Year 12 13 Theatre Trip PDF

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Colchester Royal Grammar School

Lexden Road Colchester Essex CO3 3ND Headmaster: K L Jenkinson MA

Telephone: Colchester (01206) 509100 Email:

February 2010

Dear Parent / Guardian

Year 12/13 Theatre trip to Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett

A trip has been arranged for English Groups 12/13En6 to see a production of Waiting for
Godot by Samuel Beckett, starring Ian McKellen, at the Theatre Royal Haymarket, London
on Wednesday, 10th March 2010.

The students are studying Endgame for their AS/A2 English Literature coursework and it
would be extremely beneficial for them to take this opportunity to expand their understanding
and experience of Beckett’s work.

We shall travel by train immediately after school to get to London for the evening
performance at 7.30 p.m. Exact timings of the trains and the duration of the play will be
given closer to the date. Waiting for Godot is a relatively short play: I anticipate catching the
return train at about 10.30pm. Students may bring refreshments, although there will be an
opportunity to buy some in London before the performance.

The cost of the theatre tickets and train travel is £25.00, payable as a voluntary contribution.
Whilst there is no obligation to attend or to pay, the trip is unlikely to take place if all costs
cannot be met by parental contributions.

If you would like your child to attend, please complete the accompanying consent form and
return it in the envelope provided with £25.00 (cheques made payable to CRGS). The
envelope should be marked Waiting for Godot and posted in the box by Reception no later
than Monday 8th February.

If you have any questions about the visit please contact me by email:
Further details about the performance are available on the Theatre Royal website.

Yours sincerely

L. Eady (Mrs)
English Department

Ref: 290088
Year 12/13 Theatre trip to Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett

Student’s Tutor
Name: Group:

1. I would like my son/daughter to take part in this trip.

2. I enclose £25 cheque (payable to Colchester Royal Grammar School).

3. I take responsibility for his/her safe travel home from Colchester North Station after the

4. I authorise members of staff during the course of the trip to approve any medical
treatment for my child considered necessary in an emergency on the advice of a
qualified medical practitioner. I set out below details of any medical condition from
which he/she is suffering, together with the treatment required in case of illness.

Signed: ……………………………………..……………. Date: ………………………….

Name (BLOCK CAPITALS) ………………………………………………………………

Telephone number (in case of emergency): ……………...………………………………….



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