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Corporate Governance: Its scope,

concerns and theories
Shann Turnbull

This paper outlines the conceptual, cultural, contextual and disciplinary scope of the
rapidly evolving topic of corporate governance. As a basis for improving the rigour of
research and analysis, some definitions are suggested. Reasons for the diversity of view-
points and concerns are considered. To provide an orientation for new scholars and those
from specialised disciplines, recent surveys of corporate governance are reviewed from their
ethnocentric, contextual, and intellectual contingencies. The prospects of developing the
topic as a "science of organization" are considered along with areas for future research.

Key words: agency, control, corporations, culture, cybernetics, directors, firm, finance,
governance, information theory, institutions, ownership, political, power, regulation, self-
regulation, self-governance, shareholders, stakeholders, stewardship, theory of the firm,
transaction costs.

Introduction A diversity of agents is shown to be in-

volved in influencing, controlling, regulating

T he purpose of this paper is to provide

an orientation in corporate governance
for both new scholars and specialists in
and managing firms, productive networks
and associations. Again, an inclusive ap-
proach is used to encompass the diversity
disciplines which intersect with the topic. of ways in which leading workers in the
These disciplines include micro-economics, field define the topic of corporate governance.
organizational economics, organizational The next section considers the origins of
theory, information theory, law, accounting, the diverse viewpoints. The various per-
finance, management, psychology, sociology spectives are related to the discipline and
and politics. Each may view corporate professional affiliations of various writers
governance in a different way, somewhat in the field as well as to their cultural and
like the apocryphal group of blind people contextual situations. We then consider how
trying to identify an elephant through touch well theories of the firm fit these various
by each describing quite different parts of contingencies and how governance practices
the animal. differ between cultures.
To encompass most perspectives, an in- Two surveys of corporate governance
clusive definition of corporate governance undertaken in 1996 by US scholars are then
is introduced in the next section to include reviewed from the perspectives developed
all types of firms and other institutional by the paper. One survey undertaken by
arrangements involved in productive ac- the National Bureau of Economic Research
tivities. The third section considers how comprehensively reviews the extensive, but
some key words are used in different ways narrow, financial perspective used by econo-
within, and between, disciplines. To assist mists who base much of their analysis on
in integrating the knowledge of the various transaction costs and agency theory. The
disciplines, some common language is other survey prepared for the OECD, pre-
suggested. sents four viewpoints. These are: (i) a

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Volume 5 Number 4 October 1997 and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA.

simple finance model, (ii) stewardship theory, institutional arrangements for undertaking
(iii) stakeholder theory and (iv) the politics productive activities. It may well turn out
of shareholder control at the micro level of that privately held entities could provide the
the firm. This fourth perspective is reviewed most efficacious form of enterprise. A possi-
from a macro political context which includes bility supported by Jensen's (1993:869) view
an historical outline of how state and federal of `a proven model of governance structure'
governments in the US concerned themselves discussed later, and the outstanding record of
with the control and regulation of companies. firms found around the town of MondragoÂn
The section concludes by considering some in Spain (Turnbull 1995d).
emerging political issues raised by Monks If firms include all social institutions
(1996) in the governance of US firms and the engaged in the production and sale of goods
national economy. and services, then both public and private
Three additional approaches are suggested sector organizations such as schools, hospi-
for analysing how productive activities are tals, clubs and societies, need to be included.
governed by social institutions. These are With firms defined in this way, the scope of
based on analysing respectively: (i) culture; corporate governance includes nearly all the
(ii) power and (iii) their information and economic activity of a nation. It was by asking
control (i.e. cybernetic) architecture. the question, `Why is not all production
Research opportunities are identified in carried on by one big firm?' that Coase
such topics as: (i) limited life enterprises; (1937) laid the foundations for developing a
(ii) worker ownership and control; (iii) com- `theory of the firm'.
pound boards with two, three and more tiers; Coase considered the existence of a `master
(iv) information theory; (v) productive net- and servant relationship', or an `employer
works; (vi) holonic structures; and (vii) self- and employee relationship' as a defining
regulation and self-governance. Concluding feature of a firm. However, this condition
remarks follow. would exclude activities carried out by
teams, partners, joint venturers, strategic
alliances, associations and networks. This
Definitions led Alchian & Demsetz (1972) to ask the
question `what is meant by a firm?' They
Corporate governance describes all the influ- concluded that `The term firm as commonly
ences affecting the institutional processes, used is so turgid of meaning that we can not
including those for appointing the controllers hope to explain every entity to which the
and/or regulators, involved in organizing the name is attached in common or even tech-
production and sale of goods and services. nical literature'.
Described in this way, corporate governance However, Coase (1937) also stated: `the
includes all types of firms whether or not they distinguishing mark of the firm is the
are incorporated under civil law. supersession of the price mechanism'. This
Firms can exist as either common or civil definition avoids the problem of identify-
law companies, partnerships, joint ventures, ing the institutional form of a firm. It does
limited liability partnerships, co-operatives, not necessarily avoid the problem of ident-
mutual associations, building societies, ifying the boundaries of a firm (Barney &
friendly societies, trading trusts, etc. Fama & Ouchi 1986:78). The boundary problem
Jensen (1983b) even considered churches. emerges when analysing joint ventures,
However, organizations like a church, not strategic alliances, associations and networks
engaged in the production and sale of goods which some scholars treat as `economic
and services, do not meet the generally entities which have a coherence, a struc-
accepted description of a firm. ture, and an individuality of their own'
Firms may be publicly traded, privately (Mathews 1996b:116). Ambiguous bound-
held, for profit, or not-for-profit. Much of the aries are found with Mondrago n firms,
literature on corporate governance implicitly their relationship groups and their supra-
assumes that only publicly traded firms are organizational systems, as pointed out by
the subject of analysis (e.g. Blair 1995:3). This Turnbull (1995d).
would limit the topic to less than 40,000 firms The need to identify firms and their
world-wide and involve only a fraction of all boundaries may not be required to develop
economic activity in even the most advanced the most efficacious institutional arrange-
market societies (FIBV 1993; Economist ments for organizing productive activities in
1995:116). society. The problem of defining firms or their
Restricting the study of corporate govern- boundaries is avoided by defining corporate
ance to publicly traded corporations would governance as proposed at the beginning of
limit investigation into the most efficient this section.

# Blackwell Publishers Ltd 1997 Volume 5 Number 4 October 1997


Terminology Self-governance involves a political process

within institutions to appoint the controllers
The literature on the theory of the firm, cor- responsible for regulation. Self-governance in
porate governance, and information theory a political context means `government of the
attributes different meanings and nuances to people, by the people for the people'. This
a number of words in common usage. As describes democracy. The introduction of
words are the tools of thinking, they need to elements of self-governance into institutions
be clearly defined to provide a basis for clear involved in productive activities would
communication and rigorous analysis. enrich democracy. There are arguments
Ambiguity in the Ambiguity exists in the meaning of key and evidence that this produces operating
meaning of words such as `control', `regulate', `manage' advantages (Turnbull 1997c,e).
`governance' `govern' and `governance'. Both the ambigu- In discussing systems of corporate control,
ities and circular dictionary definitions need economists frequently use the word `capital'
to be resolved to develop rigour in the study in different ways. In their `Corporate Govern-
of corporate governance. ance Survey', Shleifer & Vishny (1996) used
Tannenbaum (1962) defined control as `any the word in four different ways to indicate:
process in which a person or group of persons (i) the means of production (p.6); (ii) an
or organization of persons determines, i.e., investment which may not be represented
intentionally affects, what another person by the means of production (p.3); (iii) finance
or group or organization will do'. This defi- (p.2) and `external capital' (p.6); or even
nition provides a word to describe a situation (iv) just credit created by contract (`bank
where no standard of performance is re- debt' and `junk bonds').
quired. Other writers (Etzioni, 1965:650; The problem introduced by such ambiguity
Downs, 1967:144) use the word control in is illustrated by their reference to `the people
the sense of meeting some standard of who sink the capital' (p.3). It is not clear if
performance. In these situations, the word these `people' are: (i) investors subscribing for
`regulate' will be used whether or not the new shares; (ii) shareholders who purchase
`regulator' is a manager of the organization existing shares from others; (iii) bankers who
concerned or an external bureaucrat. Defin- lend money; or (iv) the managers/'entrepre-
ing `control' and `regulate' in these ways neurs' who purchase the means of production
provides a common language with the science or what Moulton (1935:7) describes as `pro-
of information and control described as creative assets'. The agency costs, benefits
`cybernetics' (Ashby 1968). This facilitates and risk, change according to the various
the use of information theory in corporate meanings of the word capital.
governance analysis. Clarity of the Shleifer & Vishny statement is
The word control, as defined above, infers fundamental for their survey as they define
that a person or group possess the power to corporate governance as `the ways in which
determine what actions are taken. Self-control suppliers of finance to corporations assure
then means that not all the power available themselves of getting a return on their
is used to further the self interest of the investment' (p.2). With this perspective of
controller(s). Self-control simply becomes considering the moral and other hazards
the avoidance of using power in some of investors obtaining satisfactory returns,
degree, rather than meeting a given result. Shleifer & Vishny provide a comprehensive
This is a requirement of directors, or a board, literature review.
wishing to behave as `stewards', and will be Confusion about the word capital can be
discussed later. compounded by accountants who introduce
The word `manage' will be used to com- their own professional meanings which can
municate the responsibility for executive also be ambiguous. Clear analysis and com-
action. It could be ambiguous to mean either munication would be advanced with less
control or regulate. The word `govern' is ambiguous words, especially when the con-
likewise ambiguous. `Governance' will be text does not make the meaning clear. In an
used to describe a system of control or interdisciplinary topic like corporate govern-
regulation which includes the process of ance it may be safer simply not to use the
appointing the controllers or regulators. word `capital'.
But ambiguity can Self-regulation means that the standards of However, ambiguous words can be useful.
be useful performance are established by those being Alchian & Demsetz (1972: note 1) use the
regulated. Self-governance means that the word `meter' in the sense of both measuring
system of control or regulation includes and control. In other words, they are discuss-
the appointment of the controllers by the ing regulation as defined above. Ambiguity in
governed. By this means, self-regulation the words `manage' and `govern' can likewise
can be introduced through self-governance. be useful. However, care needs to be taken

