Business Ethics & Social Responsibility

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Business Ethics & Social

Responsibility & Evolution of

Concept of Business ethics & social
● Ethics is the dealing with what is good and
bad with moral duty and obligation.
● Business ethics is concerned with truth and
● Corporate social responsibility is “seriously
considering the impact of the company's
actions on society”.
● Social responsiveness is "the ability of a
corporation to relate its operations and
policies to the social environment in ways
that are mutually beneficial to the company
and to society”.
What kind of responsibilities
● Responsibility to Owners
● Responsibility to Employees
● Responsibility to Customers
● Responsibility to Creditors and suppliers
● Responsibility to Community
● Responsibility to Government
● Responsibility to Society
Tools of Ethics
● Values
◦ Relatively permanent desires that seem to be good in themselves.
◦ Example: making quality products
● Rights and Duties
◦ Rights: Claims that entitle a person to take particular action
◦ Example: Right to speak, authority to take decision
◦ Duties: Obligations to take specific steps or obey the law
◦ Example: pay taxes, to obey law
● Moral Rules
◦ Rules for behavior that often become internalized as moral values
● Human Relationships
◦ Every human being connected to others in a web of relationship
for one another's mutual support and accomplishment of the goals.
Evolution of Management
● The scientific management approach
◦ By Frederick Taylor
◦ The development of a true science of
◦ The scientific selection of workers
◦ The scientific education and development of
the workers
◦ Intimate, friendly cooperation between
management and labour
Classical organizational
● By Henri Fayol
● 14 principles of management
Behavioral approach
● A group of management scholars
trained in sociology, psychology and
related fields, who use their diverse
knowledge to propose more effective
ways to manage people in oganisations.
Hawthorne approach
● The possibility that workers who receive
special attention will perform better
simply because they receive that
● Informal work groups have a positive
influence on productivity.
Theory X & theory Y
● By Mcgregor
● Theory X: traditional view of motivation
that holds that work is distasteful to
employees, who must be motivated by
force, money or praise.
● Theory Y: the assumption that people
are inherently motivated to work and do
a good job.
The system approach
● The organisation as a whole and as a part of
the larger.
● Any segment of an organisation affects, in
varying degrees, the activity of every other
● Key concepts:
◦ Subsystem
◦ Synergy- cooperative work
◦ Open and closed system
◦ System boundary
◦ Flows- information, material, energy
◦ Feedback
Contingency approach
● The view that the management
technique that best contributes to the
attainment of organisational goals might
vary in different types of situations or

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