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Colchester Royal Grammar School

Lexden Road Colchester Essex CO3 3ND Headmaster: K L Jenkinson MA

Telephone: Colchester (01206) 509100 Email:

September 2010

Dear Parent/Guardian

Enterprise Weekend, 24th – 26th September 2010

For many years at CRGS, Year 12 students have been offered the opportunity to take part in
Young Enterprise groups, which involve setting up and operating small businesses. This year
we are offering students a similar opportunity using the Government’s Make Your Mark
challenge. As part of this programme, we are offering the chance for students to develop their
enterprise skills further by taking part in a weekend of teambuilding and enterprise activities at
Mersea Centre for Outdoor Learning.

The weekend should prove to be an exciting trip where teambuilding skills will be developed in
high ropes activities, bridge building, caving and more! Enterprise skills will be tested in team
tasks that have the flavour of the BBC programme The Apprentice, as well as a Dragons’ Den
style product pitch at the end of the weekend.

Travel by coach will be provided from school to the Mersea Centre for Outdoor Learning late in
the morning of Friday 24th September, returning at approximately 3.45pm on Sunday 26th

The cost of the trip will be £100 per student, payable as a voluntary contribution. Although there
is no obligation on students to pay, the trip is unlikely to take place if all expenses cannot be
covered by the students’ contributions. Whilst the weekend is open to all students, there is a
maximum capacity for the course of 40 students, available on a first come first served basis.

Please complete the attached form and return it in the envelope provided to the reception post
box by Wednesday 15th September at the latest. To guarantee a place on what has always been
an oversubscribed trip, please return your reply earlier than this.

Yours sincerely

Dr J Stimson
Economics and Business Studies

Ref: 2101006
Year 12 Enterprise Weekend: 24th – 26th September 2010
Provisional Programme
Friday 24th September: Teambuilding and Identifying Skills

12.00am Coaches depart from CRGS

12.30pm Arrival at Mersea Outdoors Centre and allocation of rooms

Welcome talk and introduction to the course

1.00pm Lunch

2.00pm Team building: tower building

3.45pm Understanding enterprise – starting with the 4Ps

4.30pm Enterprise challenge: product development

5.30pm Dinner and then free time/group preparation time

9.00pm Beach bonfire: Tribal Survival

Saturday 25th September: Developing and Operating an Enterprise

7.30am Optional early morning run

8.30am Breakfast

9.00am Overview of the day’s activities

9.15am Team enterprise challenges

1.30pm Lunch

2.15pm Developing product pitches

3.45pm Team building challenges: High Ropes, Bridge Building, Caving, Adventure Course

5.45pm Dinner and free time/group preparation time

8.00pm Quiz night

Sunday 26th September: Dragons’ Den and Prize Giving

8.00am Breakfast

9.30am Team building challenges: It’s a Knock Out

11.30am The Dragons’ Den

12.30am Judges’ deliberations and lunch

1.15pm Speeches and prize giving

2.15pm Coaches depart for CRGS

3.15pm Arrival at CRGS

Enterprise Weekend to Mersea Centre
for Outdoor Learning
24 – 26th September 2010

Student’s Tutor
Name: Group:

1. I would like my son/daughter to take part in this activity

2. I enclose a £100 cheque (payable to Colchester Royal Grammar School).

3. I understand that it may not be possible to refund payments, in whole or in

part, in the event of the unforeseen cancellation of the trip or my
son/daughter’s withdrawal.

4. I accept that the school’s Code of Conduct will apply throughout the course
and that any misconduct, particularly involving alcohol or tobacco, will be
dealt with severely on the return to school.

5. I authorise members of staff during the course of the trip to approve any
medical treatment for my son/daughter considered necessary in an emergency
on the advice of a qualified medical practitioner. I set out below details of any
medical condition from which my son/daughter is suffering, together with the
treatment required in case of illness.

Signed: ………..…………..……………………..……………………………..

Emergency Contact Number: ………………………………………………….

Contact email address: ………………………………………………….

(if available)


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