London Economics Trip PDF

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Colchester Royal Grammar School

Lexden Road Colchester Essex CO3 3ND Headmaster: K L Jenkinson MA

Telephone: Colchester (01206) 509100 Email:

June 2010

Dear Students and Parents

Economics Trip to London

The Economics department is offering the chance for eighteen Year 12 Economics students to
visit a number of financial institutions in London on 9th July 2010. A lecture has been organised
for the group at the Bank of England, where students will learn more about the intricacies of
monetary policy and the role of the Bank. We will then go on a walking tour of the financial
district, learning about the different types of organisation that have shaped the UK’s financial
sector. The day will end with a visit to the London Metal Exchange. The LME offers a range of
futures and options contracts for metals and provides one of the few remaining open-outcry
trading floors.

We will travel to London by coach, leaving CRGS at 9.30am. The anticipated departure time
from the London Metal Exchange is 5.10pm. Depending on the Friday rush hour, we hope to be
back at CRGS by 7pm. A mobile phone will be available for students to ring home should there
be any delays to our journey time. The cost of the trip will be £22 per student payable as a
voluntary contribution. Whilst there is no obligation to attend or to pay, the trip is unlikely to
take place if all costs cannot be covered by voluntary contributions.

Students should either bring a packed lunch with them or enough money to purchase something
whilst in London. The dress code for the Bank of England and the London Metal Exchange is
smart casual. Students should avoid wearing jeans or other denim items, but will not be
expected to wear a formal suit. Girls should note that as the trip includes a walking tour of the
financial sector, sensible flat shoes are recommended.

Students should be aware that they will need some form of ID for the visit to the London Metal
Exchange, preferably something which shows their date of birth.

Should you require any further information about the trip, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Yours sincerely

Dr J Stimson
Economics Department

Ref: 290165
Economics Department trip to Financial District, London
Friday July 9th 2010

Student’s Name:

Tutor Group

1. I would like my son/daughter to take part in this visit.

2. I enclose a cheque for £22 (payable to Colchester Royal Grammar School).

3. I understand that it may not be possible to refund payments, in whole or in part, in the event of
the unforeseen cancellation of the trip or my child’s withdrawal.

4. I take responsibility for my child’s safe transport home from CRGS on our return to Colchester.

5. I understand that if the trip is over-subscribed, preference will be given to those students who
intend to study an Economics-related subject at university.

6. I authorise members of staff during the course of the trip to approve any medical treatment for
my child considered necessary in an emergency on the advice of a qualified medical practitioner.
I set out below details of any medical condition from which he/she is suffering, together with the
treatment required in case of illness.

Signed: ......................................................................................... Date: ….....................

Name (BLOCK CAPITALS): ......................................................................................................

Daytime telephone number:

(in case of emergency)


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