Evaluation of Reagents Used To Coat The Hollow Fiber Biore 2019 Materials SC

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Materials Science & Engineering C 96 (2019) 77–85

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Evaluation of reagents used to coat the hollow-fiber bioreactor membrane of T

the Quantum® Cell Expansion System for the culture of human mesenchymal
stem cells☆
Nathan D. Frank , Mark E. Jones, Boah Vang, Claire Coeshott

Terumo BCT®, Inc., Lakewood, CO, USA


Keywords: The addition of a coating reagent to promote cell adherence is necessary to prepare the membrane surface of the
Mesenchymal stromal cell Quantum® Cell Expansion System hollow-fiber bioreactor for the culture of mesenchymal stem cells. In this
Hollow-fiber bioreactor study, the efficacy of 8 potential coating reagents has been compared in terms of the doubling times of their cell
Regenerative medicine populations, cell morphology, characterization via flow cytometry, and capacity for trilineage differentiation.
Cell therapy
Human fibronectin (FN), pooled human cryoprecipitate (CPPT), and recombinant human vitronectin (VN) were
Extracellular matrix
Automated cell culture
successful as coating reagents, and each product has advantages in different cell culture contexts. Mesenchymal
stem cells harvested from Quantum cultured with each of these 3 compounds as coating reagents all met
International Society for Cellular Therapy standards for plastic adherence, surface marker expression, and
successful trilineage differentiation. No significant differences were observed among the doubling times from
Quantum harvests using FN, CPPT, or VN as coating reagents (P = 0.31). Coating with gelatin, human serum
albumin, collagen I, poly‑L‑lysine, and poly‑D‑lysine resulted in significantly lower harvest yield; these agents are
not recommended for use as coating reagents in the Quantum system.

1. Introduction therapy space.

The Quantum® Cell Expansion System (Quantum system; Terumo
The number of clinical trials investigating the use of mesenchymal BCT, Inc., Lakewood, CO) is a functionally closed, hollow-fiber bior-
stem cells (MSCs, also known as mesenchymal stromal cells or medic- eactor (HFB) system designed to culture both adherent [8,9] and sus-
inal signaling cells) as therapy for a range of indications increased from pension cells (Fig. 1). The HFB of the Quantum system comprises
206 to 493 between the years of 2012 and 2015 [1]. Patients suffering ~11,500 polyether sulfone fibers totaling 2.1 m2 of available surface
from autoimmune disorders such as Crohn's disease [2] and systemic area for the culture of adherent cell types; this is approximately
lupus erythematosus [3], as well as those requiring regenerative equivalent to the surface area of 120 T175 tissue culture flasks.
therapies for tissue repair [4], have been shown to benefit from MSC The HFB itself is fully integrated into the disposable set (Fig. 2) and
treatments. Clinical trials are currently ongoing to investigate MSCs as is divided into separate intracapillary (IC) and extracapillary (EC) fluid
potentially therapeutic in a range of indications from graft-versus-host pathways. The fluidics for the IC and EC pathways are maintained by
disease to traumatic brain injury [5,6]. As interest in producing MSC- inlet pumps that determine the flow of new medium into each side of
based therapies continues to grow, the need for reliable methods of the bioreactor, and circulation pumps that determine the rate at which
consistent, larger-scale MSC expansion for the therapeutic market is the medium in each side of the bioreactor is moved through its circuit
growing apace. Flask-based MSC culture is time-consuming and cum- (Fig. 3). Users have the option to set the IC and EC sides to be open to
bersome. Furthermore, the use of flask cultures to expand enough MSCs one another or to limit communication between the two sides to what is
to achieve the estimated clinical doses of 1 to 5 × 106 MSCs/kg body filtered through the HFB membrane. The Quantum system's ability to
weight required for many MSC-based therapies [7] is inherently risky reproducibly culture large numbers of expanded MSCs from whole bone
due to the number of repeated manipulations and open events required. marrow (WBM) in less time and with fewer doublings than manual T-
A more reliable, consistent process for MSC culture is needed in the cell flask culture has been demonstrated [10], and the genetic stability of

Funding: all funding for this work was provided by Terumo BCT®, Inc.

Corresponding author at: 10810 W. Collins Ave., Lakewood, CO 80215, USA.
E-mail address: Nathan.Frank@TerumoBCT.com (N.D. Frank).

