How To Conduct Arc Flash Studies: Assemble Team

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How to

Arc Flash

I dentifying the risk of arc flash is not

easy, but it is essential so utility workers
can protect themselves. More than 2,000
study and is essential in developing an
accurate arc flash study.
Assemble team. The team must employ
established by the engineer, can inter-
pret the data and log it correctly on
data collection forms.
workers were injured or killed by electrical and use people who: •  Can open an electrical box, determine
shock and arc flash in 2010, according to •  Are qualified according to OSHA what size wire is connected, iden-
the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Since definitions of a “qualified individu- tify the specific fuse information and
then, no significant improvements have al.” These definitions include being determine settings for circuit breaker
been shown in electrical-related fatalities. familiar with the equipment, knowing systems, including adjustable trip set-
Arc flashes typically are caused by a what voltage level with which they tings.
short circuit in an electrical system that will be working, and knowing how •  Bring a basic knowledge of arc flash
results in an uncontrolled release of energy. to use the proper personal protective evaluation and are trainable based
Third-party electrical systems analysis equipment (PPE). on a solid knowledge of electrical
programs, however, help engineers iden- •  Are knowledgeable of the electrical systems.
tify which areas of the electrical system system and qualified to operate it. Collection tools. Consistency in col-
pose the greatest risk of injury. When the •  Follow the standards that are lection improves the flow of the overall
final report on incident energy values is
Ed McConnell, a registered professional Tom Nestor, a registered professional engi-
complete and delivered, utilities must be
engineer, is a master engineer at SSOE Group, neer, is an electrical engineer at SSOE Group.
assured that all possible scenarios have a global engineering, procurement and con- With more than 40 years of experience, he
been considered so employees can be struction management firm. With more than is responsible for the proper technical and
protected. The following key approaches 35 years of experience, he specializes in facility administrative completion of projects, including
provide solutions to two challenges of electrical power distribution, large motor starting, facility electrical power distribution, large motor
lighting, electrical systems grounding, building starting, lighting, electrical systems grounding,
conducting arc flash studies.
grounding, building utilities electrical power building grounding, building utilities electrical
and control, substations, security systems, com- power and control, substations, security systems,
DATA COLLECTION munication systems, and fire detection and communication systems, and fire detection and
Data collection typically accounts for 30 alarm systems. Reach him at 419.255.3830 or alarm systems. Reach him at 419.255.3830 or
to 50 percent of the total cost of the overall
This excerpt from a data collection form shows how order is given to data collected. © SSOE

process and often relies on using a team standardized data collec- 800A FUSE EXAMPLE
tion form that matches well with the data entry to be done later.
This consistency is critical when an electrical contracting firm sep-
arate from the engineer is used for data collection. Interpreting the
physical equipment data and converting it to an accurate one-line
diagram is critical for entering the data correctly into the study 100

software. The software builds an electrical model of the system. Time to clear fault
at far end of bus
Accurate connections and interfaces are critical to produce accu- 800A Feeder Fuse duct. Approximately
0.55 seconds.
rate study results. Photographic documentation is also important 10
Incident energy
approximately 2.5
because the ability to visualize the facility ensures data collection times higher than
at source end.
is more precise and speeds the compiling of information for the
model. It also allows the engineer to visualize or remember the
system in the office. In a study at a chemical company, it was Time to clear fault
unclear without photos whether circuit breakers were individual at source end of bus
duct. Approximately
or in a panel board. A photo would have shown that what was 0.17 seconds.

designated as a panel was actually individual, molded case circuit 0.10 Arcing fault current at
far end of bus duct.
breakers. This affected the modeling phase and required different Shown as 78 percent
of the current at the Arcing fault current at
input and more labels. Photographs should show how conduits source end. source end of bus duct.
are routed, whether into the ground or ceiling, and the accessibil-
ity of components. Wire sizes and lengths should be identified. 100 1,000 10,000 100,000

