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Anglia Bulb Company

62a Straight Road

Essex CO4 5QY

Tel/Fax: 01206 272728

Anglia Bulb Company
Importers of Quality Flower Bulbs

Spring 2010
Anglia Bulb Company
Importers of Quality Flower Bulbs

Spring 2010
Welcome to our Spring 2010
The summer flower bulbs in this catalogue will be ready for
planting during March. Distribution will start during the last week of
February. If you require a preferred delivery date, put the date you
require on the top of the order form, or give us a call.

We will only supply you with top quality bulbs. They will be well
packed, bags will be clearly marked and each bulb type will
come with its own planting instructions, which are collectable for
future reference. Your bulbs will be hand packed a day prior to
distribution. This will guarantee that every single bulb you purchase
has been checked for quality before we send it on to you.

If you have any queries about any of the bulbs, just give us a call,
we are more than happy to help.
I hope you enjoy browsing through this catalogue.

Kind regards

Tracey Coyne
Tracey Coyne
Managing Director

For more information contact us on:

01206 272728
Agapanthus (African Lily)

Spring 2010
Frost-hardy. Evergreen, clump forming perennial. A warm spot with plenty of sun and well-drained
sandy soil is what this plant needs. They only seem to flower when root bound, pots and containers
will create this environment, you can even plunge the pots into the garden by removing the base
of the pot.

Naturally Agapanthus are found growing in the mountainous regions of the western cape, thriving
amongst rocks and sandy soil. Africanus was the first species collected in South Africa, named in
1679 “Hyacinthus Africanus Tuberosus”, entered European gardens in the late seventeenth century
and is now one of the most loved garden plants throughout the world.

Provides beautiful glossy green foliage all year round and produces fantastic showy ball-like
flowers during the months of July to September.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

A1 Africanus Blue 70-90 July - Sep 3 for £3.99
A2 Albiflora White 90-100 July - Sep 3 for £4.99
A3 5 each of the above 10 for £13.00
A4 Nine Blue 9 for £10.50
A5 Nine White 9 for £13.50

Alstromeria (Peruvian Lily)

Frost-Hardy, perennial. Thrives in sun or light shade. Well-drained, light soil is necessary. Showy multi-
coloured flowers are borne in loose clusters. Great for cut flowers, long lasting in water.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

A6 Aurea ‘Lutea’ Yellow with brown speckles 100 July - Sep 5 for £3.75
A7 Orange King Orange with yellow 100 July - Sep 5 for £3.75
A8 Ligtu-hybrids Mixed colours 45-60 July - Sep 5 for £3.75
A9 Five each of the above 15 for £9.95

(above) Agapanthus africanus

(above) Agapanthus
Spring 2010

Frost-hardy. Evergreen, clump forming perennial. Thrives in a warm sheltered position, in full sun
and well-drained soil. Needs a good year to settle in, but once well rooted this plant is fantastic.
The flowers are beautiful, 2 –3 stems bearing more than a dozen large funnel shaped fragrant
trumpets, appearing at any time between late July through to as late as November. The foliage is
palm-like and is evergreen in most areas. (a member of the crinum family on page 10.)

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

A 10 Howardii Pink 80-100 Sep - Oct 1 for £4.99

Robust hardy perennial. In cool areas needs to be grown against a south facing wall, in a warm
sunny spot, with well drained soil. Strap leaves appear in spring and die down in early summer.
Flowers will appear in early autumn, producing clusters of 6 - 12 fragrant, funnel shaped blooms.
Native habitat - South Africa.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

A 11 Belladonna Pink 50-80 Sep - Oct 1 for £2.45
3 for £6.50

Amorphophallus (Devil’s Tongue)

Frost tender perennial (min 10c) this is for the gardener who enjoys unusual plants. Produces large,
dramatic, dark reddish-brown spathes on brownish, green mottled stems 3 feet long. Requires
partial shade and rich, well-watered soil.

Although the flowers are real stinkers, amorphophallus are great fun to grow. Once the awful
smelling but entertaining flower has died down up comes this magnificent foliage, which looks like
a miniature palm tree. The stem is mottled like a giraffe’s neck.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

A 12 Rivieri Dark reddish brown 40 June - July 1 for £3.50

(above) Amaryllis Belladonna

(above) Amarcrinum Howardii

2 (righ) Amorphophallus
Anemone (Wood Anemone)

Spring 2010
Hardy Perennial. Being native to British woodland these plants are perfect for under trees and
shrubs. Once established produces a carpet of flower during the months of March, April and May.
Ideal for naturalising.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

A 13 Nemorosa White 10 Mar - May 10 for £1.50
50 for £5.50
A 14 Ranunculoides Yellow 10 Mar - May 10 for £3.75
50 for £15.50

Arisaema (Jack in the Pulpit)

Fully to half hardy perennial. Being a woodland plant, needs a damp, humus soil and part sun.
Produces large, striped, hooded spathes on dark green mottled stems. Perfect in borders or
woodland garden. Also good for growing in pots. You can make Jack talk, this is caused by gently
rubbing the bottom of the flower between two fingers. The hood acts as a sounding board. Native
habitat - China, Japan, eastern Himalayas and South America.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

A 15 Candidissimum White with pink flame 20-30 May - June 1 for £8.50
A 16 Concinnum Green with white 20-40 May - June 1 for £3.50
A 17 Costamtum Purple striped white 30-40 May - June 1 for £4.50
A 18 Galeatum White striped green 30-40 May - June 1 for £4.50
A 19 Griffithii Dark purple, speckled 40-50 May - June 1 for £4.50
A 20 Speciosum Purple-violet 40-60 May - June 1 for £3.50
A 21 Tortuosum Green 30-70 May - June 1 for £3.50
A 22 Tryphyllum Green striped, purple inside 25-40 May - June 1 for £3.50
A 23 1 each of the above, a total of 8 8 for £30.00

(above) Arisaema griffithii

(above) Wood anemone (above) Arisaema tryphyllum 3

Arum (Cuckoo Pint)
Spring 2010

Hardy perennial. Ideal for border, rockery or light woodland. Flowers April - June followed by red
berries in the autumn. Leaves are arrow shaped, bottle green with cream veins. They appear in
autumn and last until spring.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

