Data Structures Using C, 2nd Edition

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Thomas’s Graphical method

The method relies on the similarity of the expansion of following functions:



The series expansion of these functions yields:


Identical Slightly different

Replacing equation (3) by (4) i.e. (1) by (2) in BOD equation:

Rearranging terms:

Taking the cube roots of both sides:


y=A+Bx (or y= C+mx)

Therefore, intercept (7) )



Intercept =A

Solving for in equation (7)

Substituting in eq. (8) and solving for k yields:

Substituting equation (9) into eq. (7) and solving for yields:

Procedure for determination of and k by Thomas method:

Day 0 1 2 4 6 8
BOD 0 32 57 84 106 111

1) Calculate for each day.

2) Plot vs t on simple graph paper. Draw the line of best fit through visual
observation. Alternatively use Excel or any other spread sheet to plot the data and a trend line
3) Determine the intercept A and slope B. If using Excel turn on the equation option; from
there get the intercept and the slope.

4) Calculate k and from equation (9) and (10).


(t/BOD)^(1/3) vs t
8, 0.416


y = 0.0145x + 0.3 6, 0.384


0.36 4, 0.362


2, 0.327
1, 0.315

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
t (days)
Least square method (for further theoretical details consult Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. book)

where n = no. of data points

a=-b UBOD
b=-k(base e)
UBOD = -a/b

y= , mg/L


t, day 2 4 6 8 10
y, mg/L 11 18 22 24 26


time, day y y’ yy’

0 0
2 11 121 4.50 49.5
4 18 324 2.75 49.5
6 22 484 1.50 33.0
8 24 576 1.00 24.0
10 26*
sum 75 1505 9.75 156.0
 value not included in total
a=7.5; b= (-0.271)
k = - b = - (- 0.271) = 0.271 (base e)

L₀ = UBOD = - a/b = - 7.5/ (-0.271) = 27.7

Fujimoto method (Fujimoto, 1961):
(a) Plot versus

(b) Plot line of slope = 1

(UBOD) – Value at intersection of the above lines (a) and (b)

K/ k – Use BOD equation and one of the BOD values and corresponding t

t, days 2 4 6 8 10
y, mg/L 11 18 22 24 26

L0= 28 mg/L; put in any of the data point, k≈0.26/day

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