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Application of Membrane Technology

to Wastewater Treatment and Reuse
Merrilee Galloway, Antonia von Gottberg, Koch Membrane Systems, Wilmington, MA

Introduction with turbidity of less than 0.1 NTU and tially pose a health threat if they were
For decades, membrane filtration tech- a 15-minute silt density index (SDI) of not removed. Both MF and UF mem-
nology has been used to treat a variety less than 3. Hollow fiber MF and UF branes reject bacteria. UF membranes
of industrial wastewater applications membranes are proven technologies for additionally reject viruses, as do RO
including flexographic ink, metal fin- filtering secondary or tertiary treated membranes. There is considerable re-
ishing, chemical mechanical planariza- wastewater. Typical applications of MF search currently being undertaken in
tion (CMP) and alkaline cleaning. and UF include polishing for discharge, relation to the ability of membranes
However, wastewater treatment systems reuse for irrigation, or pretreatment to and membrane technology to remove
in these industrial applications are typ- reverse osmosis. the various species that are classified
ically small, generally not exceeding as endocrine disrupters. Typical appli-
100 gpm. More recently, spiral wound Hollow fiber UF membranes are also cations where the membrane is used
and hollow fiber membranes have been used today in MBRs. In this case, the as a barrier are direct and indirect
applied to large capacity applications membranes are submerged in the acti- potable reuse.
for wastewater treatment and reuse. vated sludge and used to separate bio-
This paper will discuss the use of mem- logically-treated wastewater from the The case studies below describe sev-
brane technologies within a wastewater sludge. The advantage of using the eral plants where membranes are used
treatment or reuse facility for both mu- membranes in this manner rather than in wastewater treatment and reuse
nicipal and industrial wastewater. These as a post-filtration step is that the sec- applications.
technologies include ultrafiltration ondary clarifier is eliminated, and the
(UF), reverse osmosis (RO) and mem- concentration of mixed liquor can be UF for Polishing of Tertiary
brane bioreactors (MBRs). The paper increased, so that the overall plant foot- Effluent for Discharge
will highlight several plants in opera- print is minimized. Mount Ebo is a small condominium
tion using either one or several of these community near South East, Putnham
membrane technologies, and discuss The second use of membranes is for re- County, NY. Since the Mount Ebo
innovations that will help to reduce the moval of dissolved solids including wastewater treatment plant (WTP) dis-
cost of treated water using membranes organics and salts. RO membranes charges into the New York City water-
in the future. are typically used to remove dissolved shed, the EPA and New York City
solids, and are able to produce water agreed to install a membrane system as
Membranes for Wastewater with low total dissolved solids part of the New York City Watershed
Treatment or Reuse (TDS). Typical applications of RO Protection Program. The UF mem-
There are three main uses of mem- include reuse for boiler makeup or brane system has been supplied by
branes for wastewater treatment or other industrial uses, and indirect Koch Membrane Systems (KMS) and
reuse. The first is removal of suspended potable reuse. will perform tertiary polishing of the
solids. Either microfiltration (MF) or WTP discharge to deliver a 3 log mini-
ultrafiltration (UF) membranes are The third use of membranes is to pro- mum removal of Giardia and a turbid-
used to remove suspended solids. Both vide a barrier to bacteria, viruses and ity of less than 0.5 NTU. The
technologies are able to produce water endocrine disrupters that might poten- 300,000 GPD (gallons per day) system