A 24 Italicum Yellow flowers with red berries 30 April - June 5 for £4.50
10 for £7.00

Babiana (Baboon Root)

Frost - tender. Can be grown outdoors in sheltered areas if you cover with a deep mulch in winter.
Grown for the bright, scented blooms with a resemblance to Freesias. Native habitat - South Africa,
baboons collect the corms for food.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

B1 Stricta Blue rich mixed colour 20-25 July - Aug 5 for £1.99
B2 Kew Hybrids Mixed light colours 20-25 July - Aug 5 for £2.50
B3 Purple Star Cyclamen Purple 20-25 July - Aug 5 for £2.50
B4 Five each of the above 15 for £6.50

Frost-tender, Perennial. Flowers all summer long, excellent in beds, borders, tubs, rockeries and
hanging baskets. They flourish in sun or light shade and need to be watered regularly during dry
weather. Lift in late October and store in a dry place. Native to Java, China and Japan

(perfect for containers and large pots) Top size, large tubers, only one tuber per large pot is
Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price
B5 Double Flowering Red 20-30 June - Oct 3 for £2.50
B6 Double Flowering White 20-30 June - Oct 3 for £2.50
B7 Double Flowering Pink 20-30 June - Oct 3 for £2.50
B8 Double Flowering Yellow 20-30 June - Oct 3 for £2.50
B9 Double Flowering Orange 20-30 June - Oct 3 for £2.50
B.P 10 Double Flowering Pick your own , just list colours and quantities 15 for £11.50

4 (above) Arum italicum (above) Arum foliage (above) Babiana stricta

Begonia continued

Spring 2010
(great for hanging baskets or large pots) Large tubers, only one tuber per medium basket.
Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price
B 11 Pendula Red 20-30 June - Oct 3 for £2.50
B 12 Pendula White 20-30 June - Oct 3 for £2.50
B 13 Pendula Pink 20-30 June - Oct 3 for £2.50
B 14 Pendula Yellow 20-30 June - Oct 3 for £2.50
B 15 Pendula Orange 20-30 June - Oct 3 for £2.50
B.P 16 Pendula Pick your own 15 for £11.50

(perfect for containers and large pots) Large tubers, only one tuber per large pot is needed
Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price
B 17 Fimbriata Red 20-30 June - Oct 3 for £2.50
B 18 Fimbriata White 20-30 June - Oct 3 for £2.50
B 19 Fimbriata Pink 20-30 June - Oct 3 for £2.50
B 20 Fimbriata Yellow 20-30 June - Oct 3 for £2.50
B 21 Fimbriata Orange 20-30 June - Oct 3 for £2.50
B.P 22 Fimbriata Pick your own 15 for £11.50

Smaller flowers, great in containers and pots
Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price
B 23 Non Stop Red 20 June - Oct 3 for £2.80
B 24 Non Stop White 20 June - Oct 3 for £2.80
B 25 Non Stop Pink 20 June - Oct 3 for £2.80
B 26 Non Stop Yellow 20 June - Oct 3 for £2.80
B 27 Non Stop Orange 20 June - Oct 3 for £2.80
B.P 28 Non Stop Pick your own 15 for £13.50

(above) Begonia double flowering (above) Begonia fimbriata 5

Begonia continued
Spring 2010

Perfect for containers and large pots.
Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price
B 29 Bouton de Rose White with pink 20-30 June - Oct 3 for £2.50
B 30 Camelia Pink with white edge 20-30 June - Oct 3 for £2.50
B 31 Marmorata White with red edge 20-30 June - Oct 3 for £2.50
B 32 Picotee Yellow with red 20-30 June - Oct 3 for £2.50
B.P 33 Pick your own 15 for £11.50

Bletilla (Chinese Ground Orchid)

Half - hardy perennial. This terrestrial Orchid needs shade in summer, moisture while growing but
cannot stand constant wetness. Where frosts are not severe, they can be grown outside all year, but
need covering with a mulch during winter. They make marvellous pot plants indoors or out.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

B 34 Striata Pink 30-40 June - July 3 for £4.50
B 35 Alba White 30-40 June - July 3 for £5.45

Brodiaea see Triteleia

Frost tender, perennial. Needs partial shade and well-drained soil. Ideal for shaded areas,
containers and hanging baskets. They are a tropical plant producing fantastic colourful foliage.
They can also been grown indoors.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

C 1 Candidum white with green 30-60 all summer
C 2 Carolyn Whorton Green with pink 30-60 all summer 1 for £2.50
C 3 Freida Hemple red with light green 30-60 all summer 5 for £10.00
C 4 White Christmas white with pink 30-60 all summer

(below) Bletilla striata (below) Caladium candidum

Calanthe (Hardy orchid)

Spring 2010
Hardy perennial, Needs light to moderate shade or morning sun, well-drained humus rich soil. A
very durable hardy species from Japan. 10” spikes of beautiful bicoloured flowers appear in May.
Ideal for containers and front borders.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

C 5 Reflexa Light mauve height 32 – 45 summer 1 for £12.00

Calochortus (Mariposa - Lily)

Perennial. Needs a sheltered, sunny position and well-drained, gritty soil. Globe-tulip, butterfly-lily,
cat’s ears, sego-lily, fairy lantern, are some of the many common names for these lovely spring
flowers. Mariposa is Spanish for butterfly, referring to the intricate markings on the inside of the
flowers. The slender stems may reach two feet and need other plants around them for support.
Native habitat: North America.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

C6 Golden Orb Yellow 40 May - June 10 for £3.50
C7 Superbus Cream yellow with purple 40 May - June 10 for £3.50
C8 Venustus White with purple 40 May - June 10 for £3.50
C9 Violet Queen Violet pink 40 May - June 10 for £3.50
C.P 10 Pick your own 50 for £15.00

Robust, perennial. This giant needs space; it also needs humus-rich soil and some shade. It will
grow to 9 ft (270 cm) tall, when in full bloom, Lily-like trumpets about 6in (15 cm) long are borne in
clusters on a stem above your head and are strongly fragrant. Native habitat: Himalayas.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

