Plasmonics: The Promise of Highly Integrated Optical Devices

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Plasmonics: The Promise of Highly Integrated

Optical Devices
Stefan A. Maier

(Invited Paper)

Abstract—This paper reviews the fundamentals of surface plas- considerations: for a nonmagnetic core with dielectric constant
mon polariton (SPP) excitations sustained by interfaces between εcore > 0 of a dielectric waveguide, the dispersion relation re-
metallic and insulating media, with a focus on applications in lating the propagation constant β = kz and the transverse phase
waveguiding of electromagnetic waves at visible and near-infrared
frequencies. The large wavevectors accessible via SPP oscillations constants kx and ky of the wavevector of the propagating beam
allow for significantly reduced wavelengths and thus increased con- to the frequency can be written as
finement of the propagating modes, promising a subwavelength ω2
photonic infrastructure suitable for integration on Si-based pho- β 2 + kx2 + ky2 = εcore . (1)
tonic chips. Various geometries such as single interfaces, multi- c2
layer structures, and nanoparticle ensembles are discussed and For a 3-D wave, both kx and ky are real, thus, (1) implies
their properties assessed in terms of light confinement and energy an upper limit on the transverse phase constants via kx , ky ≤
attenuation of the guided modes. Metal/insulator/metal (MIM) and √
ω/c εcore = 2πncore /λ0 , where ncore and λ0 are the refrac-
certain forms of nanoparticle waveguides promise novel avenues tive indices of the core and the wavelength of the radiation in
for light confinement, guiding, and coupling, which could provide
the basis for subwavelength photonic devices. vacuum, respectively. Via Fourier reciprocity, this upper limit
for the transverse phase constants leads directly to a lower limit
Index Terms—Nanophotonics, optoelectronics, plasmonics. of the lateral mode size of the 3-D wave propagating in the
waveguide [4]
d x , dy ≥ . (2)
HE miniaturization of photonic devices for guiding and 2ncore
T confining electromagnetic energy to size scales compati-
ble with those of highly integrated electronic circuits currently
This fundamental limit for the size of the optical mode propa-
gating in dielectric waveguides of about half the wavelength in
poses one of the biggest challenges for the information technol- the host medium not only applies to homogeneous media, but
ogy industries. In the area of electronic circuits for information also to beams propagating in line defect waveguides in photonic
processing, the switch from micro- to nanoscale integration is crystals, and more generally to any structure where the confine-
well underway: components of CMOS logic circuits have en- ment results from interference effects such as Bragg reflection.
tered the sub-100-nm size scale, and quantum effects begin to In analogy to the transverse mode size in waveguides, the effec-
govern the electronic function of devices in both semiconductor- tive mode volume of optical microcavities is also fundamentally
based nanoelectronics and emerging areas such as molecular limited by diffraction [5], and there is currently a significant
electronics [1]. Apart from considerable fabrication challenges, effort in establishing broad design principles [6] to create di-
further size reduction of nanoelectronic circuits will be gov- electric photonic devices with mode volumes approaching this
erned by the constraints imposed by the switch to quantum fundamental barrier of (λ/2n)3 .
information processing and ultimately by the physical limits of In order to break the diffraction limit, clearly a different ap-
computation imposed by energy and entropy considerations [2]. proach from the simple scaling down of dielectric micropho-
However, miniaturization of photonic devices such as waveg- tonic waveguides and cavities is needed. In order to create opti-
uides and cavities for guiding and confining electromagnetic en- cal modes with lateral sizes in the deep subwavelength regime,
ergy at visible and near-infrared frequencies toward the sub-100- lower dimensional optical waves, where one or both of the lat-
nm size scale is limited by the well-known diffraction limit of eral phase constants kx and ky are imaginary, have to be em-
light. This fundamental barrier is a direct consequence of the ployed. As (1) suggests, such low-dimensional waves can be
three-dimensional (3-D) nature of waves propagating in dielec- achieved for core materials where εcore < 0, i.e., with metals
tric materials, which are usually the building blocks of integrated up to ultraviolet frequencies. In this case, the upper limit (2)
optical components [3], and can be derived from elementary does not apply, and waveguides as well as cavities with effec-
tive mode areas and volumes on the deep subwavelength scale
breaking the diffraction limit can be realized. The respective
Manuscript received October 31, 2005; revised August 14, 2006. This work
was supported in part by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research modes occurring at the interface between a metal and a di-
Council (EPSRC), U.K. electric are called surface-plasmon polaritons (SPPs) or short
The author is with the Centre for Photonics and Photonic Materials, surface plasmons (SPs), and in recent years, an explosion of re-
Department of Physics, University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY, U.K. (e-mail: search interest in nanoscale metallic structures sustaining both
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSTQE.2006.884086 propagating and localized SPs has been seen. Fueled by rapid
1077-260X/$20.00 © 2006 IEEE

