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Fiction collections consist of high interest, popular, bestselling and enduring works in
all genres to encourage the love of reading for pleasure. Yarra Plenty’s aim is to
maintain a balanced and broad fiction collection encompassing all genres and

We continue to revise the collection mix to reflect the up-ward trend in fiction usage.

Yarra Plenty Regional Library also conducted a survey of library users in March 2010
which identified the following fiction genres, library users would like to see more of.
The list is in order of highest response:
Australian authors,
Science fiction/Fantasy,
Literary fiction.

It is envisaged that the current standing author list will provide a broad coverage of
fiction works; however it is more than probable that the list will require supplementing
with supplier selected items. These specifications are to be used for those items
not already included within the realms of the Standing order lists.

PRIORITIES 2010-2011

(Not in order of priority)

High circulating material – high media profile. Please purchase 10 copies (unless
otherwise indicated on the Standing author listings) of any title on the Fiction
bestseller lists of the Melbourne weekend papers – The Age and the Sun.

All genres of popular, high demand and enduring fiction.

Yarra Plenty staff will concentrate on identifying gaps in series – these will be
ordered through Lucy.
When ordering newly released titles of a fiction series, suppliers will check catalogue
to ascertain whether holdings of previous volumes of the series need re-ordering.


Reviews - The Age (incl. Sunday Age), Herald-Sun (incl. Sunday Herald-Sun), The
Australian, Good Reading magazine
Publisher’s tools – Australian Bookseller and Publisher (bestseller lists and reviews),
Publishers’ blurbs etc.
Bestseller/Booklists – Melbourne bookstores ie. Readings, Reader’s Feast.
Radio & TV shows

Re-issues for Australian authors are important.

Reissues in series – The importance of maintaining the integrity of fiction series will
be continued and where possible, replacement copies will be procured. See above.

When re-issues released, check catalogue – if less than three copies in system
purchase 3 copies and allocate as per grid.


Trade paperback or Hardback if published first.

Paperback: OK – if no hardback to be published.


Genre labels have improved access to the fiction collections and have been very
successful. Please continue to provide labels for the following genres:

Australian literature and authors,

Short stories,
Fantasy/Sci Fi

Genre labels will only be used where a fiction work can be clearly designated into
one of the above genres. If the genre is unclear, do not label.


“Top 10” titles in weekend newspapers 10

High media 10
Best –sellers 10
Mystery/Crime 7
Romance 7
Family sagas 7
Science fiction 7
Chick lit 7
Thriller/adventure 7
Horror 7
Australian authors 7
New authors 7
Trendy young authors 7
Quality fiction 7
Classics 7
Short stories 3

Currently, our hold per copy ratio is 8 holds to 1 copy. Please use this formula,
however, please check with Collections Manager prior to placing additional copies on


Adult standing fiction orders.

Self published titles unless high media profile or local/Melbourne author.


Yarra Plenty encourages borrowers requests and suggestions for purchase as an

integral focus on a customer-driven collection. These requests are reviewed by a
Requests team and selected suggestions are requested via LUCY.


Total copies Branches for allocation
(as per allocation guidance)
20 2x DV, E, I, L, MP, R, TT, W, HS, YBM

10 DV, E, I, L, MP, R, TT, W, HS, YBM

7 DV, E, I, MP, R, W, YBM

3 E, I, MP



The Collection Asset Plan (September 2006) adopted the principle of providing
demand based collections. A collection gap analysis identified areas of the collection
where there was a difference or a mismatch between actual holdings and community
demand. It indicated which collections were over and under invested.

We are continuing to bridge the gap in our collection mix of junior materials to ensure
that supply meets demand. Although the gap is narrowing, Yarra Plenty Regional
Library’s Collection Mix still indicates an under supply of junior and teen materials in
relation to the demand, in particular, in the junior fiction and graphic novel areas.

The floating collection tends to distribute materials to the branches with most need
and this process can temporarily affect the supply/demand chain in specific
branches, however on a regional scope, the junior fiction and graphic novel
collections need growing.