Volume 5 Number 4 October 1997 # Blackwell Publishers Ltd 1997


not to use ambiguous words un-necessarily. formance measure of an `opportunity rate of

The term `governance' is often used when the return'.
word `control' or `regulate' would be more The term `compound board' will be used
appropriate or provide greater clarity of the to describe the existence of two or more con-
process involved. The study by Porter (1992) trol centres whether or not they are required
rarely uses the word governance. by law, the constitution of the firm or are
If the term `management' is reserved to created by relationships external to the firm.
describe processes which involve execu- Compound boards are commonly found in
tive action then it describes a subset of Anglo cultures although they may not be
governance processes. However, the kudos recognised as such. Publicly traded corpor-
perceived by some writers in corporate ations controlled by a parent company, con-
governance matters has resulted in the word trol group, relationship investor or family
governance being over used. Many board shareholder create a compound board. Two
activities are subject to management pro- and three tiered boards may be required by
cesses such as establishing sub-committees. law in Europe (Analytica 1992) and are found
Greater clarity and focus would be achieved in Japanese firms where the shareholders
by using terms such as `board management', elect `statutory auditors' to oversee the con-
`board conduct', `corporate management', formance role of the board described as
`corporate organization', or `corporate con- Kansayaku (Charkham 1994:93). A Keiretsu
duct', rather than the less specific, more Council creates a third control centre.
ambiguous and ambitious phrase `corporate
A useful definition for the word `stake- Influences which Affect the Defining
holder' has been provided by Donaldson & Operations of Firms `stakeholder'
Preston (1995). `Stakeholders are identified
through the actual or potential harms and Firms whose securities are publicly traded
benefits that they experience or anticipate generally have more external influences on
experiencing as a result of the firm's actions their operations than other firms. One way of
or inactions'. In 1963, the Stanford Research indicating the scope of corporate governance
Institute defined as stakeholders `those is to consider the more obvious influences
groups without whose support the organiz- which can affect the operations of publicly
ation would cease to exist' (Freeman 1984:31). traded firms as indicated in Table 1. The
This class of stakeholders are described by influences can be either internal or external
Turnbull (1997c,e,f) as `strategic stakeholders' with external influences arising from either
as strategic issues concern the ability of a firm the private or public sector.
to exist. Strategic issues transcend discounted The multitude of stakeholders identified in
cash flow analysis based on a relative per- Table 1 are consistent with the definitions of

Table 1. Influences affecting the operations of publicly traded firms

Private sector influences Public sector laws/regulators

Customers Trade practices

Competitors Anti-monopoly
Shareholders Securities
Employees Labour & Equal Opportunity
Unions Arbitration courts, etc.
Suppliers Fair trading
Bankers & financiers Credit & bankruptcy
Auditors Corporate
Stock Exchange rules Federal/State/Local tax
Market for shares Health & safety
Media Environmental
Professional associations Quality
Trade associations Building
Directors & Advisers Community

# Blackwell Publishers Ltd 1997 Volume 5 Number 4 October 1997


corporate governance provided by a number involved in relationships such as unions,

of authorities in the field. Demb & Neubauer trade associations, government and even
(1992a) state that `Corporate Governance is political groups (Donaldson & Preston 1995).
the process by which corporations are made The various views on corporate governance
responsive to the rights and wishes of can also be related to different cultural
stakeholders'. Monks & Minow (1995:1) wrote contexts, intellectual backgrounds and inter-
that: `It is the relationship among various ests of scholars. Workers in the field come
participants in determining the direction and from different academic disciplines. There is
performance of corporations'. While Tricker often little, or incomplete, integration be-
(1994:xi) states `Corporate governance ad- tween the various disciplines. The overlap of
dresses the issues facing boards of directors, corporate governance with other disciplines
such as the interaction with top management, is rarely articulated or even recognised. To
and relationships with the owners and others indicate how different viewpoints arise, and
interested in the affairs of the company, to provide an overview of the topic, some
including creditors, debt financiers, analysts, examples are considered.
auditors and corporate regulators'. `The phrase corporate governance is often
However, other writers like Sternberg applied narrowly to questions about the
(1996) do not accept that publicly traded structure and functioning of boards of
corporations should be `responsive to the directors' (Blair 1995:3). This view is found
rights and wishes of stakeholders' as pro- amongst some business school scholars and
posed by Demb & Neubauer (1992a). Stern- management consultants. Lex Donaldson
berg states that `stakeholder theory is both (1990:376), defined corporate governance as
misguided and mistaken', and that `stake- `the structure whereby managers at the
holder theory of accountability is unjustified', organizational apex are controlled through
it `undermines private property, agency and the board of directors, its associated struc-
wealth', `is incompatible with business' and tures, executive incentive, and other schemes
`with corporate governance'. of monitoring and bonding'. This view was
Even before the contribution by Sternberg, reflected by his colleague, a former McKinsey
the diversity of views about corporate consultant, in Strictly Boardroom (Hilmer
governance led Pound (1993b) to state: `The 1993).
lack of a broad defining paradigm has created The definition of corporate governance
a sense of intellectual vertigo in the increas- quoted above by Tricker (1994) is focused on
ingly intense debate over corporate govern- the board room but extends the scope to
ance reforms'. An objective of this paper is to include `owners and others interested in the
provide some orientation for debate and affairs of the company, including creditors,
research. debt financiers, analysts, auditors and corpor-
ate regulators'. Such wider concerns reflect
the audience for company financial reports,
Differences in Viewpoints consistent with both Tricker's accounting
background and the target audience for his
One reason why diverse views can exist is publication.
that different scholars investigate firms from Monks & Minow (1995) have an interest in
different viewpoints. Donaldson & Preston `relationship investing' as described by
(1995) point out that a firm was viewed by Monks (1994). Their definition of corporate
Adam Smith (1937) and by contemporary governance is based on `relationships' as
investors as an organization which obtained quoted earlier. Monks & Minow formed a
resources from its investors, employees and commercial mutual fund which they called
suppliers to produce goods and services for `Lens' to focus on under-performing corpor-
its customers. Marxists, financial economists, ations. As active shareholders they seek to
and Sternberg, view a firm as an organization add value to companies by relating to the
which obtains resources from its employees boards of their investee companies as owners.
and suppliers, with cashflows contributed by In making recommendations to change
its customers to service its owners. In other the pattern of ownership and control of US
words, Marxists and others view firms as firms to make them more competitive, Porter
servicing their owners rather than their (1992) targeted policy makers, investors, and
customers, employees and suppliers. corporations. He identified the need to in-
The stakeholder view of a firm is different volve strategic stakeholders such as em-
again. It considers that investors, employees, ployees, customers, suppliers and members
suppliers, customers and stakeholders gen- of the host community, in the ownership and
erally both contribute and receive benefits control of corporations, to make them inter-
from a firm. In addition, other parties may be nationally competitive.

Volume 5 Number 4 October 1997 # Blackwell Publishers Ltd 1997


The rejection by Sternberg (1996) of such from concern over earlier corporate failures
stakeholder involvement was made in the in Australia and from his activities as a cor-
context of the author being based in England porate raider, company promoter and chair-
where intense political interest arose in the man of publicly traded companies. Corporate
nature of a `Stakeholder Economy' which was failures in the US during the 1980's led
raised by the leader of the then parliamen- Michael Jensen (1993) to analyse `the failure
tary opposition party (Tony Blair 1996) one of corporate internal control systems', John
year before a general election. As a former Pound (1992; 1993a,b) to review the politics of
electronics engineer, and motivated by being corporate control, and Michael Porter (1992)
a founder and former President of the to compare the US system of corporate
Australian Employee Ownership Association, governance with those found in Japan and
Turnbull (1997f) utilised information theory Germany.
to provide counter arguments to Sternberg
based on his re-interpretation of the theory
of a firm (1994a,d). Cultural Specificities in Theories
Table 2 indicates some of the diversity in and Practice
corporate governance analysis and concerns.
The interests of each of the scholars listed Research into the theory and practice of cor-
could be far greater than those particularly porate governance has been heavily focused
noted. The scope of the inquiry into `The on English speaking countries and the US in
Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance' particular. All scholars listed in Table 1 are
was limited by the terms of reference of the from `Anglo' countries. `Most of the available
committee chaired by Sir Adrian Cadbury empirical evidence in the English language
(1992). The committee was established as a comes from the the United States' (Shleifer
`damage control' initiative by the City of and Vishny 1996:6). Hollingsworth, Schmitter
London following some high profile failures & Streeck (1994:4) state: `In the 1950s and
of publicly traded corporations. Similar 1960s, hardly anyone disagreed with the
failures occurred in Australia during the assumption that the more traditional and,
1980's when Henry Bosch (1995) chaired the therefore, backward economies like Japan,
National Corporations and Securities Com- Germany, or Europe as a whole would have
mission. The contribution by Shann Turnbull to adopt American patterns of industrial
(1975b) was part of the first educational organization'. The lack of research in compar-
qualification for company directors and arose ing different systems of corporate control was