advances in computational design, nanofabrication, and near-

field optical characterization techniques, the field of plasmonics
has emerged, with the goal of creating a subwavelength pho-
tonic infrastructure for the guiding and confinement of electro-
magnetic energy for applications in photonics, optoelectronics,
imaging, and biological sensing [7]–[9].
In this paper, the current state of progress in the area of
plasmon waveguides, realized via metallic micro- and nanos-
tructures for the guiding of electromagnetic energy at visible
and near-infrared frequencies, will be reviewed. Special atten-
tion will be placed on the inherent tradeoff between localiza-
tion and loss: small mode sizes imply significant penetration
of the electromagnetic energy into the metal, thus leading to
increased attenuation. After a review of the basics of SPP ex- Fig. 1. Dispersion relations of surface plasmon polaritons at the interface
citation at a single metal/dielectric interface, prominent ge- between a Drude metal with negligible collision frequency and air (gray lines)
and silica (black lines), respectively. Inside the frequency gap between the
ometries for guiding energy with subwavelength confinement respective surface plasmon frequency ω sp and the plasma frequency ω p , the
in the form of metal/insulator/metal (MIM) gap waveguides wavevectors are purely imaginary (broken lines).
will be described. Apart from dispersive plasmons propagating
at metal/dielectric interfaces, plasmon excitations localized to the interface to
metal nanoparticles or nanometric gaps between metallic sur- 
faces provide another mechanism for energy guiding via near- ω ε(ω)ε2
field coupling. The important problem of effectively launching β= . (3)
c ε(ω) + ε2
SPs will also be addressed. In the last part of this review, a few
paragraphs will explore future prospects and the challenge of Fig. 1 shows this dispersion relation for the interface between
CMOS compatibility. For a more in-depth review on different a Drude metal in the limit of negligible collision frequency
aspects of plasmonics apart from waveguiding, such as biolog- (ε(ω) = 1 − ωp2 /ω 2 ) and air (gray lines) or silica (black lines)
ical sensing and the enhancement of nonlinear processes due as the dielectric, respectively. In this plot, the frequency ω
to heightened fields at the metal surface, the enhancement of is normalized to the plasma frequency ωp , and both the real
transmission through metallic films, and imaging applications (continuous lines) and the imaginary part (broken lines) of the
can be found in recent reviews by Maier and Atwater [8] and wavevector β are shown. Due to their bound nature, the SPP ex-
Barnes et al. [9]. citations correspond to the part of the dispersion lying to the right
of the respective light lines of air and silica, and thus require
phase-matching techniques such as grating or prism coupling
