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Lesson: ELD Week 3 Day 5

Compound Words

A. Collaborative
1. Exchanging information and ideas with others through oral
collaborative conversations on a range of social and academic topics 

Students will be able to identify compound words and explain what
they are.
How do I identify compound words?

-doc cam
-student book

Students will be assessed on whether or not they are able to identify a
compound word and explain why it is a compound word.
1. Students will repeat the objective after me
2. I will ask students to turn to their partners and tell them what a
compound word is. One student will share what it is.
1. Students will then turn to page 135 in their student book I will
read each sentence on the page.
2. After reading the sentence, I will ask students to turn to their
partner and identify what the compound word is in the sentence.
Several students who are called on will share what the compound
word is and why it is a compound word.
3. This same sequence will be repeated until every sentence has
been read
1. With a partner on their whiteboards, students will create their
own compound words and share them with the class.
For English learners, a sentence frame will be provided:

____ is a compound word because it has the two words ___ and ____.

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