Series and Author standing orders have been revisited and updated however we
would like the listings to be organic and would welcome any suggestions or
indications of trends in authors and series we may have missed.
The demand for Young Adult fiction continues to waver although the most popular
authors and specific genres still receive high readership. Some branches, which
inter-filed their young adult fiction together with their adult fiction, have found this to
be a successful exercise with increases in loans for this genre.

The genre to receive constantly improving loans is the graphic novels and comics.
Both junior and teen graphic novels continue to be popular.

Junior fiction collections are holding their own and continue to be popular in particular
with the heavily promoted Premiers Reading challenge and other community and
school based literacy and reading initiatives. Having said that, it appears that the
“traditionally popular” authors ie. Jennings, Gleitzman, Marsden are diminishing in

It appears with both junior and teen fiction, the popularity and loans of these
materials will be governed by the media and trends. These trends can be difficult to
predict but adherence to them is imperative in trying to attract readership of these
age groups.

Firm ordering will also be done via the Collections Manager and Quality Assurance
officer. Yarra Plenty Regional Library encourages the community to make
suggestions for purchases. The majority of these suggestions do fit our Collection
Development policy and selection criteria and are ordered for the collection. The
orders will also include staff suggestions for purchase. Orders will be placed via
email or online if those facilities are available.

We are very happy to receive advice regarding emerging authors, trends in literature,
what’s “hot” – if not included within the parameters of our specifications or standing


Many junior and teen fiction titles will be acquired through standing orders. The
following guidelines and allocation plans are to be used when selecting titles not on
standing order.

Titles which are only jokes/riddles.

Allocation - 9 copies: DV, E, I, L, MP, R, TT, W, YBM

Junior Fiction
This collection includes novels and series aimed at children in primary school –
generally ages 5-12/13. It also includes more sophisticated chapter books (not Easy
Starter/Picture book/Reader level) for the independent reader.

Format priority: paperback or trade paperback. Hardback is accepted if not available

in other format or if part of a popular series where the reader will not be willing to wait
too long for the paperback edition to be published

Priority is for high circulating material and especially high media profile.
NB: We would like to be able to shelve any series with varying authors ie. Go
Girl, Aussie Nibbles etc. under the series not author. Please catalogue and
process series with varying authors accordingly.

Allocation - 6 copies (for all genres except TV show tie-ins): DV, E, I, MP, R, W
- 9 copies for TV show tie-ins: DV, E, I, L, MP, R, TT, W and YBM

Teen Fiction
This area includes novels aimed at secondary school students and titles more
advanced than those in the junior fiction area.

Format priority: paperback or trade paperback. Hardback is acceptable if not

available in any other format or as prescribed with junior fiction formats.

Priority is for high circulating material and high media profile.

Australian authors and good quality literature from overseas.

Allocation - 3 copies: E, I, MP
- 9 copies (if high demand/popular eg. Twilight): DV, E, I, L, MP, R, TT, W
and YBM

Graphic novels
We will continue to develop this collection to address the emerging popularity of this
literature. We have increased the standing order to reflect the demand for this
material. The popularity of these items will be monitored and reviewed with a view to
correctly targeting our users with age appropriate and popular material.

Allocation - as per standing order.


Please purchase 9 copies of each junior and teen shortlisted title except non-fiction
titles and picture book titles. Please check YPRLS catalogue prior to ordering
for availability.

Allocation - 9 copies: DV, E, I, L, MP, R, TT, W, YBM


Film and TV
Reviews eg. Age, Sunday Age, Herald-Sun, Sunday Herald-Sun
Australian Bookseller and Publisher
Reading Time
Bookstore’s lists eg. The Little Bookroom, Readings



Picture books and ES continue to be two of our most used and popular collections.
Usage of these collections is measured by turnover and although we are continuing
to bridge the gap in our collection mix of these genres to ensure that supply meets
demand, our turnover still indicates that the collections can grow to meet demand.
Turnover is measured by dividing the number of items in a collection into the number
of loans in a given period.

We have established a Turnover KPI of 13 for our ES collection. The average

turnover for ES items during the 2009 calendar year was 13.63 with some branches
reaching the 14-15 range.

The Turnover KPI for Picture books is 10, however the 2009 average was 12.28 and
all branches with the exception of Thomastown were well over the average.