C 11 Giganteum White 150-270 May - July 1 for £8.00

(below) Calanthe reflexa

(above) Calochortus superbus

Spring 2010

Frost - tender robust, showy, perennials. Grown for their striking flowers and ornamental foliage.
Can be used as a centre piece in bedding schemes and large containers. They need to be lifted
in autumn, dried and stored.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price
C 12 Picasso Yellow with red speckles 100 July - Sep 3 for £4.50
C 13 Richard Wallace Bright yellow 130 July - Sep 3 for £4.50
C 14 Rosemond Coles Orange with yellow edging 80 July - Sep 3 for £4.50
C 15 Salmon Pink Pink 75 July - Sep 3 for £4.50
C 16 The President Red 80 July - Sep 3 for £4.50
C 17 One each of the above 5 for £6.75

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price
C 18 Black Knight Bright red 150 July - Sep 3 for £4.50
C 19 Tirol Pink 100 July - Sep 3 for £4.50
C 20 Virdi Salmon 150 July - Sep 3 for £4.50
C 21 Wyoming Golden orange 150 July - Sep 3 for £4.50
C 22 One each of the above 4 for £5.25

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price
C 23 Cherry Red Bright red 45-50 July - Sep 3 for £4.50
C 24 Cleopatra Yellow and orange 45-50 July - Sep 3 for £4.50
C 25 Golden Lucifer Speckled yellow 45-50 July - Sep 3 for £4.50
C 26 Ingeborg Salmon pink 45-50 July - Sep 3 for £4.50
C 27 Lucifer Red with yellow edging 45-50 July - Sep 3 for £4.50
C 28 One each of the above 5 for £6.75


8 Rosemond Coles
Chlidanthus (Perfumed Fairy Lily)

Spring 2010
Half - hardy perennial. Needs well-drained soil and a sunny site. The bulbs need to be lifted and
stored in late October. One way of doing this, is to pot indoors in early spring, then sink pots in a
desired place in the garden. Bring in before frost. The bright yellow flowers are funnel-shaped and
very sweetly scented. Native habitat: Andes, Puru.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

C 29 Fragrans Yellow 25-30 June - July 5 for £4.50

20 for £15.50

Colocasia (elephants ears)

Frost tender, perennial. Clump forming. Needs full sun or partial shade with well-drained soil. An
excellent addition to any garden when planted in containers. A thirsty plant so plenty of water is
needed. Produces enormous foliage measuring 18 inches by 12 inches. Fantastic! Will die down
during winter and return when it warms up, you can keep them going by bringing in to a frost-free
environment. Native Habitat Asia.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

C 30 Esculenta Green height 80-100 cm summer 1 for £6.00

Convallaria (Lily of the Valley)

Fully hardy, perennial. An excellent ground cover for under trees or shrubs, does not do as well if
planted in full sun. Produces low growing sprays of small, very fragrant, white bell shaped flowers.
Native habitat: Europe, Asia, N. America

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

C 31 Majalis White 20-30 May 10 for £2.99
30 for £7.95
50 for £11.50
100 for £20.00

(below) Childanthus (below) Colocasia (below) Convallaria majalis

Cosmos (Chocolate Cosmos)
Spring 2010

Half hardy perennial. Needs sun and moist, rich soil. This is a striking plant with dark crimson,
poppy-like flowers against dark green foliage. Known as Chocolate Cosmos because
of it’s unusual scent! Needs to be covered with a thick mulch in winter.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

C 32 Atrosanguineus Dark red 60 July - Sep 3 for £6.50
6 for £11.50
12 for £20.50
C 33 Flamingo Pink 65 July - Sep 3 for £6.50
6 for £11.50
12 for £20.50

Robust perennial. Likes to be in a south facing position, preferably in the shelter of a warm sunny
wall, in fertile, well-drained soil. In cooler areas cover with a dry winter mulch. The flower stem
bears a cluster of about 10, large funnel shaped, fragrant blooms, in late summer or Autumn.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

C 34 Powellii Pink 75-100 Autumn 1 for £3.50
3 for £9.45
C 35 Powellii Alba White 75-100 Autumn 1 for £4.50
3 for £12.00
C 36 Cintho Alpha White with red stripes 75-100 Autumn 1 for £7.00
3 for £19.00

Clump forming, frost hardy, perennial. Ideal for the herbaceous border, a sunny spot is necessary,
with well-drained soil. It is no wonder Crocosmia is an old favourite, providing tall heads of bright
colour when so many garden plants have finished flowering.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

C 37 Emily McKenzie Orange 50-75 July - Sep 10 for £2.95
C 38 Emberglow Orange red with yellow 70-100 July - Sep 10 for £2.95
C 39 George Davison Yellow 50-70 July - Sep 10 for £2.95
C 40 Lucifer Red 70-100 July - Sep 10 for £2.95
C 41 Fire King Red 50-70 July - Sep 10 for £2.95
C 42 Meteore Red with yellow 50-70 July - Sep 10 for £2.95
C 43 Red King Red orange with yellow 50-70 July - Sep 10 for £2.95
C 44 Masonorum Orange red 70-100 July - Sep 10 for £2.95
C.P 45 Pick your own 50 for £12.25
100 for £22.00

(left) 200 for £40.00
Chocolate Cosmos

10 Crinum powellii

Spring 2010
Frost hardy, perennial. Excellent for naturalising beneath shrubs, below conifers, also suitable
for growing in a rock garden. Flowers are borne in autumn. The leaves are ivy like, dark-green,
mottled with pale green silver giving a marbled effect. Coum flowers in spring,
Native habitat: Mediterranean.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

C 46 Cilicium Dark pink 10 Sep - Nov 3 for £3.50
C 47 Coum Hybrid Pink 6-8 Dec - March 3 for £3.50
C 48 Hederifolium Pink 0-13 Sep - Dec 3 for £3.50
C 49 Album White 13-15 Sep - Dec 1 for £3.99
C 50 Persicum Dark lilac pink 13-15 Sep - Dec 3 for £3.50

Dracunculus Vulgaris (Dragon Arum)

Frost hardy, perennial. Requires sun and well - drained soil that dries out in summer. This is definitely
one for lovers of the unusual. The flowers consist of flat, very dark maroon spathes and long,
prominent spadices. But be warned! This has foul-smelling flowers.
Native habitat: Mediterranean.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

