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Fresh from the oven !!!


Good Afternoon Mr. Clemens and all my friends, today I will present The Effect Of Motives
And Coloring On Printed Batik Pekalongan As The Trend-Setter Of World’s Clothing,
Although there is no written record as to when batik became known in Pekalongan, it is
estimated that it started in Pekalongan sometime in the 1800s. Batik Pekalongan is one of the
most colorful coastal batik and the motives are usually natural. Compared to other coastal
batiks, Batik Pekalongan is influenced a lot by the Chinese and Dutch descendants. For
examples, batik Tritura that developed during Tritura in Indonesia. There are two batiks we
know in Indonesia, they are hand made batik and printed batik. The differences are, if hand
made batik ismade using canting, the picture design doesn’t include any clear repetitions, the
selling price of hand made batik is substantially higher compared to printed batik, due to its
quality, uniqueness and luxury, and it takes 3 to 6 months to finish. Different from hand
made batik, printed batik is made using copper stamp, there is always a certain repetition in
patterns, the selling price of printed batik is lower than hand made batik because the numbers
are more numerous, they are not special, not unique, and less exclusive, and it takes 1 to 3
weeks to finish. Despite the differences, there are many similarities between hand made and
printed batik in fabrication, those are the fabric material, the use of coloring substances, the
pattern, the way to handle, and it takes a sketch. We use some material to make batik such as
plain cloth, wax, and coloring agent. Three types of plain cloths are known; the softest is
known as primisima, the soft one is known as prima, the medium one is known as biru, and
the rough one called “Blaco”. Other than those, silk, paris, cotton, and ATPM can also be
used. There are many batik ornaments, those are geometrical, non-geometrical, stilasi . and
free type. Geometrical motive is also known as the arithmetical motive, such as banji
ganggong, ceplok, kawung, machete, and dots braids. The name Banji came from a Chinese
word “ban” which means ten and “dzi” that means thousands of fortune. Ganggong motives
consist of square arrangements with a cross at the last line at the tip, ceplok motive doesn’t
have this line. Ceplok is a batik motive which contains pictures of animals in a rectangle,
and circle frames or its variation. It is said as a braid motive because the variation and the
way the dots are connected resemble braids. This motive depicts the seed of kawung/sugar
palm which is diagonally stacked in two directions. Machete motives represent growth,
power, and speed, which are symbolized by the typical symbol of king, lotus. Motives
included in the non-geometrical type are Semen Motive and Buketan Terang Bulan motive.
Semen motive represents power, the source of all existence and the center of power. Buketan
is a motive that takes plants as its ornaments or patterns arranged along the cloth. It consists
of ornaments of pagoda, plants, temples, eagle, snake or dragon that are harmoniously
patterned on a non-geometrical frame. stilasi means the simplification of shape, technique,
details, and anatomy. This method is widely applied to create ornaments in the form of
plants, animals, and people. The creation of free motives do not emphasise on natural
substances. There are four motives on printed batik Pekalongan : kawung, sekar jagad,
truntum, and floral motive. Batik coloring agent can be divided into two, natural color and
artificial color. Natural color is from plants, such as the bark of tingi wood, tegeran and the
leaves of nila. Indonesia has always been known as a nation of great works of art. Batik is the
world renowned product of Indonesia . This artistic piece of clothing is a masterpiece. In this
modern era, not only adult, but also young people and children love batik. Until today, batik
has been exported to many countries, such as Malaysia, Japan, the Middle East, Eastern
Europe, Africa, and the like. Batik has truly become the trend-setter of world’s clothing.

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