Although our library demographic enjoys the variety in our picture book collections,
the most borrowed items are the perennial favourites and anything that is currently in
trend or popular.

Many picture books (including board book formats) and ES titles will be acquired
through standing orders however we will be grateful for any inclusions to these lists
for authors/series we may have missed.

The following guidelines and allocation plans are to be used when selecting titles not
on standing order.

Firm ordering will also be done via the Collections Manager. These orders will
include borrowers and staff suggestions for purchase and also individual items
required to supplement our “Story-time tubs”.

We are very happy to receive advice regarding emerging authors, trends in literature,
what’s “hot” – if not included within the parameters of our specifications or standing


- It is preferred that the majority of picture books be in hardback format, although if

more copies are being purchased of the “favourites” and paperback is the only
option, please order in that format.

- Priority is given to Australian authors/illustrators and quality literature from

Australia and overseas. High profile and popular authors/literature not yet included in
standing orders.

- Prefer picture books not to be too “wordy” or hugely text based. NB: Picture books
which are written for older primary or secondary students are not covered by this
contract. Please do not supply.

- Although we may periodically order books in the following formats for specific
story time or children’s librarian’s collections, we principally do not accept:
- Cloth/material books
- books with attachments eg. letters, inserts etc.

However, “Lift-up” flaps, “touchy/feely” and pop-up books that have various textures –
not including wool or other fabrics have proved to be very popular and we are happy
to continue to grow these collections.

- Purchase re-issues of popular titles/series eg. Dr. Seuss, Thomas the tank etc.
Allocation - 9 copies: DV, E, I, L, MP, R, T, W, YBM

-Yarra Plenty is continuing to expand its program of multicultural storytimes and with
this in mind would like to grow picture books with themes that relate to the festivals
and traditions of our migrant communities. These books are to be in English and
cover themes such as Ramadan, Eid, Chinese New Year, Autumn Moon festival,
Diwali etc.

Allocation - 3 copies: on a rotating allocation.

Board books are extremely popular.
Include books suitable for very early age eg. black/white shapes for newborns.
Board books should have minimal text, quality illustrations and not be picture books
republished in this format.

Allocation - 9 copies: DV, E, I, L, MP, R, TT, W, YBM

This area is very popular and is aimed at early reading material and often includes
structured text and graded reading for the early and emerging reader. Can include
stories with simple to challenging text and graded text in simple chapter format. The
emphasis is on providing alternative titles to those available at schools.
We are hoping to build on our collections in this area and improve understanding of
and accessibility to the collection by children and parents.
The categorization of ES books (Dot system for levels) has improved access for
borrowers and we would like this practice to continue. See ES specifications
(separate document).

Allocation - 9 copies: DV, E, I, L, MP, R, TT, W, YBM

This collection is aimed at providing the picture book reader with both the aural and
visual abilities to enjoy a book. Format to include picture book and CD packaged in
library packaging. Popular authors and literature required.

Allocation - 3 copies per title rotated through: DV, E, I, L, MP, R, TT, WW, and YBM.


Please purchase 9 copies of each shortlisted title which constitutes a picture book.
Please check YPRLS catalogue prior to ordering for availability

Allocation - 9 copies: DV, E, I, L, MP, R, TT, W, YBM


Film and TV
Reviews eg. Age, Sunday Age, Herald-Sun, Sunday Herald-Sun
Australian Bookseller and Publisher
Reading Time
Bookstore’s lists eg. The Little Bookroom, Readings

There have been no major trend changes or impacts that would motivate a radical
change in the non-fiction specifications for 2010-2011. It is still anticipated that the
current trend in the diminishing popularity of some sections of the non-fiction
collection will continue. There is also diminishing demand for junior non-fiction
school project material.

Despite the general downward trend in non-fiction usage , there continues to be a

strong need in the community for material in subject areas as indicated by the Non-
fiction collection analysis spreadsheet (separate document) and the Priority subject
areas (see further).

During 2010-2011, we will be piloting a “book-store” approach and “genrifying” the

non-fiction at our Diamond Valley branch. The collection will be arranged in popular
genre categories. These categories are yet to be finalized after which we will notify
you of the genres to be used and request that genre labels be applied to all collection
items in those genres with a view to the eventual move to gentrifying the non-fiction
at all branches across the region.