II. SPPS AT A SINGLE INTERFACE AND for excitation via 3-D beams [12]. For small wavevectors cor-
INSULATOR/METAL/INSULATOR (IMI) WAVEGUIDES responding to low (microwave or below) frequencies, the SPP
dispersion is close to the light line, and the waves acquire the
A. Single Metal/Dielectric Interface nature of a grazing-incidence light field. For high wavevectors,
SPPs are coherent longitudinal charge oscillations of the con- the frequency approaches the aforementioned surface plasmon
duction electrons of a metal film occurring at the interface with frequency ωsp . In the limit of negligible damping of the con-
a dielectric, and were first described theoretically [10] and ob- duction electron oscillation (ε(ω) purely real), the wavevector β
served experimentally [11] in a context of plasma losses of fast approaches infinity as the frequency approaches ωsp . Radiation
electrons impinging on thin metallic films. Since the real part of into the metal occurs in the transparency regime ω > ωp . Be-
the dielectric function ε(ω) of metallic media is negative up to tween the regime of bound and radiative waves, a frequency gap
the (bulk) plasmon or plasma frequency ωp , and thus of oppo- region with purely imaginary β prohibiting propagation exists.
site sign as the dielectric constant ε2 of the adjacent dielectric, For real metals showing both free electron and interband
continuity in the normal component of the displacement field absorption, ε(ω) is complex, and the propagation of SPPs is
demands bound electromagnetic surface waves confined within damped with an energy attenuation length L = (2 Im(β))−1 ,
one dimension perpendicular to the surface. For excitation with typically between 10 and 100 µm in the visible regime depend-
fast electrons, these excitations occur√ at the characteristic sur- ing upon the exact metal/dielectric configuration. For example,
face plasmon frequency ωsp = ωp / 1 + ε2 and show a group Fig. 2 shows the dispersion relation of SPPs propagating at the
velocity close to 0. This lowering of the resonance frequency Ag/air and Ag/silica interface, with the dielectric function ε(ω)
with respect to bulk (volume) plasmon excitations is due to the of Ag taken from the data obtained by Johnson and Christy [13].
depolarizing effect of the flat interface. Compared with the dispersion relation of completely undamped
The dispersion relation ω(β) of SPPs at a single, flat interface SPPs depicted in Fig. 1, it can be seen that the bound SPPs
between a metal and a dielectric of the geometry shown in the approach now a maximum, finite wavevector at the surface plas-
inset of Fig. 1 can be calculated via an elementary boundary mon frequency ωsp . This limit in wavevector puts a lower bound
condition analysis for TM-polarized waves [12] sustained by both on the wavelength λsp = 2π/Re(β) of the propagating

