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Design and fabrication of power

generation from gravitational

The energy sources for man are drying up. The era of fossil fuels is going to
end very soon. Scientists are now working on to find new renewable sources of
energy. Along with renewable energy sources like light and wind comes
gravity.Gravity is a phenomenon that existed from the very beginning of the
universe but only discovered by Sir Isaac Newton not more than 400 years ago.

Recently scientists started generating energy from gravity.The basic concept

of a gravity power generating mechanism is simple. When a body goes down from
a higher altitude to a lower one its potential energy is converted into kinetic energy
via linear motion. This motion is converted circular motion and is then converted
to electricity using a dynamo.One challenge in this mechanism is about getting
continuous supply of energy.

A body cannot go downward infinitely, but for continuous power generation

this practically impossible scenario is necessary.An interesting solution for this
problem was invented by Mr. Rajesh Mulchandani and he has applied for patent.
He uses gravity and buoyancy of water to generate a continuous up and down
motion. The mechanism consists of a water filled tank with 50-60meters high with
2 balanced masses capable of moving using both buoyancy and gravity.

That’s why we made a such type of mechanism which uses gravity as a

source to generate electrical energy, An arrangement made up un such a way
that the gravitational force is get converted into electrical energy by kinetic
energy of body

Keywords: Renewable sources, Pollution, Gravitational Force, Kinetic

Chapter 1



Renewable energy is energy that is collected from renewable

resources, which are naturally replenished on a human timescale, such
as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat. Renewable energy often
provides energy in four important areas: electricity generation, air and water
heating/cooling, transportation, and rural energy services. Based on REN21's 2017
report, renewables contributed to humans' global energy consumption and to their
generation of electricity in respectively.

This energy consumption is divided as 8.9% coming

from traditional biomass, heat energy (modern biomass, geothermal and solar
heat), hydro electricity and electricity from wind, solar, geothermal, and biomass.
Worldwide investments in renewable technologies amounted to more than with
countries like China and the United States heavily investing in wind, hydro, solar
and biofuels. Globally, there are an estimated million jobs associated with the
renewable energy industries, with solar photovoltaics being the largest renewable

A worldwide, more than half of all new electricity capacity installed was
renewable. Renewable energy resources exist over wide geographical areas, in
contrast to other energy sources, which are concentrated in a limited number of
countries. Rapid deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency is
resulting in significant energy security, climate change mitigation, and economic
benefits. The results of a recent review of the literature concluded that
as greenhouse gas (GHG) emitters begin to be held liable for damages resulting
from GHG emissions resulting in climate change, a high value for liability
mitigation would provide powerful incentives for deployment of renewable energy
In international public opinion surveys there is strong support for
promoting renewable sources such as solar power and wind power. At the national
level, at least 30 nations around the world already have renewable energy
contributing more than 20 percent of energy supply. National renewable energy
markets are projected to continue to grow strongly in the coming decade and
beyond. Some places and at least two countries, Iceland and Norway generate all
their electricity using renewable energy already, and many other countries have the
set a goal to reach 100% renewable energy in the future. For example,
in Denmark the government decided to switch the total energy supply (electricity,
mobility and heating/cooling) to 100% renewable energy by 2050.

Renewable energy

 Biofuel
 Biomass
 Geothermal
 Hydropower
 Solar energy
 Tidal power
 Wave power
 Wind power

While many renewable energy projects are large-scale, renewable
technologies are also suited to rural and remote areas and developing countries,
where energy is often crucial in human development. United Nations' Secretary-
General Ban Ki-moon has said that renewable energy has the ability to lift the
poorest nations to new levels of prosperity. As most of renewables provide
electricity, renewable energy deployment is often applied in conjunction with
further electrification, which has several benefits:

Electricity can be converted to heat (where necessary

generating higher temperatures than fossil fuels), can be converted into mechanical
energy with high efficiency and is clean at the point of consumption. In addition to
that electrification with renewable energy is much more efficient and therefore
leads to a significant reduction in primary energy requirements, because most
renewables don't have a steam cycle with high losses (fossil power plants usually
have losses of 40 to 65%).

