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Guia 1: Unidad 1 / Libro Morado: Adventures

Reading: Page 6

1. Complete the sentences about the text on Page 6. Use ‘s, ‘are, isn’t or aren’t. (Pp: 7)
a. Calligraphy _______ a school subject in Britain
b. Janice is 13. She ______ from Britain. She ______ with Peter in this photo.
c. Tomoko and Chikako __________ from Australia. They____from Japan
d. This _____ a photo of Scoot and Linda. They _____ good at Music.

2. Complete the sentence in the grammar table (Pp: 7)

Affirmative Negative
I’m 12 I’m not 14
___ from Japan You aren’t from Brazil
He’s good at Art ______ good at Maths
She’s a teacher She isn’t a teacher
It’s important _______ important
______ in class We aren’t in class
_______ my friends They aren’t my friends.

3. Complete the questions with the pronouns: How, Where, What time, What, When, Who (Pp: 9)
a. _____ are you? I’m fine , thanks
b. ______ ______ is it? It’s two o’clock
c. ______ is your Maths Teacher? Mr. Evans
d. _______is aerobics? In the gym
e. _______is the exam? On Wednesday
f. _______ is your favourite subject? Art.

4. Write the correct verb form (Pp: 12)

Ana and I are/we’re friends. We ‘s/’re in the same class at school. Ana she is/ is interested in music. I
prefer art. I’m/ I are in a photography club. The teachers in the club is/are great, but I’m not an expert
and my photo isn’t/aren’t very good.

5. Read page 8 (Workbook morado): e-mail message from Peter. Write your e-mail answer to


To: Peter Harley


Subjetct: Reply: e-mail friends

Dear Peter,
Guia 2: Unidad 3 y 4 / Libro Morado: Adventures

1. Putt he words in the correct order. Then write short answers: you/watch TV?/Do - Do you
watch TV? Yes, I do (pp: 31)
a. Does/ play computer games?
b. you/Do/exercise?
c. Listen to music?/Does/your mother
d. Eat vegetables?/you/Do
2. Read page 36 and complete the sentence with the adverbs of frequency
0% She _______ plays
I ___________ watch her
He___________ cycles 60 or 70 kilometers
We ___________ play at the weekend
100% I _____________watch them on TV.
3. Look at the table on page 37. Write the sentence with adverbs of frequency
Peter/Football – Peter always plays football on a Saturday

4. Complete the sentence with the words in the box: What, How many, Where, What time, How often.
(Workbook page 33)

How many vegetables do you eat?

a. It’s 9.30! _________ you go to school?

b. __________ you exercise?
c. ____________ Eric live?
d. ____________ you want for lunch?
Guia 3: Unidad 5 y 6 / Libro Morado: Adventures

1. Putt he words in order (pp: 53)

singing?/ Is /the man – Is the man singing?
a. What/ are/eating?/the children
b. the woman/playing?/ is/ What instrument
c. wearing?/is/the man/What
d. the teenagers/wearing/jeans?/Are
e. is/What/the man/doing?

2. Describe what the people are doing in the picture (page 37, workbook). Use the verbs in
Tina isn’t playing (play) a computer game
a. Keith and Jenny ______________ (dance)
b. Tina______________ (eat) a sandwich
c. Tessa and Rick ___________________ (study)
d. Doris ____________________ (dance)
e. Carla and Lenny _____________________ (sit)
f. Craig _________________ (sing)

3. Put the words in the correct order

a. Some/got/They’ve/any/got
b. They/any/maps./haven’t/got

4. Complete the dialogue. Use a, an, some and any.

Simon: Have you got any sandwich?
Shop assistant: Yes, they’re here.
Simon: Can I have________ salad sandwich, please? And have you got __________new
batteries for our torch?
Shop assistant: Of course.
Simon: Have you got________ anoraks? I need _______ anorak.
Shop assistant: No, I’m sorry. We haven’t
David: But look Simon! They’ve got _______ fantastic sunglasses!
Guia 4: Unidad 8 / Libro Morado: Adventures

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