Discrete Structure

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Q 1) How many positive integers not exceeding 500 are divisible by 7 or 11?

Q 2) Let A, B and C be three finite sets. Prove that

A B C = A + B + C − A B − AC − B C + A B C

Q 3) State the principle of Inclusion and Exclusion.

Q 4) In a class of 80 students, 50 students know English, 55 know French and 46

know German language. 37 students know English & French, 28 students know
French & German, 25 know German & English. 7 students know none of the
language. Find out

(i) How many students know all the 3 languages?

(ii) How many students know exactly 2 languages?
(iii) How many know only one language?

Q 5) Among 50 students in a class, 26 got on A in the first examination and 21 got

on A in the second examination. If 17 students did not get on A in either
examination. How many students got A in both the examination?

Q 6) Prove that A×(B∪C) = (A ×B)∪(A ×C).

Q 7) If A = {3,4,2}, B ={3,4,5,6} and C = {2,4,6,8}, verify by actual writing the

sets that A∩(B-C) = (A∩B) – (A∩C).

Q 8) State and prove De Morgan’s Law.

Q 9) Prove that (A-B)∩B = 𝜙 .

Q 10) Let A, B, C, D be arbitrary sets. Show that

(i) (A – B) – C = A – (B∪C)
(ii) (A×B)∩ (C×D) = (A∩C)×(B∩D)
(iii) (A∩B∩C)’ = (A∩C)’ ∪ (A∩B)’

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