Renewable energy systems are rapidly becoming more efficient and

cheaper. Their share of total energy consumption is increasing. Growth in
consumption of coal and oil could end by 2020 due to increased uptake of
renewables and natural gas.


Solar energy, radiant light and heat from the sun, is harnessed using a
range of ever-evolving technologies such as solar
heating, photovoltaics, concentrated solar power , concentrator
photovoltaics , solar architecture and artificial photosynthesis. Solar technologies
are broadly characterized as either passive solar or active solar depending on the
way they capture, convert and distribute solar energy.

Passive solar techniques include orienting a building to the Sun,

selecting materials with favorable thermal mass or light dispersing properties, and
designing spaces that naturally circulate air. Active solar technologies
encompass solar thermal energy, using solar collectors for heating, and solar
power, converting sunlight into electricity either directly using photo voltaics , or
indirectly using concentrated solar power .
A photovoltaic system converts light into electrical direct
current by taking advantage of the photoelectric effect. Solar PV has turned into a
multi-billion, fast-growing industry, continues to improve its cost-effectiveness,
and has the most potential of any renewable technologies together with
CSP. Concentrated solar power systems use lenses or mirrors and tracking systems
to focus a large area of sunlight into a small beam. Commercial concentrated solar
power plants were first developed in the 1980s. CSP-Stirling has by far the highest
efficiency among all solar energy technologies.

In 2011, the International Energy Agency said that

"the development of affordable, inexhaustible and clean solar energy technologies
will have huge longer-term benefits. It will increase countries' energy security
through reliance on an indigenous, inexhaustible and mostly import-independent
resource, enhance sustainability, reduce pollution, lower the costs of
mitigating climate change, and keep fossil fuel prices lower than otherwise. These
advantages are global. Hence the additional costs of the incentives for early
deployment should be considered learning investments; they must be wisely spent
and need to be widely shared". In 2014 global solar generation was 186 terawatt-
hours, slightly less than 1% of the worlds total grid electricity. Italy has the largest
proportion of solar electricity in the world, in 2015 solar supplied 7.8% of
electricity demand in Italy.


Energy storage is a collection of methods used to store electrical

energy on an electrical power grid, or off it. Electrical energy is stored during
times when production (especially from intermittent power plants such as
renewable electricity sources such as wind power, tidal power, solar power)
exceeds consumption, and returned to the grid when production falls below
consumption. Pumped-storage hydroelectricity is used for more than 90% of all
grid power storage.

From the end of 2004, worldwide renewable energy capacity

grew at rates of 10–annually for many technologies. In global investment in
renewables rose 5% to , breaking the previous record . 2015was also the first year
that saw renewables, excluding large hydro, account for the majority of all new
power capacity (134GW, making up 53.6% of the total). Of the renewables total,
wind accounted for 72GW and solar photovoltaics 56GW; both record-breaking
numbers and sharply up from 2014 figures (49GW and 45GW respectively). In
financial terms, solar made up 56% of total new investment and wind accounted
for 38%.Projections vary.

The EIA has predicted that almost two thirds of net additions to
power capacity will come from renewables by 2020 due to the combined policy
benefits of local pollution, decarbonisation and energy diversification. Some
studies have set out roadmaps to power 100% of the world’s energy with wind,
hydroelectric and solar by the year 2030.According to a 2011 projection by the
International Energy Agency, solar power generators may produce most of the
world's electricity within 50 years, reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases that
harm the environment.

What is the Gravitational Force?

