Posi Card

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POSicards are a single store Gift Card facility. POSicards work exactly the same way
that other dialed out Gift Cards work except that the information about the cards is
kept in a local database at the store rather than in a remote database.

Positouch version 5.27 or greater
Giftcert.exe version 2.5.5 7/8/04 or later
GiftStat.rpt 2/24/04 or later
GiftStat2.rpt 2/24/04 or later
POSicardTrans.rpt 2/24/04 or later
POSicardTrans2.rpt 2/24/04 or later

Table of Contents

1.1 Setup Instructions ............................................................................................... 2

1.2 POSitouch Backoffice Setup for POSicards........................................................ 5
1.3 Eliminating POSicard Sales From Daily Sales.................................................... 7
1.4 POSitouch POSicard setup for Screens and Menu Items:.................................. 9
1.5 POSitouch Use of POSicards at the POS:........................................................ 12
Usage Instructions Version 2.5.5 ........................................................................... 21
New Features ......................................................................................................... 21
Section 2 Topics ..................................................................................................... 21
2.1 Interface Defined .............................................................................................. 22
2.2 Issuing POSicards ............................................................................................ 24
2.3 Making cards available en masse in the backoffice .......................................... 24
2.4 Voiding a POSicard – Changing the POSicard Status...................................... 25
2.5 Unvoiding a voided POSicard ........................................................................... 25
2.6 Adding money to a card.................................................................................... 25
2.7 Reissuing a card ............................................................................................... 25
2.8 Add Amount feature.......................................................................................... 26
2.9 History feature .................................................................................................. 26
2.10 Other POSiGift Reports: ................................................................................. 27
2.11 Posicard Formatting........................................................................................ 29
Miscellaneous Notes:.............................................................................................. 31

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POSigift Management Utility:
1.1 Setup Instructions

• POSicard setup in POSitouch requires the use of the POSigift Management

Utility (previously known as the Gift Certificate Maintenance Utility). Open
dollar and/or fixed value cards have to be setup in this utility in order to work

• To Access POSicards go to Setup>Gift Certificates. There are 4 categories of

POSicards setup that we have defined and will use as examples.

• POSicards need to be linked to menu items by their inventory # in menu items

and recipes.

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• To set up the POSicards:
• Choose The Gift Type – POSicard
• Fill in Category name.
• Fill in inventory # that gets linked to an inventory item in menu items and
• Fill in Series # which will become the last 4 digits of this POSicard type.
• Fill in expiration days or 0.
• Fill in the amount if it a fixed card or $0.00 if it is an open $ POSicard

• Cards are set with no dollar amount for the Open $ POSicard.

• POSicards must be issued from the POSigift management utility before they
become available to sell from the POS.

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o Enter the card number or range to allocate.

o Confimation of the activation is given. If the range failed for any

reason, a warning would appear stating the reason for failure.

o As you want to make a group of cards ready for sale from the POS you
can go to the POSigift management utility and allocate them. The card #
is 6 digits.
The format of a POSicard is 0909xxxxxxyyyy.
• 0909 is the bin range that is setup in user defined credit
• xxxxxx is the 6 digit card #.
• yyyy is the series # that comes from the series field in the
setup of the POSigard category in the POSigift
management utility. Each POSicard type ( $10, $25, ect.
Should have a different series number )

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1.2 POSitouch Backoffice Setup for POSicards

• In Setup > Payment > Forms of Payment a POSicard payment type needs to
be defined.

• The payment setup for POSicards redemptions does not require an interface
type, even though there is a link to the POSigift Management Utility.

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• In Setup>Credit Card>User defined Credit Card: This is where we establish
links between the POSicards and the individual restaurant’s settlement or
payment types. You must complete the User Defined Credit Card setup screen
before moving on to the Credit Card Type setup screen.
o The start and end numbers for POSicards refers to the first 6 digits of the
cards bin number, with a suffix of 00 for the start number and a suffix of
99 for the end number.

• In setup Credit Cards>Credit Card Types: This is where we link POSicard to its
payment redemption type. In addition we set up which channel

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• Next In Setup>Credit Cards>Forms of Payment: Authorization and Draft
Capture needs to be set up for POSicards.

1.3 Eliminating POSicard Sales From Daily Sales

• Most customers do not want the sale of POSicards included in sales. The setup
for POSicard Credits to subtract from sales requires a separate payment type
to be set up as a POSicard sale.

• This separate payment type needs to be set as an interface type in the 50’s that
is for POSicards.

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o The presence of this payment type simply tells POSitouch to back the
POSicards sold out of sales.

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1.4 POSitouch POSicard setup for Screens and Menu Items:

• On this screen there are 3 types of POSicards. The first type are the 3 Fixed
Dollar POSicard for $10.00, $25.00 and $50.00 the second is an Open Dollar
POSicard and the third is a POSicard incremental.

• This is a Fixed Dollar POSicard for $10 that we set up earlier in the POSigift
Management Utility. It needs to be a cell type 20. It needs a Major Minor

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Category, no price and no taxes should be turned on. The other fixed dollar
POSicards should be set up the same way.

