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English Language Teachers’ Association of Macedonia

Асоцијација на наставници по англиски јазик и книжевност на
Република Македонија

EFL Local Competition for 5th Grade Primary School Students

4th April 2015

Student’s Code ________________


Use of English ________ / 100

EFL Local Competition for 5th Grade Primary School Students
4th April 2015

Student’s CODE : _______________________

Time limit: 50 minutes Total points: ______ /100

Part one
Read the sentences. Choose from the words in the box. Write the correct word on the line. There are 4
extra words. There is one example.
butterflies the moon kitchen stations parrots chemist’s the sky a bank
spiders bus stops museums swans

Ex. You can buy medicine here. chemist’s

1. You can visit these places to see old things or painting.
Sometimes teachers take their students to them. _________________________
2. These beautiful insects can fly and they love flowers.
Birds sometimes eat them. ____________________________
3. You go to these places to catch trains or to meet friends
who have arrived there. ____________________________
4. These birds are usually white. They have very long necks
and live near lakes or rivers. ____________________________
5. In the day, this is blue or grey and you can see clouds
or the sun there. ____________________________

6. People go there when they want some money. _________________________

7. This is the room where you eat your breakfast. _________________________

________________ / 14 points
Part two
Write the plurals. There is one example.
Ex. one book – two books.
1. one box – five ______________________
2. one window – three ___________________
3. one boy – seven ___________________
4. one child – ten ___________________
5. one fish – twelve ___________________
6. one tomato – four ___________________
7. one person – ten ___________________
8. one watch – six ___________________
9. one puppy – nine ___________________
10. one tooth – twenty-eight ___________________
________________ / 10 points
Part two
Look and read. Write YES or NO. There is one example.

Ex. There is a man fishing. Yes


1. There are two fish in the water. _________________________

2. There is a pirate washing his face. ____________________________

3. The pirate with no hair has got a banana. ____________________________

4. There are five oranges in the trees. ____________________________

5. One of the pirates is holding a box of treasure. ____________________________

6. The small boat is on an island. ____________________________

7. The young boy is looking at a map. ____________________________

8. The whale is diving. ____________________________

________________ / 16 points
Part four
Read each question and choose the correct answer (A, B or C)

1. What are they doing?

They A) feed
B) are eating the ducks.
C) are feeding

2. What does Franco’s mum do?

She A) is a writer.
B) is writing.
C) is reading a book.

3. Does Tony go running every evening?

Yes, he A) doesn’t.
B) does run.
C) does.

4. Where do the boys usually meet?

They A) are meeting
B) meet at the cycling club.
C) meets

5. Do they all like cycling?

Yes, they A) do like.
B) do.
C) are cycling.

6. Conan likes animals so…

he A) goes
B) going to be a zoo-keeper.
C) is going

7. Has she got a new hat?

Yes, she A) has got.
B) have.
C) has.

________________/ 14 points
Part five
Choose the correct question (A, B, or C) to match the given answer

1. A) Are they wearing a raincoat?

B) What is he wearing?
C) Where are the clothes?
He’s wearing a raincoat.

2. A) Where are they going next week?

B) Where do they go every week?
C) What do they go?
They are going to go to the circus.

3. A) How much time do we have?

B) Is there time to talk?
C) What time does he go to bed?
At nine o’clock.

4. A) Where will you go?

B) Where are you?
C) Where are you going tomorrow?
I’m at the swimming pool.

5. A) Whose scarves are these?

B) Who’s scarf is this?
C) Whose scarf is this?
It’s Hanna's.

6. A) How many days are there in a week?

B) How much days are there in a week?
C) How days are there in a week?
There are seven.

7. A) Whose is this?
B) Whose are these?
C) Who’s are these?
They’re Ben’s.

8. A) How many sugar do we need?

B) Do you have any sugar?
C) How much sugar do we need?
We need 1 kilo.

________________/ 16 points
Part six
Choose the correct answers to fill in the numbered gaps.
Paul ¹ ___________ in a small village in in the south east of England. He has got ² ___________
older brother and two sisters. ³ ___________ brother is at university in Scotland. His two sisters still
live at home. Paul’s mother is a journalist, but she ⁴ ___________ at the moment. Paul’s father
teaches French in a college so he ⁵ ___________ goes to France with his students. They always go
to Paris and see the Eiffel Tower. Where is Paul’s family going this year? They ⁶ ___________ to
America, but Paul doesn’t want to go because he doesn’t like flying.

1. A) live B) lives C) don’t live

2. A) the B) a C) an
3. A) His B) He C) Her
4. A) doesn’t work B) isn’t work C) isn’t working
5. A) never B) often C) like
6. A) are flying B) is flying C) flying
________________/ 12 points
Part seven
Choose from the words in the box to complete the text. There are 3 extra words

noisy wet give maps mountains quiet balloons café take

The library is a good place to be on a ¹ ____________________ day when it’s raining outside. You can
find the answers to all your questions here. When you want to find out about the world you live in,
there are a lot of books to read. You can learn about many ² ____________________, rivers, animals
or the stars. You can ³________________ the books home with you for free for three weeks. The
library is a great place to do your homework because it’s always very ⁴ ____________________ so try
not to talk loudly when you are there. Some library have a shop where you can buy things like pens
and ⁵____________________. There is sometimes a ⁶ ____________________ where you can buy a
drink. Try to go to the library more often.
__________________ / 12 points
Part eight
Read the conversation and choose the best answer.
1. Do you play football Jim?
A) Yes I like. B) Yes I do. C) Yes, please.
2. Where do you play?
A) At the sport centre. B) To the sport centre. C) On the sport centre.
3. Can I come and watch you?
A) Yes, I like that. B) Yes, I liked that. C) Yes, I’d like that.
4. I’ve got some tickets for the game on Saturday. Do you want to come with me?
A) I’m sorry, I can. B) I’m sorry, I haven’t. C) I’m sorry, I can’t.
5. Oh dear! Why not?
A) I’m going out with my family. B) I go out with my family. C) I can go out with my family.
6. Have a good day then!
A) OK. Us too. B) OK. You too. C) OK. Me too.
___________________/ 6 points
Key Use of English

Part I Part II Part III Part IV

1. museums 1. boxes 1. yes 1. C
2. butterflies 2. windows 2. no 2. A
3. stations 3. boys 3. yes 3. C
4. swans 4. children 4. no 4. B
5. the sky 5. tomatoes 5. no 5. B
6. bank 6. fish 6. no 6. C
7. kitchen 7. people 7. yes 7. C
8. watches 8. no
9. puppies
10. teeth

Part V Part VI Part VII Part VIII

1. B 1. B) lives 1. wet 1. B
2. A 2. C) an 2. mountains 2. A
3. C 3. A) His 3. take 3. C
4. B 4. C) isn’t working 4. quiet 4. C
5. C 5. B) often 5. maps 5. A
6. A 6. A) are flying 6. café 6. B
7. B
8. C

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