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Alexander Papazov

Mr. Chiarieri

Language Arts

Tuesday December 3rd, 2018

“Documents Related to Brown v. Board of Education.” National Archives and Records

Administration, National Archives and Records Administration,

The case of Brown versus the Board of Education took place on May 17th, 1954. Oliver

Brown and the Kansas Board of Education were involved with this Supreme Court case.

The Supreme Court found it unconstitutional to segregate schools by race.

“Documents Related to Brown v. Board of Education.” National Archives and Records

Administration, National Archives and Records Administration,

Jim Crow laws are laws that take away non-whites’ rights. They weren’t even called “Jim

Crow Laws”. Those laws started around 1875, because people could still discriminate

certain individuals. Thankfully they were abolished by the late 1960, at least most of them


“Transcript of Plessy v. Ferguson (1896).” Our Documents - Interstate Commerce Act (1887),

The trial of Plessy versus Ferguson took place on May 18th 1896. Homer Adolph Plessy

and John H. Ferguson were both involved in this Supreme Court case. The outcome of the

trial was that it was unconstitutional to give different races different rights. However, Jim
Alexander Papazov

Mr. Chiarieri

Language Arts

Tuesday December 3rd, 2018

Crow Laws then swept the nation. The case of Plessy versus Ferguson was extremely

significant, but it didn’t put an end to segregation.

“The Sixteenth Street Baptist Church: A Turning Point in Civil Rights History.” National

Archives and Records Administration, National Archives and Records Administration,


The Sixteenth Street Baptist Church occurrence was a bombing. It was located at

Birmingham, Alabama. The four young girls Denise McNair, Cynthia Wesley, Carole

Robertson, and Addie Mae Collins were all killed in August 1963.

“Freedom Rides.” Birmingham Campaign | The Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and

Education Institute, 4 May 1961,

The Freedom Riders were student activists from the CORE (Congress of Racial Equality).

Their goal was to get the media’s attention so something was done about racial inequality.

Eventually when the Freedom Riders make it incredibly far down south, the Interstate

Commerce Commission (ICC) prohibited segregated transportation.

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