L ST of Engl SH Irregular Nouns: S Ngular Plural A

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106 Irregular Nouns

L st of Engl sh Irregular Nouns

A noun, n Engl sh grammar, s a word that names a person, an mal, place, th ng, dea, or concept.

What s a Noun? Covers format on of plural nouns, Types of nouns, Funct ons of nouns n sentences, Gerunds

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There are 106 Engl sh Irregular Nouns n th s l st.

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S ngular Plural

addendum addenda

alga algae

alumna alumnae

alumnus alumn

analys s analyses

antenna antennas antennae

apparatus apparatuses

append x append ces append xes

ax s axes

bac llus bac ll

bacter um bacter a

bas s bases

beau beaux

b son b son

buffalo buffalos buffaloes

bureau bureaus

bus busses buses

cactus cactuses cact

calf calves

ch ld ch ldren

corps corps

corpus corpora corpuses

cr s s cr ses

cr ter on cr ter a

curr culum curr cula

datum data

deer deer

de d ce

dwarf dwarfs dwarves

d agnos s d agnoses

echo echoes

elf elves

ell ps s ell pses

embargo embargoes

emphas s emphases

erratum errata

f reman f remen

f sh f sh f shes

focus focuses

foot feet

formula formulas

fungus fung funguses

genus genera

goose geese

half halves

hero heroes

h ppopotamus h ppopotam h ppopotamuses

hoof hoofs hooves

hypothes s hypotheses

ndex nd ces ndexes

kn fe kn ves

leaf leaves

l fe l ves

loaf loaves

louse l ce

man men

matr x matr ces

means means

med um med a

memorandum memoranda

m llenn um m llenn ums m lenn a

moose moose

mosqu to mosqu toes

mouse m ce

nebula nebulae nebulas

neuros s neuroses

nucleus nucle

oas s oases

octopus octop octopuses

ovum ova

ox oxen

paralys s paralyses

parenthes s parentheses

person people

phenomenon phenomena

potato potatoes

rad us rad rad uses

scarf scarfs scarves

self selves

ser es ser es

sheep sheep

shelf shelves

sc ssors sc ssors

spec es spec es

st mulus st mul

stratum strata

syllabus syllab syllabuses

sympos um sympos a sympos ums

synthes s syntheses

synops s synopses

tableau tableaux

that those

thes s theses

th ef th eves

th s these

tomato tomatoes

tooth teeth

torpedo torpedoes

vertebra vertebrae

veto vetoes

v ta v tae

watch watches

w fe w ves

wolf wolves

woman women

zero zeros zeroes

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