Do their paths follow a direct route or do they run underground TCC Name: 800A Fuse Time Current Curve Current Scale x 1. Reference Voltage: 480

or up a wall and over a roof? Photos show how equipment fits

Time Current Curve (TCC) illustrates longer trip time for lower fault current and higher
into a space. A wide-angle shot that shows an electrical panel incident energy. © SSOE
mounted on the wall with a conduit up to the ceiling clarifies
whether the distance is 15 or 30 feet above the panel. A close-up Preplanning. Data collection can become complicated when
of the equipment also can help identify the nameplate and model the subject is a large, complex electrical distribution system. The
number. It should be taken with no flash so a bright spot does not study can consist of several buildings, or there might be a number
cover information printed on reflective surfaces. of system ties. These complex studies require careful preplanning
A good set of plan drawings also identify feeder and cable and identifying a person familiar with the site to work with the
lengths. Drawings show where cables are horizontal and vertical data collection team. Some owners recommend a contractor who
and distances between feeders. Short feeder lengths are easy to worked regularly on the site to assist in data collection. In com-
estimate and do not affect study values significantly; however, plex facilities, electrical rooms sometimes are in obscure, difficult
longer feeders can be harder to estimate and have a greater signifi- to access locations. Instead of using a door off the main corridor,
cance in the study because of the higher impedance in the cable. the electrical entry might be inside a closet and up a ladder.
The number of feeders in the system determines the cost of data Alternatively, the electrical equipment might be in the mechanical
collection. In a hospital, there might be 1,000 devices that need to room but separated from the mechanical equipment by a wall
be labeled. If it takes six minutes each to calculate feeder lengths, or partition. It saves time to have someone on the team who is
this part of the data collection can take up to 100 hours. familiar with the electrical locations. The same person can help fill
in important preplanning information that required to access the plugs, especially if type identified. When the original panel
is missing from existing plan drawings and they cross production lines in a plant. As had been installed, extra spaces had been
one lines, such as recent system changes. bus duct data must be collected during provided so additional breakers might not
Preplanning includes knowing the spe- a shutdown, a process plant that runs have been the same model. The difference
cific requirements of certain areas of the 24/7 must alert the team when there is an in model type of a 30-amp breaker might
plant or building and orienting those who opportunity for collection, which could be not make much difference in the study
are going into the location. Some areas that months away. When the study needs to results, yet the information must be veri-
require access for data collection have spe- be completed quickly, assumptions must fied as accurately as possible so the analysis
cial PPE requirements. For example, when be made based on the best information will keep the electricians safe when work-
evaluating electrical equipment in the provided in preplanning. ing on the panels.
batch house of a glass plant, each collec- Evaluating incident risk. Any uncon- Accurate information helps electricians
tor must wear a respirator or a mask. This firmed assumptions that need to be made determine the proper PPE required for
rules out people with beards because they in data collection should have a conser- their locations. Conservative assumptions
are unable to wear respirators. Another vative bias. When equipment areas are instead of actual data can add additional
example is some electrical equipment in unavailable due to inaccessibility, the elec- cost in providing a level of PPE that is not
an area designated as a confined space. In trical engineer, maintenance manager or required. The results also can force the
this case, the person must be qualified to electricians can be relied on for temporary technicians working on a device to work
go into such a space and be familiar with information. The assumptions can later be in suboptimal conditions. Electricians do
all the rules this entry entails. verified when the equipment is accessible, not want to have to put on 40-Cal (Level
Even with preplanning, in hazardous for example, if there is a shutdown six 4) suits because of the difficulty of work-
locations it might not be apparent that months later. ing with tools and the uncomfortable
equipment is inaccessible while the pro- OSHA recognizes exceptions for equip- conditions inside the suits. Many industrial
cess is operating. With a system shutdown, ment shutdowns. In a glass plant, for plants require all maintenance people to
access still might be possible but could be example, the electrical feed to a glass fur- wear 8-Cal clothing, which has a Level 2
