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Contoh Soalan Leadership

Q1, (b) 10 marks

- Jwpn 2: Tcers need to educate students with sincerity and honesty to produce a
generation that is useful to our society and country. Therefore, tcers need to have
good relationship with students based on their sincerity and caring nature in order to
give them the best education
- Jwpn 3: Tcers with integrity will carry out their duties with trust, concern and affection
for students. Tcers also need to have high fortitude in addressing problems faced by
students. In addition, tcers need to be always compassionate and caring in the
process of solving problems of students
- Jwpn 4: Tcers should be responsible and have responsibility to carry out the best
teaching and learning for students. A fun learning atmosphere is always taught to
create a potential human capital and commendable
- Jwpn 5: Tcers who perform task sincerely can design best teaching and learning in
order to produce people with first class minds.
- Good teaching does not necessarily depend on technique solely but good teaching is
the result of the identity and integrity of a tcer. Ex: the ability of tcer to connect with
pupils and then link them to the subject based on tcers’ knowledge and confidence
and the willingness of the tcer to provide the best service in the PnP.


Q: Tcers appearance and part time career are ethical issues that can affect the quality of
teaching the classroom. (5m)
(a) Explain why tcers need to have a good look.
- Tcers need to have a level of cultural based skills, which is an ability to identify and
recognize various realities and cultures. The ability to present himself in the phase of
sensitive issues in a sincere, sensitive and meaningful environment is an effective
gauge for an effective tcer.
- Tcers’ appearance to ask questions shows that tcers have an interest and want to
know the students. It creates the experience of helping to shape the characteristics of
good pupils and helps pupils explore the similarities and differences between
- Tcer should also show their openness and ability to examine the beliefs and outlook
- Tcers should also have an effective self-expression and can identify the importance
of democracy, that all students have the same potential and opportunity to engage in
any teaching and learning activity.
(b) Analyse with examples of part time careers that always involve tcers. To what extent
tcers’ part time job contradicts with the rules and laws of public services? (10m)
- Tcers need an approval to do part time job. Approval depends on certain conditions.
For example, part time job is not done during working hours and does not affect their
work and performance.
- Similarly, tcers are involve in additional tuition classes or online classes to help
students overcome the shortcomings and difficulties in their various subjects.
According to the ministry’s circulation, tcers are prohibited from conducting tuition
classes and if they want to implement the class, tcers cannot teach more than six
hours a week. Approval will only be granted if part time job does not contradict with
the rules set.
- Taxi driver/grab/uber/direct-selling/motivational speakers


Q: Socialisation is the process of teaching children with good and perfect social value as the
application of Malaysian society, moral values to all school children.

(a) Explain the role of primary school tcers as a socialisation agent. (5m)
- The socialisation agent is the party that conducts socialisation. Socialisation agents
are individuals, groups, or organizations that influence persons and individuals
- As a socialisation agent, tcers need to create conducive learning environments bcoz
the ways students interact with tcers or fellow colleagues is not the same as such, as
a socialisation agent, tcers are able to promote friendly relationship among students.
The management of social interactions that the tcer handles is as part of learning
process. This can be done through teaching and learning activities. The groups work
with courage interactions among students
- During teaching and learning, pupils will be encouraged to discuss the topics taught
with their colleagues, making reflections and conclusions on what they understand
and learn through the discussion of the groups, the socialisation process will be
formed and students will communicate with each other. This bilateral communication
can help students develop a healthy relationship that will improve attitudes towards
school and learning. In short, these interactions and social relationships that develop
will enable students to work together as a team through cooperative and
collaborative learning.
- Developing knowledge and skills
- Distributor of knowledge culture
- Ensuring the development of positive behaviour, maintaining personality
- Uniting Malaysians nation
- Apply spiritual values to students