D1 Vulgaris Maroon 60 June - July 1 for £2.50
5 for £11.50
15 for £31.00

Crocosmia Emily McKenzie

(above) Cyclamen hederifolium (above) Dracunculus vulgaris 11

Spring 2010

Summer and Autumn flowering perennial. There are many different types of Dahlia;
The Decorative, Semi-Cactus, Cactus, Pompom and Ball type are perfect for the herbaceous
border or in a bed of their own. The shorter variety Top Mix, are great for containers, and front
borders. On the whole these plants are fantastic, great value for money, flowering from late June
right up to the first frost, roughly five months of full flower, marvellous.
Top sized tubers supplied.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price
D2 Comel Red 100 June - Nov 1 for £1.45
D3 El Paso Yellow with lilac 90 June - Nov 1 for £1.45
D4 Eveline White with lilac 100 June - Nov 1 for £1.45
D5 Golden Torch Yellow 110 June - Nov 1 for £1.45
D6 Night Queen Dark red 120 June - Nov 1 for £1.45
D7 Sandra Pink 90 June - Nov 1 for £1.45
D8 Silvia Orange 100 June - Nov 1 for £1.45
D9 Snowcap White 90 June - Nov 1 for £1.45
D.P 10 Pick your own 6 for £7.00


Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price
D 11 Acapulco Purple red 130 June - Nov 1 for £1.45
D 12 Bora Bora Yellow with red 110 June - Nov 1 for £1.45
D 13 Dutch explosion White with lilac tip 80 June - Nov 1 for £1.45
D 14 Good Earth Pink with white 100 June - Nov 1 for £1.45
D 15 Jura White with lilac tip 100 June - Nov 1 for £1.45
D 16 Klondike White 140 June - Nov 1 for £1.45
D 17 Ludwigh Helfert Orange 100 June - Nov 1 for £1.45
D 18 Orchid Princess White with purple tip 100 June - Nov 1 for £1.45
D 19 Orfeo Purple 110 June - Nov 1 for £1.45
D 20 Shooting Star Light yellow with lilac tips 125 June - Nov 1 for £1.45
D 21 Spassmacher Yellow with red tips 110 June - Nov 1 for £1.45
D 22 Vulkan Redish orange 120 June - Nov 1 for £1.45
D 23 Wittemans best Red 120 June - Nov 1 for £1.45
D.P 24 Pick your own 6 for £7.00


Dahlia continued

Spring 2010
Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price
D 25 Masquerade Orange 100 June - Nov 1 for £1.95
D 26 Rosamunde Pink 100 June - Nov 1 for £1.95
D 27 Summertime Yellow 100 June - Nov 1 for £1.95
D 28 Swanlike White 100 June - Nov 1 for £1.95
D 29 Thais Red 100 June - Nov 1 for £1.95
D.P 30 Pick your own 5 for £8.75

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price
D 31 Arabian Night Dark burgundy red 100 June - Nov 1 for £1.45
D 32 Blue Bell Purply blue 80 June - Nov 1 for £1.45
D 33 Bristal Stripe White striped lilac 110 June - Nov 1 for £1.45
D 34 Cambridge Yellow with spots and stripes 110 June - Nov 1 for £1.45
D 35 David Howard Orange 100 June - Nov 1 for £1.45
D 36 Duet Red with white tips 90 June - Nov 1 for £1.45
D 37 Garden Wonder Red 65 June - Nov 1 for £1.45
D 38 Kelvin Floodlight Huge flowers yellow 90 June - Nov 1 for £1.45
D 39 Lilac Time Dark lilac 100 June - Nov 1 for £1.45
D 40 Mom’s Special White with lilac 100 June - Nov 1 for £1.45
D 41 Peaches and Cream Yellow centre,
orange and white 110 June - Nov 1 for £1.45
D 42 White perfection White 110 June - Nov 1 for £1.45
D.P 43 Pick your own 6 for £7.00

(below) Dahlia decorative Arabian Night

(above) Dahlia decorative Blue Bell

Dahlia continued
Spring 2010


Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price
D 44 Bishop of Cantebury Peach 90 June - Nov 1 for £1.95
D 45 Bishop of Leicester White with Pink 90 June - Nov 1 for £1.95
D 46 Bishop of Llandaff Dark Red 95 June - Nov 1 for £1.95
D 47 Bishop of Oxford Orange 90 June - Nov 1 for £1.95

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price
D 48 Deepest Yellow Yellow 85 June - Nov 1 for £1.35
D 49 Downham Royal Purple 110 June - Nov 1 for £1.35
D 50 Glow Orange red 80 June - Nov 1 for £1.35
D 51 Little Rober Purple with white 80 June - Nov 1 for £1.35
D 52 Stoze von Berlin Lilac rose 90 June - Nov 1 for £1.35
D 53 Viking dark red 100 June - Nov 1 for £1.35
D 54 White Aster white 110 June - Nov 1 for £1.35
D.P 55 Pick your own 5 for £6.00

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price
D 56 Yellow 50 June - Nov 1 for £1.35
D 57 Orange 60 June - Nov 1 for £1.35
D 58 Red 60 June - Nov 1 for £1.35
D 59 Pink 50 June - Nov 1 for £1.35
D 60 White 50 June - Nov 1 for £1.35
D.P 61 Pick your own 5 for £6.00

Dahlia brown leaf
Bishop of LLandaff

Eremurus (Foxtail Lily)

Spring 2010
Fully to frost hardy, perennial. Eremurus are rated by many as the most spectacular of all garden
flowers, a herbaceous border plant that rivals Delphinium in grandeur, looking like king size
hyacinths towering up to 200cm in height. The flower heads are made up of hundreds of star-
shaped flowers close to an inch in diameter. They are not difficult to grow, soil must be well-
drained. They need a sunny location which is sheltered away from cold wind. The crowns need to
be protected over winter with a mulch of leaves or peat. Native habitat - Asia.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

E1 Himalaicus White 150 June - July 1 for £4.95
E2 Pinokkio Orange 125 June - July 3 for £4.95
E3 Cleopatra Orange red 125 June - July 3 for £4.95
E4 Romance Rose 150 June - July 1 for £4.50
E5 Stenophyllus Yellow 90 June - July 3 for £3.99
E6 3 x Cleopatra, 3 x Stenophyllus 6 for £7.85

Eucharis (Amazon Lily)

