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‘Year 9 Music Inquiry’

Research & Present

Musician/band, Genre & Music Elements

Student Instruction Sheet

You will complete the task over six weeks both in the class and at home – research a
band or musician, a genre and musical characteristics and elements. Present your
inquiry in any format of your choosing: online, poster, cards, PPT, speech etc

How does your chosen song/piece demonstrate the characteristics of your

musician’s/bands performance genre?

Detailed Student Instructions:

There are 4 stages to this presentation – Biographical details, Genre & Musical
characteristics, identification of music characteristics and elements in a chosen
piece/song, presenting your findings.

1. The information you find is to be presented in a way of your choosing

2. All information must be in short points or sentences, not in long paragraphs
3. Information needs to be read, selected, then put into your own words – you
will not achieve if you just ‘copy and paste’ from the internet
4. You may use books, magazines or the internet as sources of your
information. These sources must be listed on the back of your poster, or in
your presentation using APA referencing


Choose a musician or band you like.

You need to first find and note the following information:

 DOB (Date of Birth/formation)
 Basic biographical information (where they grew up, details about their life
 Style of music (genre) they mostly perform in
 Hits/awards
 Musical influences
 History of musical background/band formation etc
 What instruments they play etc
 An example of lyrics or music from one of their songs (youtube link etc)

Choose a song that has been sung/played/recorded by your chose musician/band.

You need to first find and note the following information:

 Who wrote the song?
 Is it a cover or an original?
 What genre is this song/piece classified as?
 Hits/awards

Complete the listening sheet for this sheet (do this task at the completion of your


Investigate your chosen genre and find the following information:

 When did this genre originate?
 Where did this genre originate?
 What other music styles is this
genre based on?
 Give a brief history or timeline
of this genre.
 What are the musical
characteristics of this genre?
(Refer to elements of music
 What instruments are primarily
used in this genre?
 What is the message / purpose
of the genre?
 What are some of the most
recognized early songs of the
genre (classics)?
 Who are some of the key
people in this genre?


Present your findings:

1. Present your biographical
information, information on your
song and genre in your chosen
2. Hand in your listening sheet
3. Make sure you have all
references and sources

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