The universe has a lot of forces, a lot of pushes and pulls. We're always pushing or
pulling something, even if only the ground. But it turns out that in physics, there
are really only four fundamental forces from which everything else is derived: the
strong force, the weak force, the electromagnetic force, and the gravitational force.
The gravitational force is a force that attracts any two objects with mass. We call
the gravitational force attractive because it always tries to pull masses together, it
never pushes them apart. In fact, every object, including you, is pulling on every
other object in the entire universe! This is called Newton's Universal Law of
Gravitation. Admittedly, you don't have a very large mass and so, you're not
pulling on those other objects much. And objects that are really far apart from each
other don't pull on each other noticeably either.


Now a day’s demand of energy continuously increases with the rapid

growth of industrialization and urbanization. It causes pollution and global
warming while satisfying the demand of energy. After few year sources like
coal, wood, water, will be finish. Instead of those sources like solar, wind,
biomass etc. is available at particular instant of time. That why we need some
other sources to fulfilling our energy demand and requirement. For that we are
introducing the innovative method of generating power by gravity of the
earth, which is present all time at anywhere on the earth. But in reality the
design could not turn into physical body.

It didn’t work as they thought theoretically. It convincible to cover up

the gravitational energy away from an object, so that can result into citation of
energy from gravitational range, which may result into generation of
gravitational electrical power technologically beneficial. Hence to provide
solution for this, we studied the principle of gravity power generation
mechanism, to give better efficiency to the system and improve the working
of power generation.

A lack of access to reliable electricity is, in part, what defines and

differentiates developed countries from developing countries. This shortage is the
main problem our senior design team aims to address. A number of solutions have
been proposed for ways to locally capture renewable energy and convert it into
electricity. These solutions generally rely on solar, hydroelectric, or wind power.
Though all of these sources are renewable, none is as reliable or readily available
as gravity. Every location on earth has equal access to gravity, day or night, rain or
shine. Gravity is one of the few constants all people have access to regardless of
their circumstances.

The lack of reliable electricity affects the performance of many medical

clinics in underdeveloped areas. One negative effect of unreliable electricity is
that many small devices cannot be powered without a ready supply of batteries.
Batteries may not always be available, should be disposed of in specific ways to

reduce environmental impact, and

do not hold an optimal charge in
certain, warm and humid climates.
Clinic hours also suffer since the
workers must either close when the
sun sets or use methods like the
kerosene lantern seen in figure 1.
Another issue, not directly
related to electricity, our team will
be addressing is the lack of STEM
education tools in underdeveloped
the proper education tools, communities will remain “under” developed and will
continue to struggle to catch up. William Kamkwamba of Malawian, recently
spoke at a TED conference and published a book about how he built a windmill
generator for his family from spare parts and a plan from his local library . His
efforts show the effect that a single generator can have on a family and the impact
one motivated inventor can have on a community. Inspired by Mr. Kamkwamba
our team wants to empower local communities, not only with electricity, but with
the knowledge of how to build their own generators and the pride of having
completed one for themselves. Our team’s gravity powered generator will address
the need for reliable access to electricity and will potentially improve healthcare
and empower the communities we seek to help.

mechanical portion of our project. The Power Converter is the portion which
converts the rotational energy into electrical energy. It contains some mechanical
parts but mostly electrical components such as the generator itself. The
Disinfection Chamber was the reach goal portion of the budget and is where
medical instruments would have been placed to undergo their disinfection
irradiation. We anticipated needing UVGI lamps to test and multiple iterations of
chamber geometry before finalizing the attachment.

The final breakout, Technical References, refers to a textbook we located which

clearly explains the ultraviolet germicidal irradiation process. This disinfection
attachment no longer falls within the scope of our project and has been removed
from the second budget estimation. The 15% contingency was included to cover
any alterations to design or unanticipated expenses encountered.The second budget
was created to reflect the change in direction for the Gravity project. The
disinfection chamber was deemed beyond the scope of the project. As such the
money allocated towards it and the technical references needed to form it was
redistributed into two portions. The first new portion was for the test frame which
was required in order to properly scale up the tests of the Gravity Charger. The
second new portion added was allocated to provide funds for the iterative process
inherent in the designing of the Gravity .