Received 29 March 2018; Received in revised form 28 September 2018; Accepted 23 October 2018
Available online 26 October 2018
0928-4931/ © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
N.D. Frank et al. Materials Science & Engineering C 96 (2019) 77–85

Fig. 1. Image of the Quantum system. Left: system with disposable set and HFB attached. Right: system with active graphic user interface and media/waste bags in

Fig. 2. Quantum disposable set featuring integrated harvest bag, waste bag, tubing organizer, and HFB.

the MSCs produced using Quantum has been confirmed [11]. physical actions required for cell motility, replication, and spreading
In its untreated condition, the inner aspect of the IC side of the [13]. The molecular composition of the cell culture substrate is also
bioreactor is ready to accept an inoculum of suspension cells. However, highly relevant to cell behavior. Work conducted by Song et al. [14]
to prepare the bioreactor for the culture of an adherent cell type like showed that MSCs cultured on silicone surfaces coated with type 1
MSCs, it is recommended that the user add an adherence-promoting collagen displayed a dose-dependent reduction in proliferative poten-
compound to the IC loop of the bioreactor to facilitate cell attachment tial, while those same surfaces coated with human FN did not enhance
and proliferation. Since the system's commercial release in 2011, fi- or inhibit MSC proliferation at any dose when compared to uncoated
bronectin (FN) from human plasma has been the standard coating re- tissue culture plastic (TCP) [15].
agent used in the Quantum system. However, because a single product In this study, potential coating reagents were investigated for their
may not suit the needs of all users, a variety of coating agents have been ability to support the attachment and expansion of MSCs in Quantum.
explored to provide alternative options and to and to demonstrate Three coating reagents (FN from human plasma, recombinant VN, and
which compounds may not be effective for HFB coating in preparation human CPPT) were found to be consistently effective, and Quantum
for seeding with adherent cells. users can choose from these options when deciding how best to tailor
Extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins are a fixture of the MSC mi- their MSC microenvironment through the application of ECM proteins
croenvironment. The external cues provided by contact with the ECM to which MSCs attach in their native niche. Previously, MSC attachment
lead to changes that can affect cell shape and motility, as well as acting and expansion in TCP flasks has been compared to that achieved when
to initiate signaling cascades that can affect cell differentiation and seeding bone-marrow-derived MSCs in the Quantum HFB coated with
proliferation [12]. Integrin proteins on the cellular surface act as both FN [10] and when seeding adipose-derived MSCs in the Quantum HFB
sensors and effectors. They read the forces and molecular signals pro- coated with CPPT [16]. Quantum MSC harvests have also yielded fa-
vided by the matrix to which cells adhere and translate them into the vorable results when compared to multilayer cell stacks in terms of

N.D. Frank et al. Materials Science & Engineering C 96 (2019) 77–85

Fig. 3. Disposable set attached to the Quantum system. Image features intracapillary/extracapillary (IC/EC) inlet pumps, circulation pumps, integrated gas transfer
module, and gas inlet.

