(Direction of Axis - 1.72 W of True North) : Hsna. Lucknow

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a) Derive the accurate formula for course, Latitude and speed error of Gyro

b) The axis of Gyro compass dampened in tilt, uncorrected for damping
error and speed course error is pointing north (True north) in latitude 430
North, when making good a course of 0300 and speed made good of 18
knots. Find the direction of axis in latitude 430 south, when making good a
course of 0720 and speed made good of 16 knots. ( Gyro does not have any
other error)
( Direction of Axis – 1.720 W of true North )

The axis of a gyro compass damped in tilt, uncorrected for speed course error
and damping error, points due North in latitude 610 S when making good a course
of 1650 at a speed of 20.6 knots. What will be the direction of the axis when
making good a course of 3450 at a speed of 13.3 knots in latitude 610 N?
Direction of Axis – 0.90 E of true North

a) Explain the operating principle and care of Gyro Compass of any make fitted on
board any one of the vessel you have sailed .
b) A gyro Compass damped in tilt has a damping error of 1.20 in latitude
46018’ N
what will be the Damping error in 420 S Latitude?
Damp Error in 420 S latitude - 10 H

a) Explain how transmission of ship’s heading from Master Gyro to repeaters is

effected .
b) A gyro Compass damped in azimuth had the correctors for speed and latitude
set at 0 (Zero). The ship is at 18 knots in latitude 320 South was on course 3210
(G). what will be the gyro transit bearing of a set of lights, if the charted transit
bearing was 1770 (T) ? Gyro Transit Bearing 1780 (G)

A vessel steams for 10 hours at 17.5 knots on a course of 018º (G) with the
auxiliary latitude corrector set at the latitude but the course and speed
corrector set at zero. If the departure position was 56º 30'N, 000º 20'W, and
the observed position at the end of the run was 59º 05'N, 001º 40'E, what
was the set and rate of current, if any, experienced (Assume the gyro does
not have any other errors?)
(Steaming Error20 W Current set-131.40 (T) rate- 2 knots)

The axis of a gyro compass "damped in tilt" uncorrected for "Damping" &
"Steaming" errors, is pointing due North (True North), in latitude 45º N,
when making good a course of 030º at a speed of 18 knots. Find the
direction of the gyro axis in latitude 59ºS when making good a course of
060º (T) at a speed of 18 knots. (Assume the gyro does not have any other
errors). {3.30 West of Meridian}

A Ship is making good a course of 200º (T) at 18 Knots in latitude 39º 30'S.
Calculate the total error for a gyro damped in tilt.

Q1 The following echoes were observed when steering 103º (T) at 15 knots
in restricted visibility: -
Target Light Vessel A Target B
Time Bearing (R) Rage Bearing (R) Range
2218 351º 8.2 040º 10.2
2224 349º 6.7 039º 8.8
2230 346º 5.3 037º 7.4
2236 340º 3.8 034º 6.0
(a) Find the time at which the light vessel will be abeam and its range at
that time.
(b) Find :
i) The course and speed of target B.
ii) The time, range and relative bearing of target B at CPA.
iii) Subsequent to the light vessel being abeam, it is required to
steer 071º (T), find the earliest time that the alteration can be made such that the
CPA to the target B will be one mile. (Assume alteration of courses and speed to
have immediate effect).

Q2 A vessel steering a course of 276º (T) at speed 10 knots observes the

following target on Radar.
At 0905 Target bore 230º T. Range 8.4 miles.
At 0910 Target bore 230º T, Range 7.1 miles
At 0915 Target bore 230º T, Range 5.7 miles

Find the course and speed of the target vessel and the aspect at 0915.

At 0920 Target bore 224.5º T, Range 4.9 miles

At 0925 Target bore 221º T, Range 4.3 miles
At 0930 Target bore 201º T, Range 3.9 miles

What action has been taken by the target vessel and if no further action be
taken, what will be the distance off at nearest approach?

Q3 A ship steering course of 050° (T)× 12 knots in restricted visibility

observe the following target
Time Target I Target II
1500 045º × 12' 090º ×12'
1512 45º × 09' 095º × 08'
i) Make a report at 1512 hrs.
ii) Master of own vessel decides to take action at 1516 hrs. to have
minimum CPA of 2.0' with Target I. If the vessel has a performance delay
of 4 minutes, advice Master what action to take? Explain your action as per
iii) What will be the new CPA & TCPA of Target II?

Q4 Own Vessel Course 1120 (T) & Speed 9 knots in reduced visibility.
Following observations were made on radar screen
Time Hrs. Target “A” Target “B” (Light vessel)
1500 126 (T) x10.3 M 1490 (T) x 8.1 M
1510 125.50 (T) x 9.2 M 150.50 (T) x 6.7 M
1520 1250 (T) x 8.1 M 153.50 (T) x 5.3M

i. For each target find;

a) CPA range, time and bearing
b) Course and speed
c) Aspect at 1520 Hrs

ii. It is required to take action at 1530 Hrs by means of single action
(alteration of course or speed) so that the CPA of either target will be at
least 2.0 M
a) Evaluate all the possible alternatives
b) State, with reasons, which of these action is preferable, under the


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