Table 2. Subjects of analysis and variables relating to corporate governance

Authors (date order) Subject of analysis Variable

Simon 1962 Information Managing complexity

Turnbull 1975b & 1993b Directors' responsibilities Managing conflicts
Jensen & Meckling 1976 Agency costs Financial structure
Williamson 1985 Transaction costs Industrial organization
Hollingsworth & Lindberg 1985 Four modes of governance Social organization
Monks & Minow 1991;1995;1996 Board accountability Relationship investing
Demb & Neubauer 1992a Stakeholders Firm responsiveness
Cadbury 1992 Financial aspects Board conformance
Porter 1992 Nature of ownership Firm competitiveness
Hilmer 1993 Boardroom Firm performance
Pound 1993b Politics of ownership Economic efficiency
Jensen 1993 Publicly traded firms Failure in control systems
Bosch 1995; AIMA 1995 Directors' duties Code of conduct
Sternberg 1996 Stakeholder appropriation Shareholder value
Hawley & Williams 1996 Fiduciary capitalism Corporate performance
Shleifer & Vishny 1996 Moral hazards Investment returns
Persson, et. al. 1996 Separation of powers Welfare of stakeholders
Turnbull 1997c,e,f Cybernetic architecture Operating advantages

# Blackwell Publishers Ltd 1997 Volume 5 Number 4 October 1997


only recognised in the US in the 1990's. This type of information and control channel as set
neglect was explained by Gilson (1994:132) out in a typology described by Turnbull
who noted that `the American system seemed (1978b:6; 1994d:328). Two of the these addi-
to represent the evolutionary pinnacle of tional forms of governance are outside the
corporate governance, so other systems were discipline of economics and so beyond the
either less far along the Darwinist path, or field of vision and analysis by economists.
evolutionary deadends; neither laggards nor This means that Coase (1937), trained as an
neanderthals made interesting objects of economist, was asking and answering the
study'. wrong question. Instead of inquiring why
This view was exacerbated by the US being economic transactions are organized through
the most powerful economy in the world, the the `authority system' of a firm rather than
`citadel of capitalism', and a widely rec- through the market, he should have asked
ognised role model for other countries seek- when are economic transactions organized by
ing to better themselves. The importance of any combination of the four different ways in
Porter's (1992) study is that it provided a which transactions can be governed.
counter view for academics and policy Each of these four institutional modes for
makers. integrating human activities have `a separate
The US has also dominated the develop- logic of collective action and social order' as
ment of the theory of the firm which was described by Streeck & Schmitter (1985:11).
based on the assumption, some might The existence of four rather than two insti-
say paradigm, that `in the beginning there tutional modes of organizing human co-
were markets' (Williamson 1975:20) and that operation means that existing theories of the
firms exist because markets fail, i.e.. `super- firm are incomplete (Turnbull 1994a). This
session of the price mechanism' (Coase 1937). does not necessarily mean that existing
US scholars developed the theory of the theories of the firm are incorrect, only that
firm during the height of the ideological they may have limited application, in a way
contest between capitalism and communism. analogous to Newtonian `laws of motion'
It would have been unpatriotic to entertain providing correct answers when the effects
the possibility that markets were not the of relativity are not present. In other words,
natural order of a free society. The failure of the theory of the firm becomes most relevant
communism has reinforced the hegemony of in cultures committed to competition with
market ideology with widespread political strong anti-trust laws and large scale imper-
interest in privatisation based on the US sonal publicly traded firms without related
model of a firm. The problems of using this party transactions, and are not strongly
model in the US are identified by Jensen bonded through cultural, clan, trade, indus-
(1993), in Russia by Blasi & Gasaway try, vocational or other associations, including
(1993) and in Australia by Turnbull (1993a; strong interlocking directorships. This de-
1995a,c,f). The problems of the US model in scribes the US economy.
either the US or former socialist economies The US based theory of the firm becomes
are outlined by Shleifer & Vishny (1996). less relevant when economic transactions are
However, faith by political ideologues in mediated by cultural priorities, business
A flawed model of replicating the dominant, but flawed US related associations, trade, vocational, family,
corporate governance model, has so far been little social and political networks. These are more
governance inhibited by scholarly research, empirical prominent in continental Europe, Japan and
evidence or the competitive success of other other Asian countries (Hollingsworth & Lind-
approaches. berg 1985; Analytica 1992; Hollingsworth,
The assumption that in the beginning Schmitter & Streeck 1994; Hollingsworth &
there were markets is not supported by the Boyer 1997). However, `the social governance
evidence of history as noted by Ben Porath of markets' in the US is not insignificant, as
(1978), North (1985:558), Turnbull (1978b: detailed by Bruyn (1991). The operating
52;1994d:328) and others. In the beginning, advantages of a greater reliance on associ-
economic transactions were governed by ations and networks in the governance of
social relationships rather than by markets, firms has been reported by Franks & Mayer
hierarchy or even what Williamson (1990:x) (1993), Gilson & Roe (1993), Kester (1992),
refers to as `hybrid modes of organization' and Turnbull (1995d). Blair (1995), Fukao
combining both markets and hierarchy. (1995:74,77,78), and Porter (1992:16-17) also
Sociologists, Hollingsworth & Lindberg, recommend that the US firms establish
(1985:221/2) state that there are `four dis- stakeholder associations and networks.
tinctive forms of governance . . . market, While Street and Schmitter (1985:1), Hol-
hierarchies, the clan or community and lingsworth & Lindberg (1985:221) and Turn-
associations'. Each form relies on a different bull (1994a:325-8,d) have outlined a possible

Volume 5 Number 4 October 1997 # Blackwell Publishers Ltd 1997


theoretical framework for analysing govern- Neubauer (1992b), Franks & Mayer (1993),
ance systems between cultures, their work Isaksson & Skog (1994), Charkham (1994),
has not yet been used by corporate govern- GoÈnencË (1994), Tricker (1994), Wymeersch
ance scholars. Hollingsworth, Schmitter & (1994), Garrett (1996) and Turnbull (1975b;
Streeck (1994:5) state that `Contemporary 1995a,b,c,d,f; 1997e,f). US contributions have
mainstream economics postulates essentially focused on Japan or Germany such as those
two mechanisms of governance: markets and by Kester (1991; 1992), Porter (1992), Roe
corporate hierarchies.' They go on to say: `In the (1993), Gilson & Roe (1993) and Aoki (1993),
limited institutional repertory envisaged by with other countries considered by Black &
mainstream economics, corporate hierarchies Coffee (1993), Blasi & Gasaway (1993), Monks
are the preferred, and in fact the only & Minow (1995), Fukao (1995) and Preston
"economic", alternative to markets'. (1996).
Failure by many economists to recognise
that there are modes of organizing trans-
actions outside markets and hierarchy, and Theories Relevant to Corporate
the hegemony of market ideology, has re- Governance
sulted in there being `no accepted theoretical
framework for comparing systems of corpor- Hawley & Williams (1996) undertook a
ate governance within or between cultures' literature review of corporate governance in
(Demb & Neubauer 1992a). Radner (1992) the US as a background paper for the
goes further to state `I know no theoretical Organization for Economic Cooperation and
research to date that compares the relative Development (OECD). They identified four
efficiency of hierarchical and non-hierarchical models of corporate control: 1. The Simple
organizations within a common model'. More Finance Model; 2. The Stewardship Model;
generally, Jensen (1993:873) observed that 3. The Stakeholder Model; and 4. The Political
`we're facing the problem of developing a Model. While the Survey of Corporate Govern-
viable theory of organizations'. This problem ance by Shleifer & Vishny (1996) for the
has been identified by a number of other National Bureau of Economic Research was
leading workers in the field. not restricted to the US, its scope was limited
Coase (1991b:72) saw the need for `a more to the finance model consistent with the
comprehensive theory' and stated that `theory specialised definition of corporate govern- Viable theory of
is outrunning our knowledge of the facts in ance adopted by the authors quoted earlier. organizations
the study of industrial organization and that Three additional ways of analysing corporate needed
more empirical work is required if we are to governance will be suggested in the next
make progress' (1991a:451). North (1985:572) section.
noted that there is an `additional dimension The two corporate governance surveys re-
currently missing in the discipline of econ- ferred to above were written by US scholars.
omics'. Williamson (1990:xi) sees the need for Both surveys contain some unstated cul-
`observing the phenomena at a higher level of turally determined boundary conditions and
resolution'. Williamson (1991:10) noted that assume that the US context provides a univer-
`In Demsetz's judgment, however, recent sal reference. Shleifer & Vishny (1996:6)
work ± of team theory (Alchian and Demsetz, explicitly state that `while we pay some
1972), agency theory (Jensen and Meckling, attention to cooperatives, we do not focus
1976) and transaction cost kinds ± has not on a broad variety of non-capitalist owner-
gone far enough'. Demsetz (1991:159) stated ship patterns, such as worker ownership and
that `a more complete theory of the firm must non-profit organizations'. Nor are these types
give greater weight to information cost than is of firms considered by Hawley & Williams
given either in Coase's theory or in theories who do not state their boundary conditions.
based on shirking and opportunism which Tricker (1996:31) states:
have not gone far enough'. To meet these
Stewardship theory, stakeholder theory
concerns, a theory of the firm based on econ-
and agency theory are all essentially
omising information rather than just costs
has been proposed by Turnbull (1994a), and
ethnocentric. Although the underlying Current
ideological paradigms are seldom articu- governance theories
is considered later.
lated, the essential ideas are derived from are ethnocentric
The lack of a framework for comparing
Western thought, with its perceptions and
different systems of corporate governance has
expectations of the respective roles of
resulted in comparative corporate govern-
individual, enterprise and the state and of
ance research being principally empirical.
the relationships between them.
Notable contributions to this relatively recent
field have come from scholars outside the US Neither Shleifer & Vishny or Hawley &
such as those of Analytica (1992), Demb & Williams define the type of `capitalistic' firms