dielectric environment, the SPP frequencies of the top and bot-

tom surfaces are equal. Two solutions for purely bound coupled
SPP modes exist for an infinitely wide metallic thin film—a
high-frequency odd mode showing an asymmetric distribution
of the component of the electric field in propagation direction
(longitudinal component associated with the collective electron
oscillations) and a low-frequency even mode. Both modes ex-
hibit marked differences in their behaviors with decreasing film
thickness, due to different symmetries of their spatial field distri-
butions. The odd mode shows a node of the longitudinal electric
field component in the symmetry plane of the three-layer sys-
tem, and penetrates less and less into the metal for decreasing
thickness. In the limit of an infinitely thin film, it evolves into the
Fig. 2. Dispersion of the surface plasmons propagating at the Ag/air (gray fundamental TEM mode propagating in the homogeneous em-
line) and Ag/silica (black line) interfaces. Due to damping, the wavevector of bedding material, permitted by the symmetric distribution of the
the bound SPP approaches a finite limit as the surface plasmon frequency is perpendicular component of the electric field. Thus, the attenua-
tion decreases significantly with decreasing film thickness, with
a concomitant decrease in confinement. This mode has thus been
surface plasmon and thus also on the amount of the mode
named a long-ranging SPP [17]. For surface plasmons, the low
confinement perpendicular to the interface, since  the SPP fields attenuation of the bound odd mode for small metal core thick-
in the dielectric fall off as e−|k z ||z | with kz = ε2 (ω/c)2 − β 2
nesses of IMI multilayer systems allows propagation distances
perpendicular to the interface.
one to two orders of magnitude longer than those for a thick
In order to create a waveguiding infrastructure using SPPs
metal film. Apart from its multi-centimeter propagation length
propagating at the single interface between a (thick) metal film
for sufficiently thin metallic films (t ≈ 10 nm), its mode profile
and a dielectric, clearly a lateral confinement of the SPP mode
lends itself to efficient end-fire excitation schemes [16]. Con-
is needed. This can be achieved through a modification of the
versely, the bound even mode shows the opposite behavior with
SPP dispersion relation via local changes of the metal surface
respect to both propagation constant and attenuation—its field
topology (such as bumps or holes), creating essentially designer
becomes more and more confined to the metal with decreasing
photonic surfaces. Using this principle, waveguiding over dis-
film thickness, since a mode with an asymmetric transverse elec-
tances of a couple of micrometers in line defects in a SPP band
tric field component cannot exist in a homogeneous background
gap surface consisting of a hexagonal lattice of metallic bumps
material. Both bound modes do not show a cutoff thickness for
on an underlying continuous metal surface has been recently
a symmetric environment. For thin metal films embedded in an
demonstrated [14], although clearly more work in this area is
asymmetric environment, the situation becomes more compli-
needed for exploring the practicability of electromagnetic en-
cated due to a mismatch in surface plasmon frequency between
ergy guiding via such surface plasmonic crystals. An easier route
the low- and high-index interface, leading to a cut-off height for
to lateral confinement is achieved via simply limiting the lateral
the mode showing decreasing attenuation with film thickness,
extend of the metallic film.
which increases with increasing dielectric mismatch, lowering
the propagation length.
B. IMI Multilayers and Stripe Waveguides The IMI multilayer system can be converted into a two-
In the history of research on SPPs, it has been recognized dimensional (2-D) SPP waveguide by limiting its lateral extent
early on that the finite penetration depth of the mode into the to a finite width w. For the case of w/t  1, this geometry
metal (typically of the order of 20–30 nm in the visible and near- has recently received considerable attention due to promising
infrared regime) leads to coupled plasmon modes in multilayer applications for guiding electromagnetic energy at both visible
systems consisting of thin (thickness t < 50 nm) metallic and and near-infrared frequencies in the telecommunications band.
dielectric films, and dispersion relations of SPPs propagating in In contrast to arbitrarily wide thin metal films, for finite w the
IMI and MIM structures have been calculated [15]. The judi- modes are not purely TM in nature. As for infinitely wide metal
cious choice between these two fundamental geometries and the slabs however, there exists a marked difference between slabs
respective thickness of the metallic or insulating core allows for embedded in a symmetric and asymmetric dielectric environ-
a wide tunability in both mode localization and the associated ment [18], [19]. In a symmetric environment, four fundamental
propagation losses. This section will focus on the IMI geome- and a number of higher order modes can be found and classi-
try. In this case, the exponentially decaying field inside the thin fied according to their symmetries with respect to the horizontal
metal film from one surface supporting the SPPs can couple with and vertical symmetry planes of the slabs [18]. As for the in-
an SPP mode at the other interface, provided that the thickness finitely wide metal film, one of the fundamental modes shows
t of the metal film is small enough so that the evanescent tails low-loss behavior for diminishing stripe thickness, and is addi-
of the respective modes show considerable overlap, leading to tionally the only allowed mode below a certain cut-off thickness
the establishment of two guided and leaky waves of opposite determined by the stripe width and the dielectric environment.
parities [16]. For a thin metal film embedded in a symmetric This mode can show low attenuation constants of the order of

