates, the five elements,
the five sense faculties, the five sense consciousnesses, and the five
sense objects.
4 Not abandoning the five poisons of desire, anger, dull indifference,
pride and jealousy, which are to be transformed into the five pure
16 - Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak
marik wang gi duk ngar gol ༔
But through ignorance, we stray into the five poisons.
dang du langwé damtsik nga ༔
Five samayas are there of accepting,5
tsang mer té dang bakmé ché ༔
But we view clean and unclean, and are careless in our acts.
drubpar jawé damtsik nga ༔
Five samayas are there of accomplishment,6
rang la nepar mashé lok ༔
But not knowing what abides within, we go astray.
chepar jawé damtsik nga ༔
Five samayas are there of enactment,7
yesal mashé lokpar ché ༔
But failing to discriminate, we act mistakenly.
yenlak damtsik nyampa nam ༔
All these impairments of the branch samayas,
yidam lha yi chen ngar shak ༔
In the presence of the yidam deities, we now confess.

nyenpa drubpé tingdzin yel ༔

Ignoring the meditations of approach and accomplishment,

5 Accepting faeces, urine, blood, semen and bone marrow.
6 The five families to be accomplished: Vajra, Ratna, Padma, Karma
and Tathāgata.
7 Taking life, taking what is not given, sexual misconduct, lying and
idle gossip.
Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak - 17
nyatong dü druk chöpa chak ༔
Failing to offer on full and new moon days and at
the six times,8
lelo yengwa nyi kyi muk ༔
Lazy, distracted, and overcome by drowsiness,
sok jok serné gyukyen chung ༔
Hoarding and offering too little out of stinginess,
tsok kyi changki khatsar shor ༔
Acting like a ‘tsok wolf ’, eating and drinking before it is time,9
pü nyam lhakma triwa dang ༔
Polluting the first portion, and keeping the remainder,
bakmé chöpa tsingpa yi ༔
Acting abruptly and without care and consideration—
tsor dang matsor nyampé kyön ༔
All these faults of impairment, witting or unwitting,
khandro damchen chen ngar shak ༔
We confess before the ḍākinīs and samaya-bound protectors!

yi kyi damnyam tawé shak ༔

All impairments of the samayas of mind, we now confess
through the view.
deyang künshyi changchub sem ༔
In the state of the universal ground, the mind of awakening,

8 Dawn, morning, midday, afternoon, dusk and midnight.

9 This means actually eating the tsok before it has been consecrated, or
thinking about eating it and considering it as ordinary food. It may
also refer to behaving inappropriately during the practice, talking
noisily, and laughing and joking, rather than remaining in samādhi
18 - Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak
yinpa mepé tawa tok ༔
We realize the view in which there is no affirmation,
minpa mepé gom nyamlen ༔
We experience the meditation in which nothing is negated,
yin min mepé chöpa tok ༔
And we realize the action without acceptance or denial.
redok mepé changchub sem ༔
In this mind of awakening, without hope or fear,
tsawa yenlak tamché kyi ༔
No breakage or impairment of any root or branch vows
chak nyam majung makyepa ༔
Could ever occur or ever come to pass.
shakja shakjé nyimé drol ༔
And beyond the duality of confessed and confession,
we are freed!

Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak - 19

Confession in the Expanse of the View
hung ༔ chö kyi ying nyi tröpa mepa la ༔
Hūṃ! When the absolute space of phenomena is
beyond elaboration,
yömé nyisu tawa tang ré ché ༔
How tiresome is the view of existence and non-existence!
ngöpo tsenmar dzinpa nyön ré mong ༔
How frustrating it is to cling to fixed ideas about reality!
trömé dechen long du shakpar gyi ༔
In the expanse of bliss beyond elaboration, we confess!

kuntuzangpo zang ngen mepa la ༔

When the state of Samantabhadra is beyond good or bad,
tsang dang mewar tawa tang ré ché ༔
How tiresome is this view of pure and impure!
zang ngen nyisu dzinpa nyön ré mong ༔
How frustrating to cling to ideas of good and evil!
kunzang dechen long du shakpar gyi ༔
In the expanse of bliss that is Samantabhadra, we confess!

nyampa nyi la chechung mepa la ༔

When equalness is beyond all distinctions of size,
dak dang shyen du tawa tang ré ché ༔
How tiresome is the view of self and other!
chechung nyisu dzinpa nyön ré mong ༔
How frustrating to cling to the duality of great and small!

