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Summative Test in Math 4 ( 1st Summative 4th Quarter)

Name ___________________________________ Grade & Sec.:__________ Score: ______

Test I. Read and write the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet.
1.) Which of the following is the area formula of parallelogram
a. b x h b. b x w c. l x w d. w x l

2.) ½ ( b x h ) is the formula for ___________________ ?

a. Parallelogram b. Square c. Trapezoid d. Triangle

3. Find the area of the shaded part.

a. 9 cm 2 b. 11 cm2 c. 20 cm 2 d. 15 cm2

a. 24 cm 2 b. 20 cm2 c. 22 cm 2 d. 16 cm2
5. Estimate the figure = = 1 cm 2

a. 20 cm 2 b. 25 cm2 c. 27 cm 2 d. 28 cm2

a. 20 cm 2 b. 27 cm2 c. 30 cm 2 d. 29 cm2

Test II. A. Read each problem silently then answer the questions that follow.
A triangular garden has a base of 20 meters and a height of 16 meters. Find its area.

7. What is asked in the problem?

a. the area b. the height c. the base d. the perimeter

8. What is the complete answer?

a. 160 m 2 b. 320 cm2 c. 80 cm d. 160 m

A triangular pool has an area of 640 cm2 . What is its base if the height is 32 cm?
9. What is asked in the problem?
10. How is the solution done?
11. What is the complete answer?

12- 16 A rice field in the shape of a parallelogram is 300 meters long. The perpendicular distance between the base
and its opposite side is 120 meters. What is its area?

________________________12. What is asked for in the problem?

________________________13. What facts are given?
________________________14. What is the formula to solve the problem?
________________________15. How is the solution done?
________________________16. What is the complete answer?

B. Find the area of the following figures.

17. 18. 19. 20

A = ___________ A = _________ A = _____________ A = ___________ A = __________

Prepared by:
Grade 4 Math Teacher
Department of Education
National Capital region
Division of Pasig city

Summative Test in Math 4 ( 2nd Summative 4th Quarter)

Name ___________________________________ Grade & Sec.:__________ Score: ______

Test I. Read and write the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet.
1. Which of the following is the amount of space a solid figure occupies
a. Liquid b. Matter c. Solid d. Volume
2. ________________ units do not give a consistent and accurate measurement of the volume of a container.
a. Non-Standard b. Solid c. Standard d. Volume
3. Which of the following is the formula in finding the volume of a rectangular prism?
a. A x B x W b. L x W x H c. H x W x B d. H x W x Y
4. In volume of a rectangular prism L is length, W is width and H is ________?
a. Hammer b. Height c. Hieght d. High
5. Find the volume of figure by counting the number of cubes.

a. a. 4 cubes b. 6 cubes c. 8 cubes d. 10 cubes

Carmi has a small gift box which measures 8 cm, 7 cm and 2 cm. Find its volume
6. What is asked in the problem?
a. the area b. the volume c. the base d. the width
7. What is the volume?
a. 11.2 cm 3 b. 112 cm3 c. 211 cm d. 112 cm2
8-12 Find the Volume of each solid figure:
10. 11.
8. 9.
6cm 10cm 7dm 3m

12 cm 5cm 2dm 1m
V= 8cm 4dm 2m
V = __________ V = __________ V = ________
15 cm
5cm V = _____________
13-17 – Write on the blank” TRUE” if the statement is true and “FALSE” if not,
__________13. The amount of space inside an object is called the volume of the object.
__________14. Volume is measured in square units.
__________15. To find the volume of a rectangular prism, multiply the length, width and height.
__________16. Objects with different shapes can have the same volume.
__________17. When the non-standard units used is small, few units are needed to fill a container. When the non-
standard units is bigger, more units are needed to fill the container.
18-20. Read and understand the problem below, then answer the questions that follows:
Liit has a small box which measures 8cm, 7cm and 2cm. Find its volume.

18. What is asked in the problem? ________________________________________________________________.

19. What are the given facts?_____________________________________________________________________.
20. What is the complete answer to the problem?______________________________________________________

Prepared by:

Grade IV- Math Teacher
Summative Test in Math 4 ( 3rd Summative 4th Quarter)

Name _____________________________________________ Grade & Sec.:__________ Score: ______

Test I. Read each item, then choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter of the
answer on the blank provided before the number.
1. Which of the following is a probability experiment?
a. Choosing a marble from a jar
b. Rolling a single 6 sided die
c. Tossing a coin
d. All of the above
2. A number from 1-5 is chosen at random. What is the probability of choosing any of a number?
1 2 5
a. b. c. d. not among the choices
5 5 5
3. A spinner has 4 equal sectors colored yellow, blue, green, and red. What is the chance of landing on a green after a spinning
the spinner?
1 1 3
a. b. c. d. none among the choices .
4 2 4
4. What is the probability of choosing a U from a set of 5 cards lettered A, B, C, O, U
1 1 5
a. b. c. d. none among the choices .
4 5 5
5. A spinner has numbers 1-6 . If it is spun once, What is the probability of getting a 2?
1 5 0 6
a . b. c. d.
6 5 6 6
6. A die is rolled once, What is the probability that a 6 comes out?
2 5 1
7. . b. c. d. 1
3 6 6

8-10 Study the graph then answer the following questions.

Number of Kaings of Mangoes Harvested
120 125 115 105
100 90
60 75
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May
8. What month registers the least number of kaings of mangoes harvested?
a. April b. February c. January d. March
9. What month registers the most number of Kaing of mangoes harvested?
a. May b. March c. January d. February

10. How many more Kaings are harvested in February and April than in January and March?
a. 5 b. 7 c. 9 d. 11

11. A number from 1 to 10 is chosen at random. What is the probability of choosing any of the number?
a. 1/10 b. 5/10 c. 6/10 d. None of the above

12.. What is the probability of choosing a U from the set of cards lettered A, B, C, O, U?
a. ¼ b. 1/ 4 c. 5/5 d. None of the above
13. A number from 1 – 5 is chosen at random. What is the probability of choosing any of the number?
a. 1/5 b. 2/ 5 c. 5/5 d. 5/6
14. A spinner has 4 equal sectors colored yellow, blue, green and red. What is the chance of landing on a green after spinning the
a. ¼ b. ½ c. ¾ d. not among the choices
15. What is the probability of getting “M” in the word MATHEMATICS?
a. 1/11 b. 2/ 11 c. 3/ 11 d. 4/ 11
Test II. Interpret the data given below by answering the question nos. 16- 20 .
Favorite Snacks of Pupils



5 10 15 20 25 30 3
Number of Pupils
Key: Light Bar Boys: Dark Bar - Girls
16.What is the title of the graph?
17. What is the favorite snacks of the pupils?
18. How many pieces of cookies are there in all?
19. What are being compared in the graph?
20. How many boys like chips, cookies and fruits?
Prepared by: FLORIIBE O. TABIGUE-Math IV Teacher

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