Power Generation

In this Methods used to Generate Electricity Types of Electric Power

Stations . At the end of this course the student is expected to be familiar with the
Principles of Electrical Generation and their application in real life.You are
advised to read carefully through given material and attempt all quiz/questionaires
in this course and dont forget to follow necessary safety code that will be outlined
in this course. We hope you will enjoy this major course in Electrical Engineering.

Energy exists in many forms all around us. The development of our modern
society has been accomplished because scientists and engineers have learned to
capture some of that energy and transform it into ways to do useful work. The
conversion of energy from a chunk of coal into steam and then into mechanical
engines that could do heavy work was a critically important role for engineers in
the 19th century that helped to start the industrial revolution. An engineer must
know where to "find" energy resources and then how to convert them into forms
that are more useful for all of the machines and gadgets we use in our daily lives.
Look around this room, what tools or devices are using energy? Light fixtures are a
good example.

They convert electrical energy into light (radiant) energy. What about this cup of
water (hold up a cup of water), does it have energy? It has a state of energy called
potential energy because it is held up at an elevation. If the water is poured into a
pail, the potential energy is released as the water now is moving with some
velocity. This is a kinetic state of energy.
The goal of this class is to explore some critical terms that are needed for energy –
forms of energy and states of energy. Tomorrow, that information will be used as
we evaluate several items, like the lights in this class, to see how they convert
energy from one form to another.

Wind power

Airflows can be used to run wind turbines. Modern utility-scale wind turbines
range from around 600 kW to 9 MW of rated power. The power available from the
wind is a function of the cube of the wind speed, so as wind speed increases, power
output increases up to the maximum output for the particular turbine. Areas where
winds are stronger and more constant, such as offshore and high altitude sites, are
preferred locations for wind farms.

Typically full load hours of wind turbines vary between 16 and 57 percent
annually, but might be higher in particularly favorable offshore sites.Wind-
generated electricity met nearly 4% of global electricity demand in 2015, with
nearly 63 GW of new wind power capacity installed. Wind energy was the leading
source of new capacity in Europe, the US and Canada, and the second largest in
China. In Denmark, wind energy met more than 40% of its electricity demand
while Ireland, Portugal and Spain each met nearly 20%.
Globally, the long-term technical potential of wind energy is believed to be five
times total current global energy production, or 40 times current electricity
demand, assuming all practical barriers needed were overcome. This would require
wind turbines to be installed over large areas, particularly in areas of higher wind
resources, such as offshore. As offshore wind speeds average ~90% greater than
that of land, so offshore resources can contribute substantially more energy than
land stationed turbines.
Main articles: Hydroelectricity and Hydropower

In 2017 the World renewable hydropower capacity was 1,154 GW

Since water is about 800 times denser than air, even a slow flowing stream of
water, or moderate sea swell, can yield considerable amounts of energy. There are
many forms of water energy:

 Historically hydroelectric power came from constructing large hydroelectric

dams and reservoirs, which are still popular in third world countries. The
largest of which is the Three Gorges Dam(2003) in China and the Itaipu
Dam(1984) built by Brazil and Paraguay.
 Small hydro systems are hydroelectric power installations that typically
produce up to 50 MW of power. They are often used on small rivers or as a low
impact development on larger rivers. China is the largest producer of
hydroelectricity in the world and has more than 45,000 small hydro
 Run-of-the-river hydroelectricity plants derive energy from rivers without the
creation of a large reservoir. The water is typically conveyed along the side of
the river valley (using channels, pipes and/or tunnels) until it is high above the
valley floor, whereupon it can allowed to fall through a penstock to drive a
turbine. This style of generation may still produce a large amount of electricity,
such as the Chief Joseph Dam on the Columbia river in the United States.
Steam rising from the Nesjavellir Geothermal Power Station in Iceland
Global geothermal capacity in 2017 was 12.9 GW.
High Temperature Geothermal energy is from thermal energy generated and stored
in the Earth. Thermal energy is the energy that determines the temperature of
matter. Earth's geothermal energy originates from the original formation of the
planet and from radioactive decay of minerals (in currently uncertainbut possibly
roughly equal proportions). The geothermal gradient, which is the difference in
temperature between the core of the planet and its surface, drives a continuous
conduction of thermal energy in the form of heat from the core to the surface. The
adjective geothermal originates from the Greek roots geo, meaning earth,
and thermos, meaning heat.

