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Makin' Whoopee

Words by Gus Kahn

Music by Walter Donaldson
Moderately A9 ~7115 G
r: m

1- Ev - 'ry time I hear that march fium

Lo -hen - grin- I am al-ways on the out-side look-ing in.- May- be that is why I see the

fun- ny side- when I see a fall - en bro - ther take a bride.-

Q 1928 EM1 Music Publishing Ltd and Bregman Vocco & Conn lnc, USA
EM1 Music Publishing Ltd, London WC2H OEA
I Wed-dings make a lot of peo ple sad, but if you're not the groom they're not that

I -
b a d . hth-a bride, an-0th- er June, an-0th- er sun - ny hon- ey-

I -moon, 1ll-0t.h - er sea - s o n , an - 0th - er rea - son for mak - in'

I -
rice, the groom is ner v o u s , he ans- wers twice. It's real - ly

I kill - ing- that he's so will - ing- to make whoop - ee!

I - Pic-ture a lit - tle love -nest, down where the ros - ses cling,

I pic- ture the same sweet love -nest, think what a year can b r i n g . He's wash - ing
dish - cs and ba - by clothes, he's so am - bi - t i o u s he ev - en

sews. But don't for - get, f o l k s , that'swhat you get, f o l k s , for mak - in'

who0 - pee! An - 0th - er whoop - ee!

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