• This is a Open Dollar POSicard that we set up earlier in the POSigift

Management Utility. It needs to be a cell type 20. It needs a Major Minor
Category, no price and no taxes should be turned on.

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• The Inventory # 4729 for the Open Dollar POSicard can be used again for a
POSicard increment menu item. This is set up as a cell type 22, which is gift
increment. This is used for adding value to an already issued POSicard.

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1.5 POSitouch Use of POSicards at the POS:

• POSicards are ordered as an item from an order screen. There are fixed and
open dollar amount POSicards. In addition to these you can have an item that
can add money to an already existing POSicard.

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• When an Open Dollar POSicard is ordered this box will pop up so you can
enter the amount of the POSicard. A fixed dollar amount will skip this step
because the system will already know the dollar amount.

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• An Open Dollar POSicard will bring up this screen next so you can swipe the
POSicard and the card # will get filled in. A fixed Amount POSicard goes to this
screen first.

• The POSicard amount and the card # will show on the View Edit screen. You
then go to the payment screen and pay them out to whatever tender type is
being used to purchase it. The POSicard does not become available to be
used until the check is completely paid out in POSitouch. A Slip prints out with
the Value of the POSicard.

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• Setup>Credit Card>Gift Cards>Activate cards at transaction complete: This is a
new flag now available for POSicards as well as Gift Cards, which is highly
recommended for POSicards. It allows you to go back into the check and make
adjustments to any items on the check itself or to a POSicard if a mistake was
made or if a card fails to activate.

• If you swipe a card at this point that has not been issued from the Gift
Certificate Maintenance Utility you will get an error that says the card is not

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• When adding money to an already issued POSicard, this screen will pop up to
enter the card increment amount. Then the screen to swipe the card will
appear and then you can pay out the check like normal.

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• From the front screen as well as the take payment and reopen checks screen
you can do a POSicard Inquiry, check the POSicard database for the dollar
value of the POSicard.

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• The card gets swiped after the button “gift card inquire” is touched. The system
will print out a slip with the remaining balance of that card on it.

• The “Gift card Inquire” button on the take payment screen shares the space
with CC Auth. When a check on that screen is touched it changes from “Gift
Card Inquire” to “CC Auth”.

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• The redemption of POSicards is handled just like credit cards. You need to go
out for authorization either from the payment screen or from the take payment
screen. A slip will print out to be signed like a credit card slip and will show the
remaining balance on the card. A tip can be added but obviously should not be
higher than the remaining balance of the card.

• If a card is swiped for authorization that has not been issued or has no money
on it you will get a card not available message.

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• When you swipe a valid card for authorization it will show you the card balance
at the top of the screen. This will help you know what would be available for a

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Section 2

POSigift Management Utility:

Usage Instructions Version 2.5.5

New Features

1. Added POSicard category in the Categories Button,

2. Added the ability to change the status of a POSicard to another status,
3. Added the ability to add/ deduct money from the balance of a card,
4. Added the ability to view the History of POSicards and their various states
( Active/Issued, Voided, Redeemed ) and the user responsible for the change.
5. Added encryption to all files related to gift certificates, gift cards and POSicards

Section 2 Topics

1. Interface Defined
2. Procedure for issuing POSicards
3. Making cards available for redemption en masse
4. Voiding a POSicard
5. Unvoiding a voided card
6. Adding money to a card
7. Reissuing a redeemed card
8. The Add Amount feature
9. The History feature
10. Other available reports

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2.1 Interface Defined

Categories – used to define gift certificates and POSicards. Also used to issue

History – Allows users to view the history of POSicards inrelation to activation

date, redemption or voided.

Report – Shows the currently viewed screen in a printable report format.

Summary – Shows the currently viewed category

summary of cards/ certificates that have been
sold, redeemed, voided and total issued.

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Status – Allows users to change the state of a POSicard from any state to active,
inactive, voided or redeemed. There are four states of a POSicard:

o Active/ Issued – available for sales through the front of the house
o Inactive – a card(s) that are not available for sale through the front of
the house
o Voided – a card that has been voided.
o Redeemed – a card that has been used to pay a check. A card may be
partially redeemed if the card has money remaining on it. The card may
be used at a future point with the remaining balance on it.

Add Amount – Allows users to add or deduct values from POSicards as needed.

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2.2 Issuing POSicards

See page 3 on how to issue POSicards.

Issuing a POSicard does not make the card immediately ready for redemption. For a
card to be redeemed, it must be sold in the front of the house and swiped through the
front of the house terminals first. The proper procedure for selling POSicards is:

1. In the backoffice, choose Gift Certificates

2. Choose Categories > Highlight the POSicard type you wish to make available
for sale
3. Choose ISSUE and enter the card numbers to be available for sale.
4. In the front of the house, the server, host or manager, opens a check and
orders the POSICARD menu item, the system then requires the user to swipe
the card. ( Manual entry of a POSicard number, instead of swiping a POSicard,
is controlled through the User Privileges in Backoffice Setup. )
5. Pay the check out to cash or credit or other payment method.
6. Upon closing the check, the card will be activated in the gift certificate database
and available for redemption.