There is also a continuing need for developing/growing non-fiction collections for the
early reader (kindergarten/early primary level) and reluctant readers (children and
young adults). Subject areas for the early reader could include simple non-fiction
material on trucks, dinosaurs, cars, animals, pets etc. More visual texts eg. Dorling
Kindersley books on Star wars, Cross-section books would suit the older reluctant

Large percentage of paperbacks unless in hardback only. Attractiveness of material
is important.

Reputable local and international publishers such as ABC, Allen & Unwin, BBC, DK,
Heinemann, Lothian, Lonely Planet, Penguin, University of Melbourne Press etc.

Alert YPRLS if over $100.00 (Art - $130)

Core titles suitable for public libraries eg. Think and grow rich, How to win friends etc.
Please check catalogue – if less than two copies purchase 3 copies (see Allocation

See Allocation plan.


Prefer –Australian published/content for all subject areas where possible, but
in particular for the following:
! gardening
! home renovation
! finance incl. shares
! health
! legal issues


Anticipation of demand through:
What’s hot in bookshops/popular culture
Cinema, Theatre, Performing Arts
Local & National radio and television
Author visits
Major sporting events eg. Olympics etc.

Australian, The Age and Sunday Age, Herald Sun and Sunday Herald Sun, AB&P,
Good Reading magazine.
Bookshop lists esp. Readings, Reader’s Feast


Trend for non-fiction collection development is a focus on recreational, leisurely

pursuits; however it is necessary to maintain a balanced collection based on
borrower needs and demands. There is also a need for various age and reading
levels in general subject areas for junior non-fiction eg. cars, pets etc.
As per non-fiction analysis spreadsheet, please provide 6 copies of any
bestselling/popular title in the following areas. If the title is not widely popular
purchase up to 3 copies:

Self help/ improvement

Health – common ailments
DIY, renovation
Child care, Parenting, childbirth
True crime in particular Australian cases
Biographies – especially high media profile
Pets – all types
Countries –culture, food, general information
“Readable” histories
Laypersons science
Laypersons computer technologies

IELTS texts – Beginners vocational; intermediate and advanced academic (prefer

Aust. Publications if possible)

Learning language kits: all levels and travellers in the following languages: French,
German, Italian, Spanish, Indonesian and Chinese. Multimedia ie. Books and CDs
are accepted.

Due to the diminishing popularity in many areas of school project non-fiction, please
do not purchase any school project junior non-fiction for the 2010/2011 financial year.

Continue to grow the “recreational” junior non-fiction areas which include well
illustrated, attractive titles on the following subject areas:

Science experiments,
Countries and culture,
And anything that is high demand/media related.

Also continue to grow collections for the reluctant reader eg. Dorling Kindersley
Cross-section books, Star-wars, Anime, Manga etc.


Please supply 9 copies of each title appearing in the Top 10 Non-fiction sellers lists
of the Melbourne weekend papers unless the costs of the title is over $50.00 in which
case please supply 4 copies.

Collections of fairytales/ folktales to be purchased for 398’s. Please do not purchase
any single titles (which are catalogued as picture books).

Size – too large or too small
Self published, poorly produced unless it fulfils other criteria
Superseded editions
Books that require readers to fill in blanks eg. Workbooks
Textbooks unless suitable for the layperson
Local history (YPRL area)
Material censored by the government
Books with accessories

Please see separate Standing order list. The standing author trade and hardback
lists also include some popular non-fiction authors.

Top 10 lists 9 copies DV,E,I,L,MP,R,TT,W,YBM

Priority subject 6 copies of widely rotate through the branches –

areas popular/bestseller titles. DV, E, I, L, MP, R, TT, W,YBM
3 copies of all other titles,
unless expensive or
Junior non-fiction 9 copies DV, E, I, L, MP, R, TT, W,
popular/high YBM
Junior non-fiction 6 copies DV, E, I, MP, R, W

Please send only popular material in all subject areas both adult and junior to Lalor
and Thomastown.