# Blackwell Publishers Ltd 1997 Volume 5 Number 4 October 1997


subject to their survey, the basis, if any, that To provide a perspective of the relative
their securities are publicly traded and the importance of publicly traded firms, it is
characteristics of the securities which exert interesting to note that around 75% of the
some controlling influence on the firm. In the 40,000 publicly traded corporations in the
tradition of US scholarly corporate govern- world are found in cultures which have
ance research, the US legal/political/regula- adopted Anglo corporate concepts (FIBV
tory system and the division of power 1993; Economist 1995:116). The only non-
between directors and shareholders, as set Anglo countries with more than 1,000
out in corporate constitutions, is mostly publicly traded corporations (excluding in-
implicitly accepted as the given `state of vestment funds) are Japan (2,953), Germany
the world'. There are, however, important (1,297) and Brazil (1,129). France and Italy
variations between US States (Monks 1996; all have less than 1,000 listed companies.
Gordon 1993), between Anglo cultures (Black The FeÂdeÂration Internationale des Bourses de
& Coffee 1993) and between other cultures Valeurs (FIBV) records four Anglo countries
(Analytica 1992, Porter 1992, Fukao 1995, and with more than 1,000 listed companies: the US
Charkham 1994). (10,546), Canada (3,079), United Kingdom
For example, publicly traded firms in (2,412), and Australia (1,107). India has
Europe may have two or three tiered boards around 7,000 listed companies (Economist
(Analytica, 1992). Between and within Europe 1995:116) not included in the FIBV statistics.
and the US there are different ways of
publicly trading the securities of a firm.
Different stock exchanges have different
1. The simple finance model
rules governing the powers of directors in `In the finance view, the central problem in
relation to their shareholders. These introduce corporate governance is to construct rules and
different regulatory regimes to produce sig- incentives (that is, implicit or explicit `con-
nificant differences in the management dis- tracts') to effectively align the behaviour of
cretions of the firm, e.g. the requirement to managers (agents) with the desires of princi-
have audit, remuneration and nomination pals (owners)', (Hawley & Williams 1996:21).
committees; methods of electing or appoint- However, the `rules' and `incentives' con-
ing directors; shareholder approval to pay sidered, are generally only those within the
directors, new share issues, establishing existing US system of publicly traded firms
employee share plans, changing auditors, with unitary boards.
merging with another firm or changing the The rules and incentives in the finance
corporate charter or place of incorporation, model refer to those established by the firm
etc. The voting rights of shares and the rather than to the legal/political/regulatory
percentage required to achieve changes in system and culture of the host economy or
control, capitalisation or corporate charters the nature of the owners. The finance view
may also vary according to each firm, stock represents a sub-section of the political model
exchange, place of incorporation or national of corporate governance. The political model
laws and regulations. interacts with the `cultural', `power' and
The Hawley & Williams survey is im- `cybernetic' models raised in the following
plicitly limited to corporations which have section.
their shares publicly traded and explicitly It is the nature of the owners which
limited to US based firms. Not being limited exacerbates corporate control problems found
to either US firms or the `simple finance in Anglo countries like the US, Canada, UK
model' of Hawley & Williams, Shleifer & and Australia. In each of these countries,
Vishny consider additional dimensions of institutional investors own the majority of
the finance model. Consistent with their the shares in most of the largest publicly
concern of how financiers `assure them- traded firms unlike in continental Europe
selves of getting a return on their invest- and Japan (Analytica 1992). Institutional in-
ment' they also survey how corporate con- vestors, such as pension and mutual funds,
trol is influenced by debt securities and collectively owned more than 57% of the top
bankers. US 1,000 firms in 1994 (Hawley & Williams
Implicit assumptions of both surveys seem 1996:8). The problem with institutional
to be that all publicly traded firms have: ownership is that their investment managers
Owners exacerbate 1. rights of perpetual succession; 2. limited are fiduciary agents of the beneficial owners
control problems liability; 3. unitary boards; 4. management and so the situation is created of agents rep-
hierarchies without related party trans- resenting agents. Hence the term `Fiduciary
actions, strategic alliances or networks as Capitalism' or what Peter Drucker (1976)
found in non Anglo firms; and 5. unambigu- more provocatively described as `Pension
ous boundaries. Fund Socialism'.

Volume 5 Number 4 October 1997 # Blackwell Publishers Ltd 1997


The problem of agents being responsible associated together to form a voting block to
to agents is that it compounds the agency influence or change management unless they
costs identified by Jensen & Meckling (1976). make a public offer to all shareholders.
A basic assumption is that managers will Insider trading laws may also inhibit or
act opportunistically to further their own prohibit shareholders from obtaining the
interests before shareholders. Jensen and necessary information to monitor and super-
Meckling showed how investors in publicly vise management. Monks (1996), an Assistant
traded corporations incur costs in monitor- Secretary of Labor in the Reagan Administra-
ing and bonding managers in best serving tion, describes how US managers have influ-
shareholders. They defined agency costs as enced law making to protect themselves from
being the sum of the cost of: monitoring shareholder interventions.
management (the agent); bonding the agent
to the principal (stockholder/`residual claim-
ant'); and residual losses. Their analysis
2. The stewardship model
showed amongst other things: why firms In the stewardship model, `managers are
use a mixture of debt and equity; why it is good stewards of the corporations and dili-
rational for managers not to maximise the gently work to attain high levels of corporate
value of a firm; why it is still possible to raise profit and shareholders' returns (Donaldson
equity; why accounting reports are provided & Davis 1994). Both Lex Donaldson and Davis
voluntarily and auditors employed by the teach in business schools. Their arguments
company; and why monitoring by security supports the investment of business schools
analysts can be productive even if they do not and their students in the development of
increase portfolio returns to investors. management skills and knowledge. It also
A basic conclusion of agency theory is that reinforces the social and professional kudos
the value of a firm cannot be maximised of being a manager.
because managers possess discretions which Donaldson & Davis note that `Managers are
allow them to expropriate value to them- principally motivated by achievement and
selves. In an ideal world, managers would responsibility needs' and `given the needs of
sign a complete contract that specifies exactly managers for responsible, self-directed work,
what they could do under all states of the organizations may be better served to free
world and how profits would be allocated. managers from subservience to non-executive
`The problem is that most future contin- director dominated boards'. According to
gencies are too hard to describe and foresee, Donaldson & Davis, `most researchers into
and as a result, complete contracts are boards have had as their prior belief the
technologically unfeasible' ( Shleifer & Vishny notion that independent boards are good' and
1996). `so eventually produce the expected findings'.
As a result, managers obtain the right to There are influential and powerful sources
make decisions which are not defined or who recommend the need for independent
anticipated in the contract under which debt non-executive directors such as the Council of
or equity finance is contributed (Grossman & Institutional Investors in the US, Cadbury
Hart 1986; Hart & Moore 1990). This raises the (1992) in the UK, Australian Institutional
`principal's problem' (Ross 1973) and `agency investors (AIMA 1995), existing professional
problem' (Fama & Jensen 1983a,b). How can directors, and all those would like to become
publicly traded firms with such incomplete non-executive directors.
contracts with their managers be effective in However, supporting stewardship theory
efficiently raising funds? are the individuals who contribute their own
The `agency problem' is particularily acute money and other resources to non-profit
in Anglo cultures with dispersed ownership organizations to become a director. In analys-
where corporations do not have a supervisory ing the welfare distributed to stakeholders
board or what Monks (1994) describes as a through introducing a division of powers,
`relationship investor'. When all shareholders Persson, Roland & Tabellini (1996) made
own small minority interests to create diverse provision in their equations to include the
ownership it is not rational for any investor to welfare contributed by controllers.
spend time and incur costs to supervise In commenting on stewardship theory,
management as this provides a `free ride' Hawley & Williams (1996:29) state that
for other investors. In any event, small share- `The logical extension is either towards an
holders may lack the power and influence executive-dominated board or towards no
to extract information which could reveal board at all'. Donaldson & Davis point out:
expropriation or mismanagement. `the non-executive board of directors is, by
In many Anglo countries, the law may its design, an ineffective control device' and
limit the ability of shareholders to become cite evidence to support the view that `the

# Blackwell Publishers Ltd 1997 Volume 5 Number 4 October 1997


whole rationale for having a board becomes and incentives imposed to curtail it, thus
suspect'. Brewer (1996) reported that `One of creating the need for even stronger and more
Canada's best-known business leaders sug- elaborate sanctions and incentives'. Likewise,
gested last month that boards of directors stewardship theory could also become a self-
should be abolished and replaced by a formal fulling. This would appear to be the situation
committee of advisors'. This view arose from in firms around MondragoÂn which have no
the businessman in question being sued as independent directors. All board members
a director of an insurance company for over are either executives or stakeholders (Turn-
a billion dollars from actions taken by man- bull 1995d). However, each firm and each
agement. group of firms in the MondragoÂn system is
Boards can become redundant when there controlled by three or more boards/councils
With a dominant is a dominant active shareholder, especially or control centres which introduces a division
shareholder boards when the major shareholder is a family or of power with checks and balances.
can be redundant government. One could speculate that some The inclination of individuals to act as
boards are established from cultural habit, stewards or self-seeking agents may be con-
blind faith in their efficacy, or to make tingent upon the institutional context. If this is
government or family firms look `more busi- the case, then both theories can be valid as
ness like'. indicated by the empirical evidence. Steward-
However, research by Pfeffer (1972) has ship theory, like agency theory, would then
shown that the value of external directors be seen as sub-set of political and other
is not so much how they influence man- broader models of corporate governance.
agers but how they influence constituencies Psychological analysis supports both theories.
of the firm. He found that the more regu- Waring (1973), a professor of psychology,
lated an industry then the more outsiders states that: `differences between individuals
were present on the board to reassure the are significant and important'; the need for
regulators, bankers, and other interest money and approval, etc. is `determined and
groups. limited by the necessity of maintaining the
Tricker (1996:29) points out: `underpinning organism in a state of dynamic equilibrium';
company law is the requirement that direc- people stand `in an interactive cybernetic
tors show a fiduciary duty towards the relationship to his/her community and en-
shareholders of the company'. Inherent in vironment, and is changed as a result of any
the idea of directors having a fiduciary duty is interaction' and individuals are `sometimes
that they can be trusted and will act as competitive, sometimes collaborative: usually
stewards over the resources of the company. both'.
Thus in Anglo law, directors' duties are based The inclination of individuals to act as
on stewardship theory. This duty is higher selfless stewards may be culturally contin-
than that of an agent as the person must act as gent. The `company man' in Japan may place
if he or she were the principal rather than a his employer before family. The voluntary
representative. resignation of executives is not uncommon
Many writers, and especially the propo- when a firm is disgraced and instances of
nents of stewardship and agency theory, see suicide are still reported.
each theory contradicting the other. Donald-
son & Davis raise the possibility that there
is some deficiency in the methodologies of 3. The stakeholder model
the numerous studies they cite which pro-
In defining `Stakeholder Theory' Clarkson
vide support for both theories. Some possi-
(1994) states: `"The firm" is a system of stake
bilities are that the studies did not separate
holders operating within the larger system of
out the effect of firms being in a regulated
the host society that provides the necessary
industry as analysed by Pfeffer (1972) or
legal and market infrastructure for the firm's
possessing a dominant shareholder acting as
activities. The purpose of the firm is to create
a supervisory board or `relationship investor'.
wealth or value for its stake holders by
The existence of an influential supervisory
converting their stakes into goods and ser-
investor is not uncommon in Anglo cultures
vices'. This view is supported by Blair
and it is the rule rather than the exception in
(1995:322) who proposes:
other cultures (Analytica 1992; Tricker 1994;
Turnbull 1995c,d,f). . . . the goal of directors and management
Ghosal & Moran (1996:14) raise the possi- should be maximizing total wealth creation
bility that the assumption of opportunism on by the firm. The key to achieving this is to
which agency theory is based, `can become a enhance the voice of and provide owner-
self-fulfilling prophecy whereby opportunis- ship-like incentives to those participants in
tic behaviour will increase with the sanctions the firm who contribute or control critical,

