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Colchester Royal Grammar School

Lexden Road Colchester Essex CO3 3ND Headmaster: K L Jenkinson MA

Telephone: Colchester (01206) 509100 Email: info@crgs.co.uk

September 2010

Dear Parent/Guardian

History Society trip to the National Theatre to see ‘Danton’s Death’ by Georg
Buchner, Thursday October 14th 2010

The History Society is planning to take a trip to see ‘Danton’s Death’ at the National
Theatre London. Set at the height of the French Revolution, the play describes how, after a
series of bloody purges, the life-loving, volatile Danton is tormented by his part in the
killing. His political rival, the driven, ascetic Robespierre, decides Danton’s fate. A titanic
struggle begins. Once friends who wanted to change the world, now one stands for
compromise the other for ideological purity as the guillotine awaits. It is not one for the
faint hearted, but certainly of interest to historians who have studied another bloody
revolution with its own cast of cruel leaders, the Russian Revolution.

The details of the event are as follows. The performance begins at 7.30pm. We will depart
from Colchester North Station at 4.17pm. Students should meet me in the foyer of the
Station by 4.05pm. There will be a chance to get a bite to eat somewhere on the South Bank
before the play begins, so students may wish to have some money to pay for this.
Alternatively, students may bring a pre-prepared supper if they so wish.

We anticipate returning to Colchester North Station at approximately 11.10pm. Students

generally carry mobile phones now, and will contact you from London when we will have a
better idea of what time we will arrive back at Colchester station. Parents are asked to
ensure that students have safe travel arrangements home from the station.

The cost of the trip is £21, payable as a voluntary contribution. This covers both the cost of
the ticket for the performance and the train fare. Students are kindly requested to deposit the
money with a completed consent form into the postbox at Reception. Please do not hesitate
to contact me on AClark@crgs.co.uk if you have a query.

Yours sincerely

A. Clark
Head of History

Ref: 101022
History Society trip to ‘Danton’s Death’ at the National Theatre
Thursday October 14th 2010

Student’s Tutor
Name: Group:

1. I would like my son/daughter to take part in this trip.

2. I enclose a cheque for £21, payable to Colchester Royal Grammar School.

3. I take responsibility for my son/daughter’s safe transport home from Colchester North
Station after the visit.

4. I authorise members of staff during the course of the trip to approve any medical
treatment for my child considered necessary in an emergency on the advice of a
qualified medical practitioner. I set out below details of any medical condition from
which he/she is suffering, together with the treatment required in case of illness.

Signed: ………………………………………………….

Date: ……………………………

Emergency contact number: ………………………………………………….

Email address of parent: ………………………………………………….


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