20 - Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak

nyamnyi dechen long du shakpar gyi ༔
In the expanse of equality and perfect bliss, we confess!

changchub sem la kyeshi mepa la ༔

When the mind of awakening is beyond birth and death,
di dang chima tawa tang ré ché ༔
How tiresome is the view of this life and the next!
kyeshi nyisu dzinpa nyön ré mong ༔
How frustrating to cling to the duality of birth and dying!
chimé yungdrung long du shakpar gyi ༔
In the unchanging expanse of deathlessness, we confess!

tiklé chenpo drazur mepa la ༔

When the great bindu is beyond corners and edges,
zuk dang dzé su tawa tang ré ché ༔
How tiresome is this view of form and substance!
drazur yib su dzinpa nyön ré mong ༔
How frustrating to cling to shapes with sides and corners!
künné dumpo tiklé long du shak ༔
We confess in the expanse of the bindu, the perfect sphere!

dü sum gyurwa mepé ngang nyi lé ༔

In the state beyond change throughout the three times,
tokma tamar tawa tang ré ché ༔
How tiresome is the view of beginnings and endings!
pogyur nyisu dzinpa nyön ré mong ༔
How frustrating to cling to ideas of change
and transformation!
Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak - 21
dü sum gyurwa mepé long du shak ༔
We confess in the expanse beyond the changes of past, present
and future!

rangjung yeshe tsoldrub dralwa la ༔

When naturally arising wisdom is neither to be sought for
nor accomplished,
gyundré nyisu tawa tang ré ché ༔
How tiresome is the dualistic view of cause and effect!
tsoldrub nyisu dzinpa nyön ré mong ༔
How frustrating to cling to ideas of effort and attainment!
rangjung tsolmé long du shakpar gyi ༔
We confess in the naturally arising, effortless expanse!

rigpa yeshe takché dralwa la ༔

When the pure wisdom of rigpa is beyond
eternalism and nihilism,
zungdzin nyisu tawa tang ré ché ༔
How tiresome is the dualistic view of perceiver and perceived!
takché nyisu dzinpa nyön ré mong ༔
How frustrating to cling to things as
everlasting or non-existent!
rigpa yeshe long du shakpar gyi ༔
We confess in the expanse of pure awareness-wisdom!

chönyi namdak tröpa mepa la ༔

When pure reality is beyond the elaboration of ideas,
zukngu nyisu tawa tang ré ché ༔
How tiresome is the dualistic view of pain!
22 - Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak
ta ü nyisu dzinpa nyön ré mong ༔
How frustrating to cling to a centre and extremes!
chönyi namdak long du shakpar gyi ༔
We confess in the expanse of utterly pure dharmatā!

shyalyé khang la yangdok mepa la ༔

When the celestial palace is beyond dimension,
chi dang nang du tawa tang ré ché ༔
How tiresome is this view of outside and inside!
yangdok nyisu dzinpa nyön ré mong ༔
How frustrating to cling to the duality of wide and narrow!
shyalyé yangdok mepé long du shak ༔
We confess in the boundless, unconfined expanse!

yum gyi khaying to men mepa la ༔

When the space of the consort is beyond high and low,
teng dang oktu tawa tang ré ché ༔
How tiresome is this view of upper and lower!
to men nyisu dzinpa nyön ré mong ༔
How frustrating to cling to the duality of above and below!
bhaga yangdok mepé long du shak ༔
We confess in the expanse of the secret place
beyond dimension!

