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Assignment front sheet

Qualification Unit number and title

Pearson BTEC HNC Performing Arts 58 Singing Techniques and Styles

Student name Assessor name

Mike Dines
Date issued Completion date Submitted on

27th February 2018 18th May 2018

Assignment title Singing Techniques and styles

In this assessment you will have the

Learning Assessment Task Evidence
LO opportunity to present evidence that
Outcome Criteria no. (Page no)
shows you are able to:
Understand 1.1 Explain the structure and physiology of the
the structure voice.
and 1.2 Analyse the processes involved in voice
LO1 1
physiology of production.
the human 1.3 Discuss the applications of vocal health for
voice. singers.
Be able to 2.1 Select and justify techniques in rehearsal and
implement a wide 2
LO2 range of vocal
techniques. 2.2 Assess personal weaknesses and develop
strategies for improvement.
Be able to apply 3.1
techniques to Demonstrate different singing styles. 3
LO3 contrasting
singing styles. 3.2 Carry out a practice schedule as a soloist and
as a member of an ensemble.
Be able to 4.1 Take an active role in rehearsals and
perform a performance.
LO4 collection of
songs for solo, Perform songs for solo, duo and in a group. 4
duo, and group.
4.3 Produce evaluative and reflective reports on
singing techniques and skills from rehearsals 4
and performances.
Learner declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully

Student signature: Date:

Indicative characteristic/s and Contextualisation chart

In addition to the above PASS criteria, this assignment gives you the opportunity to submit evidence in order to achieve the following MERIT
and DISTINCTION grades

Grade Descriptor Indicative characteristic/s Contextualisation

 Effective judgements have been made. Portfolio of research: structure and physiology of the voice.
M1  Complex problems with more than one
Identify and apply strategies to find variable have been explored. Effective self assessment and choice of strategies for
appropriate solutions  An effective approach to study and improvement.
research has been applied.
Exploration of a variety of techniques and singing styles.

M2  Relevant theories and techniques have

Select / design and apply appropriate been applied
methods / techniques  A range of methods and techniques
have been applied. Produce detailed and varied research in your portfolios
 A range of sources of information have
been used. Consider and justify the use of a range of vocal exercises,
 The selection of methods and techniques and methods.
techniques/sources has been justified.
 The design of methods/techniques has This will be evident in your research portfolios, report and
been justified. evaluation.
 Complex information/data has be
synthesised and processed.
 Appropriate learning
methods/techniques have been applied.
M3  The appropriate structure and approach
Present and communicate appropriate has been used. Evident through vocal exercise log and rehearsal log.
findings  Coherent, logical development of
principles/concepts for the intended Recorded evidence of final performance and evaluation.
 A range of methods of presentation Rehearsal work and communication with each other as a
have been used and technical language team.
has been accurately used.
 Communication has taken place in Final performance – audience communication.
familiar and unfamiliar contexts.
Appropriate use of musical and technical terminology in your
 The communication is appropriate for
portfolio, log and evaluation.
familiar and unfamiliar audiences and
appropriate media have been used.
D1  Conclusions have been arrived at
Use critical reflection to evaluate own through synthesis of ideas and have
work and justify valid conclusions been justified.
 The validity of results have been Ongoing reflection of individual research processes and
evaluated using defined criteria. application of your findings must be evident throughout your
 Self criticism of approach has taken research portfolio, logs and evaluation.
 Realistic improvements have been
proposed against defined
characteristics for success.
D2  Autonomy/independence has been
Take responsibility for managing and demonstrated.
Evidence of leading team work in group rehearsals and
organising activities  Substantial activities, projects or
investigations have been planned,
mananged and organised.
Independent and responsible approach taken to improve and
 Activities have been managed.
develop your singing voice. This will be evident through your
 The unforeseen has been
research portfolio, vocal exercise and rehearsal logs and
 The importance of interdependence has
been recognised and achieved.
D3  Ideas have been generated and
Demonstrate convergent /lateral / decisions taken.
creative thinking  Self evaluation has taken place.
You should meet this criteria through the research, planning
 Convergent and lateral thinking have
and rehearsal of your performance programme.
been applied.
 Problems have been solved.
You will be creative and innovative, using the elements of
 Innovation and creative thought have
music learnt and applying them with originality.
been applied.
 Receptiveness to new ideas is evident.
 Effective thinking has taken place in
unfamiliar contexts.
Assignment brief
Unit number and title 58 Singing Techniques and Styles