Frost tender perennial. Needs partial shade and humus - rich soil. Prefers warm, moist conditions
and will thrive indoors as a houseplant, or in the conservatory. The shiny leaves make a good
permanent mass and the fragrant flowers appear several times a year on stems two feet tall. It is
best to plant 3 in a pot, as the bulbs like to be touching. Native habitat: Columbian Andes.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

E7 Amazonica Silver white, flower
twice a year 40-60 Jan - Feb 3 for £6.50
& July - Aug

Eucomis (Pineapple Lily)

Frost hardy perennial. Summer flowering. They look great in pots and containers. A sunny spot is
required. You can see where this plant gets its name from when it is in flower. Marvellous.
Native habitat: Drakensberg mountains.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

E8 Autumnallis White 20-30 July - Aug 3 for £4.50
E9 Bicolor White with purple 30-50 July - Aug 3 for £4.50
E 10 Alba White 30-50 July - Aug 3 for £12.00
E 11 Cosmosa Shades of pink 40-60 July - Aug 3 for £9.50
E 12 Pole-Evansii Green with white 60 July - Aug 1 for £10.00
E 13 6 Autumnallis & 6 Bicolor 12 for £14.50


Spring 2010

Half hardy, perennial. The varieties below can be grown outside, and are specially prepared
for summer-flowering. They need a warm sunny border, with well- drained soil. Freesia are very
fragrant, colourful and are popular as cut flowers.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

F1 Single Mixed colours 20-30 July - Aug 50 for £4.99
150 for £12.50
F2 Double Mixed colours 20-30 July - Aug 50 for £4.99
150 for £12.50

Galtonia (Summer Hyacinth)

Fully to frost-hardy, perennial. Perfect for the herbaceous or mixed border, needs well - drained
soil and thrives best in full sun. Grown for their spikes of drooping, funnel-shaped flowers. Slightly
scented. Native habitat: South Africa.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

G1 Candicans White 100 July - Aug 5 for £2.95
12 for £6.50
50 for £22.00
G2 Viridiflora Green with white 100 July - Aug 5 for £4.95
12 for £10.50

Gladioli - Byzantinus & Communis

Half hardy, perennial. Needs a sunny border with well - drained soil. With its late flowering time,
Acidanthera will freshen up your garden while most bulbous plants have passed their flowering
season. The flowers are white with a purple throat and are also sweetly scented.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

G3 Acidanthera White with purple 80-100 Aug - Sep 50 for £5.00
G4 Communis byzantinus Violet red 50 Aug - Sep 100 for £9.00


Gladioli (Sword Lily)

Spring 2010
Half hardy, perennial. A sunny spot is necessary, with well drained soil. Gladioli are perfect for
herbaceous borders, large pots and containers. Providing tall heads of bright colour when so
many garden plants have finished flowering. A good way to prolong the flowering season is to
plant the bulbs in fortnightly intervals which will provide you with a succession of blooms. You
have the large flowering which are the tallest of the bunch. The Nanus are shorter. All Gladioli are
excellent for cut flowers.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price
G5 Hunting Song Red 120 July - Sep 10 for £1.75
50 for £7.50
G6 Nova Lux Yellow 120 July - Sep 10 for £1.75
50 for £7.50
G7 Plum Tart Dark Purple 120 July - Sep 10 for £1.75
50 for £7.50
G 8 Priscilla Pink, cream and white 120 July - Sep 10 for £1.75
50 for £7.50
G 9 Spic and Span Sunrise Pink 120 July - Sep 10 for £1.75
50 for £7.50
G 10 White Prosperity White 120 July - Sep 10 for £1.75
50 for £7.50
G 11 Gladioli Mix 120 July - Sep 100 for £12.50
200 for £20.00
500 for £45.00

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price
G 12 Mirella Red 70 July - Sep 10 for £2.50
50 for £8.50
G 13 Halley Cream, Red 80 July - Sep 10 for £2.50
50 for £8.50
G 14 Impressive Orange with pink 50 July - Sep 10 for £2.50
50 for £8.50
G 15 Nymph White with Red blotch 50 July - Sep 10 for £2.50
50 for £8.50
G 16 Prins Claus Cream with Red blotch 50 July - Sep 10 for £2.50
50 for £8.50

(below) Gladioli Priscilla (below) Gladioli Spic and (below) Gladioli Prins Claus

Gloriosa (Glory Lily)
Spring 2010

Frost tender, perennial climber. Needs full sun and rich soil. Feed and water regularly in
summer. The flowers consist of 6 reflexed, red petals with wavy yellow edges, and when trained
into a compact form, produces a magnificent display. An exceptional conservatory plant!
Native habitat: South Africa.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

G 17 Carsonii Purple with yellow edge 100-150 July - Aug 1 for £3.00
G 18 Greenii Yellow 100-150 July - Aug 1 for £3.00
G 19 Lutea Yellow 100-150 July - Aug 1 for £3.99
G 20 Rothschildiana Red with yellow 100-150 July - Aug 1 for £3.45
G 21 Superba Orange with yellow 100-150 July - Aug 1 for £3.45

Gloxinia (Sinningia speciosa)

House plant, needs warmth, minimum temperature of 16C. Bright light away from direct sunlight.
Will flower for 2-3 months producing an abundance of velvety blooms up to 3 inches in diameter.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

G 22 Blanche de Muru Pink and white 25 June - Sep 3 for £4.50
G 23 Etoile de Feu Red 25 June - Sep 3 for £4.50
G 24 Hollywood Blue 25 June - Sep 3 for £4.50
G 25 Kaiser Friedrich Red with white 25 June - Sep 3 for £4.50
G 26 Kaiser Wilhelm Blue with white 25 June - Sep 3 for £4.50

Perennial, hardy down to -5C. This plant really speaks for itself, absolutely beautiful. Exotic, white
fragrant flowers resembling that of Egrets in flight on top of slender stems reaching 12 inches in
height. Its natural habitat is amongst the rice fields of Japan, so it is a moisture loving plant but does
require good drainage. The tubers are naturally quite small, peanut size. They are hardy down to
-5C and prefer humus-rich soil. perfect for a cool house or patio containers. A very exciting, new,
exquisite plant to grow.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

H1 Radiata White 40 July - Sep 3 for £8.50

(below) Gloxinia (below) Habenaria

Hedychium (Ginger Lily)