their yield and overall cost to manufacture a given number of MSCs Recombinant human vitronectin (VN), αMEM + GlutaMAX, fetal bo-
[17]. For these reasons, MSC adherence to TCP was not included in this vine serum (FBS), trypsin 0.25% with EDTA, and StemPro® adipogenic,
comparison. Rather, the goals of this work were 1) to evaluate a variety osteogenic, and chondrogenic differentiation kits were purchased from
of potentially effective coating reagents for the Quantum system and Thermo Fisher (Waltham, MA). Phosphate buffered saline (PBS) was
separate those that were successful from those that were not, and 2) to purchased from Lonza Group (Basel, Switzerland). Alcian blue, alizarin
demonstrate certain other compounds were not effective as coating red S sodium salt, and oil red o isopropanol solution were purchased
reagents and should be avoided when a Quantum user is considering from VWR (Radnor, PA).
candidates for possible coating reagents.
The MSCs expanded for this work were limited to the P0 to P2 2.2. Equipment
passages as these are the passages thought to be most therapeutically
desirable in the clinic. For example, first- or second-passage MSCs have The Quantum system, Quantum cell expansion disposable sets,
been shown to be notably more effective at prolonging patient survival Quantum 1-L cell inlet bags, Quantum 4-L media bags, Quantum 4-L
in cases of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) when compared to third- or accessory bags, Quantum 200-μm in-line filters, and the TSCD®-Q
fourth-passage MSCs [18]. Other work has demonstrated that MSCs Sterile Tubing Welder were manufactured by Terumo BCT (Lakewood,
begin to enter cellular senescence from the moment they are removed CO). Peristaltic pumps were purchased from Masterflex (Vernon Hills,
from their physiological niche and placed into an ex vivo culture en- IL). i-STAT Portable Clinical Analyzer, i-STAT G cartridges, and i-STAT
vironment. Over time, these MSCs exhibited shortened telomere length, CG4+ cartridges were purchased from Henry Schein (Melville, NY).
a reduction in proliferative potential, and reduced differentiation ca- MSCs were counted using a Vi-CELL XR Cell Counter from Beckman
pacity [19,20]. As such, earlier passages of MSCs were evaluated for Coulter (Fort Collins, CO).
this study.
In this study, we have identified three coating reagents for MSC 2.3. Reagent preparation and coating of bioreactor
culture in the Quantum system that generated equivalent cell products
in terms of cell doubling time, post-harvest adherence to TCP, cell All coating reagents were prepared according to manufacturer re-
morphology, surface marker expression, and trilineage differentiation. commendations, brought up to a total of 100 mL in PBS, and passed
MSCs harvested from Quantum runs using gelatin, human serum al- through a 0.22-μm Quantum filter accessory prior to being loaded into
bumin (HSA), collagen I, poly‑L‑lysine, and poly‑D‑lysine as coating cell inlet bags. Cell inlet bags containing each coating reagent were then
reagents were compared only in terms of their harvest yield relative to attached to the Quantum system and the coating process was initiated.
FN. One hundred milliliters of each coating reagent were pumped into the
IC loop of the bioreactor, which has a total circulating volume of
2. Materials and methods 189 mL. Concentrations in terms of this final dilution into 189 mL of
PBS are, for FN: 5 mg, 60 nM; VN: 4 mg, 282 nM; human collagen I
2.1. Materials solution: 6 mg, 235 nM; poly‑L‑lysine/poly‑D‑lysine: 10 mg, 0.10 g/L;
human serum albumin: 1 g, 79.6 μM.
Healthy, fresh, adult human whole bone marrow (WBM) was pur- Pooled CPPT products used for these studies contained processed
chased either from AllCells LLC (Alameda, CA) or from Lonza (Basel, plasma from 5 donors. Protein concentrations were not determined.
Switzerland). Flow cytometry staining buffer was purchased from BD CPPT was stored at −20 °C until use, and the thawed product was di-
Biosciences (San Jose, CA). FN from human plasma (5 mg) was pur- luted to 500 mL with PBS. This stock solution was aliquoted and stored
chased from Corning Inc. (Corning, NY). CPPT was purchased from again at −20 °C. Cryoprecipitate demonstrated no decline in function
Bonfils Blood Center (Denver, CO). Cellgro gelatin solution (0.1%) was as a coating reagent after 3 freeze/thaw events (unpublished results).
purchased from CellGenix Inc. (Portsmouth, NH). Gelatin solution To prepare CPPT solution for bioreactor coating, one 25 mL aliquot was
(2%), poly‑L‑lysine, poly‑D‑lysine, hematoxylin solution, formalin, and mixed with 75 mL PBS.
collagen solution were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO). To maintain a functionally closed environment during cell culture
Human serum albumin was from Invitria (Fort Collins, CO). media preparation, a 4-L media bag kit was used that included an inline