chö kyi ku la nyisu mepa la ༔

When the dharmakāya is free of duality,
chi dang nang du tawa tang ré ché ༔
How tiresome is the view of outer and inner!
Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak - 23
nöchü nyisu dzinpa nyön ré mong ༔
How frustrating to cling to the duality of worlds
and inhabitants!
chöku gyurwa mepé long du shak ༔
We confess in the immutable expanse of dharmakāya!

marik trulpé semchen nying ré jé ༔

How sorrowful is the state of ignorant, deluded beings,
zukmé chö la ngöpo tsenmar dzin ༔
Who cling to signs of substance in what has no form!
gangzak trulpé sem ni yong ré gol ༔
How utterly mistaken are the minds of the deluded,
kyemé chö la nga dang dak tu tok ༔
Perceiving an ‘I’ and a self in what is beyond arising!
nangsi gyuma yinpar mashé té ༔
Not knowing appearance and existence to be an illusion,
zangzing nor la sem kyi chakpa kyé ༔
They feel attachment for wealth and possessions.
khorwa rangshyin mepar mashepé ༔
Not knowing that samsara has no true reality,
nyen shé trulpé drok la takpar dzin ༔
They think the company of friends and family will last forever.
mishé kyewö lo di yong ré gol ༔
How utterly mistaken are the minds of ignorant beings!
denpé dön bor migé lé la tsön ༔
They reject the truth and put their energy into harmful deeds,

24 - Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak

tönpé ka bor michö yengwé lü ༔
Spurning Buddha’s words, they fall prey to life’s addictions,
rangrig dönmé yengwé lé la tsön ༔
And apply their intelligence to tasks
of meaningless distraction.
dindré dönmé semchen nying ré jé ༔
How pitiful are those whose lives lack meaning in this way!
yé si mepé long du shakpar gyi ༔
In the expanse beyond dissipating or conserving, we confess!
That was the confession through the view.

Fulfilment Offerings
During tsok and sādhana practice, you should carry out the fulfilment offering
using amṛta, rakta, torma and the clear light of a lamp.

i. Offering the Amṛta

First, take the kapāla of amṛta and hold it up in the gesture of offering. Recite
these verses, and then present the fulfilment offering.

hung ༔ machö rangjung chenpö dzé ༔

Hūṃ! Unaltered and naturally arisen is this great substance,
döné dakpé tsangmé dral ༔
Pure from the beginning, and thus beyond clean and unclean,
tsawa gyé la yenlak tong ༔
Eight principal and a thousand minor ingredients
rik nga gyalwa drubpé dzé ༔
For accomplishing the five families of the buddhas!

Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak - 25

damtsik kongwé men chen di ༔
This is the great elixir that heals the samayas.
womin dalkhyab chenpo né ༔
May the heart-aspirations of the naturally abiding buddhas
rangshyin shyukpé sangye nam ༔
From the great all-pervading realm of Akaniṣṭha
yeshe nga yi ö kyi kang ༔
Be now fulfilled with the light of the five wisdoms,
kunzang chöpé trin gyi kang ༔
And by Samantabhadra’s cloud-like offerings.
tuk kyi gongpa dzokpa dang ༔
May their enlightened intentions be fully realized,
tukjé trulpé rik druk drol ༔
And may compassionate emanations bring freedom to
the six realms.
tokmé sangye ö mingyur ༔
May this fulfil the heart-aspirations of Samantabhadra,
kuntuzangpö tukdam kang ༔
The original buddha of unchanging luminosity.
rang la yeshe sharwé ku ༔
May it fulfil the heart-aspirations of infinite peaceful and
wrathful deities,
shyitro rabjam lhatsok kang ༔
The enlightened forms of pure wisdom arising from within.
tukjé trulpé dro döndzé ༔
Manifestations of compassion bringing benefit to beings,