Bio energy
Main articles: Bioenergy, Biomass, Biogas, and Biofuel

Sugarcane plantation to produce ethanol in Brazil

A CHP power station using wood to supply 30,000 households in France

Bioenergy global capacity in 2017 was 109 GW.

Biomass is biological material derived from living, or recently living

organisms. It most often refers to plants or plant-derived materials which are
specifically called lignocellulosic biomass. As an energy source, biomass can
either be used directly via combustion to produce heat, or indirectly after
converting it to various forms of biofuel. Conversion of biomass to biofuel can be
achieved by different methods which are broadly classified
into: thermal, chemical, and biochemical methods.

Wood remains the largest biomass energy source today; examples

include forest residues – such as dead trees, branches and tree stumps –, yard
clippings, wood chips and even municipal solid waste. In the second sense,
biomass includes plant or animal matter that can be converted into fibers or other
industrial chemicals, including biofuels. Industrial biomass can be grown from
numerous types of plants, Plant energy is produced by crops specifically grown for
use as fuel that offer high biomass output per hectare with low input energy. Some
examples of these plants are wheat, which typically yield 7.5–8 tonnes of grain per
hectare, and straw, which typically yield 3.5–5 tonnes per hectare in the UK. The
grain can be used for liquid transportation fuels while the straw can be burned to
produce heat or electricity.

Plant biomass can also be degradedfrom cellulose to glucose through a series

of chemical treatments, and the resulting sugar can then be used as a first
generation biofuel.


Energy storage is a collection of methods used to store electrical energy on

an electrical power grid, or off it. Electrical energy is stored during times when
production (especially from intermittent power plants such as renewable electricity
sources such as wind power, tidal power, solar power) exceeds consumption, and
returned to the grid when production falls below consumption. Pumped-storage
hydroelectricity is used for more than 90% of all grid power storage. Costs of
lithium ion batteries are dropping rapidly, and are increasingly being deployed as
fast acting sources of grid power (i.e. operating reserve) and for domestic storage.


Near about 400 years ago Sir Isaac Newton had invented the
phenomenon of gravity. After that London based scientist Martin Radford and
Jim Reeves researches developing light as an off-line project for 4 years. To
make gravity light they were used and tested manufacture that has appropriate
knowledge of it. To the storing of energy and produce lighting, the gravity
power generation w as the innovative approach. Creating the 30- minutes light
it takes only 3-secs to lift the weight which powers gravity at its descent.
Chun-Cho Wang and Yuh-suiang has strongly implemented the idea of
gravity power generation mechanism, as per their conception for the
electricity, more simplified mechanism issued.

The basic intention behind the invention is to implementation of gravity

power generation mechanism is to provide continues and balanced operation
to continuously switch over type gravitational potential energy into the kinetic
energy into electrical energy, so as to perform for a while, effective and
balanced energy output.

Russian researcher Mikhail Dmitrive apparently construct a mechanism

can be trapped to generate energy. They worked for a long time for
actualizing and testing the system and he is quite successful in his work.
Generally his design is based on the principle of having a wheel attaching
weight itself and implementing for those weights to be balanced outwards
when falling and balanced inwards when rising. Due to many arms tangled, it
may results into inequality which causes the wheel to rotate continuously and
if the weights are in proper size, then rotation is dynamic and can be used to
generate electricity.

