Summer Fruit and Autumn Bulbs PDF

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March 9th 2010

Dear Parent

Summer fruit and autumn bulbs through the CRGSA

As Spring finally approaches, we turn our thoughts to the summer and our gardens. The CRGSA
Committee would like to recommend two excellent local suppliers to you: Anglia Bulb Company,
based in Boxted, and Ken Muir, based in Clacton. They are sellers of bulbs and soft fruit
respectively. Both companies have agreed to give CRGS a percentage of the money you spend
towards CRGSA funds.

How to browse

We have been given a number of brochures to distribute with this letter. If you have not received
the Anglia Bulb Company brochure (we do not have sufficient for everyone), we will be placing
an electronic copy on the CRGSA part of the school website ( Please see
overleaf for out of stock items.

How to order

The cut-off date for purchases to have them delivered before Easter is 10.00am on Friday
26th March. Ken Muir's brochure runs until the end of August 2010 and they have told us that
they will honour all purchases made by CRGS parents up until then and credit us with a
percentage of your purchase. The code you should quote when ordering from the Ken Muir
brochure is B9CRGS.

If you are ordering for delivery before Easter, please ensure that you or your
son/daughter are able to collect your order from Reception after the close of school on either
Tuesday 30th or Wednesday 31st March. If you are coming by car, you can park in the main close
via the Creffield Road entrance after the departure of school buses at 4.15pm.

An order form is attached for you to complete and return to Reception as soon as possible. Your
cheque should be made payable to the CRGSA. If you have any questions, please feel free to
contact me by phone or email (01206 241734,

Yours sincerely

Sue Graham

Sue Graham (Mrs)

CRGSA Committee Ref: 290016
Items out of stock

Anglia Bulb Company

p2 Amorphophallus
p4 Babiana B2 Kew Hybrids
p6 Bletilla B35 Alba
p7 Calanthe C5 Reflexa
p12 Ball Dahlia D3 El Paso
p13 Classic Dahlia D26 Rosamunde, D28 Swanlike, D29 Thais
Decorative Dahlia D32 Blue Bell, D40 Mom’s Special
p14 Dahlia D44 Bishop of Canterbury, D45 Bishop of Leicester, D47 Bishop of Oxford
p15 Eremurus E1 Himalaicus
p20 Iris Hollandica 13 Amber Beauty, 14 Cream Beauty, 15 Gipsy Beauty, 17 Oriental
Beauty, 18 Silver Beauty
p22 Nerine N2 Pink Triumph
p26 Tacca T1 Chantieri, T2 Green Isle

Ken Muir Limited

Apple Trees: Howgate Wonder, Bardsey, Lord Lambourne, Elstar, Ellison’s

Orange, Bleinheim Orange, Newton Wonder, Adam’s Pearmain,
Greensleeves, Saturn, Discovery, Lord Derby
Pears trees: Shinseiki, Red Williams’, Glou Morceau, Beth, Beurre Hardy
Cherry trees: Penny, Cherokee, Sweetheart
Currants: Jonkheer Van Tets (half-standard size)
Raspberries: Malling Admiral, Polka, Glen Moy
Gooseberries: Invicta, Remarka
Nuts: Cosford (cobnut), Prunus Dulcis (sweet almond)
Plums, Gages & Damsons: Oullins Golden Gage, Cambridge Gage
Peaches, Nectarines & Apricots: Tomcot, Moorpark, Saturne

Registered Charity No. 298302


Student’s name: ............................................. Tutor Group: ........

Parent’s name: ..............................................

Email/phone number: .............................................

Orders for Anglia Bulb Company

Code Quantity Description Amount (£)

Orders for Ken Muir Limited

Code Quantity Description Amount (£)

Registered Charity No. 298302

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