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Name of Group: Attendance Matters, A.M. Group

Contact Person: Ms. Devra Collier, Ashe Elementary School Counselor
Group Topic: In the 2017-2018 academic year, 22% of Ashe Elementary students were chronically
absent, defined by missing 10% or more of school days per year (just 18 days in a year) with or
without a valid excuse. The Illinois state average is 17%. Research has shown that even one year of
chronic absence can cause a child to fall behind academically and decrease a child’s chances of
graduating from high school, which can have long-term consequences on their financial
independence, physical well-being and mental health.
The goal of the small group is to raise awareness the importance of attendance and help motivate
students increase their attendance rate by setting realistic and achievable plans, goals and learn to
seek out help when needed.
Grade Level: 7th and 8th grade students
ASCA Domain and Mindsets and Behavior Standard(s):
• M. 6 Positive attitude toward working and learning
• B-LS 3 Use time-management, organizational and study skills
• B-LS4 Apply self-motivation and self-direction to learning
• B-SMS 1 Demonstrate ability to assume responsibility
• B-SMS 6 Demonstrate ability to overcome barriers to learning
• B-SMS 7 Demonstrate effective coping skills when faced with a problem
• B-SS 5 Demonstrate ethical decision-making and social responsibility
Process Data: 9-12 students in the 7th and 8th grades who are chronically absent will meet once a
week for 45 minutes, four sessions in total.
Perception Data: Pre-test and post-test comparison regarding attitudes and knowledge about
attendance. At the end of the sessions, students will be able to recognize the importance of
attendance and make greater efforts to decrease their absence by for the remainder of the school
year. Students will gain knowledge of the Ash Elementary attendance policy and know the
definition of chronic absence and be able to identify at least 3 detrimental effects of chronic
Outcome Data: Attendance records and grades of participants will be reviewed for signs of
improvement. Goal is to decrease chronic absenteeism from 22% to 17% in the 2018-2019
academic year.
• Pre- and post-tests
• Classroom with tables and chairs for small group activities
• Attendance chart (i.e. stickers, charts, ribbons, etc.)
• Projector and Screen
• The Importance of School Attendance video
• 5 Facts About School Attendance video
• My Attendance Success Plan handout
• Pipe cleaners (or M&Ms) Getting to Know You Activity
• Responsible Routines handout
• Parent/Guardian permission slip

Group Lesson 1: Introduction and why Attendance Matters
Purpose: Getting to know each other.
Objective: For each member to learn about the other members in the group, understand the rules
and purpose of the group and why they are in the group.
Create Group Rules – post in visible part of room so it can be referred to at every session
● Please be on time
● Group meets on the same day every week, different period for six weeks, unless
unforeseen circumstances change the day.
● Be respectful of others while they are speaking, each person will have equal opportunity to
● Be respectful of other members thoughts and feelings, there are no stupid or wrong
questions, thoughts or feelings.
● Confidentiality is paramount what is said in this room stays in this room.
• Give group opportunity to add additional rules

Pipe Cleaner Activity (handout) M&Ms can also be used if pipe cleaners are not available.
Have each member take a pipe cleaner from the bunch that is passed around the group. There is a
choice of colors. Each color represents a question from a certain topic list. The members will not
know what color represents what before they choose their pipe cleaner. Students will take turns
answering based on the color of their pipe cleaner. The same question cannot be answered more
than once.

Once everyone has taken a turn answering a question, have the group brainstorm reasons why
school attendance matters. Create attendance chart.
Finish with The Importance of School Attendance video and have students share what they
learned from the video, things that surprised them. Conclude with each student sharing why
attendance matters for them.

Group Lesson 2: the Big Picture

Purpose: Understanding truancy and how attendance affects every aspect of school.
Objective: Students will identify all obstacles preventing them from coming to school. Explore
alternatives and develop internal motivation to come to school.
• Using the calendar in the Academic Success Plan handout, have students circle all the days
they were absent to help them visualize their absences. Remember to collect these at the
end of class to use in the fourth and final session.
• Identify Excused and Unexcused absences as a group
o Bring sticky notes/pencils
o Have students write ALL of the reasons they may have ever missed school in their life.
Ask them to be HONEST and specific as possible. (Avoiding drama at school, avoiding a
test, quiz, project due date, babysitting, no transportation, missed bus).
o Students will go around sharing their answers
• Watch 5 Facts About School Attendance video. Have student discuss and share with the
group what they learned from the video, and things that might have surprised them.

Group Lesson 3: Responsible Routines

Purpose: Understanding routines and planning helps keeping attendance consistent.
Objective: Creating a plan for good morning, afternoon and evening routines and habits.
• Complete Responsible Routines Chart (handout)
• Have the students identify habits that need to change or new ones that need to be created
to help them be on time. Have students identify things that hinder them and challenges
that prevent them from getting to school. Have student share their process.
Examples include:
Morning Routines
o Brush teeth
o Shower
o Make the bed
o Breakfast
Afternoon Routines
o Check Planner
o Homework
o Put toys away
Evening Routines
o Pack backpack
o Set out clothes
o Set alarm clock

Group Lesson 4: Helping Hand

Purpose: To review what has been learned over the previous sessions. To review long terms goals
for the year. Reward for the hard work for achieving short term goals. Group celebration.
Objective: To give each student individual motivation.
• Helping hand. Have students trace their hand on a piece of paper. Then have them pinpoint
5 takeaways, growths, or changes they made from our time in group. Then in the palm
write what they want to keep working on to keep improving. The theme is it’s their hand,
and they are their strongest advocate and can help and support themselves.
• Students will complete the My Attendance Success Plan handout and take it home.
• Reward students for their efforts and participation. Give out special awards for students
who did not have a single absence or tardy since the start of AM Group.

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