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Health promotion

society prevention
health center
bpjs Public health
Decision makers
restrictions Increased health
five levels of maintenance
Health is a state of well-being from the body, soul, and social which allows every person to
live productively socially and economically.
Health care is an effort to prevent and prevent health problems that require examination,
treatment and / or care including pregnancy and childbirth.
Health Promotion is an effort to improve the ability of the community through the
process of learning from and with the community, so that they can help themselves, and
develop activities that are community-based, in accordance with local socio-cultural
conditions and supported by public health-oriented policies. Helping oneself means that
people are able to behave to prevent problems and health problems, maintain and improve
their health status and also be able to behave in ways to overcome if the health problems
occur in the midst of people's lives. Many health problems exist in our country of Indonesia,
including the emergence of Extraordinary Events (KLB) that are closely related to the
behavior of the community itself.
For example, Diarrhea Outbreaks where the main cause is low hygiene and
healthy behavior such as awareness of defecation that is not correct (not in the toilet), hand
washing with soap is still very limited, drinking unhealthy water, and others. Health
promotion is not only a process of public awareness or just giving and increasing public
knowledge about health, but also accompanied by efforts to facilitate behavior change.

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