Please purchase additional copies if holds tally 8 per one copy – please check with
Manager Collections prior to ordering.


The DVD collection at Yarra Plenty Regional Library continues to be extremely

popular. It is also the one genre that we are finding difficult to bridge the gap between
supply and demand. It is also the one genre that is identified in the Nexus survey as
needing improvement. We are hoping, with the following changes to the
specifications, to tailor the DVD collection to borrowers’ expectations.

Adult DVDs
New release films are to be supplied at point of release only if they:
! are based on a book or play eg. Brokeback Mountain, Memoirs of a geisha
! are a “Best film” award winner eg. Cannes, Oscars, Screen Guild, AFI etc.,
! are a notable Australian film.
Please do not supply any other films that do not fit into the above criteria.

“Classic/Golden oldies” films

Films from the 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s are very popular - please allocate one copy
of every film purchased to ORV (Outreach).

Fictional TV series
– supply BBC, SBS and ABC series only. Supply latest volume/edition. We will
ascertain popularity and order previous volumes if needed.
– Commercial TV series – supply any award winning TV series programme eg.
Emmys, BAFTA, Logies (has to have won “Best” series (industry/peer voted)
not most popular series.
Non-fiction series
As above.

Please supply ABC/BBC/SBS documentaries covering high demand/popular topics
eg. Cooking, travel, sport eg.

Instructional DVDs:
Please supply mainly Australian productions.

Music DVDs:
Please supply popular from all genres eg. opera, pop etc.

Please supply titles that are suitable for a general audience.

World cinema
Award winners only

Junior DVDs

New release blockbusters can be supplied as many/most do have a literature base.

Disney animated features and family rated films.

ABC/BBC TV titles – please include new releases and re-issues.

Completed childrens’ series eg. Australian Children’s Television foundation

productions, BBC productions.

Cartoons: Classics eg. Looney Tunes etc.

Allocation plan

Blockbusters – Adult and Junior 9

Disney animated features 18
ABC/BBC children’s titles and re-issues 9
Family films 9
Cartoons 9
Documentaries 6
Classic films 6
Instructional DVDs 3
Music DVDs 3
Anime 3

DV, E, I, L, MP, R, TT, W, YBM 9

E, I, MP 3
Rotate through all branches and YBM 6

CD usage/borrowing at Yarra Plenty seems to be going through a transitional phase.

CDs are competing with the increasing popularity of digital downloading and do not
appear to be as popular with the traditional youth market as they have been
previously. However, we do still have borrowers who prefer CDs and their demands
are more for classical music, jazz and perennial “pop” favourites.

Although we will continue to procure the “latest” releases, we would like to build the
collection in the genres as named.

Adult and Junior standing orders should constitute a large part of the supply and will
be enhanced by supplier selection and specific requests from Yarra Plenty.

NB: We accept R rated CDs if they fit into the popular charting category and carry the
appropriate warning labels.

Standing order – Adult (chart based)

Each new album, unless already supplied through another genre that reaches:

Top Twenty cahrts 6

Triple J alboum of the week 6
Major dance mixes, rap, R&B titles 6
Classical chart 6
Alternative chart 6
Relaxation (Tony O’Connor etc) 6
Jazz 3

The following categories are not chart based, however collections are also needed in
the following genres:

World music 3
Soundtracks to movies 3
Independent, local artists 3
Country and Western 3
Favourites, classics eg Beatles, Pink 6
Floyd, Rolling Stones, Elvis etc

Standing order – junior

ABC/BBC children’s CDs 9

Allocation plan

DV, E, I, L, MP, R, TT, W, YBM 9

DV, L, R 3
Rotate through all branches and YBM 6

Due to the diminishing popularity of CDRoms, we have decided to change direction

and build a collection of Wii games.

Please supply the most popular games only with classification ratings of G, PG and

3 copies of each game – allocation to be rotated through the branches and YBM.

DV, E, I, L, MP, R, TT, W, YBM

Reference Wii games

The library also supports a collection of Wii games which are purchased for in-house
use only. These are to be catalogued and processed according to the instructions in
the Customer Service agreement and should only be supplied as per a firm order
from YPRL.

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