Volume 5 Number 4 October 1997 # Blackwell Publishers Ltd 1997


specialized inputs (firm specific human members of the communities in which the
capital) and to align the interests of these corporation operates'.
critical stakeholders with the interests of Both stakeholder voice and ownership, as
outside, passive shareholders. suggested by Porter and Blair, could be pro-
vided by `re-inventing' the concept of a firm
Consistent with this view by Blair to pro- as proposed by Turnbull (1973, 1975a, 1991a,
vide `voice' and `ownership-like incentives' 1994d, 1997f). The proposal is based on tax
to `critical stakeholders', Porter (1992:16±17) incentives providing higher short term profits
recommended to US policy makers that to investors in exchange for them gradually
they should `encourage long-term employee relinquishing their property rights in favour
ownership' and `encourage board represen- of strategic stakeholders. Control of the firm is
tation by significant customers, suppliers, likewise shared between investors and stake-
financial advisers, employees, and com- holders through multiple boards to remove
munity representatives'. Porter (1992:17) also conflicts of interest and so agency costs in a
recommended that corporations `seek long- manner similar to that found in continental
term owners and give them a direct voice in Europe and especially in MondragoÂn.
governance' (i.e. relationship investors) and
to `nominate significant owners, customers,
suppliers, employees, and community rep-
4. The political model
resentatives to the board of directors'. The political model recognises that the allo-
All these recommendations would help cation of corporate power, privileges and
establish the sort of business alliances, trade profits between owners, managers and other
related networks and strategic associations stakeholders is determined by how govern-
which Hollingsworth and Lindberg (1985) ments favour their various constituencies.
noted had not evolved as much in the US as The ability of corporate stakeholders to
they had in continental Europe and Japan. In influence allocations between themselves at
other words, Porter is suggesting that com- the micro level is subject to the macro frame-
petitiveness can be improved by using all four work, which is interactively subjected to the
institutional modes for governing trans- influence of the corporate sector.
actions rather than just markets and hier- According to Hawley & Williams (1996:29):
archy. This supports the need to expand the `the political model of corporate governance
theory of the firm as suggested by Turnbull has had immense influence on corporate
(1994a). governance developments in the last five to
However, the recommendations of Porter seven years'. However, Hawley & Williams
to have various stakeholder constituencies focus their discussion only on the micro
appoint representatives to a unitary board aspects of how shareholders can influence
would be counter-productive for the reasons firms. Firms have also been influential in
identified by Williamson (1985:300), Guthrie moulding the US political/legal/regulatory
& Turnbull (1995) and Turnbull (1994e; system over the last few centuries. According
1995e). Williamson (1985:308) states: `Mem- to Justice Felix Frankfurter of the US Supreme
bership of the board, if it occurs at all, should Court, the history of US constitutional law is
be restricted to informational participation'. `the history of the impact of the modern
Such information participation is achieved corporation upon the American scene',
in Japan through a Keiretsu Council and in quoted in Miller (1968:1).
continental Europe through works council Roe (1994) provides an elaboration of the
and supervisory boards. These provide the historical evolution of the political model and
model for establishing `stakeholder councils' like Black (1990) and others, argues that the
as described by Guthrie & Turnbull (1995) finance model's nearly exclusive reliance on
and Turnbull (1994d; 1997c,e,f). the market for corporate control, was pri-
Hill & Jones (1992) have built on the work marily the result of the political traditions of
of Jensen & Meckling (1976) to recognise both federalism/decentralisation dating back to
the implicit and explicit contractual relation- the American Revolution. However, these
ships in a firm to develop `Stakeholder± traditions have been subject to substantial
Agency Theory'. The interdependence be- changes.
tween a firm and its strategic stakeholders is After the Revolution, there was concern
recognised by the American Law Institute that newly won political freedoms could be
(1992) which states: `The modern corpor- lost through foreigners gaining control of
ation by its nature creates interdependences corporations (Grossman & Adams 1993:6).
with a variety of groups with whom the As a result, the life of all corporate charters
corporation has a legitimate concern, such were limited to 50 years or less up until after
as employees, customers, suppliers, and the Civil War. Nor did these charters provide

# Blackwell Publishers Ltd 1997 Volume 5 Number 4 October 1997


limited liability for the owners. Most states Pound (1993b) defined the `political model of
adopted a ten year sunset clause for bank governance' as an approach, `. . . in which
charters and sometimes they were as short as active investors seek to change corporate
three years. `Early state legislators wrote policy by developing voting support from
charter laws and actual charters to limit dispersed shareholders, rather than by simply
corporate authority, and to ensure that when purchasing voting power or control. . .'.
a corporation caused harm, they could revoke Pound (1992:83) states: `this new form of
the charter' (p.1). However, `During the late governance based on politics rather than
19th century, corporations subverted state finance will provide a means of oversight
governments' (p:1) and according to Fried- that is both far more effective and far less
man (1973:456), corporations `bought and expensive than the takeovers of the 1980's'.
sold governments'. Gundfest (1993) points out that `an under-
In 1886 the US Supreme Court ruled that a standing of the political marketplace is
private corporation was a natural person essential to appreciate the role that capital-
under the US constitution, sheltered by the market mechanisms can . . . play in corporate
Bill of Rights and the 14th Amendment. `Led governance'. For example, Gordon & Pound
by New Jersey and Delaware, legislators (1991) showed that corporations with fewer
watered down or removed citizen authority anti-takeover provisions in their constitu-
clauses. They limited the liability of corporate tions out performed those with anti-takeover
owners and managers, then started handing measures in place.
out charters that literally lasted forever' While the political form of governance is
(Grossman & Adams 1993:21). `Political new to many US scholars, the importance of
power began flowing to absentee owners `political procedures' (Jensen & Meckling
intent upon dominating people and nature' 1979:481) have been recognised in worker-
(p.15). Grossman & Adams (1993:26) went on governed firms by Bernstein (1980), Turnbull
to say: `No corporation should exist forever'. (1978a:100), and many others, with stake-
As a reaction to the corporate power extant holder-controlled firms analysed by Turnbull
at the end of the 19th century, a number of (1995d).
states introduced cumulative voting to allow While recognising the cultural and con-
minority interests to elect directors (Gordon textual contingencies of the US system, the
1993). Gordon describes how this initiative current political model focuses on contem-
was subverted by competition between states porary issues such as the US proclivity for
to attract corporate registrations or what market liquidity over institutional control
Nader (1976:44) describes as `chartermonger- (Coffee 1991). The political model is also
ing'. Monks (1996) describes this as `the race concerned with the related issue of trading
Investor voice or to the bottom' and explains how contem- off investor voice to investment exit, and
investment exit porary corporations are influencing the deter- institutional agents monitoring corporate
mination of accounting and legal doctrines agent, i.e. Watching the Watchers (Monks &
and promoting a management friendly poli- Minow 1996). All these issues are influ-
tical/legal/regulatory environment. Monks enced by government laws and regulations
(1996) states that `The hegemony of the BRT and so are subject of public policy debate for
(Business Round Table) is not a sustainable changes and reform. Black & Coffee (1993)
basis for corporate governance in America'. state that:
During the beginning of the 20th century, at
the federal level, laws were introduced in the According to a new `political' theory of
US to limit bank ownership of corporations corporate governance, financial institutions
and related party transactions between cor- in the U.S. are not naturally apathetic, but
porations. This forced both the pattern of rather have been regulated into submission
ownership and control of US firms and the by legal rules that ± sometimes intention-
pattern of trading relationships to diverge ally, sometimes inadvertently ± hobble
from that found in continental Europe and American institutions and raise the costs
Japan. Kester (1992) describes the latter of participation in corporate governance.
patterns as `contractual governance' as ana- Bhide (1994) develops details of this posi-
lysed by Coase and Williamson while limiting tion. Hawley & Williams (1996:32) state:
the term corporate governance to the problem
of co-ordination and control as analysed by The political model of corporate govern-
Jensen & Meckling (1976) and Berle and ance (whether Pound's or Gundfest's
Means (1932). version) places severe limits on the tra-
Hawley & Williams (1996:29) focused on ditional economic analysis of the corpor-
the micro level of the political model as ate governance problem, and locates the
articulated by Gundfest (1990) and Pound. performance-governance issue squarely in