P R E S E N T E D at the AMTA 2006 Biennial Conference in Anaheim, California. Reprinted with the permission of the American
Membrane Technology Association (AMTA).
is currently being commissioned. This further treated with ion exchange for 15-minute Silt Density Index (SDI15) of
system is one of many under construc- boiler makeup. less than 2.
tion with the New York City Watershed
Protection Program. Conventional Pretreatment Reverse Osmosis System
Raw water with high turbidity, hardness The UF permeate is collected in a basin,
UF and RO for Reuse and alkalinity from the coal mine well is and then pumped to the RO system to
of Coal Mine Wastewater pumped to the plant to be treated with remove hardness and reduce TDS. The
Background conventional pretreatment including RO system has three parallel trains with
Tangshan Steel Works is one of the coagulation, flocculation and sedimen- a total capacity of 500 m3/hr. Each train
largest steel works in China. It is located tation. After the pretreatment, the total is equipped with 108 FLUID SYS-
in Hebei province in North China suspended solids are about 10-50 mg/l TEMS® TFC®-HR Magnum® 8832HR-
which is about 200 km from Beijing. and the turbidity is approximately 575 spiral wound RO elements, in an
The North and West regions of China 15 NTU. The total dissolved solids are 18:9 array. 60-inch long Magnum ele-
have a severe water shortage, and there- in the range of 5-600 mg/l and the ments were selected over 40-inch long
fore the supply of fresh water for in- hardness is 360 mg/l. elements to minimize the number of
dustrial applications is limited. With components and reduce the chance of
the increasing price of water, the steel Ultrafiltration System O-ring leakage in the system. 5 mg/l of
works decided to use recycled waste- To meet the RO feed water require- antiscalant is added to the RO feed to
water as a source for steel plate cooling ments, UF was selected to reduce sus- prevent scaling.
and boiler makeup. Coal mine waste- pended solids, turbidity and other
water was available, but was high in particulate matter. After pre-screening Operating Data
both suspended and dissolved solids. through a 100-micron automatically The UF system was designed to operate
backwashing pre-filter, the clarified at 50 GFD (gallons per square foot per
A water treatment plant with a capac- water is sent to the UF system. The UF day) with a typical feed pressure range
ity of 12,000 m3/day (500 m3/hr) was system has three parallel trains with a of 0.5 to 2.0 bar. The system back-
supplied by Huadian Water Treatment total capacity of 680 m3/hr. Each train washes every 30 minutes, and the CIP
Technology and Engineering Co. Ltd. to has 46 8-inch diameter TARGA® frequency is every four to eight weeks.
purify the coal mine waste. The plant V8072-35-PMC UF cartridges. The sys- The RO system operates at 17 GFD.
was installed in 2004. It was comprised tem process is designed to be flexible to After three months of operation the
of conventional pretreatment, an inte- optimize operating costs and perform- feed pressure to the first stage was 9.5
grated membrane system for advanced ance as the incoming water quality bar and the feed pressure to the second
water recycling, and ion exchange for varies. The system normally operates in stage was 8.4 bar. Water quality data is
polishing. This system was commis- a single pass mode where the water is shown in Table 1.
sioned in July 2004 and has been oper- pumped through the membrane with a
ating since then [1]. small bleed stream going to waste to During commissioning, the perform-
minimize the power consumption. ance of the UF was quite good, and the
Water Treatment Process However, each train is equipped with a UF permeate water quality remains ex-
The water treatment process supplied recirculation pump that only operates cellent, with an SDI less than 2. After six
by Huadian is shown in Figure 1. The when the suspended solids level is months of operation, the specific flux
RO permeate is sent to the softened higher than 30mg/l. When this occurs, of the UF system has declined, as shown
water pit. From there, a portion of the the system switches to recirculation in Figure 2. Regular backwashing, fast
water is pumped to cool the steel plate mode to maintain membrane perme- flushing and chemical cleaning has
manufacturing, and another portion is ability. The UF effluent typically has a controlled this to some extent, but coal
particles can be seen in the end cap oc-
casionally after backwash. Several pos-
sible reasons for a decline in specific
Flow Diagram of Water Treatment Process
flux have been considered. One possi-
bility is bio-growth due to organics in
Chemical the raw water. Additionally, flow to the
pretreatment clarifier is not always sta-
ble which could cause chemical over-
Clarifier with
slope pipe

dosing leading to poor clarifier

Coal mine UF RO Softened
performance. Another phenomenon
water System System water pit
that should be noted is bubbles ob-
served in the clarifier, which can lead to