Spring 2010
Frost hardy to frost tender perennial (min. 5C). Requires sun and rich, moist soil. Ideal for sheltered
borders. The leaves are grey-green and although the dense spikes of fragrant flowers are short
- lived, they are produced abundantly, and consistently through late summer and autumn.
Native habitat: India.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

H 2 Auranticacum Scarlet 150 July - Sep 1 for £2.99
3 for £8.25
H3 Ellipictum Cream white 150 July - Sep 1 for £2.99
3 for £8.25
H4 Gardnerianum Lemon yellow 150 July - Sep 1 for £2.99
3 for £8.25
H5 One each of the above 3 for £8.25

Hymenocallis (spider lily)

Robust, perennial. In colder areas this bulb needs to be lifted late October. Well - drained soil is
needed, place in good light, but shade from hot summer sun. A beautiful, unusual plant. Showy,
large, scented flowers are borne on top of a leafless stalk during May - June.
Native habitat: Andes, Peru.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

H6 Festalis White 80 June - July 3 for £3.95
H7 Sulphur Queen Yellow 60 June - July 3 for £4.99
H8 Three each of the above 6 for £8.00

Fully to frost hardy, clump forming perennial. Suitable for rock gardens and borders.
Protect crown with compost in winter. Requires sun and well-drained soil. Short stems bear trumpet-
shaped flowers in early summer.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

I1 Delavayi Pink 30-50 May - June 3 for £3.50
I2 Snowtop White 60 May - June 3 for £4.99

(below) (below) (below)

Hedychium gardnerianum Hymenocallis sulphur queen Incarvillea delavayi

Iris Hollandica
Spring 2010

Fully hardy perennial. Needs well-drained light soil and full sun or light shade. Iris always make a
magnificent display, they look their best when planted in groups of a single colour

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

I3 Amber Beauty Light yellow 50-65 June - July 10 for £2.50
I4 Cream Beauty Cream 50-65 June - July 10 for £2.50
I5 Gipsy Beauty Purple with yellow 50-65 June - July 10 for £2.50
I6 Mystic Beauty Blue 50-65 June - July 10 for £2.50
I7 Oriental Beauty Light blue with yellow 50-65 June - July 10 for £2.50
I8 Silver Beauty Light purple with white 50-65 June - July 10 for £2.50
IP9 Pick your own 100 for £20.00

Liatris (Blazing star)

Fully hardy, perennial. Prefers sun and well-drained soil. Greyfeather and button snakeroot are
other names for Liatris. Tall wands appear in summer tightly packed with feathery - like flowers.
Great in large pots or in a herbaceous border.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

L1 Spicata Mauve pink 70-80 July - Oct 20 for £2.95
50 for £6.50
L2 Floristan Alba White 70-80 July - Oct 20 for £3.20
50 for £6.75

(below) Tiger Lily

(above) Liatris spicata

Lilium (lily)

Spring 2010
Frost hardy, perennial. Well - drained soil is absolutely essential. Choose a sunny site where the
plant can catch a little afternoon shade, this will preserve the colour of the petals and the flowers
will last longer. Lilies are very striking and there are many different varieties to choose from. The
Trumpet Lilies are fantastic in borders, The Asiatics and Oriental Lilies all look truly spectacular in
large pots, or containers.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price
L 3 Pink Twinkle Pink 110 June - July 3 for £4.25
L 4 Red Twinkle Red 100 June - July 3 for £4.25
L 5 White Twinkle White 100 June - July 3 for £4.25
L 6 Tigrinum Splendens Orange 100 June - July 3 for £4.25

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price
L7 African Queen Orange apricot 100 June - July 3 for £4.25
L8 Golden splendour Yellow 100 June - July 3 for £4.25
L9 Pink Perfection Pink 100 June - July 3 for £4.25
L 10 Regale White 100 June - July 3 for £4.25

ORIENTAL LILIES very fragrant

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price
L 11 Le Reve Pink 60 June - July 3 for £3.50
L 12 Siberia White 120 June - July 3 for £3.50
L 13 Tom Pouche Pink with yellow 100 June - July 3 for £3.50
L 14 Stargazer Dark pink with white edge 90 June - July 3 for £3.50
L.P 15 Pick your own 15 for £13.50

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price
L 16 Claire Red 70 June - July 3 for £3.50
L 17 Cote d’Azur Pink 55 June - July 3 for £3.50
L 18 Grand Cru Yellow with orange heart 70 June - July 3 for £3.50
L 19 Lennox White 100 June - July 3 for £3.50
L 20 Treffer Bright orange 90 June - July 3 for £3.50
L.P 21 Pick your own Buy 15 and get 10 Free 15 for £13.50

Lilium oriental
Le Reve

Lilium oriental
Lillium continued
Spring 2010


Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

L 22 Martagon Purple 80 June - July 3 for £6.50
L 23 Martagon alba White 60-100 June - July 3 for £12.00

Lycoris (spider lily)

Frost hardy, perennial. Needs a sunny site in rich well-drained soil. This plant looks very much like a
Nerine. Produces a cluster of 4-5 golden yellow flowers on stems 60cm tall. Ideal amongst shrubs,
in borders or containers.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

L 24 Aurea Golden yellow 30 – 60 Aug - Sep 3 for £4.50

Mirabilis (four o’clock flower)

Half hardy, perennial. Best grown in a sheltered position; excellent in window boxes, large containers
and borders. Bushy, fragrant trumpet shaped flowers open in the evening giving a sweet smelling
aroma to your garden. Flowers all summer long.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

M1 Jalapa Mixed colours 60 June - Sep 5 for £2.50
15 for £6.30
Frost-hardy, perennial. Well-drained soil, a sheltered spot and full sun are necessary. Flower-head
consists of a cluster of funnel-shaped blooms on top of a leafless stem. Autumn flowering.
Native habitat: South Africa.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

N1 Bowdenii Pink 45-60 Sep - Oct 10 for £5.95
N2 Pink Triumph Dark pink 45-60 Sep - Oct 5 for £4.75
N3 Albivetta White 45-60 Sep - Oct 5 for £4.99
N4 Stefani White with pink 45-60 Sep - Oct 5 for £4.95
N5 Flexuosa ‘ Alba’ White 40-50 Sep - Oct 3 for £4.99
N6 Kodora Red 45-50 Sep - Oct 5 for £4.99