Volume 5 Number 4 October 1997 # Blackwell Publishers Ltd 1997


a broader political context. Political does scholars such as Blair (1995), Monks (1996),
not mean necessarily imply a government Porter (1992), and Denham & Porter (1995).
role, merely that it is non-market. Porter (1992) recommended that all strategic
stakeholders participate in ownership and
In other words, the analysis of economists control. Turnbull (1973, 1975a, 1991a, 1994d,
needs to be truncated and integrated into 1997e,f) describes alternative mechanisms to
the insights of Ben-Porath (1978) and Holl- those proposed by Kelso for achieving this
ingsworth & Lindberg (1985) to understand objective to promote what Porter refers to as
how both economic transactions and their co- `expanded ownership'. Turnbull (1993a,b;
ordinating institutions are governed. An 1994c; 1997c,e,f) describes how Porter's pro-
aspect also neglected by economists is that posals could be implemented to provide
national income can be distributed without operating advantages and a basis for improv-
work or welfare by spreading corporate ing corporate self-governance.
ownership directly to individuals rather than
through institutional intermediaries (Kelso &
Adler 1958; Kelso & Hetter 1967, 1986; Turn- Other Ways of Analysing Corporate
bull 1975a, 1988, 1991b, 1994b).

5. Emerging political issues There are other models of corporate govern-

ance to consider based on culture, power
On the suggestion of Louis Kelso, Senator and cybernetics. A synthesis of all models
Russell Long began introducing tax and other may be required if we are to efficiently
incentives into the US Congress from 1974 develop, construct, test and implement new
onwards to promote universal share owner- approaches.
ship. Largely as a result of these incentives,
`of the approximately 7,000 companies listed
on American stock exchanges, about 1,000
1. Culture
firms are at least 10% employee held' (Tseo, Hollingsworth, Schmitter & Streeck (1994:6)
1996:66). Blasi (1988) documents the growing provide an example of a cultural perspective:
spread and size of employee ownership in
. . . transactions are conducted on the
both private and publicly traded companies
basis of mutual trust and confidence
in the US. Ironically, the extent of employee
sustained by stable, preferential, particu-
ownership in publicly traded firms in Russia
laristic, mutually obligated, and legally
is higher (Blasi & Gasaway 1993). `In 1988,
nonenforceable relationships. They may
more than 90% of all firms listed on Japanese
be kept together either by value consensus
stock markets had an ESOP' (Jones & Kato
or resource dependency ± that is, through
1993). The Confederation of British Industry
`culture' and `community' ± or through
(CBI 1990:7) found that `60 fund managers
dominant units imposing dependence on
could determine the ownership of British
companies' and concluded that `concentra-
tion of power in any democracy is to be This statement was made in the context of
discouraged'. transactions being governed by networks at
Without universal individual ownership, the `mesolevel (e.g., the intermediate location
problems arise from `universal owners' as between the microlevel of the firm and the
pointed out by Monks (1996). A `universal macrolevel of the whole economy)' rather
owner' is an institution which effectively than of the firm (p.9). However, it is also
owns a small proportion of the entire econ- relevant within firms, and in this way it
omy. The raises the problem of the same would subsume elements of the stewardship
owners participating in the governance of model.
competing firms. It also raises the possibility Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes, Shleifer, & Vishny,
that universal owners may seek to maximise (1997) found that the type of dominant The challenge of the
profits in their corporations through trans- religion in a culture can affect trust and universal owner
ferring the costs of maintaining the environ- hence the ability of strangers in large organ-
ment, education and health care to the izations to co-operate. In particular, they
taxpayers whom they also represent. found that trust in large organizations
Universal ownership avoids the problems increases as the proportion of the popu-
of universal owners. There is also much lation involved in hierarchical religions, like
evidence that ownership by individual Catholicism, decreases. While Japan showed an
stakeholders can improve performance (Turn- above average degree of trust it was not as
bull 1997e,f). Employee ownership, in par- high as Nordic countries and China. Some
ticular, is supported by corporate governance scholars have speculated that the Japanese

# Blackwell Publishers Ltd 1997 Volume 5 Number 4 October 1997


commitment to employee participation and Additional transactions-specific savings

the forming of strategic alliances between can accrue at the interface between sup-
firms arises from their embedded belief in the plier and buyer as contracts are suc-
inter-dependency of their many gods. It cessively adapted to unfolding events,
might be interesting to research if Christian and as periodic contract-renewal agree-
economists and managers, or other types of ments are reached. Familiarity here per-
monotheists, have an embedded belief in mits communication economies to be
hierarchies rather than alliances and net- realized: specialized language develops as
works. experience accumulates and nuances are
Williamson (1975:38) noted the short- signaled and received in a sensitive
comings of economic analysis in neglecting way. Both institutional and personal trust
`the exchange process itself as an object of relations evolve.
value'. He identified the concept of `atmos-
The reference to `communication econo-
phere' to `raise such systems issues: supply-
mies' will be taken up below. However, there
ing a satisfying exchange relation is made
is obviously need to integrate culture into the
part of the economic problem, broadly
research calculus of firm structure and per-
construed'. However, this insight is not
formance as undertaken by Berger (1976) in
mentioned or used in Williamson (1985) or
evaluating economic development.
in many of his later writings.
The need to consider the cultural context
or `atmosphere' of transactions within and 2. The power perspective of corporate
between firms has been analysed by Maru-
yama (1991). Mondrago n illustrates the
importance of culture as it provides `an From this perspective, it is the ability of
environment where there is no perceived individuals or groups to take action which
threat of opportunism, even from oppor- is the over-riding concern. The related view-
tunists!', to use the words of Ghoshal and point of `resource dependency' was devel-
Moran (1996:26) in another context. `Mon- oped by Pfeffer (1972); Pfeffer & Leong
dragoÂn makes it clear that market or planning (1977) and Pfeffer & Salancik (1978). How-
decisions are value decisions' (Morrison ever, the explicit use of power seems to be a
1991:98). This is seen as an advantage by neglected topic. Even when shareholders,
economists Bradley & Gelb (1983:30) from directors, management or any other stake-
the World Bank. They favourably compare holder have the knowledge and will to act,
MondragoÂn with the `enriched employment this is of no avail unless they also possess the
relationship extending far beyond the cash power to act.
nexus' of Japanese firms and X-inefficiency The power of shareholders to act is part of
(Leibenstein, 1987) found with `Western' the political model of corporate governance.
practices. Hawley & Williams (1996:57-60) identify
The importance of culture is evident from various inhibitions on the power of share-
the view in MondragoÂn that social adapt- holders to act arising from security laws,
The importance of ability is the most critical condition in agenda setting by management at general
social adaptability converting a firm owned by an entrepreneur meetings, proxy procedures, voting arrange-
to a co-operative (Whyte & Whyte (1988:86). ments and the corporate by-laws.
`MondragoÂn is unlikely to undertake a con- The power of directors to control manage-
version if the prospects of resocializing ment is dependent upon there being a
managers and workers appear poor.' In this sufficient number of directors who also have
regard, the Catholic influence in MondragoÂn the knowledge and will to act to form a board
is at odds with the findings of Porta et al. majority. Even if independent directors have
(1997). Morrison (1991:111) quotes the the knowledge to act, they may not have the
founder of MondragoÂn, Father Arizmendi will and power to act because they are loyal
as saying: `A company cannot and must or obligated to management and/or hold
not lose any of its efficiency just because their board position at the grace and favour
human values are considered more important of management. Directors are unlikely to
than purely economic or material resources act against management unless they are
within the company; on the contrary such a supported by shareholders. However, many
consideration should help efficiency and institutional shareholders lack the will to
quality'. act. This was found to be a major problem
Contrary to the concerns of Ghoshal & for US firms in a report into their competi-
Moran, Williamson (1979:104) accepted that tiveness by Regan (1993). Hawley & Williams
trust can transcend opportunism when he (1996:65) noted that management controlled
stated: `the information that does reach the board.