N.D. Frank et al. Materials Science & Engineering C 96 (2019) 77–85

0.22-μm filter pod through which the medium passed as it was pumped membrane.
into the media bag. The media bag was then attached to the appropriate As MSCs make up only 0.001% to 0.01% of the total population of
inlet line on the Quantum disposable set. Complete medium, α- mononuclear cells in a WBM sample [14], a relatively low IC inlet rate
MEM + GlutaMAX supplemented with 10% FBS, was used throughout of 0.1 mL/min was typically sufficient for an entire WBM expansion
these studies. lasting from 9.7 to 13.8 days. When feed rate did require adjustment, a
30% drop in glucose values relative to the baseline was used as an in-
2.4. Preparation for MSC culture in Quantum dicator to double the feed rate of the system to accommodate a dou-
bling population of cells.
To maintain a reliably closed environment for every cell culture To harvest MSCs from Quantum, 180 mL of trypsin was placed into
event, Quantum makes use of a disposable cassette, which includes an an inlet bag and sterile-welded to the appropriate inlet line. Integrated
integrated 2.1-m2 HFB, a 1-L harvest bag for cell collection, and a 4-L system tasks were used to wash the MSCs with PBS, pump the trypsin
accessory bag to collect used PBS or other spent media products that into the HFB, and flush the harvest product into the attached harvest
accumulate as waste during the culture process. The disposable set and bag using complete medium to neutralize the activity of the trypsin.
its associated HFB are contained within an incubation chamber that is
set to maintain a constant 37 °C environment. 2.6.2. Preselected MSC passages: P1 and P2
Manipulations of the system's fluidics and other tasks are accom- HFBs were coated overnight with the appropriate coating agent
plished using a touch-screen user interface. The disposable sets used prior to loading MSCs. Between 164 MSCs/cm2 and 500 MSCs/cm2
with Quantum each contain an integrated gas transfer module that can were loaded into the bioreactor depending on the requirements for the
be connected to an outside source to provide the gas composition of the experiment set in question. MSCs were given 24 h without IC loop
user's choosing. For all experiments described here, tanks containing circulation to attach to the coated membrane surface. Cell populations
20% O2, 5% CO2, and 75% N2 were used to culture MSCs. All MSC were expanded for 4.8 to 7.0 days.
cultures described herein were expanded on the IC side of the Quantum MSC feeding method varied by experiment type. MSCs were cul-
HFB while maintaining a circulation rate of 30 mL/min on the EC side tured either using a reactive feeding strategy such as that described in
to provide continuous gas exchange and waste removal across the the P0 MSC Feeding section above or using a scheduled feeding strategy
membrane. Prior to HFB coating, the system was primed with ap- in which feed rates were adjusted upward on a set schedule rather than
proximately 1.5 L PBS. in response to a metabolite reading. The procedures for an MSC harvest
from P1 and P2 passages were identical to those described in the P0
MSC Harvest section above. Daily readings of glucose and lactate values
2.5. Overnight bioreactor coating
were taken by drawing a 1 mL sample of cell supernatant through the
EC-sample port and were read using the i-STAT analyzer (data not
After the disposable set was primed with PBS, a cell inlet bag con-
taining the coating agent was sterile-welded to the appropriate inlet
line. The integrated Coat Bioreactor task was used to draw the coating
solution into the IC loop and to circulate the solution throughout the IC 2.6.3. MSC doubling time calculations
loop for 16 to 24 h before the solution was replaced with complete MSC dT was used as a comparative metric for this analysis, as the
medium and the cell inoculum was introduced to the HFB. Coating of equation accounts for differences in the number of MSCs seeded, the
the HFB occurred inside Quantum's incubator chamber at 37 °C. number of MSCs harvested, and the culture duration. Cell dTs were
calculated using the following equation [21]:

2.6. MSC culture in Quantum ln 2(culture time in hours)

Cell dT =

2.6.1. WBM passage: P0

ln ( MSCs harvested
MSCs inoculated )
Prior to a WBM load, the bioreactor was coated overnight. WBM
cultures were expanded using 1 of only 3 coating types—FN, CPPT, or 2.6.4. MSC assays
VN—because the doubling times (dTs) from Quantum systems using the Flow cytometry. Cells (1.5 × 106) were incubated in a cocktail
other coating agents tested (gelatin, human serum albumin, collagen I, of antibodies used at manufacturers' recommended concentrations and
poly‑L‑lysine, and poly‑D‑lysine) were deemed too high to warrant a washed in stain buffer, and data were acquired on a FACSCanto II flow
WBM expansion (Table 1). WBM (12.5–25 mL/Quantum) was diluted to cytometer using FACSDiva software (BD Biosciences, San Jose, CA).
100 mL in complete medium. WBM solution was loaded into the IC loop Appropriate isotype controls were included to facilitate population
and no circulation was imposed for 24 h to allow MSC attachment to the gating. Ten thousand events per tube were acquired. Harvested MSCs'
coated inner surface of the HFB membrane. After 24 h, the IC loop was potential for trilineage differentiation was measured by calculating the
washed with complete medium to gently remove nonadherent cell types median fluorescence intensity ratio for the CD146+ MSCs. Median
while leaving behind adherent cells anchored to the bioreactor fluorescence intensity ratio was calculated by dividing the CD146+
population median fluorescence intensity by the unstained population
Table 1 median fluorescence intensity; a value > 10 indicates that the MSC
MSCs were cultured in Quantum following overnight coating with each reagent population is capable of differentiation into adipogenic, osteogenic, and
listed. Percent values are given as relative to the harvest value from a control
chondrogenic lineages [22]. Antibodies for MSC characterization were
Quantum system coated with human FN.
specific for CD73 (clone AD2), CD14 (M5E2), CD19 (HIB19), CD34
Coating reagent % of FN-coated control HFB harvest yield (581), CD45 (HI30), HLA-DR (Tu39) (all from BD Biosciences); CD146
(SHM-57) (BioLegend, San Diego, CA); and CD90 (eBio5E10) and
5 mg FN (control) 100
100 mL gelatin 0.1% 12 CD105 (SN6) (Thermo Fisher). Each antibody was tagged with a
100 mL gelatin 2.0% 10 fluorescent labeling molecule to facilitate visualization and analysis
189 mL gelatin 2.0% 9 via flow cytometry. CD73 and CD90 were conjugated to phycoerythrin
6 mg collagen 1 8 (PE). CD105, CD34, and CD19 were conjugated to allophycocyanin
1 g human serum albumin 7
(APC). CD14, CD45, and HLA-DR were tagged with fluorescein
10 mg poly‑L‑lysine 8
10 mg poly‑D‑lysine 9 isothiocyanate (FITC). CD146 antibody was conjugated to a PE-Cy7
tandem dye.

N.D. Frank et al. Materials Science & Engineering C 96 (2019) 77–85 Cell morphology. MSCs from each Quantum harvest were 3.2. Harvest yield: other coating reagents
seeded in 24-well plates at 1.0 × 104/well. Plates were incubated at
37 °C, 5% CO2. Cells were evaluated microscopically and 100× images Quantum harvests of MSC yields from HFBs coated with FN were
were taken between days 1 and 3 to confirm appropriate MSC compared to Quantum harvests of MSC yields from HFBs coated with
adherence to plastic, as well as typical MSC morphology. one of these: 0.1% gelatin, 2.0% gelatin (100 mL and 189 mL), collagen,
HSA, poly‑L‑lysine, or poly‑D‑lysine. Harvest yield for all conditions fell
between 7% and 12% of the FN-coated control (Table 1). Trilineage differentiation. Trilineage differentiation was
performed on select Quantum system harvest products: P2 harvest 3.3. Harvest yields
products from the FN- and VN-coated units and P1 harvest products
from the CPPT-coated units. Adipogenic, osteogenic, and chondrogenic Of 18 Quantum MSC expansions in which FN coating was used, 2
differentiation were performed per the vendor's instructions. Staining of were P0 (WBM) passages, 7 were P1 passages, and 9 were P2 passages.
adipocytes was performed using oil red o, chondrocytes were stained FN-cultured P0 harvests had MSC yields of 1.7 × 108 and 5.5 × 107.
using alcian blue, and calcium deposits indicative of osteogenesis were For FN-cultured P1 and P2 harvests, MSC yield ranged from 5.6 × 107
stained with alizarin red. Differences in the relative amounts of to 5.4 × 108. Of 21 Quantum MSC harvests that used CPPT as a coating
differentiation among MSCs cultured on different substrates were not reagent, 3 were P0, 6 were P1, and 13 were P2 passages. P0 harvest
compared, and assessment of differentiation cultures was done on a yields were 1.3 × 108, 1.1 × 108, and 5.3 × 107. For CPPT-cultured P1
pass/fail basis with the presence of stained adipocytes, stained calcium and P2 harvests, MSC yield ranged from 1.1 × 108 to 5.6 × 108. One
deposits, and stained chondrocytes defined as positive results for MSC harvest using VN as a coating agent was a P1 expansion; the re-
adipogenesis, osteogenesis, and chondrogenesis, respectively. maining 6 were P2 expansions. VN-cultured P1 and P2 harvests ranged
from 6.4 × 107 to 4.7 × 108. These Quantum runs were conducted
using a variety of experimental conditions and achievement of higher Statistical analysis. Statistical analysis of data was performed MSC yields were not necessarily the goal of each set of runs.
using GraphPad Prism 7. A Kruskal-Wallace one-way ANOVA was used
to detect significance. 3.4. MSC morphology

