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Wnited States Senate WASHINGTON, DC 20510 February 28, 2019 The Honorable Mark T. Esper Secretary of the Army 101 Army Pentagon ‘Washington, DC 20310-0101 Dear Secretary Esper: We write today to follow up on our meetings and previous letters we have written to you and other military leadership about alleged pervasive health hazards in private military housing across the country, and to request information regarding private Army housing in Vit including at Fort Belvoir, Fort Story, Fort Eustis, and Fort Lee. As you know, Clark Realty Capital, Balfour Beatty Communities, LLC., and Hunt Military Communities manage thousands of military family homes in V: An August 2018 investigation by Reuters revealed serious concerns about lead poisoning at a number of Army installations, and found that a number of military bases had not been following state health laws mandating they report children’s blood test results to their health departments, This follows a 2015 DoD inspector general report that found significant lead paint hazards at Fort Belvoir. Following this investigation we joined a number of our colleagues in writing you, expressing our deep concem over the report. In addition to requesting a detailed briefing outlining the immediate and long-term mitigation strategies to ensure military housing is safe and secure for ‘our servicemembers and their families, we requested that the Army provide medical treatment for those potentially or previously affected, make long-lasting repairs, and provide legislative proposals or guidance on legislation needed to ensure that there is increased accountability for private companies. The health and safety of our servicemembers and their families are of the utmost importance. Our nation’s military families deserve safe and healthy housing, and it is imperative that the Army alleviate these issues. As you work to develop a plan addressing this health crisis, we request the following information: 1, Copies of the contracts ~ with the appropriate redaction of competition-sensitive information — currently in place at Fort Belvoir, Fort Eustis, Fort Lee and Fort Story; 2. Copies of the service- or department-level guidance and policy documents that relate directly to contracting for on-base privatized housing; Copies of the standard operating procedures for responding to and rectifying lead paint and other habitability, safety, and health complaints in government-owned housing; and 4, Any information on whether cure notices were sent to these private companies, including Clark Realty Capital, Balfour Beatty Communities, LLC., and Hunt Military Communities, for failure to adhere to their contractual obligations. Thank you for your attention to this serious matter. We look forward to your timely response. Sincerely, a) {ARK R. WARNER TIM KAINE United States Senator United States Senator

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