Volume 5 Number 4 October 1997 # Blackwell Publishers Ltd 1997


The result can be a board knowing too little, thought of as a letter in a language with eight
too late and, even if it is willing to act to bits creating what can be considered to be
confront a growing problem or crisis, it is word, described as `byte'. The ability of
often unable to do so'. computers to store, process or transmit
An appropriate separation of powers to information is measured in thousands or
create checks and balances provides a way to millions of bytes described respectively as
increase the welfare of stakeholders accord- kilobytes and megabytes.
ing to Persson, Roland & Tabillini (1996). Like computers, humans have physical
Persson, Roland & Tabillini make the point limitations on their ability to receive, store,
that negative welfare may result if the process and transmit information. Williamson
division of power is not `appropriate'. An (1979:99) recognised that `the efficient pro-
analysis of appropriate division of powers has cessing of information is an important and
been made by Bernstein (1980) and Turnbull related concept' to transaction costs and
(1978a:100; 1993b; 1997c). stated in note 4, `but for the limited ability
Calls by reformers for greater disclosure of human agents to receive, store, retrieve,
and transparency as a way to control firms and process data, interesting economic
are made on the assumption that there are problems vanish'. Wearing (1973) observed
shareholders who possess both the will and that an individual has `limited information
power to act. The validity of this implicit processing capacity so prefers slow rates of
assumption is largely ignored. While dis- change, i.e. nearly stable systems,' and `re-
closure is a necessary condition for regu- duces, condenses, summarises (and thus
lation, self-regulation and self-governance, it necessarily loses) information, in addition,
is not sufficient unless there also exists both an "imperfect" communications network in
the power and will to act. the environment also restricts and attenuates
All suggestions for reform of corporate the flow of information'.
governance processes need to consider the Another reason for economising informa-
power of agents to act, or be subject to a veto, tion is to reduce the problem of `bounded Do shareholders
when there is a compound board. Pound rationality' which refers to human behaviour have the will and
(1993a) makes the points: `always have an that is `intendedly rational but only limitedly the power to act?
opposition view' and `there must be an so' (Simon, 1961:xxiv). According to William-
opposition party and the prospect of insur- son (1975:21), `Bounded rationality involves
gency'. However, Pound does not consider neurophysiological limits on the one hand
the principle of a division of power in his and language limits on the other'. Williamson
political model of corporate governance, even (1975:45±6) notes that `a change in organiza-
though he participated as co-chair of the tional structure may be indicated' when
shareholders' committee established at USX individuals are exposed to information over-
for this purpose (Pound 1992). While the load.
power model of the firm may be but a part of To undertake tasks which exceed the
the political model, it should never be capacity of one computer, two or more
neglected because without the power to take computers can be connected together in the
corrective action, no action can take place. same way humans solve more demanding
For any action to be appropriate, the actors tasks by working in teams, groups, alliances
also need information which is accurate, and networks. Cybernetics considerations
timely, sufficient and yet manageable. While cannot be ignored in understanding or de-
Pound (1993a) talks about `feedback' it is signing teams, divisions, the need for one or
from institutional investors who do not, more boards and their structure, or the
cannot, and should not, have firm specific architecture of external alliances with stake-
inside expert information. This leads us to holders.
consider the cybernetic approach to corporate The cybernetic perspective provides a basis
governance. for evaluating the integrity of corporate
governance information and control systems
from a number of aspects. Evaluating the
3. Cybernetic analysis integrity of information channels was inves-
Cybernetic analysis in social institutions is tigated by Shannon, a founder of information
concerned with their information and control theory. Shannon (1949) showed that reliable
architecture. As control is dependent upon information can be obtained from unreliable
power, a cybernetic investigation is depen- channels if they are used in parallel. In other
dent upon an analysis of power. words, boards need to obtain information
Cybernetics is based on the mathematics of from strategic stakeholders as well as from
information theory where the basic unit of management to avoid bias, distortion or
analysis is described as a `bit'. A bit can be errors as discussed by Turnbull (1993a;

# Blackwell Publishers Ltd 1997 Volume 5 Number 4 October 1997


1997c,e,f ). The errors and distortions in erty development joint ventures, theatrical
management hierarchies have been reported and other types of media financing. Longer
by Downs (1967:116-118), Williamson (1975: term limited life enterprises are frequently
122), and Demb & Neubauer (1992b). formed with international joint ventures,
Another important insight of cybernetics especially those in former socialist economies.
is the `law of requisite variety' which states The need to periodically establish a succes-
that to counter any variable the organization sor organization allows all contractual ar-
must have matching responses. In other rangements to be re-negotiated. In this way
words, complexity can only be managed management is made accountable in a similar
through complexity (Ashby 1968:202). Com- fashion to those subject to a take-over of a
plex organisations, and/or those operating in publicly traded enterprise. Dispersed owner-
a complex dynamic environment require ship in this situation increases rather than
complex control systems. This might be decreases the bargaining power of owners
reflected in a compound board and/or a in the same way it does for creditors as
network of firms (Craven, Piercy & Shipp, investigated by Gerner & Scharfstein (1991)
1996) and/or by involving strategic stake- and Bolton & Scharfstein (1996). If the owners
holders in the control of a firm as proposed do not have confidence in management they
by Blair (1995), Fukao (1995), Porter (1992) need not re-invest their money. This forces
and Turnbull (1994d; 1995a,b,e; 1997c,e,f). managers to provide both adequate infor-
The cybernetic concept of `feedback' is a mation and cash distributions to retain
condition precedent for self-regulation or investor confidence.
self-governance (Ashby 1968:53). If a firm is Limited life equities and firms were the rule
not to affect adversely its stakeholders rather than the exception up until the middle
through its `actions or inactions' (Donaldson of the last century, except in England where
& Preston 1995) it will require governance a few hundred firms obtained charters with
processes which allow its stakeholders to the rights of perpetual succession (Turnbull
participate in establishing performance stand- 1997b; 1998). Limited life firms have par-
ards. Such arrangements are commonly es- ticular value when the business is not large
tablished in quality assurance programs. enough to have its shares publicly traded. The
However, for stakeholders to have the will need to periodically re-recapitalise the firm
to act, they need a power base independent of provides liquidity and so an exit opportunity
management to protect them from being for investors. It also provides a programmed
treated as whistle blowers. exit for firms with declining business as
Independently elected Stakeholder Coun- sought by Jensen (1993:847). There appears
cils would represent the `opposition party' to be little research into this topic.
sought by Pound. As strategic stakeholders
would possess inside, expert information,
they provide a way to inform management
2. Worker ownership and control
and their monitors, of any operational short- Researchers from English speaking (Anglo)
commings as sought by Pound. The design of cultures have not only neglected the study of
such arrangements would require the use of corporate governance found in other cultures
both the power and cybernetic perspective of but the governance of firms in their own
corporate governance. An example of this cultures which do not have publicly traded
approach is provided by Guthrie & Turnbull securities. These include worker controlled
(1995) and Turnbull (1997c,e,f). firms. While employee controlled firms may
not contribute significant value to modern
economies, closed or private corporations add
Research opportunities more value to their host economy than
publicly traded firms.
As noted earlier, employees are becoming
1. Limited life the largest voting block in many US publicly
The governance implications of limited life traded corporations. The same situation is
corporate shares and limited life firms is a developing in Australia (Turnbull 1997a).
neglected area. The periodic review of While firms which are 100% employee owned
managers by owners is an intrinsic feature and controlled may have small practical
of firms which have limited life charters as significance, the influence of employee
commonly exists in joint ventures and in ownership is steadily increasing and it raise
limited liability partnerships. In the US, two important issues for developing a theory
limited liability partnerships are formed for of organizations.
six years. They are commonly used for Firstly, the four temporary and eight
Research & Development syndication, prop- permanent assumptions of agency theory

Volume 5 Number 4 October 1997 # Blackwell Publishers Ltd 1997


(Jensen & Meckling 1976) lose relevance. All cision making in a similar way to firms which
`agents' are also `principals', so there is little change from a Unitary (U) form structure to
or no separation of ownership and control. M form.
Secondly, no worker controlled firm in an While a number of empirical surveys docu-
international survey undertaken by Bernstein ment the existence and operations of two or
(1980) had a unitary board, even if this was more tiered boards (Analytica 1992; Chark-
the dominant form in its host culture. ham 1994; Fukao 1995; Francis 1997), little
According to Jensen & Meckling (1979), `We analytical attention has been given to them
do not have a theory that will tell us how except by Bernstein (1980); Tricker (1980);
supervisory boards will behave'. Empirical Hatherly (1994); Guthrie & Turnbull (1995),
research is required to discover if the in- Turnbull (1993a,b; 1994c,d; 1995a,b,c,d,e;
creased conflicts of interests created in a 1997c,e,f ) and Bancaire (1996). Jensen
unitary board with employee ownership (1993:863) states `The reasons for the failure
provides the reason why such firms do not of the [unitary] board are not completely
survive. Empirical research is also required understood'.
to investigate the relevance of the power, While Williamson (1985:302) and Pejovich
cybernetic or other perspective in explaining (1990:69±71) note the existence of co-determi-
the operations of firms which are employee nation in Germany, only Pejovich provides
owned or influenced. some cursory analysis. He asserts that co-
determination must increase rather than
decrease the cost of funds because the
3. Compound boards participation of labour in the control of
The existence of two or more boards is not corporations `abrogates the property rights
only of interest to employee owned firms but of investors'. This is the issue taken up by
in understanding corporate governance in Sternberg (1996).
continental Europe where two or three boards However, the assertion of Pejovich is
may be required by law. Similar laws could inconsistent with the analysis by Persson,
be adopted by members of the European Roland & Tabellini (1996) who pioneered the
Union, so this topic has immediate practical first formal theoretical framework for analys-
interest. ing the separation of powers in the context of
Many publicly traded Asian firms are political institutions. The need for the separ-
family controlled (Tricker 1994) and so are ation of powers in corporate boards has been No worker
governed by a compound board as are firms noted by Tricker (1980; 1994:6, 45±6, 75, 78, controlled firm had
controlled by venture capital funds and 156, 247±8) and Hatherly (1994). The writer a unitary board
Leveraged Buy Out (LBO) Associations. has proven the ability of two tiered boards
Evidence `that LBOs are efficient organiz- to reduce the cost of equity in two start up
ations' is cited by Shleifer & Vishny (1996:45) enterprises. In the second venture, a `Corpo-
while Jensen (1993:869) states: rate Senate'was established as a shareholder
watchdog committee as reported by Turnbull
LBO associations and venture capital funds
(1993b), Monks & Minow (1995:317) and
provide a blueprint for managers and
Tricker (1996:75±6). Much more empirical
boards who wish to revamp their top-
research is required into these issues.
level control systems to make them more
efficient. LBOs and venture capital funds
are, of course, the pre-eminent examples of 4. Information theory
active investors in recent US history, and
Stafford Beer (1959; 1966a; 1966b; 1979; 1981;
they serve as excellent models that can be
1985) has been a prolific writer as the founder
emulated in part or in total by virtually any
of management cybernetics and a proponent
corporation. The two have similar govern-
of using cybernetics in economic manage-
ance structures, and have been successful
ment. However, Beer advised the author in
in resolving the governance problems of
1996 that to his knowledge, information
both slow growth or declining firms (LBO
theory had not been applied to evaluate
associations) and high growth entrepre-
corporate governance or the operations of
neurial firms (venture capital funds).
compound boards. The utilisation of infor-
The theoretical significance of compound mation theory in the theory of the firm arises
boards is currently being overlooked in an because transaction costs are largely, if not
analogous way as Multi-divisional (M) form entirely, made up of information.
firms were overlooked by scholars for over Firms exist because of the cost of `dis-
30 years until analysed by Chandler (1962: covering what the relevant prices are' (Coase
382±83). Compound boards permit decom- 1937). By economising information, costs are
position in information processing and de- economised. However, while costs are a