Qualification Pearson BTEC HNC Performing Arts

Start date 27th February 2018
Deadline/hand-in 8th May 2018

Assessor Mike Dines

Assignment title Singing Techniques and Styles

Purpose of this assignment

The aim of this unit is to enable you to sing by exploring how the voice works in theory and practice and
in the application of skills and techniques leading to performance. You will demonstrate your ability to
learn, practice and apply singing techniques through a choice of materials presented for performance.

You will explore and research current practice associated with techniques and skills and their
applications for the singing performance. Through the findings of your research into the physiology of
the voice and how sound is made, controlled and refined, you will devise a vocal exercise regime and
implement a wide range of vocal techniques to develop your singing voice. You will apply these
techniques to a variety of singing styles when practicing and rehearsing for your performance
programme which will include material for solo, duo and group singing. After your performances, you
will have the opportunity to reflect on your process of researching and applying singing techniques and
skills from rehearsals and performances.

Task 1 (LO 1: 1.1,1.2, 1.3, M1,M2,M3 & D1,D2,D3): Understand the structure and physiology
of the human voice:

For this first task you should create a portfolio of evidence to show your research into the structure and
physiology of the human voice. Your portfolio should include information on:
Body: posture; whole body supports production of voice; balance; strength.
Voice: larynx; vocal chords; shape; resonance; warming up and protecting the voice.
Diaphragm: physiology, eg structure, breathing; role in supporting sound and escape of air; action of
Vocal health: medical, eg conditions, resources, common ailments; developing vocal stamina; ear

Deadline: TUESDAY 17th April 2018

Task 2 (LO2: 2.1, 2.2, M1,M2,M3 & D1,D2,D3): Be able to implement a wide range of vocal

For this task you will produce a report assessing your personal vocal weaknesses and strengthes and
state your development strategies for improvement. Your report should also include information on:
Breathing: deep breathing; snatching breath; control of breath; using muscles to control exhalation.
Posture: correcting posture to allow muscles to work effectively; jaw position; space created in mouth
to amplify sound; position of tongue.
Articulation: vowel sounds; diphthongs; consonants; legato singing; phrasing.
Rehearsal and performance: skills development eg, stamina, vocal capacity, listening and aural skills,
You are also required to keep a log of your regular vocal technique regime, noting any difficulties and
improvements you may encounter.

Deadline: TUESDAY 18th May 2018

Task 3 (LO3: 3.1, 3.2,3.3 M1,M2,M3 & D1,D2,D3): Be able to apply techniques to contrasting
singing styles

When choosing material for performance you should create a portfolio documenting your research and
application of the rehearsal process. Your portfolio should include:-
Study and research: into a variety of singing styles with a more indepth focus on two genres (eg, jazz,
popular, musical theatre).
Choice of material: reasons for material choice.
Practice techniques: effective use of time; registers; posture; breathing; resonance; range and
dynamics; diction; skills eg, sight singing, ear training, working on repertoire, scales, vocal exercises.
Working with style: studying singers and songs from different styles; selection of suitable material.
Health and safety: applied vocal health; ear defence; vocal warm-up exercises.
Throughout the rehearsal process you should be documenting your progress in any of these formats:
Recording process: format, eg logbook, video diary, additional documentary material.