(above) Mirabilis jalapa (above) Nerine

22 (left) Lycoris Aurea


Spring 2010
Robust, perennial. Suitable for planting in a mixed border with well-drained soil. They look great
in pots and containers. The flowers are star shaped cups, borne in dense clusters, the leaves are
glossy green. Excellent for cut flowers. Mount Everest and Thyrsoides are one of the longest-lasting
cut flowers in the world. Native habitat: South Africa.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

O1 Arabicum Silver white with black centre 30-45 July - Aug 3 for £2.50
O2 Mount Everest White 30-45 July - Aug 10 for £4.50
O3 Thyrsoides White (Chincherinchees) 30-45 July - Aug 25 for £3.50
O4 Saundersiae White 30-45 July - Aug 3 for £3.50

Fully hardy, perennial. Suitable for rockeries, pots and window boxes. Needs full or semi-shade
and well-drained soil. The colourful flowers are rolled like umbrellas and the attractive
leaves resemble a four leaf clover.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

O5 Iron Cross Pink with dark centred leaves. 15 June - Sep 100 for £1.99

Pleione (Rockery Orchid)

Frost tender, perennial. A beautiful small orchid from China. Needs well-drained sandy soil, thrives
best with a little shade. These varieties can been grown in your rockery, small pots or indoors. Don’t
be afraid to give these a try, they are very easy to grow and very satisfying.
Native habitat: China (Tibet).

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

P1 Formosana Pink, with red 5-10 April - May 3 for £5.95
P2 Formosana Alba White 5-10 April - May 1 for £5.25
P3 Forrestii (rare bulb) Yellow with red spotted throat 5-10 April - May 1 for £10.00
P4 Limprichtii Pink 5-10 April - May 1 for £5.25
P5 3 Formosana, 1 Alba, 1 Forrestii and 1 Limprichtii £23.50
P6 6 Formosana, 3 Alba, 3 Forrestii and 3 Limprichtii £66.00

(below) Ornithogalum (below) Pleione formosana

Polianthes (Tuberosa)
Spring 2010
Half hardy, to frost tender, min 15 - 20C. Perennial. Best grown in a green house, conservatory or as
a house plant. Polianthes were very popular in Victorian times - the pure white waxy blooms fill the
air with fragrance. A plant not to be missed. Native habitat: Mexico

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

P7 The Pearl Silver white, double 60-100 July - Sep 3 for £3.95
9 for £10.50
P 8 Tuberosa White, single 60-100 July - Sep 3 for £3.95
9 for £10.50

Ranunculus (Persian buttercup)

Hardy perennial. Thrives in sun or shade with moist but well drained soil. A good choice
for borders, pots and containers

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

R1 Asiaticus ‘Aviv’ Pink 30 June - July 10 for £1.50
R2 Asiaticus ‘Aviv’ White 30 June - July 10 for £1.50
R3 Asiaticus ‘Aviv’ Red 30 June - July 10 for £1.50
R4 Asiaticus ‘Aviv’ Yellow 30 June - July 10 for £1.50

Dwarf, hardy perennial. Best placed in full sun and grown in peaty soil. The soil needs to be kept
moist in summer. Perfect for rock gardens, beds and containers. Slender stems emerge from a
cluster of thin, lance-shaped leaves, and produce a succession of erect, flatish flowers. Long
flowering time, low growing and colourful

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

R5 Baurii Platy petala White 5-10 June - Sep 3 for £4.50
R6 Douglas Red 5-10 June - Sep 3 for £4.50
R7 Ruth Pink 5-10 June - Sep 3 for £4.50
R.P 8 Pick your own. 18 for £22.00

(above) Rhodohpoxis

24 (above) Polianthes
Sandersonia (Chinese-lantern lily)

Spring 2010
Half hardy, perennial, climber. Grow in a sheltered, sunny site with well-drained soil. As its name
suggests, the flowers have a very unusual urn-like shape, and form at the tips of slender, bow-
shaped stems. Native habitat: South Africa

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

S1 Aurantiaca Orange 60 July - Sep 3 for £3.50

Sauromatum (Voodoo lily - Monarch of the East)

Frost tender, perennial (min. 5 - 7C). Needs a sheltered, semi-shaded position and humus - rich,
well-drained soil. This is another unusual plant which first produces a large, purple - speckled,
tubular spathe, and then a lobed leaf on a long, spotted stem. A must for the gardeners who enjoy
the exotic. Native habitat: Himalayas.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

S2 Venosum Purple brown 20-25 July - Sep 1 for £2.95
5 for £12.98

Scadoxus (Blood Flower)

Frost tender perennial (min - 10-15C). Requires partial shade and humus rich soil. This robust bulb
produces an allium-like, spherical head of 200 petalled flowers. A big bonus with this plant is the
attractive, wavy - edged foliage which continues for months, after the flowers have disappeared.
An excellent house plant. Native habitat: South Africa

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

S3 Multiflorus Red 30-40 Sep - Oct 1 for £3.65
3 for £9.45

Schizostylis (Kaffir Lily)

Frost hardy, perennial. This vigorously, clump-forming plant requires sun and moist, fertile soil. It has
grass-like, mid-green foliage, and produces late-flowering spikes of large, colourful flowers. Great
as a cut flower. Native habitat: South Africa.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

S4 Coccinea Red 50-60 Sep - Oct 3 for £3.50
S5 Rosea Pink 50-60 Sep - Oct 3 for £3.50
S6 6 each of the above 12 for £12.60

(left) Sandersonia (below) Scadoxus

Sparaxis (Harlequin flower)
Spring 2010
Half hardy perennial. Perfect for rock gardens, borders, containers and pots. A sunny, warm site is
needed, with well drained soil. Bears spikes of bright flowers on wiry stems. Best to be planted in
groups of 15-25 to achieve a showy effect.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

S7 Tricolor Mixed colours 25 June-July 25 for £1.50

Sprekelia (Jacobean Lily)

Half hardy, perennial. Suitable for a sunny border or in cool areas as a house plant. The flower is six
inches in size and resembles that of an orchid, borne on a 18 inch stem, and has crimson velvet
petals with a green throat. Native habitat: Mexico and Guatemala