26 - Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak

dorjé chang né rimpar jön ༔
Appear in a succession that begins with Vajradhāra.
drowa drenpa tamché kyi ༔
Now, for all these guides to wandering beings,
ku dang shyingkham chöpé kang ༔
With this offering of kāyas and buddha fields, may their heart-
aspirations be all fulfilled!
tuk kyi gongpa dzok gyur chik ༔
And may their enlightened intentions be fully realized!
damtsik nyamchak shakpar gyi ༔
All our impairments and breakages of samaya, we now confess!
Recite the Hundred Syllable Mantra

ii. Offering the Rakta

Holding up the rakta, recite:

hung ༔ chönyi len gyi yeshe chu ༔

Hūṃ! Pure wisdom liquid, wet with dharmatā,
tukjé chakpé khadok mar ༔
Whose colour is the red of ardent compassion,
sipa kyepa gyu yi trak ༔
It is the causal blood that generates life,
pema rakta rangjung trak ༔
The self-arisen blood of the lotus rakta,
shying chu dralwa sok gi trak ༔
The vital blood of the ten fit for liberation,
tsi chü marpo jungwé trak ༔
The elemental blood from red herbal essences—
Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak - 27
tamché dakpa wang gi dzé ༔
All of them pure substances of magnetizing,
madak kham sum khorwé gyu ༔
Or impure causes for samsara’s three realms.
heruka yi gongpa yi ༔
Through the enlightened intentions of the heruka,
si sum khorwé bakchak dral ༔
The habits of samsara’s three worlds are liberated,
chöpé dzé su jinlab té ༔
And it is blessed as a substance for offering.
yumchen kuntuzangmo la ༔
To the great mother Samantabhadrī we offer,
yeshe charwé dönchir bul ༔
So that pure wisdom may dawn in our minds.
traktung trowö tsok nam la ༔
To the hosts of wrathful herukas we offer,
tukjé kulwé chöpar bul ༔
So that their compassionate minds are invoked.
mamo khandro tamché la ༔
To all the mamos and ḍākinīs, we offer
damtsik sowé dzé su bul ༔
As a substance to restore the samaya.
chökyong kasung tamché la ༔
To all the Dharma protectors and guardians, we offer
trinlé dzepé dönchir bul ༔
So that they may carry out their activity.

28 - Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak

damtsik kang la ngödrub tsol ༔
May this fulfil their heart-aspirations and may they
grant us accomplishment!
Recite the Hundred Syllable Mantra

iii. Offering the Tsok and Torma

Then hold up the tsok and torma, and offer them to the deities with the
following words:

hung ༔ kham sum sowa zé kyi gyu ༔

Hūṃ! Nourishing foods that sustain the three realms,
dru dang shingtok ro druk zé ༔
Grains and fruits, and foods with six different tastes,10
shying chu dralwé pungpö sha ༔
Meat from the bodies of the ten who are liberated,
dzagé pawo dru yi chü ༔
And distilled grains, the intoxicating drink of warriors—
shyalzé döyön natsok su ༔
Considering them as a rich and plentiful feast for the senses,
möpé sam té chöpar bul ༔
We make an offering of them all.
chö kyi ying su möpé bul ༔
To the dharmadhātu, we make imagined offerings,
shyiwé lha la dzepar bul ༔
To the peaceful deities, we make beautiful offerings.
trowö lha la jipar bul ༔
To the wrathful deities, we make majestic offerings,