10–0.1 dB/cm in the telecommunications band, and exhibits a

Gaussian mode profile for sufficiently thin films, allowing the
use of efficient end-fire coupling techniques. First demonstra-
tions have employed Au stripe waveguides excited at a wave-
length of 1.5 µm embedded in a silica [20] host. More recently,
functional devices such as switches and modulators based on
this waveguiding principle have been demonstrated for stripe
waveguides embedded in a polymer [21] host.
While the large propagation lengths of electromagnetic modes
sustained by thin IMI stripe waveguides have shown a consider-
able potential for long-range waveguiding based on SPPs, these
geometries are not suitable for creating subwavelength photonic
waveguides for the following reasons: firstly, in the regime of
long-range guiding (corresponding to t < 20 nm), the mode, Fig. 3. Dispersion relation of the fundamental coupled SPP modes of a
while still 2-D in nature, is only weakly confined normal to Ag/air/Ag multilayer geometry for an air core of size 100 nm (broken gray
line), 50 nm (broken black line), and 25 nm (continuous black line). Also shown
the plane of the waveguide, with an evanescent tail penetrating is the dispersion of an SPP at a single Ag/air interface and the Ag/air light line
the adjacent dielectrics over distances corresponding to multiple (gray line).
wavelengths in the dielectric. This is a consequence of the afore-
mentioned tradeoff between localization and loss: long-range of the waveguide together with the increased wave vector of
guiding implies weak localization. Thus, subwavelength con- the surface plasmon mode propagating in the x-direction will
finement cannot be achieved, which also fundamentally limits lead to confinement. The basic features can be well analyzed
the packing density of IMI waveguides [22]. Moreover, long- in a one-dimensional (1-D) model (infinite lateral extent) of a
ranging SPP modes have thus far only been observed in stripe canonical planar metal–air–metal heterostructure composed of
waveguides with w/t  1, and a significant decrease in the an air (ε1 = 1) core of width 2a surrounded by two metallic
overall mode confinement has been predicted for stripe waveg- half-spaces. As is well known, such a heterostructure can sup-
uides sustaining a long-ranging mode for the regime w < 1 µm. port two surface modes propagating in the x-direction parallel
Recent theoretical work analyzing a number of waveguide ex- to the interfaces that are set up by coupling of the SPP modes
periments in IMI stripe geometries has further confirmed the of the individual air/metal boundaries [27]. We will focus here
observed significant increase in modal loss for this small-width on the mode of the odd vector parity, which does not have a
regime [23], [24]. cut-off gap size and shows a symmetric scalar field distribu-
In order to provide a truly subwavelength confinement of the tion of the dominant electric field component Ez , with respect
optical mode using a single metallic film embedded in a dielec- to the symmetry plane, as depicted in the right inset of Fig. 3
tric, both the height t and width w of the metal structure have (this is the lowest order capacitor-type mode). The dielectric re-
to be chosen of subwavelength dimensions: the ultimate scaling sponse of the metallic half-spaces is modeled using a Drude fit
down of the metal stripe waveguides thus results in metallic to the dielectric function ε(ω) for Ag at visible and near-infrared
nanowires with a cross section significantly smaller than the frequencies [13]. The dispersion of this mode is given by the
diffraction limit of light. It has recently been demonstrated that implicit relation between the propagation constant β = kx and
such nanowires can be used as waveguides for electromagnetic the dielectric response of the metal cladding and air gap via
energy with a mode confinement below the diffraction limit [25], ε1 u
and unidirectional propagation in bimetallic nanowire systems tanh(wa) = − (4)
ε(ω) w
has been reported [26]. The subwavelength confinement leads to  
typical propagation lengths of the order of a couple of microme- where u = β 2 − k 2 ε(ω) and w = β 2 − k 2 ε1 .
ters. Significantly more work is needed to fully understand SPP Fig. 3 shows the dispersion relation of the capacitor-like mode
modes guided by such structures. for varying gap sizes. The dispersion for a single interface is
also shown (gray line), which coincides with the dispersion for
large gap sizes. An important point to note here is that large
propagation constants β can be achieved even for excitation
SUBWAVELENGTH CONFINEMENT far below the bulk metal plasma frequency provided that the
A simple geometry allowing subwavelength confinement of chosen gap width is sufficiently small. As has been pointed
electromagnetic energy and thus a potentially high packing den- out in a previous work on subwavelength guiding structures
sity of waveguides is the above-mentioned MIM multilayer sys- [4], the ability to access such large wavevectors by adjusting
tem, where the electromagnetic mode is confined in the form the geometry indicates that the localization effects for a single
of a coupled surface plasmon propagating in a deep subwave- interface can only be sustained at excitations near the material
length dielectric core surrounded by metallic claddings (Fig. 3 plasma resonance; however, it can also be attained for this gap
inset). In the vertical z-direction perpendicular to the plane of structure for the excitation in the mid- and far-infrared region.
the dielectric core, the mode is confined via a coupled SPP sus- MIM plasmon waveguides show potential for high-density
tained by the metallic boundaries. Laterally, the physical extent subwavelength integration on optical chips both from the point