The apparatus consists of crank and pin arrangement bearing variable loads
and supporting stand. The arrangement ofpulley in such a way that diameter of
upper pulley is large as compared to the bottom pulley and these two pulleys are
aligned in a vertical plane. Variable loads are mounted on the belt as shown in the
above figure and this belt is mountedon two variable pulleys by using nut and bolt.
For the generation of electricity the Mini DC generator is used which is
connected to the flywheel through pinion and this flywheel is attached to the
bottom pulley.

The flywheel is used in thisarrangement for the load balance purpose. The
arrangement requires some initial force to rotate the variable loads in circular
motion, after that it will works ongravitational force in which the loads from the
higher altitude are fall down due to the gravitational energy and hence
the lower loads are pulled up due to the movement of upper load and hence the
chain will continue for some duration.

The arrangement utilizes a gravity energy conversion unit to convert the

gravity potential energy into the kinetic energy.
The gravity energy conversion unit produces positive torques by adopting outward
spreading single direction swingarms and reduces the negative torques by
cooperating with the folding action of the single directional swing arms, so as
to perform a long time, effective and continuous energy conversion of converting
gravity potential energy into kineticenergy.

Next, the kinetic energy will be transmitted to a power generating unit to perform
another energy conversion ofconverting the kinetic energy into the electrical
energy. And finally, a power supply system is used to transmit the
electric energy out.




Gear arrangements

Dc motor
Light out put

The machine is stand on simple principle i.e. ‘when an object is placed

on a higher level ground then due to the gravitational force it experiences a
pull towards the lower level and gains kinetic energy. This kinetic energy can
be utilized in a précised manner in which it can be transformed into electrical
energy.’The basic idea used that is perpetual motion which channel the
motion that gets on without any other source of energy.

The perpetual motion is the deal like propeller which never stops
rotating without any motor. In this way we try to attain perpetual motion
using gravitational energy. the gravity power generation mechanism. The
arrangement consists of dead weight fixed on wheel carrying variable loads
and supporting stand. The system of gears arranges in such a way that, the
diameter of upper gear is more co-related with bottom gear and those two
gears are adjust in a vertical line.

Variable weights are placed on the wheel as we can see in fig.2.1 and
this wheel is fatherly linked with the flywheel. The mini D.C. generator is
used for the electricity generation which is linked with flywheel and that
flywheel is attached to the bottom gear. In this arrangement the flywheel is
introduced for the balancing of loads.
In this arrangement it needs some initial thrust to achieve the spinning of dead
weights in circular manner.

Due to gravitational energy, the weights from higher elevation are

drops down which results into the gravitational force and due to that bottom
weight pulled up because of the action upper weights and this system will
keep on for a while.
This arrangement is to be order to convert gravitational potential
energy into the kinetic energy by employing gravity conversion unit. By
adopting of externally spread out single directional swing arm, which results
into positive torque and minimizes negative torque with help of overlapping
action of single directional swing arm as to work long time, effective and
never cease of converting gravitational potential energy into kinetic energy.
After that another conversion of energy of converting kinetic energy into
electrical energy, that kinetic energy will be transferred to the generator. And
lastly the power supply system is employed to transmit electrical energy out.

