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Ball Bearing ေေေေေ ေေေေေေေေေေေေေေ

Bearing Number ေေေေေေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေ…

ေေေေေေ (1) Prefix (2) Basic Design Number ေေေ (3) Suffix

(1) Prefix

K = Cage with roller elements

L = Removable bearing ring
R = Ring with roller set
S = Roll body of stainless steel
W = Stainless steel deep groove ball bearing

ေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေေေေ Prefix ေေေေေေ

ေေေေေေေေေေေေေ… ေေေေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေ…

(2) Basic Design Number

Bearing ေေေ ေေေေေေေ 6005 2RS ေေေေေေေေေ…

6005 ေေေ ေေေေေေေ ေေေေေ “6”

ေေေေေေေေေ Basic Number ေေေ ေေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေ ေေေေေေ

ေေေေေေေေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေေေေေေေေ…

First Number ေ

1 ေေေေေေ Self-Aligning Ball Bearing

2 ေေေေေေ Barrel & Spherical Roller Bearing
3 ေေေေေေ Tapered Roller Bearing
4 ေေေေေေ Deep Groove Double-Row Bearing
5 ေေေေေေ Axial Deep Groove Ball Bearing (Thrust Ball Bearing)
6 ေေေေေေ Deep Groove Ball Bearing (Single Row)
7 ေေေေေေ Single Row Angular Contact Ball Bearing
8 ေေေေေေ Axial Cylinderical Roller Bearing (Cylinder Roller Thrust Bearing)

ေေေ ေေေေေေေေ 6 ေေေေေေေေေေ Deep Grooved Roller Bearing (Single Row)


6005 ေေေ ေေေေေ ေေေေေ “0”

ေေေေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေ
ေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေ… ေေေေေ ေေေေေ 9 ေေ 4 ေေေေေေေေေေ
ေေေေေေေေေေေ (Inner Race) ေေေ ေေေေေေေေေေ (Outer Race) ေေေေေ
ေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေ Ball ေေေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေေေေ
ေေေေေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေ…

9 ေေေေေေ Very Thin Section

0 ေေေေေေ Extra Light
1 ေေေေေေ Extra Light Thrust
2 ေေေေေေ Light
3 ေေေေေေ Medium
4 ေေေေေေ Heavy

6005 ေ Extra Light ေေေေေေေ 6205, 6305 ေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေ…

6005 ေေေ ေေေေေေေေေေေေေေ ေ ေေေေ “05”

6005 ေေေ ေေေေေေေေေေေေေေ ေ ေေေေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေေေ Bore Size

ေေေ ေေေေေေေေ ေေေေေ…. 00 ေေေ 03 ေေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေ Bore Size
ေေေေေေေေ… 00 ေေေေေေ 10 mmေ 01 ေေေေေေ 12 mmေ 02 ေေေေေေ 15 mmေ
03 ေေေေေေ 17 mm ေေေေေေေေ… 04 ေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေေေ
ေေေေေ ေေေေေ ေေေ ေ ေေေ ေေေေေေေေေေ Bore Size ေေေေေေေေေ….

04 ေေေေေေ Bore Size 04 x 5 = 20 mm
08 ေေေေေေ Bore Size 08 x 5 = 40 mm
11 ေေေေေေ Bore Size 11 x 5 = 55 mm

ေေေေေေေေေေေေေေ ေ ေေေေေ 05 ေေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေေေ Bore Size ေ

25mm ေေေေေေေေေ…


Suffix ေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေေေေေ


(ေ) Cage Type (ေ) Internal Design (ေ) Seal (ေ) Lubricant used (ေ) Tolerances (ေ)
Internal clearance (ေ) External Design ေေေေေေေေေေေေေ…

2RS ေေေေေေ ေ ေေေေေေေေေေေ Rubber seal ေေေ ေေေေေေေေေေ…

RS ေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေ Rubber seal ေေေ ေေေေေေေေေေေ ေေေေ
2Z / ZZ ေေေေေေ ေ ေေေေေေေေေေေ Metal seal ေေေ ေေေေေေေေေေ…
Z ေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေ Metal seal ေေေ ေေေေေေေေေေေ ေေေေ

ေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေ 6005 2RS ေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေ Single Row Deep

Groove Roller Bearing, Extra Light, rubber sealed in both side ေေေေေေေေ 25 mm
shaft ေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေေေေေေေ…

Suffix ေေေ ေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေ…

ေေေေေေေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေေေ Prefix
ေေေ Suffix ေေေ ေေေေေေေေေေေေ…

Bearing ေေေ Radial internal clearance ေေ ေေေေေေေေေေေေေ... ေေေေေေေ

surfixes C1 ေေ C5 ေေ ေေေေေေေေေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေ...

Suffix Radial internal clearance

C1 Less than C2
C2 Less than Normal
CN Normal, only used in combination with letters indicating reduced or displaced
clearance range
C3 Greater than Normal
C4 Greater than C3
C5 Greater than C4

ေေေေ Radial internal clearance ေေေ ေေေေေေေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေေေေ


ေေေေေ ေေေေေေေေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေေေ... shaft ေေေ

ေေေေေေေေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေေေ ေေေေေေ Radial internal clearance
ေေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေေေ...

ေေေေေေေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေေ...

ေေေေေေေေ ေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေ (ေေေေ Electric Motor)
ေေေေေေ clearance ေေေေေေေေေေ C3 Bearing ေေေ ေေေေေေေေေေေေ


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