Images were captured of MSCs from representative harvests to

3. Results confirm that MSC morphology was not affected by different coating
reagents. All MSCs displayed the expected adherence to plastic as well
3.1. Doubling times: FN, CPPT, and VN as spindle-shaped morphology in post-harvest culture regardless of the
coating reagent used to culture the MSCs (Fig. 5).
There were no significant differences in dTs observed among
Quantum harvests using FN, CPPT, or VN as coating reagents 3.5. MSC phenotype
(P = 0.31) (Fig. 4). Doubling times for P0 passages were not included in
this analysis, as WBM expansions contained a mixed cell population and MSCs harvested from Quantum using FN, CPPT, and VN were
estimates of colony-forming unit counts for each culture were not evaluated for surface marker expression according to the International
considered sufficiently robust to determine population dTs for those Society for Cellular Therapy (ISCT) standards defined in Dominici et al.
runs (data not shown). P1 and P2 dTs were aggregated into a P1 and P2 [23]. The ISCT MSC flow cytometric criteria specify that positive
group that excluded values from P0 harvests to facilitate analysis. marker (CD73, CD90, CD105) expression by the population shall
Comparative dTs of P1 and P2 MSCs harvested from Quantum using be > 95%, and negative marker expression (CD14, CD19, CD34, CD45,
5 mg FN, 25 mL CPPT solution, or 4 mg VN as coating agents. Each box HLA-DR) shall be < 2%. All P1/P2 MSCs evaluated met these standards
represents the median 50% of dTs for the coating reagent in question; regardless of the coating reagent used (Table 2). CD146+ expression
whiskers represent the 25% highest and 25% lowest dTs for cultures. ratios must be > 10 relative to the unstained population to indicate that
Two outlier dTs represent results from the P1 (40.2 h) and P2 (41.6 h) the MSC population is capable of trilineage differentiation. Positivity
passages from a single donor's MSCs cultured using CPPT as a coating for CD146 expression is associated with a higher degree of multi-
agent. potency in MSCs [24]. Cells expanded on FN, CPPT, and VN for these
experiments all had CD146+ expression ratios that exceeded the
minimum standard of > 10 times the unstained values (Table 2).

3.6. Trilineage differentiation

Trilineage differentiation was performed on representative MSC

harvests from Quantum HFBs that were coated with FN, VN, or CPPT.
Cells cultured using these 3 coating reagents all retained the ability to
differentiate into adipocytes, chondrocytes, or osteocytes (Figs. 6, 7,
and 8).

4. Discussion

The role of the surface to which MSCs attach is not limited to that of
an inert scaffold. Rather, the substrate on which MSCs are cultured has
the potential for both profound and subtle influence over the way that
the cells will behave in future culture and as therapeutic products. The
protein composition and physical properties inherent in the type of
Fig. 4. P1 and P2 dTs of MSCs cultured using FN, CPPT, or VN as coating re- substrate on which cells attach and proliferate are critical factors to
agents. consider when culturing MSCs in a manufactured cell niche. For

N.D. Frank et al. Materials Science & Engineering C 96 (2019) 77–85


Fig. 5. Representative images of MSC morphology (100×). A) MSCs cultured in Quantum using FN as a coating reagent. B) MSCs cultured in Quantum using CPPT as
a coating reagent. C) MSCs cultured in Quantum using VN as a coating reagent.