mon particle resonance. This modified optical response leads to

bright colors glass stained with such particles (Fig. 4). For higher
energies above the dipole resonance, the optical absorption of
particles and films are similar, due to the dominance of d–sp
electronic interband transitions, which are prominent for Au
and Cu in the vicinity of the dipole plasmon resonance, but less
so for Ag.
The resonant electromagnetic behavior of noble metal
nanoparticles is due to the confinement of the conduction elec-
trons to the small particle volume. For particles with d  λ,
the conduction electrons inside the particle move collectively
in phase upon plane-wave excitation, leading to the buildup of
polarization charges on the particle surface. These charges act as
an effective restoring force, allowing for a resonance to occur at
Fig. 4. Absorption spectrum of an aqueous solution of 30 nm Au colloids
(gray squares) and calculations using classical electromagnetic (Mie) theory a specific frequency—the particle dipole plasmon frequency—
(gray circles). Also shown is the calculated absorption spectrum of a thin Au where the response of electrons shows a π/2 phase-lag with
film (dark circles). The strong absorption peak in the green part of the spectrum respect to the driving field. Thus, a resonantly enhanced field
leads to the bright red color of glass doped with Au nanoparticles in transmitted
light as seen in the Lycurgus cup (courtesy British Museum). builds up inside the particle, which in the small particle limit is
homogeneous throughout its volume, producing a dipolar field
of view of achievable minimal pitch size between adjacent outside the particle. This leads to enhanced absorption and scat-
waveguides [28] and from the fact that 90◦ bends and split- tering cross sections for electromagnetic waves, as well as to
ters can potentially be realized with no additional losses [29]. a strongly enhanced near field in the immediate vicinity of the
For example, estimates show that for a working wavelength particle surface. For larger particles, the spectral response is
λ = 1.5 µm Al-based MIM structures can allow for a 700 nm modified due to retardation effects and excitation of higher or-
pitch between adjacent waveguide cores while still providing a der (quadrupole) modes [30]. In general, the spectral position,
propagation length of the order of 50 µm [28]. damping, and strength of the dipole as well as of the higher
order plasmon resonances of single metal nanoparticles depend
on particle material, size, geometry, and the dielectric function
NANOPARTICLE WAVEGUIDES Excitation of metallic nanoparticles at their plasmon fre-
Another noteworthy concept for the confinement and guiding quency leads to a resonantly enhanced field confined to the
of electromagnetic waves utilizes the strong interaction of metal- surface of the nanostructure, with typical penetration depths
lic nanoparticles with visible light. Indeed, the optical properties into the surrounding dielectric of a fraction of the wavelength λ
of metal nanoparticles, especially those of the noble metals, Au, in the material. This resonantly enhanced field effectively serves
Ag, and Cu, show striking differences with respect to their bulk as a probe of the dielectric environment, enabling applications
or thin-film optical responses. As an example, Fig. 4 shows in biological sensing and in the enhancement of nonlinear light
the calculated absorption of a thin Au film (dark circles), as interactions for nonlinear host materials [8]. Additional field
well as that of 30 nm Au spheres immersed in water (gray cir- confinement can be achieved via random or regular ensembles
cles), where the dispersion properties of Au have been modeled of closely spaced metallic nanoparticles. In the simple case of
using measured dielectric data for bulk Au [13]. For nanopar- a 1-D chain of metallic nanoparticles with a nanometric center-
ticles, the optical absorption spectrum has been obtained by to-center particle separation d, near-field interactions between
directly solving Maxwell’s equations for the scattering problem the particle dipoles dominate [32], [33]. Such 1-D arrays of
of electromagnetic waves by spherical objects as first carried metallic nanoparticles can thus guide electromagnetic energy
out by Mie [30], and retaining only the dipolar term. This is via near-field dipole coupling upon local excitation at the par-
justified for nanoparticles with diameter d  λ, where λ is the ticle plasmon frequency. Due to a high confinement of energy
wavelength of light in the surrounding medium. As shown, this to the nanoparticle structure, a lateral mode profile below the
quasi-static approximation is in good agreement with measure- diffraction limit is possible [34]. However, excitation at the par-
ments (squares), which has been confirmed via a plethora of ticle dipole plasmon frequency implies that a significant amount
studies of the optical response of metallic nanoparticles of dif- of energy of the electromagnetic mode resides in the metal par-
ferent shapes in solid, liquid, and gaseous environments [31]. ticles themselves, and thus attenuation lengths for this geometry
Fig. 4 demonstrates the striking difference between the optical are below 1 µm. Using the aperture of a near-field optical micro-
response of the thin film and nanoparticles. Whereas the film scope as a local excitation source, evidence for energy transport
absorbs light throughout the near-infrared and visible region over a distance of 500 nm has been obtained [35].
due to free-electron absorption, for nanoparticles this process is Slightly longer energy attenuation lengths can be obtained
strongly quenched for energies lower than 2 eV. Indeed, all the via the excitation of gap instead of particle plasmons modes.
free electron oscillator strength for absorption is pulled into a Nanometric gaps between adjacent metallic nanoparticles can
dipolar absorption peak around 2.25 eV, the dipolar surface plas- be thought of as an MIM waveguide of finite length L in the

