A Green Place To Be by Ashley Benham Yazdani Teacher Tip Card

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HC: 978-0-7636-9695-5

How did Central Park become a vibrant gem in the heart of New York
City? Follow the visionaries behind the plan as it springs to green life.

Use A Green Place to Be in your classroom to explore the joining of

architecture, nature, and community that exists in Central Park.

• Ask students why it is so important to • Ask students to choose one of the

have green places to enjoy, especially in architects or artists who contributed
the city. What is their favorite part of to the designs for Central Park and
visiting a park? research them further.

• Have students read the back matter in the • Have students draw their own designs
book. Frederick Law Olmsted believed in for a park in their city. They can present
creating spaces of nature for all people, their designs to the class and write their
regardless of their economic or social own statements, like Frederick and Calvert,
Illustrations © 2016, 2019 by Ashley Benham Yazdani

status. Discuss whether this goal was arguing why their design is the best.
successful in Central Park and why it is
important to have public spaces available
to all people.

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