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

S8 Formosissima Velvet red 40 June 3 for £4.99
9 for £12.50

Tacca (Bat flower)

Perennial. Needs light shade with well-drained soil. Grows to about 2 ft an amazing, unusual exotic
plant from Malaysia. Will flower complete with whiskers up to 30cm long and has a forked tail. Can
be grown as a house plant or outside in borders or containers. Easy to grow and great fun.
Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price
T 1 Chantieri Dark purple 40 Late Spring/Summer 1 for £4.50
T 2 Green isle Green 30 Late Spring/Summer 1 for £4.50
T 3 Integrifolia Selecta Light green 100 Late Spring/Summer 1 for £4.50

(above) Sprekelia

26 Tacca Chantieri
Tigridia (tiger flower)

Spring 2010
Half-hardy, perennial. Suitable for growing in a summer border. Prefers well drained soil and a warm,
sheltered site. The flowers are of exotic beauty - each one lasts for only a day but a succession
appears for several weeks at the end of summer. The colours are marvellous.
Native habitat: Grasslands of Mexico

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

T4 Pavonia Alba White, red speckled throat 45 July - Sep 20 for £3.95
T5 Canariensis Cream, red speckled throat 45 July - Sep 20 for £3.95
T6 Speciosa Red, yellow speckled throat 45 July - Sep 20 for £3.95
T7 Mixed colours 50 for £7.00

Trillium (wood lily)

Fully hardy, perennial. These are plants of the open woodland, so filtered shade is needed, rather
than full shade. They need humus rich soil that is well-drained but not too dry, peat moss added
during planting will give them a boost. A marvellous plant to grace the shady areas of your garden.
Over several years will produce a lovely carpet of colour, during late spring.
Native habitat: American woodland.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

T8 Cuneatum Light Maroon 30-35 April - May 1 for £2.50
T9 Erectum Mahogany 30-35 April - May 1 for £2.50
T 10 Grandiflorum White 30-35 April - May 1 for £2.50
T 11 Luteum Yellow 30-35 April - May 1 for £2.50
T 12 Recurvatum Dark maroon 30-35 April - May 1 for £2.50
T 13 One each of the above 5 for £11.25

(above) Trillium erectum

Tigridia 27
Spring 2010

Fully hardy, perennial. Needs light, sandy, well-drained soil and a warm, sheltered site. Perfect for
rock gardens, or can be planted in the lawn like crocus. Flowers are funnel-shaped, mostly upright,
borne in loose sprays of up to 25 in early summer.
Native habitat: Grassland and pine woods in Western California.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

T 14 Corrina Violet purple 10-45 June - July 25 for £1.50
T 15 Hyacinthina White with lilac 10-45 June - July 25 for £1.50
T 16 Queen Fabiola Violet blue 10-45 June - July 25 for £1.50
Starlight Yellow 35-40 June – July 10 for £3.00
T 17 50 Corrina, 50 Hyacinthina and 50 Queen Fabiola 150 for £8.00

Tulbaghia (wild garlic)

Frost hardy, perennial. Best in containers. Well-drained soil in full sun is essential The evergreen
foliage emits an onion-like smell when crushed but the blooms are sweetly fragrant. The flowers
appear all summer long on top of leafless stalks.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

T 18 Fragrans Pink 45-60 May - Oct 3 for £3.95
T 19 Fragrans Alba White 45-60 May - Oct 3 for £4.95
T 20 Six each of the above 12 for £16.00

Uvularia (merrybells)
Fully hardy perennial. These are plants of woodland borders of eastern North America, so partial
shade is needed. They also need humus rich soil that is moist. The native tribes of North America
used the plant medicinally. An ointment made from the leaves reduced swelling and the ground
up root relieved aches and pains. Uvularia was introduced in Britain in the early 19th Century by a
Scottish plant collector. A very showy plant and a good choice if you want late spring flowers in a
shady patch of the garden. Produces an abundance of downward facing pale yellow lily-like flowers.

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

U 1 Grandiflora Yellow 30-40 April - May £3.50

(below) Triteleia hyacinthina (below) Tulbaghia (below) Uvularia

Zantedeschia (calla lily)

Spring 2010
Frost tender, perennial. (Aethiopica, Green Goddess and Pink Mist are frost hardy). Aethiopica is also
known as the white arum or Lily-of-the-Nile, a perfect plant for the edge of a pond. Zantedeschia
need full sun or partial shade and well-drained soil. They need to be watered sparingly until growth
starts, then never let the plants lack moisture. A must-have for many gardeners, a classical beauty,
highly prized by florists. Native habitat: South America

Code Name Colour Height in cm Flowering time Price

Z1 Aethiopica White 70-90 July - Aug 2 for £4.50
Z2 Green Goddess Green with white throat 70-90 July - Aug 2 for £8.50
Z3 Pink Mist White with pink keel 70-90 July - Aug 2 for £8.50
Z4 Albomaculata White, spotted leaves 50-60 July - Aug 2 for £4.50
Z5 Anneke Lavender 40-60 July - Aug 2 for £4.50
Z6 Black Eyed Beauty Light yellow, black heart 70-80 July - Aug 2 for £4.50
Z7 Black Magic Lemon yellow 70-80 July - Aug 2 for £4.50
Z8 Celeste Carmine red 40-60 July - Aug 2 for £4.50
Z9 Harvest Moon Yellow, orange 70-80 July - Aug 2 for £4.50
Z 10 Majestic Red Red 40-60 July - Aug 2 for £8.50
Z 11 Mango Orange red 40-60 July - Aug 2 for £4.50
Z 12 Rehmannii Pink 40 July - Aug 2 for £4.50
Z 13 Solfatare Light yellow 70-80 July - Aug 2 for £4.50
Z 14 Schwarzwalder Very dark nearing black 40-50 July - Aug 2 for £10.00
Z 15 Treasure Orange 50-60 July - Aug 2 for £4.50
Z 16 2 each of: Aethiopica, Green Goddess & Pink Mist. 6 for £18.80
Z 17 1 each of: Anneke, Black Eyed Beauty, Celeste, Mango & Rehmannii. 5 for £9.50
Z 18 Choose any ten tubers from the £4.50 range, e.g. 5 Anneke, 3 Mango, 2 Celeste 10 for £17.50


(above) Zantedeschia rehmannii 29

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