(b) As a socialisation agent, to what extent the current tcers are able to meet the
demands and needs of the 21st century education. (10m)
- Tcers as socialisation agent will serve as socialisation medium among others to
develop self-characteristics (talents, interest, abilities), preserve culture, stimulate the
role of democracy through teaching, speaking skills and development of critical,
creative, rational, objective and develop self-adaptation ability of students.
- Tcer is a leader who can inject patient and motivation to make his teaching more
effective. Students are highly dependent on tcers to acquire knowledge and skills.
Therefore, the effectiveness of school depends largely on tcers including the
leadership of principals bcoz their attitude is the determinant of the effectiveness of
implementation of program. Before a tcer is commited and acting, he should have
high efficacy.
- Quality tcers are the corner-stone of the progress and excellence of education based
on the education development masterplan (blueprint) through its second core aim at
developing human capital and knowledge and skills in pursuit of noble and positive
values. In this regard, the task of tcers today is not only to teach writing and reading
as the perception of some communities but the task of tcer is greater than that. Tcer
roles and responsibilities as socialisation agent are in line with the aim of the
philosophy of education which is geared towards characterising good people and
citizens, but producing futures such as trust and obedient to god, knowledgeable,
noble, loving, responsible to self, society, religion and country.
- Tcers are among the most influential socialisation agent. Tcers play a role in shaping
the self-concept, personality and personality of the perfect pupils in harmony with the
will of society. This is because the school is an agent of conveying culture and part of
the teaching function is to create cultural values. Therefore, the process of
socialisation of pupils is a task that the school should take with sense of
responsibility. Tcers play some important role as social agent during teaching and
learning process
- 21st century skills at international level include 4 main categories. First, the way of
thinking. Thinking critically and creatively, solving problems, making decisions and
learn how to learn. Second, how to work. It means master the skills of communicating
and collaborating. Third, tools forward. It means maximizing ICT literacy. Fourth, 21st
century challenges which is fulfilling personal responsibility and social responsibility.
- In relation to that, tcers are required to apply and appreciate the four major
categories of 21st century skills as an effort to achieve world class education. Tcers
need to have creative and critical thinking methods, capable of applying high level
skills, problem solving skills, decision making and modification skills by emphasizing
the use of left and right brain in most affairs. Tcers are required to focus on hands-
on, collaborative, social skills, complex communication, problem solving skills, self-
management and development as well as systematic thinking. This is the basic skill
that is expected to contribute and facilitate students self-development.
- Diverse and challenging behaviours of parents and community can be faced by tcers
with strong jati diri.
- Tcers professional development activity applies and provides tcer with latest inputs in
theory and practice.
- 21st century skills refer to communation skill, leadership skills, management skills,
language skills, teamwork skills, adapting skills, creativity skills, stress management
skills, emotional skills and so on.

kluster 1, transformasi organisasi dan kepimpinan

k2, peningkatan kualiti pensyarah
k3 pembudayaan penyelidikan dan inovasi
k4, penambahbaikan infrastruktur
pemantapan dan pengembangan kualiti kurikulum
peningkatan kualiti pelajar
pemantapan pembangunan profesionalisme keguruan

Q: the excellence of organisation is greatly influenced by leadership style of leader in
managing organisation

a) Present the main features of moral leadership styles as one of leadership styles that
can be practiced among tcers and leaders in the schools.
- Moral leadership focuses on the values and ethics of leaders in which leaders
exercise their powers and influence within an organisation for good and righteous
judgement. Moral leadership also moves on a foundation that provide motivation for
organisational members based on noble values. Leaders also do not play their
personal interest more important than the interest of global organisation. Through
good moral values, a leader achieves the loyalty of organization members and is able
to inspire them to contribute to the organization.
- Moral leadership emphasizes on the value of justice, honesty and respect for
- Leaders who practise moral leadership are very concern with the comfort and
cohesiveness of the organisation.
- Moral leadership has always been a good example for organisational members to
- The relationship of the leaders and followers in moral relationship is not based upon
power but rather based on share needs, values and aspirations.

b) Demo how transformation leadership of teachers would bring positive organisational

climate among the school community.
- A transformational teacher has ability to bring students into the vision and mission of
the school. Teachers who practised this leadership style are also inspiring and
guiding students in their daily life.
- Students will always be motivated and will always strive to improve their academic
performance and moral values. Teachers who practised transformational leadership
will also always encourage collaboration, collaborative and always pay attention to
team work.

Section B

1) As a new tcer at primary school, give argument about the problems you might
encounter at your posting school. (20m)
2) Suggest how an excellent tcer can act as agent of change in the context of tcer
leadership success at school. (20m)
3) Based on the statement, create and analysis of the correlation between a life-long
learning and development of tcer professional skills.

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