# Blackwell Publishers Ltd 1997 Volume 5 Number 4 October 1997


social construct, information must always be develop a theory of compound boards as

represented in some way which can be sought by Jensen & Meckling (1979:503).
physically detected and measured. As a Some thoughts towards this objective are
physical manifestation, all information pro- presented in Turnbull (1997c) but much more
cessing, storage, and transmission is subject to work needs to be undertaken.
the laws of physics. Transactions costs, and
economics in general, are not so constrained
as they are based on the social construct of
5. Networks
cost which is in turn based on the social There is a substantial literature on the design
constructs of money and value which are not of organizations, but it is based on the
now defined in terms of physical units. assumption that they are ultimately centrally
The use of physical units such as bits or controlled. There exists the need to under-
bytes in the analysis of organizations provide stand decentralised organizations which are
a way for developing a science of organiza- accountable to a number of separate con-
tion which is based on the laws of nature. Bits stituencies. For example, Galbraith (1973),
or bytes provide a way `for observing the Egelhoff, (1982, 1988), Daft and Lengel,
phenomena at a higher level of resolution' as (1984) focused on the idea that organiz-
sought by Williamson (1990:xi). Williamson ational structures develop to fit information-
(1991:12) later went on to say: processing needs. This approach needs to be
extended to entertain decentralised organiz-
There is growing agreement, moreover,
ations and networks of firms.
with the need to engage data of a much
As a network or association of firms may
more micro-analytic kind than was hither-
itself be considered a firm (Mathews 1996b:
to thought to be necessary. Indeed, there is
116), or `as organizational wholes' (Richter
reason to believe that the elusive `science of
1994:24), there is a need to consider the archi-
organization' to which Chester Barnard
tecture of networks in the same way theorists
made reference fifty years ago (1938:290)
have analysed the structure of firms. When
may take shape during the 1990s.
a compound board is created within a firm
As the cost of organizing economic trans- it represents a network of information pro-
actions is based on the volume of information cessing and control centres. Networks can
Inter-firm and required, then transactions costs are econo- then exist both on a intra-firm basis and on
intra-firm networks mised by economising information. The need an inter-firm basis. Both exist together in
to consider `information richness' in organiz- MondragoÂn and both types of networks need
ational design has already been considered investigating to understand how they may
by organizational theorists such as Daft & best be used.
Lengel (1984). The capacity of communica- The ownership and control structure of
tions channels needs to match the information firms has been extensively analysed by such
richness required to govern productive activ- scholars as Grossman & Hart (1982; 1986),
ities. Markets are efficient because price is not Hart & Moore (1990), Hart (1993;1995) and
information rich and very narrow communi- Williamson (1975; 1985). But in the traditions
cations channels can be used. However, of US research, their work assumed organ-
markets fail because price signals are not suf- isations were centrally controlled through a
ficiently information rich to communicate the unitary board. Investment risks of related
qualitative aspects governing a transaction. parties could be signifcantly modified by
From a cybernetic perspective, Transaction ownership and control structures which
Cost Economics [TCE] becomes a special case utilised compound boards to share and
of information theory when costs are relevant. manage risk. There is a need to re-visit
Transactions costs are minimised when the existing work from the network perspective
information required to activate or reject a of Craven, Piercy and Shipp (1996).
transaction are minimised. Minimising bits
rather than costs allows many of the findings
of TCE to be extended to transactions and
6. Holonic structures
institutional arrangements where cost may be Holons represent an organizational structure
less important, such as in quality assurance identified by Smuts (1926). They have in-
programs, non-profit organizations and social triguing characteristics which suggest that
institutions in general. In this way, the cyber- they could make a contribution in under-
netic approach can be used to integrate the standing the most efficient way of governing
viewpoints of other disciplines to provide complex productive activities. This suggests
a common framework which was noted as they deserve investigation in regards to firms,
missing by Radner (1992), Demb & Neubauer networks of firms, communities, and the
(1992a). It could also provide a way to governance of society at higher levels.

Volume 5 Number 4 October 1997 # Blackwell Publishers Ltd 1997


Simon (1962) describes what Smuts called 7. Self-regulation and self-governance

holons, as `sub-assemblies' or `stable inter-
mediate forms' to create `nearly decompos- The theory and practice of self-regulation
able systems, in which the interactions among and self-governance has been used since
the subsystems are weak, but not negligible'. governors were used in the 19th century to
Examples of weak holons are divisions in a control the speed of steam engines. However,
`M-form' firm, `autonomous manufacturing little of this knowledge appears to have been
cells' (Mathews 1996a), and firms as a researched, let alone applied to social insti-
`hierarchy of teams' (Conti & Warner 1996). tutions or to the role of government. The Vice
MondragoÂn firms, groups and system illus- President of the US suggested that the reason
trate a strong holonic structure or `holarchy' for this gap in the application of knowledge
(Koestler 1967). They are a strong form, of the `information age' is that only nine of
because the component firms and groups the 535 members of Congress have any
(`sub-assemblies') can exist independently of professional education in technology (Gore
the whole (`hol'), i.e. `able to maintain a 1996). Another reason could be that social
separate existance' to represent a `viable scientists are not sufficiently familiar with
system' (Beer 1985:1). the theory and practice of self-regulation to
Williamson (1985:281) uses an `information understand why it cannot work with the
processing interpretation' to explain the oper- dominant form of institutions in advanced
ating advantages of the M type of architec- economies. This dominant form is based on
ture. The same advantages arise in holons centralised information and control without
because `the reduction in data transmission, checks and balances.
and in data complexity, achieved by the Ignorance in the theory and practice of
holonic architecture, is prodigious,' (Mathews self-regulation is so widespread among
1996a:30). Both this insight and that of social commentators and scientists that they
Williamson (1975:21) concerning the `neuro- assert that it cannot work for institutions in
logical limits' of individuals provide a basis a market economy. Ironically, many of the
for understanding how compound boards, same people support a market system be-
networks of firms or organizations, and cause they believe that it is self-regulating.
alliances, can provide operating advantages. Design guidelines for establishing a `self-
There are many examples in computer pro- managing self-correcting power structure',
gramming where the efficient management of without markets, for Aboriginal firms are
complexity is achieved through holonic archi- suggested by Turnbull (1978a:100).
tecture as cited by Mathews (1996a) and The need for government bureaucracies to
described as `ultra-structure' by Long & intercede as corporate regulators arises be-
Denning (1995). Williamson (1985: 383) noted cause those adversely affected by a firm may
that `the problem of organization is precisely not have the information, power and will to
one of decomposing the entire enterprise in correct the problem. Stakeholder participation
efficient information processing aspects'. in governance provides a way of reducing
Holonic architecture provides a way to intro- this deficiency. If the interests of the
duce efficient decomposition to allow ordin- participating stakeholders are not sufficiently
ary people to achieve extraordinary results. wide to reflect the concerns of the host
Coase (1937) noted that firms exist because society, some government interventions will
markets fail to efficiently communicate in- still be required. However, stakeholder parti-
formation. Ashby (1960) pointed out that, cipation may also be required in government
`prices represent second order information' bureaucracies to allow policies to be mediated
dependent on first order qualitative descrip- to suit local conditions and performance
tion of what is being transacted. Prices may standards established and evaluated by those
also represent inefficient communications affected (Turnbull 1994d, 1995b).
because they may lack credibility as analysed There are arguments and evidence to
by Akerlof (1970). These considerations ex- suggest that self-regulation and self-govern-
plain the advantages of using non-market ance provide operating advantages for social
methods for governing transactions as identi- institutions generally and competitive advan-
fied by Hollingsworth & Lindberg (1985). The tages for firms (Turnbull 1997c,e). This is a
introduction of holonic organizations may topic which requires much more investigation
provide a way to increase the efficiency of and research.
governing productive activities by reducing
transaction costs and costs arising from Concluding remarks
`bounded rationality'. Inceasing the infor-
mational efficiency of organizations would Sociologists have identified four distinc-
reduce the role and so need for markets. tive institutional processes for governing

# Blackwell Publishers Ltd 1997 Volume 5 Number 4 October 1997


productive activities. Economic theories of the Information theory offers the prospect of
firm based on only markets and hierarchy establishing design criteria and limits for
provide a limited basis for understanding improving governance systems at both the
corporate governance. However, by re-inter- micro and macro level of society. It provides
preting theories of the firm, based on mini- a basis to design guide-lines for improving
mising transaction information rather than regulation, self-regulation and governance
transaction costs, many insights developed in either the private or public sector. This
by economists can be applied to governance offers the prospect of identifying opportuni-
process, even when costs may have little ties for partially privatising state regulation
relevance. to reduce the size, scope, burden and cost of
The use of information, which must have government to improve the quality of democ-
a physical manifestation, has the advantage racy. It also provides design criteria for
of providing a common unit of analysis to: developing self-governing social institutions
(i) integrate the various disciplines involved and systems as indicated by Turnbull
with corporate governance; (ii) ground cor- (1978a:100; 1997c). In this way the study of
porate governance in the knowledge of pure corporate governance could provide a basis
and applied sciences; and (iii) allow the for building a self-governing sustainable
mathematical rigour of information theory to global society that `nature can live with'
provide a basis for establishing a science of (Marston 1992).
organization. Corporate governance might
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# Blackwell Publishers Ltd 1997 Volume 5 Number 4 October 1997

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