2.3 Making cards available en masse in the backoffice

If users wish to make multiple cards available for redemption without having to swipe
each card in the front of the house, the following procedure would be used.

1. Open the gift certificate program.

2. Choose the Categories button and choose the POSicard type desired
3. Choose ISSUE and enter the numbers the user wishes to issue.
4. Choose SAVE
5. In the main menu choose Add Amount, and enter the password ( Default
Password = card ( lowercase ) ).
6. Enter the amount desired for each card. That is, if 30 cards should have $10
each, the user would enter $10.00, not $300.00.
7. Enter the card numbers that the user wishes to add the money to.

NOTE: This function will alter the value of gift cards without reflecting these changes
in the daily check files.

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2.4 Voiding a POSicard – Changing the POSicard Status

Should users need to void a card:

1. Open the gift certificate program

2. Choose Status from the main menu
3. On the left side menu, choose the
current state of the card you wish to
change or choose [ALL].
4. On the right menu, choose the state
the card is going to become.
5. Choose OK
6. Enter the card number(s) to void.

2.5 Unvoiding a voided POSicard

Should users need to unvoid a voided card, follow the steps in Voiding a POSicard,
changing the status From: [ALL] TO: Active/ Issued, and then enter the card number.

2.6 Adding money to a card

POSicards may be re-used or users may wish to add more value to a cardholder’s
card. Examples would be customer promotions or the reuse of a card that has already
been redeemed earlier in the year, as imprinted cards can be expensive, this ability
allows users to continually reuse cards.

2.7 Reissuing a card

If a card was used to a pay check, and the balance becomes zero, the card will no
longer be accepted in the front of the house for payment. Reissuing a card is different
that issuing a card for the first time. To reissue:
1. Open the gift certificate program
2. Choose the POSicard from the drop down menu on the upper left
3. Choose GO
4. Choose the Status Button
5. Change the drop down boxes to say FROM: [ALL] TO: Active/ ISSUED
6. Choose OK and enter the card number to reactivate.
7. The card is now ready for sale through the front of the house.

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2.8 Add Amount feature

The add amount feature allows users to enter a positive number or negative number
to increase/ decrease the value of cards. Positive numbers need not have a plus ( + )
sign before the value. Negative amounts require a negative ( - ) sign before the
amount. ( Default password = card ( lowercase ) )

2.9 History feature

The history feature allows users to see the history of cards and their current state of
issued, voided or redeemed and the server who performed the last action. Also, any
backoffice adjustments are noted.

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2.10 Other POSiGift Reports:

o This is a POSiGift Status report.

o It can be filtered by card type status and date.

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o This is the Card transaction report.

o This report can be filtered by selected days, servers, card types and card

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2.11 Posicard Formatting

1. Posicards are simple magnetic cards that can be encoded by various sources,
including many screen printers.
2. Posicards can have any graphic placed on one side of the card, also usually
done by any screen printer.
3. The magnetic card should be encoded on Track 2 with the full account number.
The account number is a combination of:
a. The first four digits found in Setup > Credit Cards > User defined Credit
Cards. Every card has these four numbers encoded on it. In this
example it would be 0909.

b. The middle six numbers are derived from the the actual card number
that is in the giftcert.exe module. This is UNIQUE to each card. In this
example, the site would have had cards with the numbers of 000001 –
000005 ( six different cards ).

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c. The last four digits of the card number is based on the SERIES of the
card, for example, $10 cards, $25 cards or open dollar cards. These
numbers can be found in the giftcert.exe module, by choosing
Categories and highlighting the Posicard in the Categories list. Each
type of Posicard should have a different Series number. In this example,
each $10 Posicard will have 1010 as the last four digits.

d. Finally, a Start Sentinel and End Sentinal complete the encoding. The
Start Sentinel is a semicolon ( ; ) and the End Sentinel is a question
mark ( ? ).
e. Using the above guidelines, a $10 posicard, with a card number 1 would
be encoded on track 2 of the magnetic stripe with the following data and
format: ;09090000011010?

Every card has Each card has a Each card Each card
;0909 UNIQUE six digit number “type” has a ends with a ?
series number.

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Miscellaneous Notes:

1. Should it be needed, SPCWIN creates a backup copy of all POSicard transactions

made from the front of the house. The file is encrypted and maintained in
\SC\GCDIR\GCmmddyy.dat. This is a copy of the file named giftran3.dat.
Giftran3.dat = file that records the foh sale/ redemption of POSicards. If needed,
renaming the file Gcmmddyy.dat to giftran3.dat and placing it in the \sc\ folder will
then import those transactions into giftcert.exe the next time giftcert.exe is opened.

2. Niteproc.bat, lines reading:

Need NOT be changed. The latest giftcert.exe ignores everything after the

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