encumbered by a switch cover secured nace might be shut off for two hours while arc flash rating. The risk category in which
with 14 bolts that normally could be glass sits. The collectors can wear safe they work can vary from Level 0 to Level
opened with a latch if it were in a nonhaz- PPE, such as 40-Cal suits, to look at high- 2 throughout the day, but the convenience
ardous location. More time is required to energy equipment during this time. Often, of always being ready for the higher level
get into a breaker in a hazardous location though, it is wiser to make conservative is important to them, and Level 2 clothing
even if it is shutdown. To do an assess- assumptions rather than to put someone is comfortable. The Level 4 suits can be in
ment under these conditions, hot work at risk for data collection. Conservative more limited supply and are used rarely as
and additional permits might be required. assumptions should lead to a higher level necessary, which limits the extra cost that
Ensure the right, knowledgeable of risk. This leads to higher cost of PPE goes into expensive suits and their care.
employees on the site are available to and more cumbersome access issues, but it Calculating incident energy hazard.
provide access. This is a significant issue ensures personnel will be protected against Once the data is collected and entered in
during spring break on a college campus, the incident energy that is possible. the electrical study software, the results of
for example, when maintenance staff is a the arc flash study can be obtained. Usually
skeleton crew. Someone on that crew with ENGINEERING ANALYSIS the results are predictable and intuitive.
keys must be available during shutdown. Sometimes during the data input phase, That is, when there is a large transformer
Electrical bus ducts present another analysis software detects incomplete data. that provides a lot of short circuit current,
preplanning wild card. Usually mounted In a hospital project, for example, the the arc flash energy level is high. The study
15 to 20 feet above the floor, a system can model type of one circuit breaker in a details how high that level will be.
have a concentration of plugs through a substation was properly identified but There are some cases, however, where
bus length of hundreds of feet. The team another breaker type was not. As a result, arc flash values are different than one
needs to know in advance if a man lift is all breakers were assumed to be of the would expect. It might seem obvious to
assume that when short circuit current 50-foot increments or some distance that short circuit currents may differ for various
level goes down, the incident energy also makes sense for the grouping of the con- arrangements of the feeds, and thus the
goes down, this is a not true in all cases. nected equipment. In a hospital project arc flash energy at any point in the system
If a device is exposed to a lower short where a vertical bus went from the ground will vary. Often when such arrangements
circuit current, it might take longer for to the 15th floor, each floor’s bus duct was occur, the equipment is labeled with the
that device to operate. Bus ducts can be a considered a separate 15-foot section (the worst-case scenario level of arc flash ener-
case in point. With a long bus duct, which floor to ceiling length). The available inci- gy because the person going into the area
has a high impedance, the short circuit dent energy in each section was different. does not always know which switches are
current is higher at the source end than at Many industrial plants, including most opened and closed throughout the system.
the far end. A protective device at the far glass plants, have multiple power sources. Regardless of its type of electrical sys-
end experiences a lower short circuit cur- Many have substations that are double- tem, the owner must be assured that all
rent, thus it takes longer to open the circuit ended with a tiebreaker so the power can possible scenarios have been considered,
because of the time and current character- be fed all from source A, all from source proper incident energy values have been
istics of the trip device. The arc lasts longer B or half from each source. Other plants determined and an accurate arc flash risk
so energy is allowed to flow into the fault have a ring bus setup such that, depending study has been conducted and compiled.
for a longer time. on where in the ring the feed is opened, Only then can an owner rest assured that
Bus ducts should be considered a series portions of the plant load can be fed from employees who enter areas where electri-
of bus ducts instead of a single bus because different sources. In any of these multiple- cal equipment is present are properly
of the impedance of the bus. A long source systems, calculations must be made informed about the possibility of injury at
horizontal bus duct may be considered in for all scenarios of the loads’ being fed. The work.

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