Table 2 evaluated coating reagent for the Quantum HFB. FN is a defined, single-
Flow cytometry for MSCs harvested from Quantum HFB coated with FN, CPPT, protein product sourced from human plasma. Using 5 mg of FN to coat
or VN. the 21,000 cm2 of the IC side of the HFB has been demonstrated to be
HFB coating P1 and P2 mean CD146+ Do P1 and P2 MSCs meet effective for MSC seeding in the HFB. However, the manufacturer re-
expression ratio ISCT minimal MSC criteria? commends using > 20 mg of FN to coat a similar surface area (FN
product insert). This discrepancy may speak to the efficiency of the
Fibronectin (n = 5) 164.9 Yes
coating process in the Quantum HFB relative to that used to coat sur-
Cryoprecipitate (n = 6) 175.6 Yes
Vitronectin (n = 3) 329.0 Yes faces such as those in a tissue culture flask.
Cryoprecipitate is also a well-tested coating reagent for use in the
Quantum HFB, and CPPT has previously been used effectively as a
instance, adherence to a particular ECM molecule may predispose a cell coating for tissue culture flasks [29]. CPPT is produced by blood centers
population toward differentiation in a particular lineage: MSCs cultured to meet minimum standards for fibrinogen (≥150 mg/unit) and factor
on surfaces coated with VN and collagen have shown a tendency toward VIII (≥80 IU/unit) [30], but the concentrations of FN, VN, and other
increased osteogenesis, but this same effect is not seen in MSCs cultured plasma glycoproteins are typically not measured upon production. As
on FN-coated surfaces [25,26]. In another study, MSCs expanded on such, the efficacy of CPPT as a HFB coating reagent may vary between
ECM-coated scaffolds displayed increased metabolic activity and de- manufacturers. Callum et al. [31] measured the FN level in CPPT at
creased apoptosis, and they secreted more proangiogenic factors than 1.5 mg/mL. This would indicate that, at the concentrations used in
on non-ECM-coated scaffolds [27]. Thus, expanding MSCs on a certain these studies for coating a HFB, ~7.5 mg FN would be present in the
substrate can be used as a deliberate method to influence a specific coating solution along with fibrinogen, VN, and other substances. This
differentiation pathway without the introduction of additional exo- lack of definition makes CPPT a unique substance to use for the culture
genous induction factors. of MSC therapeutics, as it is not rated as a good manufacturing practice
In addition to the composition of a substrate, the relative elasticity (GMP)-grade product, but it is produced as a biologic intended for di-
of a substrate contributes to determining MSC fate as well. In the pre- rect introduction into human patients.
sence of no added growth factors, MSCs can be guided toward the The VN used for these studies was produced by recombinant tech-
chondrogenic and osteogenic lineages by culturing them on more nology and is free of animal proteins. In addition to its being a re-
elastic surfaces relative to TCP [28]. The decision of which coating to combinant product, this VN is manufactured in both research-grade and
use in a cell expansion process is an influential one and preparing the GMP-grade versions (CTS A27940 VN). While GMP-grade VN was not
Quantum HFB for MSC seeding is an opportunity for the user to define evaluated for this study, it would be advantageous for users who aim to
the cellular microenvironment to suit the needs of a particular process transition from research to clinical evaluation of an expanded MSC
or product. product to make use of a research-grade coating reagent that would
This study evaluated 8 compounds as potential coating reagents for essentially be the same product other than the increased testing per-
the HFB of the Quantum system to support the growth and expansion of formed on the GMP version.
MSCs. Human FN has been the most frequently used and thoroughly

N.D. Frank et al. Materials Science & Engineering C 96 (2019) 77–85


Fig. 6. Adipogenesis (100×). A) Uninduced MSCs (cultured in Quantum using FN as a coating reagent). B) Induced MSCs (cultured in Quantum using FN as a coating
reagent. C) Induced MSCs (cultured in Quantum using CPPT as a coating reagent). D) Induced MSCs (cultured in Quantum using VN as a coating reagent). Positive oil
red o staining indicates the presence of differentiated adipocytes.


Fig. 7. Osteogenesis (400×). A) Uninduced MSCs (cultured in Quantum using FN as a coating reagent). B) Induced MSCs (cultured in Quantum using FN as a coating
reagent). C) Induced MSCs (cultured in Quantum using CPPT as a coating reagent). D) Induced MSCs (cultured in Quantum using VN as a coating reagent). Positive
alazarin red staining indicates the presence of calcium deposits indicative of osteogenesis.

N.D. Frank et al. Materials Science & Engineering C 96 (2019) 77–85

Fig. 8. Chondrogenesis (40×). A) Induced MSCs (cultured in Quantum using FN as a coating reagent). B) Induced MSCs (cultured in Quantum using CPPT as a
coating reagent). C) Induced MSCs (cultured in Quantum using VN as a coating reagent). Positive alcian blue staining indicates the presence of differentiated

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