Universal Gravitation Equation

This equation describes the force between any two objects in the universe:

In the equation:

 F is the force of gravity (measured in Newtons, N)

 G is the gravitational constant of the universe and is always the same
 M is the mass of one object (measured in kilograms, kg)
 m is the mass of the other object (measured in kilograms, kg)
 r is the distance those objects are apart (measured in meters, m)

So if you know how massive two objects are and how far they are apart, you can
figure out the force between them.

g is gravitational acceleration. We can measure it by timing the period of a

pendulum of known length, or to be crude by dropping something and seeing how
long it takes to fall. RR is the radius of Earth, known from surveying efforts. M is
the mass of Earth, and G is a constant.
Unfortunately, that equation had two unknowns - M and G. We could solve it to

The diagram above has A, B and C are:
Ar = rotational speed of the small pulley A with the
generator attached,
B= rotational speed of the large pulley B

C= rotational speed Cr of the small sprocket C that's

attached to the large pulley

By starting with the generator, in this case a synchronous motor is used. When it is
turned the shaft of a motor, the motor acts like a generator, producing electricity.
There is a small pulley that is attached to the generator shaft and its diameter is
5.25 cm. and circumference is 16.5 cm. Now there needs a rotational speed for the
small pulley of 5-6 RPM to find some combination of large pulley with attached
small pulley (or sprocket in this case), and possibly more than one of them that
would cause a mass to fall at a reasonably slow speed for long enough to light
the LED for a reasonably long

Using 1 kg of load, the potential energy of the load for an altitude of 145 cm,
Ep= mass × gravity constant × height of the load = mgh = 1kg × 9.81 ms ×
1.45m =14.23 J

This potential energy is converted to the electrical energy

by the generator.
Generator output =Voltage × Current flow × time of load
landing= VIt =3.2 V× 12 mA × 42 s = 1.62 J
The height from where the load is falling by the gravity is,
h = 145cm.
Time required to fall the load, t = 42 s.
Hence, velocity of the falling mass, v = 3.45 cm per
Efficiency= (Output energy /Input Energy)*100%
= (1.62J/14.23J)*100% =11.23%


A. Choosing of gravity power generation mechanism is the most basic clause for
the power generation.
B. To generate electricity use gravity power, thus conversion of potential
energy to kinetic energy using perpetual motion machine.

C. To use gravity power generation to generate power up to 60 watt.

D. Uncomplicated structure should be avoided.
E. Conversion ratio should be higher.
F. To perform a long time energy conversion it needs some starting energy.
G. It can be separately producing electricity and can be linked to the wind power
side by side.



1) Gravity is the constant source of energy on which the mechanism being

2) For the [power generation mechanism, location or site selection does not play
important role.
3) For longer term energy generation, small investment of is required.
4) The mechanism is 100℅ free from pollution and eco-friendly too.
 . In fact, most people who have WORKED in a construction working area
by the way this method very useful for that area.

 Finally, there is a real appeal to being able to be self-sufficient. Its

application should used for Super market area and industrial heavy load
lifting area.
By such arrangements, the gravity power generation mechanism not only has
the advantages such as: more simplified structure, higher conversion ratio and
more environment-friendly but only needs a little starting energy to perform a long
time energy conversion and stable energy output. The other main advantage of the
gravitational power generation mechanism is that it can independently generate
electricity and it can be parallel connected to the wind power and the solar power
generation systems to generate electricity.
By means of this system we can increase the efficiency of the gravity force..
We conclude that, it provides ideas about the principle of gravity power
generation mechanism. The main motto of the study is soar up the mechanism of
power generation. It may help to find substitute for conventional power generation

[1] Vidhan Srivastava, Sumit Chaudhary, Shailesh M. Pandey, Kulvinder

Rana“Gravity Power Generation” IJMRS’s International Journal of
Engineering Sciences, Vol. 01, Issue 03, September 2012.
[2] George O. Schur, “Gravity actuated thermal motor”, United States Patent
number: 4121420.
[3] Richard P Feynman, Robert B Leighton, Matthew Sands “Lecture on physics”,
Narosa book disributirs ltd., volume1.
[4] Chun-chao Wang, Yuh-suiang Wang “Gravity Power Generation Mechanism”
United States patent number: 20090115195 A1 App No.11/935,228 May, 2009.
[5] Victor Rene AnguloValpreda, Mayra Palomares Coral US 8344537 B2 App
No. 12/668,757 January, 2013.

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