TA B L E 1 MBR for Industrial
Water Quality Data Wastewater Treatment
Item The Belgian malting company Sobelgra
Turbidity SS Conductivity SDI15 is located in the Antwerp harbor. So-
No. Stage (NTU) (ppm) (µS/cm) belgra is currently expanding its pro-
1 Raw Water 50 - 500 250 450-800 duction from 100,000 to 250,000
2 UF Feed 7 - 50, 10-50 450-800 tonnes per year. Therefore, the capacity
Avg: 14 of the existing conventional wastewater
3 RO Feed ND 450-800 <2 treatment plant had to be doubled. Due
4 RO Product 4.5-10.0 to lack of space on the factory site, a
compact membrane bioreactor system
was selected. The 0.5 MGD system was
poor floc formation and settling, mine wastewater with an integrated commissioned in 2004, and is the
passing floc from the clarifier to the membrane system. largest industrial membrane bioreactor
UF feed. in Belgium. The system uses a unique
RO for Reuse submerged hollow fiber membrane
The average values of Total Hardness of Municipal Effluent technology recently introduced to the
and Chloride during last seven months The City of Scottsdale, Arizona Water market. This technology minimizes the
of operation were 375 mg/l as CaCO3 Campus, is the site of a 14,000,000 GPD clogging and sludging issues that are
and 25 mg/l respectively. Once stabi- water reuse facility where 8-inch diam- common with some existing MBR
lized after commissioning, the flux eter spiral wound RO membranes have plants, and optimizes energy usage.
of the RO has remained relatively been used since the beginning of oper-
stable. The normalized flux has showed ation in 1999 to treat microfiltered The compactness of membrane biore-
a slight decline from initial operation, treated municipal effluent for reuse. actors was the main reason Solbelgra
but the differential pressure remains From 2003 to 2005, this site has also selected this innovative technology.
constant. The normalized salt passage participated in successful field tests of The capacity of the existing wastewater
has remained quite stable throughout large diameter RO elements. The own- treatment plant could be enlarged with-
the plant’s operating period and no ers are anticipating expanding the ca- out increasing floorspace, since the
chemical cleaning has been required pacity of the plant within five years. higher concentration of the sludge in-
to date. They are exploring the use of large ele- creases the performance of the biologi-
ments as a way to increase the produc- cal step. Additionally, clarification tanks
While the UF specific flux has declined tion capacity within the existing become unnecessary, since the separa-
slightly, the UF system has provided ex- building. These field tests showed that tion of sludge and clean water is done
cellent feedwater to the RO, which has both the 8-inch elements in the existing by the membranes. The existing infra-
enabled stable performance of the RO plant and the large diameter elements structure could be used for the expan-
system. The customer is very satisfied perform similarly in terms of specific sion of the wastewater treatment plant;
with the plant. This case study demon- flux and salt rejection [2]. and the construction of new tankage
strates a successful case of recycling coal was not required. Instead, separation
walls were inserted into the existing
FIGURE 2 bioreactor tank. One half serves now as
UF Specific Flux the membrane tank for the submerged
modules. The former sedimentation
tank of the clarifier is now part of the

The Wastewater Treatment Plant

The MBR plant commenced operation
in November 2004. During the com-
missioning phase from November 2004
to January 2005, only one third of the
biological plant was in operation. Per-
meability was high at 530 l/m2h bar
in November and rose to 610 in
January, as the biological process has
been started to be optimized. The efflu-

ent COD values have been at or below References
the plant’s requirements. Table 1 1. McArdle, J., R. Pang, A. von Got-
shows some operational parameters tberg, S. Li, W. Tian, (2005), “Recy- Corporate Headquarters
over the course of 13 months of suc- cling of Coal Mine Waste with Koch Membrane Systems, Inc.
cessful operation. Integrated Membrane System”, 850 Main Street
Proceedings, IDA World Congress, Wilmington, Massachusetts 01887-3388

TA B L E 1 2
Singapore. USA
Main: 1-978-694-7000
Sobelgra Operating Data
2. von Gottberg, A., R. Lesan (2005), Toll Free: 1-888-677-5624
Influent Load Effluent
“Meeting the Challenge – Construc- Fax: 1-978-657-5208
Parameter [mg/l] [kg/day] [mg/l]
tion, Operation and Maintenance of
COD 1880-2100 4000 100-200 Large Scale RO Elements”, Proceed- Manufacturing Facilities
BOD 700-930 2000 2-5 Wilmington, Massachusetts
ings, AWWA Membrane Technology
San Diego, California
Suspended Conference.
solids 330-460 800 0 Aachen, Germany

Ntotal 35-50 100 1-2 International Contacts

Ptotal 13-15 30 <1 Europe
Koch Chemical Technology Group, Ltd.
Koch Membrane Systems Division
Conclusions The Granary, Telegraph Street
Membrane technology is well-estab- Stafford ST17 4AT
lished for wastewater treatment and United Kingdom
reuse. A variety of membrane pore Tel: +44-178-527-2500
sizes and configurations are used, in- Fax: +44-178-522-3149
cluding MF, UF and RO. Hollow fiber
Aachen, Germany
technology is generally preferred for UF
Lyon, France
and MBR applications, with spiral-
Madrid, Spain
wound technology used for RO. The
Milan, Italy
case studies above highlight the suc-
Stafford, United Kingdom
cessful use of membranes to meet the
Wijnegem, Belgium
specific project goals.
Beijing, China
Mumbai, India
Melbourne, VIC Australia
Shanghai, China

Latin America
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Middle East
Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain

Application Note 005

©2007 Koch Membrane Systems, Inc. FLUID SYSTEMS,
Magnum, TARGA, and TFC are trademarks of Koch
Membrane Systems, Inc. and are registered in the
United States and other countries.
All rights reserved worldwide. 9/07 785
Koch Membrane Systems, Inc. is a Koch Chemical
Technology Group, LLC company.

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