Fig. 5. Electric field distribution around nanoparticle plasmon waveguides

excited using a longitudinally polarized point-dipole located to the left
of the waveguide at λ = 500 nm (top), 429 nm (center), and 390 nm (bot-
tom). In the case of resonant excitation at 429 nm, the energy is efficiently
guided along the array. The color scale spans five orders of magnitude in the Fig. 6. (a) Finite-difference time-domain calculated mode profile of a fiber-
absolute value of the electric field. accessible metal nanoparticle waveguide consisting of a 2-D array of metal
nanoparticles on a thin Si membrane. (b) Transmission spectrum of a fiber taper
placed in close proximity to the waveguide, showing phase-matched power
direction perpendicular to the particle chain axis. The propagat- transfer with efficiencies up to 75%. The inset shows the evolution of coupling
ing gap plasmon modes get reflected at the impedance mismatch with decreasing taper-waveguide separation.
with air boundaries, and thus act as nanoscale Fabry–Perot-type
resonators, which can couple along the nanoparticle chain
geometry of the Si membrane. The upper branch of the fun-
via evanescent interactions. Due to the large wavevector and
damental waveguide mode sustained by this waveguide crosses
corresponding small wavelength of the coupled gap plasmon
the light lines of silica and air due to zone-folding, and thus en-
mode, the fundamental mode can be excited for lateral particle
ables efficient power transfer from optical fiber tapers brought
dimensions of the order of λ/10 for gaps <50 nm. Fig. 5 shows
into close proximity to the waveguide [38]. Fig. 6(b) shows
as an example a finite difference time domain simulation of a
the wavelength-dependent optical power transmitted through
metal nanoparticle waveguide consisting of 50 × 50 × 50 nm3
the taper via the coupling region, demonstrating efficient power
Ag cubes separated by 20 nm gaps in air. The fundamental
transfer up to 75% at the phase matching point. Such waveguides
gap mode is excited at a free-space wavelength λ = 429 nm,
could potentially be used as couplers from 3-D light beams prop-
and allows for energy transport with an attenuation length
agating in optical fibres to 2-D plasmon modes on a Si chip, and
α = 1100 nm. In contrast to nanoparticle waveguides operating
thus be a solution of the coupling problem between conventional
via the principle of resonant particle plasmon excitation [34],
beams and lower dimensional plasmon modes. Closely related
in this case the electromagnetic energy is mostly confined to
to this problem is the still open challenge of how to efficiently
the gaps between adjacent particles, in agreement with earlier
convert a mode from low-attenuation plasmon waveguides suit-
experimental observations of a squeezed near -field in such
able for power coupling to the outside world to high-attenuation,
structures [36]. Such a geometry should show advantages for
high-confinement subwavelength plasmon waveguides.