Deadline: TUESDAY 18th May 2018

Task 4: (LO4: 4.1,4.2 M1,M2,M3 & D1,D2,D3): Be able to perform a collection of songs for
solo, duo and group

Indicative reading for

This task is the final performance of your singing material and will be recorded. The following skills and
techniques will be evident:-
Rehearsals: two- and three-part harmony; intervals; singing together; accompaniment; listening
critically; organising and scheduling
Performances: coordination; breathing; clarity; projection; movement; stage presence; memorisation of
material; ability to correct poor intonation in performances; microphone technique; communication with
other musicians; learning-lyricsSet and
Your performance
Voice Free: Howtechniques.
to Get the Singing or Speaking
Audience communication: relaxed posture; strong eye contact; effective facial expression; appropriate
Voice You Want, Love L, Little, Brown & Company, 2003
dress; good dynamics; choice of material to suit audience.
- How
Your final written report should to Sing, Hewitt G, Taplinger Press, 1979
- On the Art of Singing,
Evaluation: a critical and reflective analysis Miller G,
on singing Oxford University
techniques appliedPress,
and performance skills.
Deadline: Your recordings- of The
yourContemporary Singer, Peckham
final performances should A,beBerklee Press,by
completed 2000
FRIDAY 15 th May, 2018
You Can
Deadline: Your evaluation- should be Sing, Stone J,by
submitted Music Sales, 1997
TUESDAY 18th May, 2018
- The Rock ‘n’ Roll Singer’s Survival Manual, Baxter M, Hal
Leonard Publishing, 1992
Note: For details on how to achieve M1, M2, M3 & D1, D2, D3 please refer to the Indicative
- You Can Sing: Carrie and David Grant’s Essential Guide for
characteristic/s and Contextualisation chart above
Aspiring Pop Stars, Grant C & Grant D, Carlton Books, 2003
- Fast Track Music Instruction: Lead Singer for Male or
CAPPED AT A Publishing,
PASS 2000

Journals and Magazines

- Summary
iSing Magazine
of evidence required by student
Evidence Evidence
checklist - The Stage presented
- The Vocalist Magazine
Task 1 Portfolio of research:-
- Musical Theatre Review
Understanding the structure and physiology of the human voice

Task 2 Websites
Vocal analysis report:-
Other websites
Vocal exercise, that learners
development may find useful
and technique are:
Vocal exercise, development and technique log book
Task 3 Portfolio of research:–
Variety of singing styles with an indepth focus of two genres
Video diary and/or rehearsal log book
Rehearsal evidence
Task 4 Recorded final performance.
Evaluation and reflective analysis.
Achievement Summary

Pearson BTEC HNC Performing

Qualification Arts Assessor name Dawn Haines

Unit Number and 58 Singing Techniques and Styles Student name


Criteria To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the Achieved?
Reference student is able to: (tick)
1.1 Explain the structure and physiology of the voice.

1.2 Analyse the processes involved in voice production.

1.3 Discuss the applications of vocal health for singers.
2.1 Select and justify techniques in rehearsal and performance.
2.2 Assess personal weaknesses and develop strategies for improvement.

3.1 Demonstrate different singing styles.
3.2 Carry out a practice schedule as a soloist and as a member of an ensemble.

4.1 Take an active role in rehearsals and performances.

4.2 Perform songs for a solo, duo and in a group.

4.3 Produce evaluative and reflective reports on singing techniques and skills
from rehearsals and performances.

Higher Grade achievements (where applicable)

Grade descriptor Achieved? Grade descriptor Achieved?

(tick) (tick)
M1: Identify and apply strategies to D1: Use critical reflection to
find appropriate solutions evaluate own work and justify
valid conclusions
M2: Select / design and apply D2: Take responsibility for
appropriate methods / techniques managing and organising
M3: Present and communicate D3: Demonstrate
appropriate findings convergent/lateral/creative
Assignment Feedback

Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Assessor signature Date

Student signature Date

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