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Visualization and Pitch

Ella Menoche
1. Library visit (one)
○ Checks out book called Finding Peace in
Chaos. Talks to librarian.
2. Coming home (one)
○ Parents arguing over dumb stuff
3. Talking to Lilly
○ Tells Lilly she will play w/ her tomorrow
4. Studio time (one)
○ Separates parent figurines. Glues sister
figurines together.
5. Project with Dahlia (one)
6. Coming home (two)
○ More arguing
7. Studio time (two)
○ Angry about bad lab partner.
8. Project with Dahlia (two)
○ Receives failing grade.
9. Library visit (two)
○ Checks book called People are Awful.
10. Studio time (three)
○ Sees Lilly messing with her stuff, yells at her,
then makes up. Hug.
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