10 Sweet, sour, salty, bitter, hot and astringent.

Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak - 29
lama nam la nyepar bul ༔
To please the masters, we offer.
khandro nam la gyepar bul ༔
To delight the ḍākinīs, we offer.
kasung nam la tsimpar bul ༔
To satisfy the guardians of the teachings, we offer.
damtsik kangwé ten du bul ༔
As a support for fulfilling the samaya commitments, we offer.
Recite the Hundred Syllable Mantra

iv. Lamp
Then hold up the lamp, and recite:

hung ༔ dzé kyi kongbu gyatsa ru ༔

Hūṃ! Inside a hundred lamps of the finest substance,
tsangmé dongbu gyatsa tsuk ༔
We now plant a hundred cleanest wicks,
jungwé chü marshyün gyi kang ༔
And fill them all with melted butter, the essence
of the elements.
salwé marmé gya bar né ༔
Having lit these hundred brightly shining lamps,
damtsik nyamchak kangwé chir ༔
With a wish to heal our impairments and breakages of samaya,
möpé gyalwa nam la bul ༔
We now offer them to all the victorious buddhas.
womin chöying podrang né ༔
Out of the dharmadhātu palace of Akaniṣṭha,
30 - Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak
yeshe ö nga trak dangden ༔
The five-coloured lights of wisdom shine
in dazzling splendour—
shyitro rabjam tukdam kang ༔
May the heart-aspirations of infinite peaceful
and wrathful ones be now fulfilled!
nyingga chö kyi podrang na ༔
In the palace of Dharma at the heart,
yeshe sabön tiklé sal ༔
Appears the tiklé, which is the seed of pure wisdom—
rangjung shyiwé tukdam kang ༔
May the heart-aspirations of the self-arisen
peaceful deities be fulfilled!
lepa dungkhang podrang na ༔
In the ‘skull-mansion’ palace of the brain,
rang tsal drö kyi özer bar ༔
The light-rays of naturally emitted warmth are all ablaze—
rangjung trowö tukdam kang ༔
May the heart-aspirations of the self-arisen
wrathful ones be fulfilled!
mögü depé nangwa la ༔
In the experience of faith and devotion,
rigpa rangjung gakmé sal ༔
Naturally arising rigpa appears unceasingly—
dorjé lobpön tukdam kang ༔
May the heart-aspirations of the vajra master be fulfilled!

Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak - 31

tsa lung tiklé dangma la ༔
In the subtle channels, wind-energies and essences,
shepa rangjung saler né ༔
Is natural awareness, vivid and clear—
mamo khandrö tukdam kang ༔
May the heart-aspirations of the mamos and ḍākinīs
be fulfilled!
jikten sipa yangpa la ༔
In the universe’s vast realms of existence,
zakar ö kyi tiklé sal ༔
Appear the light-spheres of the planets and stars—
chi yi damchen tukdam kang ༔
May the heart-aspirations of the oath-bound ones of the outer
world be fulfilled!
damtsik nyamchak tamché kün ༔
May each and every impairment and breakage of samaya
tukdam wang gi dakpar dzö ༔
Be purified through the strength of our samaya commitment!
chok dang tünmong ngödrub tsol ༔
And may you grant us the accomplishments,
ordinary and supreme!
Recite the Hundred Syllable Mantra

32 - Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak

Brief Fulfilment Offering

hung ༔ ka sang medu jungwé kyilkhor du ༔

Hūṃ! Within this wondrous mandala of secret instructions,
lama yidam lhatsok yongdzok la ༔
We offer to all the masters and hosts of yidam deities.
rangjung chö kyi ying kyi kongbu ru ༔
We offer the lamp of the naturally arising
space of phenomena,
rigpé yeshe marmé tam té bul ༔
Filled with the burning oil of pure awareness-wisdom.
tsa gyé yenlak tong jar amrita ༔
We offer amṛta nectar of eight major and a thousand
minor ingredients,
ku nga yeshe yongdzok chöpar bul ༔
The five kāyas and the five pure wisdoms of awakening.
torshyong namdak pal gyi tormé tam ༔
We offer the exquisite torma that fills its pure vessel,
döyön yongsu dzokpé chöpar bul ༔
A perfect and plentiful feast of every sensual delight.
kham sum khorwa yong drol khaying dak ༔
We offer enjoyment of the red rakta of non-attachment,
chakmé rakta mar gyi nyé chö bul ༔
In the expanse of the three entirely liberated
realms of samsara.

Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak - 33

dru chü tong la jarwé pawö dzé ༔
We offer the blend of a thousand grains,
the warriors’ substance
zijin kyé chir dzagé chöpar bul ༔
Of powerful drink that generates majestic splendour.
a la la té gyepar shyé su sol ༔
A la la! We implore you, please accept them with delight!
This is the brief fulfilment offering.

Recite the Hundred Syllable Mantra

34 - Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak

Marmé Mönlam: The Light Offering Prayer

a terma revelation of Tertön Nyima Drakpa

In front of the vajra master, are the ‘suitable disciples’, wearing ornaments and
holding kapāla with amṛta. The vajra brothers and sisters each hold a lamp
and stick of incense in their hands. Without any doubt in your mind, consider
you are actually in the presence of the Vajra Sovereigns and their consorts, and
the Noble One who Dispels the Darkness of Ignorance, and arousing deep
devotion, recite this in a melodious chant:

hung ༔ dü sum gyalwa tamché shyukpé né ༔

Hūṃ! You who embody all the buddhas of past, present and
marik mün sel pakpé lhatsok dang ༔
Noble One who Dispels the Darkness of Ignorance, with all
your deities,
tönpa dorjé gyalpo yabyum nam ༔
Master, Vajra Sovereigns and your consorts,
ché dang chamdral düpa gyatsö tsok ༔
Vast, ocean-like gathering of brothers and sisters:
malü tamché dak la tser gong né ༔
All of you, without exception, look upon us with your love,
changchub chok gi kyilkhor dir shyuk té ༔
Remaining here in this mandala of Supreme Enlightenment,
dak gi mönlam drubpé pangpor dzö ༔
Bear witness to the accomplishment of our aspirations and

Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak - 35

dorjé gyalpo sangye düpé pal ༔
Vajra Sovereigns, glorious embodiments of all buddhas,
gyalwé yum chok gyalwa kyepé yum ༔
Supreme consorts of the buddhas, the mothers who give birth
to the buddhas,
tuktrul gyalsé changsem tenpé tsé ༔
Emanations of their wisdom mind, sons of the buddhas,
holders of the teaching of the awakened mind of bodhicitta,
checham damtsik chikpé rigdzin tsok ༔
Brothers and sisters, gathering of vidyādharas who share one
and the same samaya,
dené zung té changchub matob bar ༔
From now on, until enlightenment is realized,
mindral chitsuk gyen du drokpar shok ༔
Without ever separating, remain as the jewel ornament on the
crown of my head!

dak gi dü sum küntu go sum yul ༔

When all past, present and future perceptions of my body,
speech and mind,
tana milam nyi du trengpé tsé ༔
Even those of dream and sleep, arise
lama yabyum checham tongwar shok ༔
May I see them as the lama yabyum, and vajra brothers and
ku sung tuk kyi gyepa kün drub ching ༔
May I please your body, speech and mind,

36 - Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak

dé gü dungwé sishyü tenpar shok ༔
And serve you with the deepest devotion and respect!

tsé di nangwa nubpar gyurpé tsé ༔

When perceptions of this life fade away, and
chiwa dangpo ösal chö kyi ku ༔
At the moment of death, when first the dharmakāya
luminosity dawns,
ngoshé tsal dzok tenpa tob né kyang ༔
Having recognised, perfected the strength and gained stability,
chöku öpakmé dang yermépar ༔
By not separating from the ‘Limitless Light’ of dharmakāya
kadak chökü ying su drolwar shok ༔
May I be liberated into the dharmakāya space of primordial

rangrig chökur rang tsal madzok né ༔

If my rigpa has not perfected its own risings into dharmakāya
bardö nang shé rangnang lhar shar na ༔
And perceptions and awareness of the bardo arise as self-
appearing deities,
rangsem dakpé tsal du ngotrö dé ༔
Introducing my own mind to its own pure energy, and
dra özer sum dang den rangdrar ché ༔
Manifesting as sound, colour, light and radiance, with its own

Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak - 37

nga den longkü shying du drolwar shok ༔
May I be liberated into the pure saṃbhogakāya realm
complete with its five certainties!

detar rangrig tsé la mapeb né ༔

So, if my rigpa does not mature into its fullness,
sipa bardö trulpé yeng gyur na ༔
And I am distracted by the delusory appearances of the bardo
of becoming,
dorjé gyalpo yabyum jedren té ༔
By remembering the Vajra Sovereign and his consort,
nangsal marmé di yi gyü ten né ༔
And by virtue of this lamp of appearance and luminosity,
pawo khandrö tsok kyi yong kor té ༔
Completely surrounded by a gathering of pawos and
khachö dakpé né su drolwar shok ༔
May I be liberated into the pure celestial domain!

lé kyi wang gi rik druk yul tong shying ༔

Whilst I see the realms of the six classes of beings dominated
by their past karma,
bakchak wang gi khorwa dir khyam kyang ༔
And I wander in this samsara, driven by habitual tendencies,
kyedzok zabmo di yi tsamjar né ༔
Through practising together these profound generation and
completion phases,

38 - Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak

daljor chobgyé denpé lü tob té ༔
I have obtained a free and well-favoured human body;
kyilkhor chik tu tsokpé tendrel dang ༔
Through the auspicious tendrel of gathering in this one
marmé chik la tepé tingdzin gyi ༔
And through the samādhi of focusing on this one lamp,
mindral tsombu chik tu tsokpar shok ༔
May we all unite in the one mandala gathering, and never

de tsé pakchok yidam lhar gyur shying ༔

At that time, transforming into the noble, supreme yidam
dorjé lobpön jampé kudrin gyi ༔
And through the loving kindness of the vajra master,
tö sam gom sum yangdak ranggyü den ༔
May my mindstream be penetrated by perfect hearing,
contemplation and meditation, and
tsulshyin chö la nyertsé kün shyi shying ༔
Pacifying all harm and dangers, through practising according
to the Dharma,
drubpé drebu tarchin drubpar shok ༔
May I realize the ultimate fruition of accomplishment!

ngödrub nam nyi chok gi nor chang shying ༔

As one who holds the supreme jewel of the two siddhis,

Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak - 39

madak drowa druk gi kham nam su ༔
In the realms of the six classes of impure beings,
gyalrik jé'u rik mangrik dramzé rik ༔
Whether as a warrior, merchant, low caste or priest,
dolpa bümé khyé'u gejong dang ༔
Labourer, woman, child or śramaṇa,
küntugyu dang lab né rikjé khen ༔
A sage, expert in all kinds of learning,
rik kyi kurwa dang ni makurwa ༔
Born in a family of honour or disrepute,
mé dang tö dang nepa chöma dang ༔
Low or high, invalid or teacher of Buddhadharma,
ja dang ridak drongkhyer longmowa ༔
Bird or beast or beggar in the city—
gangla gang dul dé la der tün du ༔
Teaching each and every being, in whichever way they need,
natsok zuk kyi drowa dulwar shok ༔
May I take on different forms in order to train beings!

jin dang nyenma döntün dönchö sok ༔

Generosity, pleasing speech, the right message,
and beneficial behaviour:
duwa nampa shyi yi pungdrok ché ༔
Keeping to these four ways of attracting disciples,
tab la khepé namdrang pakmé kyi ༔
And skilled in an immeasurable number of methods,

40 - Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak

rangkal gangden chö kyi char beb shing ༔
May I pour down a rain of Dharma, according to the needs of
each one,
pama dro druk khorwa lé drol shying ༔
Liberate the six classes of beings, my fathers and mothers,
from samsara
marik münpé drönmé jepar shok ༔
And be a lamp to dispel the darkness of ignorance!

nangsi khordé chöying yé né long ༔

Since all that appears and exists, samsara and nirvana, is from
the very beginning perfectly contained within the expanse of
marik dakpa rangjung dorjé chang ༔
And ignorance when purified is the naturally arisen supreme
jatsol mepar dro kün chamchik tu ༔
May all beings, effortlessly, as one,
rikdak yidam lha dang yermé par ༔
Be indivisible from the yidam, the Lord of Buddha families,
nyisu mepé drebu tobpar shok ༔
And obtain the fruition of nonduality!

Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak - 41

Prayer of Aspiration

namkhé tartuk tayé semchen nam

Sentient beings are as limitless as the whole of space:
mabé shyindu ku sum ngöngyur té
May each effortlessly realize the three kāyas,
pama dro druk semchen malüpa
And may every single being of all the six realms, who has each
been in one life or another my father or mother,
chamchik dömé sa la chinpar shok
Attain all together the ground of primordial perfection.

42 - Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak

Heart of Vajrasattva—The Heart of
Confession, the King of Purification
Practices, from 'The Immaculate Secret

om ༔ shyi tok dangpö sangye kuntuzang ༔

Oṃ! Primordial Buddha Samantabhadra, the ground of being:
dorjé sempa dorjé deshyin shek ༔
O Vajrasattva, Vajra Tathāgata,
pawo chenpo drowa kyobpé gön ༔
Great hero, lord and protector of beings:
dak la tsergong yeshe chen gyi zik ༔
Turn your love towards us; gaze on us with eyes of wisdom!

ah ༔ döné makyé yené namdak kyang ༔

Āḥ! All is from the beginning unborn and primordially pure,
trul ngor lobur sharwé küntok lé ༔
Yet conceptual thoughts, arising momentarily in
our deluded minds,
marik zungdzin kyennang nyamchak kün ༔
Cause ignorance, dualistic perception, impairments and
dakchen chöying yum gyi long du shak ༔
Which we confess now in the expanse of the dharmadhātu
mother, utter purity!

Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak - 43

benza ༔ sangwé dakpo dorjé damdrakpa ༔
Vajra! Lord of Secrets, Vajrapāṇi, who declared the
vajra decree,
ku sung tuk sang samaya bum gyi ༔
Of all the hundred thousand secret samayas
dam lé nyam shing tsik lé galwa gang ༔
Of body, speech and mind; whichever vows we have impaired
or pledges we have broken
rabtu nong shying gyöpé tol lo shak ༔
With deepest remorse and regret, we acknowledge and confess

sattva ༔ nyampa kyön du gyurpé dü dé né ༔

Sattva! Now that the time has elapsed for impairments to
become faults,
lé kyi nyerdzin dorjé khandro yi ༔
And causes for the harsh retribution commanded by
ka yi chepa drakpö gyur gyurpé ༔
The vajra ḍākinīs, whose stern task it is,
dichi drib gyur nyal chen gyu sak shak ༔
I confess having obscured this life and the next, by
accumulating the causes of the great hells!

44 - Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak

hung ༔ döpé gyalpo yené dorjé ché ༔
Hūṃ! ‘King of Passion’, the great primordial Vajra,
mik su mé ching nyam dang shakpa dral ༔
Free from any conceptual reference, beyond all
impairment or confession,
kuntuzangpo yé dzok rigpé long ༔
Is Samantabhadra, always perfect, the vast expanse of rigpa,
dudral mepa chöying long du ah ༔
Ever present as the space of dharmadhātu: Āḥ
This king of all confessions, these vajra words, will empty samsara from its
depths, like the philosopher’s stone turns iron into gold. This is an oral
instruction which protects those who have fallen prey to ignorance and
impaired their samayas. It burst from the wisdom mind of Samantabhadra,
and I Padma set it down in symbolic code for the sake of future generations.
May it meet with my emanation, my own heart’s son! It was deciphered by
Traktung Lekyi Pawo, Do Khyentsé Yeshé Dorjé. Virtue!

Recite the Hundred Syllable Mantra

Confession and Fulfilment – Narak Kong Shak - 45

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