applications such as biological sensing or the integration of
nonlinear elements into the field hot-spots between particles.
Apart from high-confinement energy guiding using resonant
excitations of particle or gap plasmons, regular 2-D arrays of SPPs propagating at the interface between metallic and dielec-
metallic particles can also act as stripe-like waveguides showing tric media offer intriguing ways to confine and guide light via
attenuation lengths of the order of 100 µm when excited at fre- lower dimensional, dispersive surface waves. Since field pene-
quencies lower than the respective particle plasmon frequency. tration into the metallic media is a necessary requirement for
In this case, the amount of energy penetrating into the particles the occurrence of SPPs, there exists a general tradeoff between
and thus the absorptive losses are significantly reduced. How- localization and loss. Thus, a judicious choice of waveguid-
ever, another lateral confinement mechanism is needed in order ing geometry is necessary for particular applications such as a
to combat radiative losses of the nonresonantly excited parti- long-range (and thus low-confinement) propagation or a high-
cles to keep the energy confined to the nanoparticle structure. confinement (and thus short-range) waveguiding for achieving
One prominent approach utilizing a 2-D square lattice of Au a high packing density of waveguides on future optical chips.
nanoparticles on a thin Si membrane has recently been theo- Both MIM waveguides and nanoparticle gap waveguides cur-
retically described [37] and experimentally demonstrated [38]. rently offer routes to deep subwavelength confinement in nano-
Fig. 6(a) shows the electromagnetic mode profile of a waveguide metric gaps between metallic media, albeit with propagation
designed to operate at a wavelength λ = 1.6 µm in the telecom- lengths well below 100 µm depending on the gap size and op-
munication band consisting of a square lattice of nanoparticles erating wavelength. The optimization of the tradeoff in terms of
with a lattice constant of 500 nm. In order to ensure good lateral requirements for optical computing on Si-based chips has yet to
mode confinement, a lateral grade in nanoparticle size is em- be performed. Promising initial demonstrations of the efficient
ployed to provide index guiding, while the mode perpendicular excitation of SPP modes on Si substrates using conventional
to the waveguide is confined via a Au/air SPP and the undercut fiber technology have also been achieved. It remains to be seen

how such coupling structures can be efficiently interfaced with [19] , “Plasmon-polariton waves guided by thin lossy metal films of finite
nanometric waveguides. From the materials point of view, the width: Bound modes of asymmetric structures,” Phys. Rev. B, vol. 63,
no. 12, p. 125417, Mar. 2001.
vast majority of work in SPP waveguides and plasmonics in gen- [20] R. Charbonneau, P. Berini, E. Berolo, and E. Lisicka-Shrzek, “Experi-
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